We live in a world of image and comparison, where women are surrounded by pressure to look and be a certain way. The world around us wants us to place our confidence on material things, on our looks or on what we achieve.
There’s something of more meaning than all of those things. The truth is that we are all on this earth for such a small amount of time, if we use up our precious time focusing on what the rest of the world thinks, we will loose ourselves. Our joy will begin to diminish, we will feel that have will never be “enough”and we will eventually feel the pressure of the world become so strong that it will make us feel sad, insecure, depressed and with very little love for ourselves or the life that we Do have!..
I want to remind you that there is a Father in Heaven. The father of our souls who created the universe and all of the things that exist so perfectly here on this earth and outside of the earth as well. He is the Father of our spirits! The creator of our bodies! He placed all things around us even our own selves to give variety and beauty to the earth. Can you imagine if He had made us all the same? How beautiful is it that we all have different shapes, sizes, ethnicities, colors etc..He created all of us! And we are all beautiful and perfect to Him 🙂 All of His creations, including us. Have been placed to add beauty to the earth and to testify that there is a God.
Out of all of His creations we are His most precious one. Think of the way in which your body functions, your cells, your muscles, lungs to breathe, our heart, eyes, hands etc… Our bodies are amazing and we should be filled with gratitude for having them. For the way in which they work and for being able to allow our spirit to live inside our body. This is why we want to take care of our ourselves, to please God, to show Him that we are thankful and that we treasure what He has given us.(Our body, mind and spirit) All of His creations are perfectly made. He doesn’t make anything sloppy or imperfect. Which means that your body is perfectly made. It is up to us to take good care of it and to strengthen the spirit that lives inside it. 🙂
As a son or daughter of God we have specific things to do on this earth. It is no accident that we’re here at this precise time. He sent us with a purpose to be a light to others and to help make a difference in the world.
As a son and daughter of God we can have His power and light to be with us. As we choose to come closer to Him and to live a life having a relationship with God in our lives we will feel the strength that He can provide for His children each day. Just take a moment to feel Him in your life and to allow His strength to pour over you. 🙂 You are His son or daughter, He will help you, strengthen you and lift you always! With Him there is no need to look to the world for confidence because BEING CONFIDENT IS GOD IS STRONGER THAT ANY OTHER CONFIDENCE THAT THE WORLD COULD PROVIDE.
So, be confident in HIM! Place your trust in Him! Know that the adversary is against you coming closer to God, his goal is to distract you, to fill your with discouragement, fear and negativity and to make you feel discouraged and eventually miserable like he is…But know that in those times you have a GOD WHO IS YOUR SOURCE OF POWER! Who will rescue you, help you and fill you with His strength for you to overcome anything that may come your way. Your are a child of God and as such, your potential is AMAZING!!! Trust in our father each day at a time. He love us each so deeply and individually. Allow yourself to come to Him and fill your life with the confidence that He can provide you, and not in the way the world thinks…But in the way that God sees it. Which is higher, stronger and more important than anything else.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
As we live our lives acknowledging our blessings, having gratitude each day for what we’re given and placing our confidence and trust in God. We will see that it will be easier to recognize the tactics of the enemy, we will gain STRENGTH FROM OUR FATHER TO REJECT the negative or evil that goes after our peace, our minds and our souls. Our father will allow us to see how important we are to Him. He cares about the very small details of our lives as well as the big ones and our strongest desire will be to continue to be a stronger son and daughter of His on this earth. We want to please Him and to know that in Him we are confident and in Him we can do all things. <3 Stay close to Him and know in whom you TRUST. He is your strength and power each day of your life. Feel His love and be happy for what you have and for the person that He can help you become. 🙂 <3
our spiritual goal for the week is to let go of what the world may think about us and to focus on the way that God sees us. As His child we have access to Him. Our goal this week is to come closer to Him. To feel the amazing confidence that He can proved and to remind ourselves that we are strong daughter of God with confidence and courage to dissolve the evil things if the world. <3
Our physical goal is to eat more nutritious foods. Vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes. Eating healthy will help us to feel much better. Also remember to exercise and do something good for your body and your mind.
Cant wait for class tomorrow morning!!! We will be ready to exercise, get rid of stress, sickness or anything negative that we need to get rid of! & We will be ready to renew ourselves and to be filled with physical, emotional and spiritual strength!! Remember that staring tomorrow there will also be a Children’s class called Critter Camp for kids 2 & up (class is $5) & They’re going to have a great time! The best thing is that it will be at the same time as our Lili Fitness class in case you would like to do something great for yourself and for your little one as well!
Please remember to bring water and a mat for yourself and please know that this class has zero judgements!!! You just come, do your best, meditate and leave feeling AMAZING!!!
Hope that you can be there and invite anyone who would benefit to come as well. We will all leave feeling so amazing and soooo Good!
Have a wonderful day & know that your are loved by the most amazing God! <3
Love always,
Lili 🙂 <3