Have you noticed how quick and easy it has become for us to judge one another? Having our lives on social media and more accesible to the public makes these “judgements” worst than ever before.
The more that we judge others the more that this “disease” will continue to spread around us. We start to think that it’s ok to judge, criticize and compare others. We feel ok expressing our opinions about everything and everyone around us and we expect no consequences in return. The sad thing is, that we never feel good when we judge others. Yet, somehow we find a way to turn off that little voice inside of us that tells us it’s not ok and we continue doing it. 🙁 We also feel embarrassed to stop others around us from judging and we have a hard tome getting away from people who are constantly judging others as well. We have to be clear with ourselves and try our best to avoid being critical and judgmental of others.
The goal for this message is to help us to see ourselves in a clear and honestly way. So that we may know what we need to work on and how to change the judgments that we have placed on others. We want to be able to recognize our faults, to let go of our pride and to have the homily to change and take control of our thoughts, words and actions. When we can control ourselves we gain inner strength. We start to master ourselves from the inside out and we become better able to control how we react to every person and situation that crosses our path. Allowing our minds to replace judgment and criticism with Love, kindness and light toward others.
Mother Theresa said; “If you judge people you have no time to love them.” We can choose to STOP the criticism habits that we have, to take off our binoculars that try to see the faults, differences and the judgments in others and instead focus that energy on cleaning our lenses, on looking at our lives and trying to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Living each day without those things that hold us back and instead focusing on what God needs us to do during our time on this earth.
He has given us a commandment or a promise which says; “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Mathew 7: 1-2 He tell us very clearly that we will be Judged according to how we judge. God is not a God that lies. He will give to us according to how we give to others. We need to keep our hearts, minds and actions clean and pure directing our vision and our energy toward God.
He then tells us; “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Mathew 7:3-5 When we can see our faults and mistakes and we can change them first, we will be better able to help others. Not in an arrogant or prideful way, but instead knowing that we are nothing without God’s help and strength and that God is the one and only judge who will judge fairly.
So, let’s let go of the judgments that we placed on others and instead focus on how we can better ourselves to be a stronger source of light in the world. That we may give love and kindness to everyone around us! No matter what. God will see what is in our hearts, He will know that we are trying, He will help us to overcome anything that we need to let go off! & He will help us to be the child of God that HE CREATED US TO BE! ❤️
Our spiritual goal for the week is to not criticize or judge others. Instead replace those thoughts with something positive about the person or send love or a positive thought toward that person or anyone else who may need it.
Our physical goal for the week is to not have sugar. ? I know that’s hard to hear, but it’s becoming a bigger addiction than we think. Try to slow down on the sugar and if possible remove it from your diet ??♀️ Drink lots of water and take a little time to exercise and do something good for yourself. You are strong! & you can do all things through God who strengthens you!!!! ❤️??
Hope to see you in class tomorrow morning for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation ??♀️ Hope that you can make it and feel the benefit of doing this for yourself! ????Love,
Lili ?