What kind of messages are we allowing to enter into our minds? Are they positive? Are they negative? Are they uplifting and inspiring? Are they thoughts that help us move closer to our goals or the desires that God wants for our lives? Our thoughts will determine what our future will bring.
Most of the time we don’t ask ourselves these questions, we just continue on day to day letting the thoughts run through our minds in all kinds of directions without paying much attention to the influences and the energies that our thoughts can carry. We don’t really think about the effects that they can have on our emotions, choices and habits. When we are not conscious about filtering what we should be thinking, reading, listening to and watching, we can become easily influenced and tossed by the waves and storms of our minds. We need to be able to take control of our minds of what we will allow ourselves to think about and also to be able to control what will delete fully from our mind [crt, alt delete] and let go off completely!…ultimately, WE CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES!!!
Mahatma Ghandi said;
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
We must do the same for our minds, we shouldn’t allow our own negativity or the negativity of others to enter our minds and walk through it with their dirty feet!…The dirt of gossiping, bitterness, jealousy, competition, resentment, or the seemingly unimportant “dirt” that can be presented in TV, media, movies, internet, music, and those things that surround us constantly and that try to take over our mind, to steal our precious time and to distract us by filling our minds with things that are filthy, unnecessary and that take us away from the type of person that we should be striving to become. Instead we should replace those activities or thoughts with uplifting messages that will carry us higher and higher in our daily lives. Which will allow us to come to our goals, closer to God, closer to the person that we desire to be and that God would be proud of having as one of His sons or daughters on this earth… He is our example and we try to be like Him! We strive to keep our minds clean as HE would, to take care of what we allow to enter into our thoughts and minds and to be able to have positive uplifting thoughts and to be able to repel completely all that is negative, damaging, or hurtful to our minds, bodies and spirits.
I heard a beautiful saying that says, TIME AND THOUGHTS, USE IT IN THE RIGHT WAY AND YOU WILL FLY!!!
What that means to me, is that we stop wasting time on thoughts that make us heavy and don’t help us to fly! Those heavy thoughts are what I mentioned above, ( bitterness, jealousy, comparison, competition, disappointments, anger etc) anything negative towards another person is a heavy thought!! We must let go of the negative feelings towards others and also any negative things that we may be saying about ourselves as well…By letting go if these things in our lives for our own good, we will begin to trust God more deeply and trust in His infinite wisdom to take care of EVERYTHING in our lives that may not feel right to “us”…And instead we will trust Him enough to leave it all in His hands. To make a promise to God, that from now on we will focus on all of the GOOD that is around us and allow that to enter our minds and let go of the negative. Only after doing, this is when we will be able to fly!!! Some say that angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly The truth is that within us we all that power to become like angels! Only when we keep ourselves light will we be able to take care of others and to be an actual angel in the lives of many!!! 🙂 We can let go of so much heaviness and become angels here on earth for those who need us! God has a plan for all of us, it is no accident that we are here at this time and it is no accident that we are learning about this together right now, these words are to help us all to push ourselves to do better than yesterday, to do our very best one day at a time with our choices and what we allow in out minds and to be able to be a light for our own selves and for other around us.
I know that God loves us! We really are beautifully created out of divinity…Sons and daughters of God!!! He wants to see us to be happy! He worries about our difficulties and hard times…But He also knows that we can overcome them and wants us to get through our difficult times and afflictions with HIS help. <3 He wants us to know that we can take control of our lives and stop wasting time on unnecessary, negative, yucky or heavy thoughts or things that don’t allow us to continue forward and to progress!!!.Instead He wants us to fill our minds, hearts and souls with goodness!!! All the good that is around us, to fill ourselves with peace towards ourselves and others and to have clarity to choose to be lighter in what we carry within us. To carry only what is good, healing, positive and peaceful and be able to be that light or an angel in the lives of those whom God will bring into our lives. There is no limit to our potential! And we can do all things with God on our side. <3 🙂 Lets do this!!!
I would love to leave this message in our hearts by sharing one last scripture,
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE,
whatsoever things are HONEST,
whatsoever things are JUST,
whatsoever things are PURE,
whatsoever things are LOVELY,
whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT,
if there be any VIRTUE,
and if there be any PRAISE,
Our spiritual goal for the week is: To keep our thoughts clean, good, positive and light, we have the power to let go of things, to fill our minds and spirits with goodness and to find the joy and happiness that comes from that. The goal is to wake up each morning and before looking at social media at the news or anything…the goal is to spend a few minutes reading something uplifting! before allowing any other thoughts to enter our minds we will begin our mornings with something positive and try to see what a difference it makes in the way that we feel!
Our physical goal for the week is: To do some kind of physical activity that will help us to relieve stress, anxiety etc…This can be a walk, swimming, weight lifting, or anything that will be good for our bodies as well as our minds. at least 3 times this week would be ideal! 🙂
Tonight we will be able to do that! to get rid of stress! have an awesome workout, burn some calories, tone and end with a wonderful relaxing meditation. It’s gonna feel so great! can’t wait to see whoever is meant to be there tonight! 🙂 <3….If you remember to bring your light weights, that would be great too 🙂 Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week and hopefully we can all do an amazing Job at keeping our minds light. positive and full of goodness to be able to use our time wisely and be abel to fly this week and become an angel to our friends and family around us.
With love,