Our lives are filled with things to do, places to be, goals to accomplish and so much more. We tend to to go through life focusing sometimes too much on the future or remembering the past and not really allowing ourselves to enjoy the moment and the gift that we have TODAY!
God gives us each day…a new chance for us to take it all in, to do our very best. He wants us to enjoy the sunrise, to breathe, to feel the sun on our faces and to enjoy the beauty of the nature that around us and to stop the distractions that are constantly trying to steal our attention from those we love the most.
These are the chances that we revive daily. We have to take things one day at a time!!! focusing on doing our best today and really living, feeling and enjoying the moment.
? Our spiritual goal for this week is to live in the present and to enjoy the moments we have today!..One day at a time. The exercise for is is to let go of distractions like (TV, phone, etc) and replace it with family time or connecting to a loved one or spending time in nature. Anything that helps us focus on the present! That’s what we want ??
?Our physical goal for this week is to drink more water! Let’s try it! Water is so beneficial to us!..We all know that! 😉 Set a goal for yourself and make it happen! ?? we can do it!!!
Hope you can make it to class tonight and to be able to strengthen yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. You’ll feel great after doing this for yourself and making a choice to take care of you too! ?
Have a blessed and wonderful week living in the moment! I love you all and I’m so thankful to have you in my life. I’m here for you always!
Lili ?