Let go of Fear

The storms of our lives may sometimes bring strong waves, winds and darkness that at times can bring fear into our hearts…but  in moments like these is when we need to close our eyes, breathe deeply and remember that we need to be stronger than our fear. We need to have greater Faith In the power that God has to help us, to lead us, to guide us and to provide peace during our hardest times.? When we remember Him and come to him with a full heart in prayer. He will ALWAYS hear us! and It’s in His nature to want to help us. Even if the difficulty isn’t fully taken away form us, He will still be by our side to provide us with peace and comfort to make it through. ✨

As we grow up and start to mature in life we realize little by little that we really can’t make it alone. And we can’t do everything on our own. We realize that we really do depend on God for so a lot more than we think and we realize that at the end of it all, He really is the provider of everything that we have. Knowing this, We begin to see that the most beautiful thing we can do for God is to show Him that we’re grateful for all He has given us. We want to prove to Him and show Him that we fully 100% trust in His divine power, guidance and wisdom for our lives. And that during the strongest storms of our lives, we can let go of the fear completely and begin to trust and know that just like He provides for the animals, the plants etc..He will provide for us. He will help us! specially when we do our VERY BEST TO PLEASE HIM DAY BY DAY…not trying to please anyone else…But living the way GOD would want to see us living each day of our lives. We learn that when we live this way, It will bring true peace and joy, eventually calming the winds and the waves that are affecting us..He says Peace, Be still.

God will never let go of us, specially when we need Him. His peace will come and we will feel His love. When we do our best for God we have to trust that He will provide the same or even greater for us his children who love him and want to please Him in all things. He loves us and will help us. And just as He knows the end from the beginning of all things…He knows exactly how to help us and how to bring our souls peace during the difficult times of our lives. We must Trust Him always and know that all things will work out for our good! 🙂 ?✨

The spiritual goal for this week is to let go of fear and to trust more!!! Specially If we’re going through hard times. The goal is to come closer to God to receive His peace and guidance during this time. He will provide exactly what we need when we trust Him! So, let’s do it! ?

The physical goal for the week is to slow down on the carbs a little and to try to replace them with healthier foods. Just try it for a week and see if you feel a little more energy and stuff 🙂

See you tonight for an awesome therapy and workout session! Can’t wait to get rid of stress and relax! We all need it! Don’t forget that if you bring a friend who has never been to class before, your class is free!!!..Do something great for yourself! Hope to see you tonight!!! ???

Do your best and remember, it’s one day at a time!
Love always,
Lili ?xoxo

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