Strong through the storm ❤️

Challenges come to all of us. It all has to do with the way in which we CHOOSE to react to the situation, which will make the difference. We can either let the challenges drag us further down & lead us to unhappiness and misery or we can CHOOSE to look up to God, hold on to Him, learn patience & let HIM show us and teach us what we’re meant to learn from our challenges.
As children of God, He wants us to gain inner strength and to allow our spirit to become strong enough to carry us through our physical & emotional challenges. ??❤️
God will help us and strengthen us as we choose to come to Him and as we let Him teach & guide us through the path that He has set for our lives. ? So, take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Hold on to Him TODAY! Let His light come into your life TODAY & Do your best each day to find His light & guidance through the good & the difficulties that we’re meant to overcome.
We can do ALL THINGS with His Help. ??We can trust Him & truly give it all to Him. After all, whom better to trust than the God who holds the planets and who created us? He knows what we’re meant to go through, He knows where we need to grow and develop. He can help us to become the best versions of ourselves and to be STRONG children of God who are willing to be submissive to Him and His timing. God said; But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage. ? As We fully trust Him and serve Him with our full heart, and as we’re willing to be submissive and to learn from Him we will know that we have nothing to fear and that He will provide deliverance for us and bring peace into our souls.
As we encounter difficulties and challenges we can also focus on feeling His love for us. Even in the smallest ways, looking at our blessings and focusing on the good that we have in our lives ? God will always bring Answers & help usually through those around you. Think about those angels that surround you. God is looking out for you, He is mindful of you and He LOVES YOU! ❤️Remember to give love to yourself & to anyone who may need it. As you do so, you will begin to feel God’s love STRENGTHENING YOU ONE DAY AT A TIME ???
? Our Spiritual goal this week is to give our full trust to God. Specially during our challenges, & to try to see what we’re meant to gain from them or whom we’re meant to help from what we go through. The goal is to reach to Him daily for light, guidance & help. & also to give love to ourselves and others. Put it to the test, Trust Him & Remember to take it One day at a time ☀️ ❤️
?Our physical goal for the week is to choose Nutrient Rich foods! ? ?? We’re strong enough to have the willpower to turn down the bad stuff & to gain a stronger desire to bring in the good into our bodies! Let’s do it & feel the difference. ????
?WE WILL HAVE CLASS TUESDAY AT 9:30am & THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 pm!! ? Can’t wait to see everyone again & to continue on our journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves & doing our best to gain a STRONGER BODY, MIND & SPIRIT ? Hope that you can make it! ?
Lili ?

One Reply to “Strong through the storm ❤️”

  1. Dear Lili

    I wrote up a long message on being strong thru a storm, but it didn’t go thru. So I will make it short. I know that I have never been the kind of person who can handle storms like others but do know that God has gotten me thru them. I realize that there is no sense of worrying over them or holding on to them. Only our faith in God will get us thru all our storms. It’s hard when they come one after another, but who said life is easy with the rain comes the sun. I know for myself I am not the type to let if roll off my shoulder but worry and sometimes get sick over it. But God lets me know that is all about believing in him and letting go. Hope others will realized it and let go let God.
    love ya
    God bless

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