Please God

How often are we making our decisions based on pleasing God and not on pleasing the rest of the world or our own selfish desires? We are constantly surrounded by pressure from people around us, from celebrities, the internet, tv, social media etc…to try to keep up with the latests things or trends, which in some cases can create a spirit of competition within ourselves, pushing us to try to get ahead of others or to try to fit in a little more into the world around us.
When we choose to not be like everyone else, but to instead be a little more centered on pleasing God. We will see that our choices and decisions will be wiser, allowing us to have more inner strength by knowing that our decisions are based on pleasing God and not others or even ourselves!…Once God sees that our hearts are centered on pleasing Him and choosing what is right in His eyes, He will provide us with more opportunities to be His hands for someone who needs help, He will allow us to have the right words for those who need encouragement, He will provide us with a stronger sense of security within ourselves allowing us to no longer have the need to compete with anyone else because we will know that we’re here to please God and no one or nothing else.
By living our life this way, we will be much happier in every way. We will be a better person for ourselves and those around us. We will be better able to push away the outside influences that can disturb our inner desire to be at peace with God….At the end of our lives it’s not the popularity, the power or the money that brings us joy, but instead its that feeling of knowing that we did what God wanted us to do each day of our lives and to best of our abilities. These are the things that will bring true joy, peace and greatness into our lives. And that will eventually leave a wonderful legacy in the lives of our children and in the lives of those around us. <3 Let’s let our lives be filled with choices that will please God, allowing him to pour more blessings on us and most importantly to feel His smile in your lives daily! ?
Our spiritual goal for the week is: To ask ourselves with every choice if it would be pleasing to God. If it’s not, then the goal is to change it for an activity that would be pleasing to God and to experience the Joy of the results. ? (if we’re trying to better ourselves, then this is an awesome exercise to do!)
Our Physical goal for the week is: To slow down on the carbs ;)…The less we do the better! Ideally we want to replace most of our meals to make them as natural as possible, fruits, salads, nuts vegetables etc. let’s see how our bodies do when we avoid carbs, your energy may be greater, your skin may clear a little…Just see how you feel ?
Hope to see you tonight in class for an awesome workout and meditation session! <3 I’ve been so proud of everyone who has been coming and really pushing themselves to work hard and to do their best for their bodies and minds! 🙂 Just keep up the good work! don’t give up and continue to do things that are therapeutic and great for yourself, physically, emotionally and spiritually! 🙂
Class will be on tonight and next Tuesday the 28th, But on Tuesday July 5th Class will be cancelled because my family and I will be out of town that week…Class will then resume on July 12th 🙂 Thank you all for understanding and always being so wonderful and supportive. i’m blessed to have you all in my life and I want you to know that I thank God for having such wonderful woman in my life!!! ?

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