
I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season with your loved ones!!! ❤️ I couldn’t go to sleep without sending out a little message and letting you know that you are all just such a HUGE blessing in my life! I’m so thankful for having met you, and that God crossed our paths, He never makes mistakes. I’m thankful for your examples, your courage, your friendship and for the wonderful and amazing woman that you are!!! ?
I pray that this Christmas season and always God will bless us and help us to be wise. to know the things that we should be doing daily, where we really should be focusing our energies, and to understand that pure and true happiness comes from within us and from our relationship with God.
This week things were put into a different perspective for me. I’ve been thinking about my aunt who is in the hospital and also my friend who has spent the whole Christmas week at the Arnold Palmer ICU with her son who has been very delicate and not doing well…my heart broke when I received a picture of my friends son and realized the situation and how difficult this would be for any mother. I prayed with all my heart that this baby would heal and come out of this!…I know that God will take care of him and that he will be ok, I have no doubt.
My point is, that this quote that I sent you really says it all, we all gave and received lots of gifts…but really, we all know that none of the material things will bring true happiness or that we even get to take any of them with us when we leave this life…Instead it’s the ones we get to Hug! It’s the ones we get to listen to! It’s the moments that we spend with our loved ones that become our biggest and most precious treasures. ?
So, treasure this time with them, let’s turn off the distractions in our lives and focus on the people that we have closest to us. Let’s tell them we love them every single day!!! Each day is a gift and we must use it wisely and fill it with goodness and Love!
May all of us be blessed with health and all that God wants to bring into our lives. I love you all and I’m here for you always!
Have a Merry Christmas and focus on what truly matters most!….God and Family! That’s our goal for the week. ?
& Our physical goal, is to do some kind of physical activity at least 3 days this week! Even a walk counts! Let’s do it!!!…I miss class so much!!! Can’t wait to be back at the beginning of the year!! ?
Don’t forget to take care of yourself because no one else is gonna go that for YOU! Do your best and be your best!!! ✨ have a blessed and wonderful rest of the week!?
Love always,
Lili ??

Self Esteem

Our self esteem and self worth are constantly being attacked by the media and the world around us. The “expectations” of beauty, fashion, fame, wealth, and power can sometimes create feelings within ourselves of doubt, comparison, embarrassment, resentment, sadness and a loss of love for ourselves.

Just as there is a positive energy from God in the world there also exists the evil and negative energy from the adversary who never gained a body like us and whose goal and desire is to do anything in his power to make us feel miserable like himself. Whenever we experience negative emotions in ourselves towards our own self or towards others we have to remember that ALL that is negative comes from the one who wants us to be miserable…therefore we must react quickly to get rid of those negative feelings or emotions and replace them with positive feelings!!! such as love, peace, joy, gratitude and all that is good and that comes from God! ?

So, how can we keep our self esteem at a great level (not conceited or arrogant but self esteem that brings inner peace and strength) and that will allow us get rid of negative feelings towards ourselves or others?
Here are a few ideas to help us build an even better self esteem:
1) Remember where you come from: <3 We are sons and daughters of God! the creator of the universe and within us we have the capacity to rise higher than where we are now!..As His children we can do this with His help. We have to remember that we are not here on earth to compete with anyone else!…we are all on different roads and each of those roads is made specific for each person. God has given us our own gifts, talents and our individual purpose for being on this earth at this precise time. The goal is to find what our purpose is, to help others and to be happy for them and their successes! 🙂 God has a plan for us and all things will work out for our good. <3
2) Humility: When we come close to God we become humble and realize that we really can’t do things withought His help. Humility and depending upon God will give us greater self esteem to know that we need Him for our inner strength and power….He is the only one who can turn our weaknesses into strengths. 🙂
3) Have charity in our hearts: When we give service to others we feel good for doing something for someone else. It’s good to take a break from thinking about ourselves and our problems and focus our energies on someone else and their needs…lifting them up and helping them in any way we can will be rewarding to our souls and it brings peace, gratitude and love for ourselves and others.<3
& Last but not least, 4) Nurture ourselves: We always take care of the things we value. if we spend a lot of money on something we take good care of it…but why can’t we do that with ourselves? It is so important to take time daily to do things that will be positive for our self nurturing. we can make a list of the things that would nurture us and pick one to do for ourselves daily. it can be things like; exercising, eating healthy, praying, reading a book, listening to motivational messages, repeating positive affirmations or doing things that will be relaxing, like siting outside, enjoying the view of the beach, mediating, taking a bubble bath…basically anything that will nurture us. If we want to love and take care of ourselves then we need to make time for this. It will be the gift from ourselves to ourselves daily!..Nobody else will do that for us. We have to choose the time, schedule it and  do it! 🙂 <3
The weekly challenge is:
* Spiritual: to work on our self esteem and self love, if theres a negative thought we will say; Cancel! cancel! and replace it with a positive affirmation like: I am love, I am forgiveness, I am peace etc. this helps a ton! lets do it!!! 🙂 <3
* Physical: To nurture ourselves daily! but this goal is for a physical nourishment, like eating healthy, exercising, (which has been proven to raise self esteem)…stretching etc… your choice! 😉
I hope today and the rest of the week will be blessed and wonderful! See you tonight for an awesome workout and therapy session! can’t wait to see everyone!
FYI: Class will be on this week and the next but it will be cancelled Tuesday the 22nd and the 29th of December & we will resume again in January! 🙂
I’m here for you always! stay positive and think positive!


This week I’ve had a strong feeling that I should focus on the attribute and gift of forgiveness. I have been studying and learning as much as I can about it and I’ve already gained a strong desire to change in so many ways and to do better….I hope to continue to learn more. I pray that through this message you will be able to gain whatever God desires to put in your heart. <3
As human beings and as imperfect as we are, we sadly tend to focus on the things that other imperfect human beings have done to us intentionally or unintentionally, creating in us feelings of pain, hurt, anger, disappointment etc…Life will always be full of our imperfections and the imperfections of others. If we really desire to have the best possible life for ourselves and for those around us, then we need to learn what it truly means to forgive and the amazing power behind it.
Forgiveness will benefit ourselves more than those whom we forgive…It brings a peace that is indescribable….and our souls need peace to continue to move forward. Forgiveness is rising above the situation. It’s seeing things in a higher way, in the way that God would want us to see them and to deal with them. He counsels us to forgive others constantly, over and over if needed, even 70 times 7…always remembering that HE, our GOD is CONSTANTLY forgiving US for our sins and our mistakes.
There’s obviously a good reason to why God wants us to be forgiving…Could we ever live in Heaven with Him without knowing the power of forgiveness? or without learning what it is like to treat others as we would want to be treated?…All these attributes that He asks us to practice lead to a Higher knowledge, strength and nobility <3 As sons and daughters of God our souls here on this earth need to constantly try to reach to as high as we can. We’re made to be better than we are now, we are made to improve and to BE MORE! It’s within us! we just have to peel off the bad and let go of the things that stop us from progressing towards where we someday want to reach.
Let’s develop the attributes of the strong! Lets forgive with a pure heart and let go of the hurt and the feelings that have us trapped every time we think about it….We have to let things go for our own physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We have to stop thinking about it and start filling our lives with more positivity and surround ourselves with all the good thats available.
The only way to really be able to forgive someone is to ask for Gods help! He will help us in our desire to rise higher than where we are now. <3 He will help to remind us that we really don’t know what’s truly in the heart of anyone…we don’t know exactly what this person has been through, we don’t know their challenges, sorrows etc…The only one who knows what’s in their heart is GOD. We have to leave it up to HIM to be the ultimate judge and we have to stop thinking about it. Our job is to be better and rise higher! to focus on our OWN HEART and ask ourselves; what do I need to get rid off to free my heart and be at peace? whom do I need to forgive? what is stoping me from rising higher than where I am now?
God knows each individual heart completely! Trust Him and know that He will help us change our hearts to be more caring, more forgiving, patient and full of love…To be more like HIM. The day will come that He will reward us for the changes we make and the goodness that we bring into our lives and into our hearts. The choice to forgive is ours, Let’s choose the path that brings true happiness, peace, and love into our lives.
I love you all and i’m here for you! <3 we’re all together on this journey to better ourselves…and we’re here to support, encourage and help each other…Plus, with God all things are possible! <3
Our spiritual goal for the week:
Is to pray and ask God for help in our process to forgive…to ask God to show us our weakness and help us strengthen it and to see the good in those who hurt us and to pray for them. we are strong and we can do this.
Our Physical goal:
Is to slow down on the sugar!!! can we do it? sugar is so addicting and we don’t realize that it is a drug :(…Lets be more conscious of the sweets and have more self control when the addiction speaks! lol…change your train of thought and eat something totally different or do an activity that will take your mind away from thinking about the sweets!..Lets see how we do!  🙂
Hope to see you tonight for class & for an awesome workout and meditation session. CAn;t wait!…Have a blessed and wonderful rest of the week!!! 🙂