Goals are Dreams with Deadlines

Happy New Year!!! Can’t believe 2017 is here! πŸ™‚ This is a great time to review, learn and feel strengthened by what we accomplished and overcame during 2016. This is also a good time to feel gratitude for all the blessings that we received this past year and for being able to feel the hand of God in our lives✨

Having a new year allows us to feel renewed and excited about what’s to come. Many of us choose to set new goals at the beginning of each year but unfortunately studies have shown that the majority of people who set “New Years resolutions” are only able to keep them for a few weeks or at those most about a month. So, how can we actually accomplish our goals this year? The first thing we need is to have CLARITY and a strong desire of WHY we want to achieve these goals. Doing this will keep us focused and motivated to accomplish them.

The next step is to set a deadline for our goals. Deadlines allow us to push ourselves a little more and to create a sense urgency and determination to reach the deadline date and complete it.Β We also need vision and to be willing to put in the hard work that is required to achieve it. We have to remind ourselves that can do it! We can do hard things! We can work hard and push ourselves to fulfill the goals that we set for ourselves.Β ?

The last thing we should consider doing and probably the most important one, is to be wise about the goals that we set. We can set many goals for ourselves, sometimes even more than we can handle. We want to accomplish this and that, or to have these material things, or to travel to these places etc… But, when our goals are not aligned with Gods goals for our lives, we won’t be able to accomplish much and in some cases we may feel empty even after we accomplish that specific goal.

It would be great before we set our goals to ask ourselves, what would God want me to focus on? Which goals would God want me to have for this year? What are those things that God has whispered to my soul that I should work on? If we can take a moment to pray, to ask God and to meditate in silence for a few minutes. We will be able to feel if our goals are really aligned with God’s desires for us. Can you imagine how awesome it would be too feel in your heart if you do have the right focus or if you don’t? God communicates to our minds and hearts and He will let us know what we should be focusing on.That’s the way to really know that we have set the right goals and it will give us an even greater desire to achieve them.

How amazing would that feeling be? Of knowing that your goals are approved by God and that by having His approval as His children, He will provide the help necessary for us to accomplish those goals and to give us even more that what our mortal bodies can do towards our goals! Having His divine guidance will bring way more power than anything else we could ever do on our own. He will help us accomplish the things that He desires for us to do. Doesn’t that look much clearer and better? πŸ™‚ We’re not setting goals for our own selfish desires or to please the rest of the world or to look cool for everyone else etc….We set goals because they are aligned with GOD!!!Β ?

I know that by doing the things that are pleasing to God we will have more clarity and a stronger desire to accomplish our true goals. He will help us achieve our deadlines and dreams as long as we stay humble, close to Him and moving forward in His ways.We will know that we are not alone in this and that He will give us the strength and provide even more peace into our lives than anything else that we could possibly achieve on this earth.Β ?

Lets keep our goals clear and positive this year! πŸ™‚ I hope to see you tonight for a wonderful uplifting class! πŸ™‚ That will continue to take us on our journey to becoming our best selves.Β ??

Our spiritual goal for the week is:Β To set the right goals for ourselves with God’s wisdom for us and to create deadlines for them! πŸ™‚ We will talk a little about this in class tonight! πŸ˜‰

Our physical goal for the week is:Β To exercise a little bit more than we’re used to doing. This is a great goal for ourselves. yes, It requires effort and work, but we can do it. Going to class tonight will be one way to get a great workout in and feel energized and motivated to do this for yourself. And if you need a little motivation please let me know and I would love to help you. πŸ™‚

Let’s make this a wonderful year for accomplishing our goals! We’ll be able to work on a physical and a spiritual goal together once a week during the year, like we did last year! I know that this didn’t only help me during the year last year but I hope that it helped you too and that we can do this together during 2017 focusing on goals that will be uplifting and amazing for ourselves. Our aim this year is to try to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Not competing with anybody else, but being the best that we can be for God and for ourselves.?

Thanks again for reading these messages. I’m thankful for each and every one of you! Have a blessed and wonderful day and week. Hope to see you tonight! πŸ™‚

LiliΒ ?

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