We are so busy waiting for someone to love us that we’ve forgotten about the one person we need to the love first -ourselves-
When we go through life thinking about what others think about us etc…We realize that we can never really find true happiness. If we can let go of those “worries or expectations” and instead focus on loving ourselves, we will see that our life will be a lot more joyful and peaceful!
If we want to establish healthy relationships in our lives we have to start with ourselves. Allowing us to then be able to help those around us by sharing our love, peace, light and the inner strength that we have gained.
Here are a few tips that can help us to love ourselves a little more.
BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Learn to accept yourself with your shortcomings, speaking nicely and more kindly about yourself. Remind yourself that you do love and accept who you are and that you love yourself enough to want to do the best for yourself daily.
FEEL LOVE WITHIN YOU AND BE THAT LOVE : spend more time during your day focusing on self-love, try loving and positive affirmations, meditation, prayer and all that focuses you on feeling compassion, peace and love for yourself. Once you feel the positive vibrations of self-love or peace in your heart try to be in that place of love throughout the day and share your love with others in your life.
GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: We’re not perfect and we will all have our good days and our bad days. Remember that It’s ok when things don’t work up to your standards…Just remember to take a deep breath and know that everything will be ok.
EMBRACE YOURSELF: Are we comfortable being alone with ourselves without feelings of anxiety fear or judgment? It’s so good for us to be alone with ourselves sometimes and to embrace the moments of silence when we can truly see how we feel. Taking in that moment to be comfortable with ourselves and to be kind and loving to ourselves.
BE GRATEFUL: One of the most powerful things in our lives is the power of gratitude. Being grateful helps us to see how blessed we are and allows us to not worry so much about other less important issues and distractions in our lives. A good exercise to focus on gratitude and all the things that we are thankful for each day, to just take minute to say why we are thankful for them. Ex: I am truly blessed to have…(blank)…. because…..(blank)… When we do this, our hearts will be full of gratitude and we will feel so much peace from that exercise!!!
GIVE YOURSELF IN SERVICE TO OTHERS & SEE HOW THIS CONNECTS YOU TO GOD: There’s no higher self love than when you are connected to God. Praying daily and having a relationship with Him brings security and self love. When we ask God daily to show us how we can help others during that day, we will see that He will begin to trust us and place people in our paths that He needs us to help! 🙂 Giving to others is a gift of love you can often give yourself which brings you even more love
When we’re kind, considerate, compassionate and giving of ourselves, our spirit rejoices because we have reached the highest level of self-love in serving others. When we find ways to do small task or bigger acts of service we will find that our hearts will let go of what we lack and we will instead focus on deeper more meaningful things that will fill our lives with peace and our hearts with even more love. Allowing us to fully love ourselves not just “physically” but on a deeper level! By who we are inside! Our soul, our spirit and our inner beauty which will also radiate to our outer beauty as well!
I know that God wants us to focus on the way that He see us! On how beautiful we are to Him! Not just physically, but more importantly by who we are in spirit! And what our soul is slowly becoming. I know that God wants us to be kind to ourselves and to love ourselves daily and remember our potential as daughters of God that we have.
️Our spiritual goal for the week is to Love ourselves more than we have in the past! We have the tools to do it…We just have to really want to make that happen in our lives! So let’s focus on loving ourselves a lot more this week
Our physical goal for the week is to have at least one healthy meal each day, if you can do more you get more points! 😉 Maybe have an awesome breakfast smoothie with veggies and fruit or a nice salad for lunch etc…basically the more nutritious the meal is the better for you! At least one healthy meal each day will help us all feel great!
Hope you can make it to class tonight @7:15 We’ve been working hard! having a good time getting rid of stress, toning, strengthening ourselves and meditating to feel amazing every time! We do this because we love ourselves! Hope you can make it!