My Body is a Temple

Everyday we are bombarded by media and society with propaganda about how we should look, what size we should be and even what clothes we should wear. They try to convince us that we are not pretty enough, that our bodies need to be a certain way and that we shouldn’t even age.
Unfortunately most woman and young girls around the world are falling into this trap of comparison and a lack of self love for themselves. We can feel these influences worsening from the effects of social media and from other resources that we have available at our fingertips today.

So, what can we do to stop judging or comparing ourselves so much? How can we stop being so negative about the way we look or what we would want to change? The first thing we need is to have GRATITUDE!??  We talked about this last week in class since the topic of loving ourselves came up. We learned that being thankful to God for each body part and the purpose which it serves for each one of us is so important. Having gratitude for each breath, for our ability to move and to do things, understanding that things could always be worse right?…Being grateful and seeing how blessed we are really changes everything! ??

Another thing that’s important for us to remember is that we are here on this earth to gain experience, knowledge and wisdom from the choices we make. We choose what we think about, what we look at, who we compare ourselves to and how we treat ourselves. We can choose to be kind and loving to our bodies and to our spirits, by choosing words that are uplifting, positive and edifying to describe ourselves. Our Father in Heaven has allowed us to come to this earth and gain this AMAZING body created by HIM. A body to host our spirit!!! How amazing is that? 🙂 We are given our one and only body to learn how to treat it, how to care for it and how to gain the experiences that we need from having it. It’s truly a miracle that we’re able to live in this wonderful body that we’re blessed to have ?

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
God has given us the gifts of having our bodies. This Body which we have really doesn’t belong to us, we are loaning it from God. I know that at some point we will stand in front of Him & we will be asked about how we took care of our body or our temple while we were here on this earth. We should strive to do all that we can to Glorify God by the way that we take care of our body, mind and spirit! ✨?

God considers our bodies sacred and that which is sacred to GOD, MUST BE SACRED TO US! ?✨ He has given us this amazing and beautiful body because we are His Sons and daughters and we are individually and beautifully made. The fact that we are Created by the most amazing being in the universe and that He is our father, should be enough for us to feel gratitude and Joy from having our bodies.?

I’ve wondered before, how does our creator feel when we mistreat our bodies? 🙁  When we do things that are not good for them or when we talk so negatively about ourselves? That’s not Heavenly Father’s goal for us, we were NOT put on this earth to fail, but to Succeed!!! Success not in the ways of the world or society but success in the things that are of God and that will bring true happiness. So, yes! There is a way! We can turn off the distractions and have a little more time connecting with God. We can push away the falseness of society and begin to see things through Gods eyes a little more. We can talk positively to ourselves and we can be truly grateful for the body that HE has given us. ?? This gratitude will give us the power to make it one day at a time making the right choices for our health and our body. knowing that He has the power to help us overcome anything that tries to get in our way.

He wants us to know and feel how much He loves us and how proud He is of all the good that we do, He wants us to continue to move upwards, being a light to our own selves, to our friends, to our family, to our communities and even the to the world. Doing these things isn’t always easy, in  fact the easy way is the way that the world wants us to go…But we’re not if the world, our spirits come from higher that that and we know that the hard work and the sacrifices that we make will ultimately will pay off.

It is our choice to see the beauty of what God has given us, we choose to love this body, and we choose to do all of those things that will help us to keep our Temple clean mentally, emotionally and physically. We already know the things that we should do for ourselves, we just have to make it happen! 🙂  We can take care of what we eat, how we treat our bodies, of not using addicting substances or habits that could harm us, and getting rid of activities that are not beneficial to us  mentally, emotionally or spiritually.  We can replace the bad with the good by taking time to learn or gain more wisdom, time to connect with God and to learn about His ways for us, time to exercise, to be with family and to enjoy nature and our surroundings. Doing those things will not only be pleasing to God but they will make Him proud of entrusting us with our bodies. ???✨

These things that we do for for ourselves, will make us healthier, bring us more Joy and a longer time on this earth to fulfill the callings that God has for us and that we’re meant to do with the help of our bodies on this earth.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to focus on Loving ourselves and making our bodies the Temples that they’re meant to be! 🙂

Our physical goal is to Eat healthy, Exercise and To let go of anything that is bad for our physical bodies. 🙂 We know what those things are!… We just need that courage and will power! ??

We’re going to do this together one day at a time remembering how we can love and take care of our temples in the way that our creator intends and not in the way that the adversary tries to get us….Success comes one day at a time! The choose is today and then we can start again tomorrow. 🙂 But focus on what you can do today! ?

Thank you as always for reading the messages I hope you’re able to learn from them as much as I am. Love you all! Love hearing from you too! If theres’ something you’re learning from our weekly goals please let me know or write it in your journal as you receive inspiration from God for your life 🙂 Have a blessed and wonderful day! Hope to see you tonight in class to take care of ourselves and to strengthen our beautiful God given Temples!!! ??✨?

With love,
Lili ?

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