We all experience clouds and storms in our lives that can cleanse our souls, refine our spirits, teach us humility and allow us to fully put our trust in our God who gives us life.These difficulties and challenges that come to all of us in different ways…can knock us down, sink our spirits, make us feel sad, discouraged and in some cases depressed and fearful.
It’s during these difficulties that we must fight hard to not allow those negative feelings to enter our hearts. For example, when we deal with physical pains and struggles it’s easy for us to let our spirits be affected too. 🙁 We may worry about what could be happening to our bodies, the pain in some cases may be difficult to overcome, we may become fearful, stressed and loose our patience. When we struggle physically, we should remind ourselves that we are a physical body but also a spiritual being!!! When our physical body is going though a lot…
our spiritual being has to take over and carry us though the difficulties!!!
This is the time in which we need to strengthen our spirit to help us get though the difficult health challenges of our lives. The way to do this is to fill our souls with uplifting, beautiful spiritual messages that strengthen our faith in God and allow us to feel His light and His strength that can even make our physical bodies feel better one day at a time.
When we deal with emotional or spiritual challenges the same medicine is required. We may not have a desire to pray because of the circumstance etc…but this is when we need to pray the most! We may be struggling with our feelings towards people who have hurt us, insulted us etc…but this is when that prayer can strengthen us and make us better at forgiving, letting go of the pain that we are causing ourselves and leaving the judgments up to God, and instead sending good, loving, positive energy to those who have “hurt” us or “mistreated us” etc..We may also struggle with feelings of fear, or anxiety when we are going through challenges. And this is the perfect time to stop and help ourselves to remember that the one who enjoys bringing fear into our souls is Satan! He is very real and his desire is to destroy our spirits and to knock us down and away form God. He uses fear and anxiety as one of his tools to make us unhappy, to deplete our energy and specially because he knows that we loose strength when we have fear!…We can’t let his fear creep into our hearts and weaken us! We have this promise from God.
Deuteronomy 31:6 & 8
6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
8 And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. <3
As descendants of God we have the power to push the negative feelings aside! To say to the fear, the anxiety, the anger etc: Get away from me! I am a child of God and as such,
I live by faith and not by fear! God’s divine light is my life to help me overcome and get through this. We must seek to dispel fear from ourselves and all people and to remind ourselves and others of who we are! that we are the beloved children of God!
Think about it, He already knows everything!!! even the beginning form the end!…yet, HE takes time to listen to us! to all of our prayers and still answers our prayers constantly!…He is incredibly loving and merciful to us!
He doesn’t ever leave us and it’s during the most difficult times in our lives that I believe that He is closer to us than ever! He wants us to overcome our challenges with His help, His strength and his light…He wants us to have faith in Him! To be happy! To be grateful even during the difficult times because we trust in Him and in the cleansing and ultimate growth from our challenges. We can be full of gratitude for all that we have. And I know with all my heart that He wants us to be optimistic! Hopeful and Positive! to have courage to stand for all that is good, to rejoice and be of good cheer even when the clouds may be around us, and to constantly have an attitude of gratitude no matter what circumstances we may be in. I don’t want to be the type of person that only talks to God when life is good or when I really really need him… But instead I want to be grateful no matter what! I know the choice is mine. And ultimately we each have to choose what we want to feel in our hearts…what we want to hold on to, and what we want to let go of…He loves us so much that He gives us that freedom to choose for ourselves.
I know that if we focus on the good of each day, on our blessings, on remembering to keep God close to us by reading His word and praying daily, we will feel so much better during the difficult times. This is the medicine and the healing that we all need!!! <3 Which allows us to be better able to let go of our worries, to TRUST MORE! to give service to others, and to be able to remember to take it slowly, ONE day at a time. I know that if we do this, We will be able to enjoy more happiness to be grateful for the little things, and to keep trying!!!
God loves us! We are His children, his sons and daughters! He will make all things work out for our good and our benefit….We know that, because we know He loves us! so, trust Him! be grateful, joyful and happy today and every day no matter what. 🙂 the choice is ours!
Our spiritual goal for the week is to: Focus on being happy and grateful no matter what circumstances we may be in….We can overcome EVERYTHING with the help of God and there’s nothing impossible to him. Let go of the worries of your mind…Choose to put your FULL trust in Him this week and see the amazing things that God will bring into your life.
Our physical goal for the week is: To be wise about what we eat this week, the more natural and nutritious the better! We can eat a lot more when we have healthier meals, and healthy snacks…try to eat a little bit better this week and feel great! 🙂
Also, class is on tonight!!! & I’m so excited cause most of you guys know how therapeutic it is for our minds, body and spirit! <3 Can’t wait to do something great for ourselves! 🙂 I want us to work a little bit more on toning! This will help us to burn more calories, strengthen not only our muscles but our bones! And to help us feel great as well! 🙂 So, if you can bring a light set of weights that would be awesome!!! That way we can all get started and keep it going from there. 😉 Remember that we are all In this journey together and that we’re here to support and help each other but most importantly, it’s to motivate ourselves individually to do good things for our body, mind and spirit! Take care of yourself and this body and spirit that God has given us! <3 I love you all and I hope to see you tonight.
Have a blessed and wonderful day and week!