Gratitude = Happiness

We have all experienced feelings of gratitude this past week after the protection that we received from Hurricane Mathew. We know that God protected us from the difficulties that this storm could’ve brought. At the same time our hearts and prayers go out to those in other countries who lost everything they had and in some cases even their loved ones :(. Our strongest desire now, is to find ways to help them and to bring relief into their lives is any way we can. We all know that things like this could happen to any one of us at one point or another in our lives. Life is so fragile and things could always change in and instant…That’s why it is so important for us to have gratitude for every moment, every experience, every challenge or difficulty that can strengthen our souls and help to bring true happiness into our lives form having a thankful heart and a spirit that’s willing to serve and help other in their difficulties as well.

These experiences help us to simplify our lives and to let go of the distractions, resentments, materialistic and unimportant things that try to take over our lives. It’s also in these moments that we are reminded of the things that are really important, our loved ones, our relationship with God, our health and also the little things that we have, such as food, water, electricity etc…So many things that we take for granted constantly but which in reality are just some of our biggest blessings. ??

I also noticed with the experience of the hurricane, that these difficulties that we all have to confront together, unites us as communities and as people to have a strong desire to help our neighbors or anyone else who may be in need. It’s a feeling of empathy from everyone that brings renewal, cleansing and more love to our communities and to those around us. Our hearts are full of gratitude to God for all that He has and is constantly giving us. We never want to forget that ALL that we have comes from Him and that the biggest thing we can do to try to repay Him for all that we have, is to have a thankful heart. <3 & to have a strong desire to help others, so that we may be united even more as children of God ?

When we turn our hearts to God in gratitude for our blessings, our hearts will be filled with the peace of God.Which is the only true source of Happiness In this life.It’s in the gratitude that we find Happiness.

“And he who receiveth All things with thankfulness, shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto Him, even an hundred fold.” (D&C 78:19).

When our hearts are FULL of gratitude for everything that we have <3 We will experience not only the blessings that God has promised to the grateful?but also the peace and happiness that He can provide to those who are grateful.  
Here’s a great question to think about, Is our focus on what we lack? rather than on our own blessings that we have? 🙂 The Greek philosopher Epictetus said; ” He is only a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those things which he does have.?? 
Our spiritual goal for the week is not focus on what we lack but to instead be grateful for all that we have. There’s a quote that says; BE THANKFUL, THE GOOD OUTWEIGHS THE BAD. The goal is to do an exercise of gratitude each day…maybe while getting ready, or after praying, while driving or anything! the idea is to take a moment to be thankful for at least 5 to 10 things each day and to see how gratitude can change even the perspective of our day. 
Our physical goal for the week is to eat foods that are full of good healthy nutrition for our bodies, the winner is the one who eats the most fruits and vegetables! 😉 lol  
Unfortunately CLASS IS CANELLED TONIGHT!!! 🙁 Viera regional was a shelter during the hurricane and they still have people staying there. They’re also taking care of their facilities before opening it back up to all of us. 🙁 I’m so sad cause you guys know how therapeutic this is for us and how much I love it. If anyone has a big room to do it at, let me know and we’ll do it there! jk 😉 lol…I’ll miss you all! and I’ll see everyone next week! get ready cause it’s gonna be a good one! we’ve got some calories to burn! 🙂
Love you all, have a blessed and wonderful day! don’t forget to keep gratitude in your heart this week! ???

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