There are times when we focus too much on the negative and often forget to think about all the good that’s around us. We sometimes even allow events to create negative emotions in us that can often overpower the good and cause us to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. But this is a good question to think about; How often are we allowing the negative to win in us? :(…Lets think about how we feel when we are negative. It is draining, stressful, exhausting and for anybody that’s around us when we’re negative, its really not fun to be around. :/ We have to remind ourselves that the cycle of negativity does’t do us any good! if anything, it will only bring worse things into our lives. It will affect ourselves, our relationships, our opportunities and even our health! we can’t allow it to take control of us. But instead we must control it, remove it quickly and let it go out of our lives as soon as we notice…Because we care about ourselves and have no desire to bringing more negativity into our lives at all.
On the other hand, notice what a huge difference it makes in the life of someone if they just CHOOSE to change that negative situation or mentality into a POSITIVE ONE?!!! to choose more joy in our lives!! and allow the GOOD to win in our hearts!
We will notice that we will feel better about ourselves, our relationships will improve, our opportunities will be greater, others will want to be around us, and our health will be totally different too! We will be able to enjoy all the positive results and the effects that come from focusing on having only the GOOD or POSITIVE in our hearts. No matter the circumstance, it can always be changed into a positive experience. No matter what we go through, we have full control of our minds and thoughts to choose happiness and to choose Joy!…at the end of it all, WE CHOOSE what we want!!! <3 But we know that if we try to find joy in our days, it will bring joy into our lives, and into our future! it will bring peace, tranquility, happiness and a sense of trust in God! Knowing that everything will be ok!
The results from begin to be POSITIVE will change our ENTIRE WORLD!!!
So, this week our focus is to be fully in charge of our own happiness! It is not controlled by someone else or by what happens or what others do, or say etc… It is fully controlled by us! And we decide to CHOOSE THE POSITIVE!!! We choose the good! We choose what will bring us peace, joy, good health, clarity and all that is good into our lives & hearts. Let’s do our best this week to notice exactly what we’re keeping in our hearts and focusing on letting the good win for ourselves!!! 🙂 letting go of negativity will free us and allow some amazing positive things to come into our lives. God wants us to be joyful and happy In our lives, He is the giver of ALL good and when we have Him by our side and trust Him, He will provide more than we can imagine.
Our physical goal for the week is to lower our sugar intake.:/ I know it’s a tough one, but sugar can be so harmful to us not just physically but mentally. It can be supper addicting and its good to cut back to improve our health and how it makes us feel. We can do it! and if you need help, call me, text me, or email me! We’re all in this together! <3 🙂
Can’t wait to see you guys tonight @7:15 for a wonderful class that will definitely help us release stress, get rid of negativity and fill our lives with positivity and a peaceful mental attitude that will help us to better ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually! hope you can make it! have a wonderful joyful day! & Remember to keep your week positive and to choose happiness! …You are all a huge blessing in my life!
Love you all!