It’s so great to be reminded of this! It helps us to realize that there really is nothing we can do about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow…but that our real focus should be on what we can do today!!! Have you noticed that unfortunately most of our thoughts and conversations involve what happened in the past? Ex; our experiences, what she said…what he did…what happened etc. Or, we also tend to think about the future and what will happen, what if this happens…what if that happens etc….when in reality, we really don’t know what tomorrow will bring or what we will actually experience. Unfortunately, our days pass and we realize that we spent our entire day or time thinking about all of those things that we can’t do anything about! 🙁 We see how much of our precious time is actually being wasted on thoughts and energy that has either been time that had already past or time that hasn’t even come into our lives yet.
Live in the Present
The worst thing is that we allow these thoughts to become stressors in our lives and to affect us to the point that in some cases they can lead to illness from stress, broken relationships etc.. Maybe even today we’ve already had a few negative thoughts that are stressing us out….But is that good for us? Some thoughts are not even reality, as hard as that is to believe…They may be things we assume or that we make up in our minds to turn a situation into a much bigger deal than it actually is, was, or could be. And we allow these thoughts to fully create stress in us…even when they’re not real! Isn’t that crazy?!?!? Our minds are so powerful! It is so important that we really need to learn to MASTER OUR THOUGHTS.
To be positive, focused on the good in all situations, because even from the worst situation we can learn something good from it! We must focus on all that will be good to our life, for our learning and benefit.
The most important thing is that we focus on today! this is it! reality is HERE and NOW! This precise moment! 🙂 Not on Facebook, not on social media, not on our phones…that is not reality!!! Instead, sadly most of those things are DISTRACTING US FROM REALITY and what’s really important. Real life is here and now, wherever you are now reading this! sitting, standing, whatever…This is the moment. This is the gift that we have, to breathe at this precise time and to choose what to do with our time, thoughts and our energy in this very moment. This is the time to focus on accomplishing our goals FOR THIS DAY ONLY!!!! and to be present and fully enjoy what we have, our health, our daily blessings, all the nature that is around us, the faces of our loved ones, being able to really listen and focus on the important people in our lives, giving service and enjoying the simple things that we see, taste, touch and smell that are sadly constantly taken for granted yet, they are there for us to enjoy. This is the time! the only time when we actually have FULL CONTROL OVER WHAT WE WANT TO THINK ABOUT, TO DO AND TO ACCOMPLISH. So, lets make it POSITIVE for ourselves and remember to always,
Learn the good lessons from the past.
Prepare for the future but don’t dwell on it.
& Fully Live today as if it was your last day! focus on what we would want to remember! and be grateful for the simple and small things that we have.
We must enjoy this gift from God who is allowing us to be here today! How blessed and grateful we are to have ONE MORE DAY HERE!!! <3 …Lets make each and every day as wonderful as we can! Enjoying the moment that we are given and trying our hardest to use our thoughts and energy in the most positive way for our lives and for those around us, focusing on using our time wisely, positively and to fulfill the purposes that God has for us to accomplish here in this earth.
Our Spiritual goal for the week is to be more present, to live, enjoy and think about TODAY and the time that we actually have control over. so, when we feel a negative thought, emotion etc…remind ourselves that this is the time that we can control and change our emotions! to have a positive influence on our health, spirit and and well being. We can control more than we think. 🙂
Our physical goal is to eat more times during the day, but make those healthier meals that will keep you satisfied 🙂
Hope to see you tonight at 7:15 to get rid of anything negative to enjoy our present and to have an awesome workout and meditation session! <3 can’t wait!!!