God has given us that gift of agency to allow us to choose for ourselves. In each situation we can either choose to come closer to Him or to draw ourselves further away from Him. All of us have had these experiences in our lives, where we’ve had moments of CHOOSING wether we step closer toward God or moments when we’ve stepped further away from him. I have discovered in my own life that stepping away from God has never brought me anything positive. If anything I’ve seen things get worse. My patience would begin to fail me and things would make me feel easily frustrated and unhappy. I noticed that my days were more filled with frustration and sadness & I noticed myself becoming more focused on my own world than anyone else’s.
It wasn’t until I felt myself hitting rock bottom from the difficulty that I was experiencing that I reached a point in which hit rock bottom. I knew I had no where else to go nothing else I could control and my only option at that point was to pray. To start looking up toward God because He was going to be the only one who would truly understand my need and what I was feeling. He was the only one who could bring the healing that my soul needed at that time. As I began CHOOSING to turn my heart toward God I began to notice the ways in which God tried to help me I began to see things clearer and to realize that God had been there for me all along…I realized that it was up to me to step toward HIM. He wasn’t going to force me to come close to Him. He was anxiously waiting for ME to WANT to do that for myself. And when I did, I was able to begin to feel incredible joy and peace. Knowing that my relationship was becoming stronger with God. I realized that He knows every one of our difficulties, that He answers prayers through others around us, I realized that life isn’t about the money, the material things, the power or the popularity. Those things fade and are not lasting. But our relationship with God will last even after our physical bodies stay on this earth and our Spirit goes to see Him again.
the whole point of life is for us to come to KNOW GOD! to learn to trust Him & to CHOOSE to access His help, to try in our own lives to be more like Him and to GIVE of ourselves to others who may be in a harder situation than us. Turning our focus away from our problems and instead giving to others who need us. ❤️ I realized from that experience that for the rest of my life I wanted to experience my hills and my valleys with God by my side. ?
Its not until we’re able to experience difficulties or things like that in our lives that we’re able to see how much we can grow from our challenges. That’s when we realize that there really are only two paths in life the path with God or without Him. When we realize that we would rather travel life through the path that brings true peace and joy then it becomes easier to follow God. We begin to have a desire to just stay close to Him and to go through the good, the bad and the terrible if we have to, But to go through it ALL with HIM by our side. So, if you’re experiencing a difficult time in your life, hold on to God. Don’t let go of looking up to Him for guidance, help and the angels that will be around you to help you. Even in the hardest times He will be there to bring comfort. Trust Him & never let him go. He will provide and take full care if you.
He has said;
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
(Isaiah 41:10)
So, Let’s believe in His word, when He tells us to not be fearful. We can instead allow God’s light and power to come into your life to strengthen us and uphold us. We can choose to hold on, take it one day at a time and choose to be positive. That’s exactly what God wants us to do. To bring all of the light that we can into our lives. Specially when the difficulties feel the heaviest. He loves us! We are His children and He wants nothing but THE BEST FOR US!!! do your best and prove to Him that you’re doing that. I promise, He will take care to the rest. ?
Our spiritual goal for the week is To not let the earthly circumstances affect us spiritually. But to instead allow ourselves to be strengthened by accessing the power of God in our lives. We need to try daily to bring His light into our lives to help us. Remind yourself of how amazing and powerful your God is!!!What He has done for you in the past and what He can do for you today, and for your future. <3
Our physical goal for the week is to: Eat foods that will strengthen us and that are nutrient rich. Let go of anything processed this week and feed your body only good things. 🙂
Hope to see you tonight in class! We’re gonna focus on toning, getting rid of stress, and on having a great meditation to help us feel stronger. The hardest thing is always showing up to class, But I know that if you make it happen for yourself you will feel a renewed energy to help you remain strong and positive. It will feel great to do this for yourself. Hope that you can make it. ?
Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week. keep whatever message God wants you to gain from this in your heart. & really put it to use in your life and feel the difference of what God can do.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passers all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6&7)
With love,
Hi Lili
I know in my heart that holding onto God’s love grace in my life has gotten me thru so many ups and downs that I believed that I couldn’t survive without our Lord. Our God’s love gives me the strength to endure everything that I cannot handle on my own. I am grateful but most of all feel that our Lord has never left my side though I have left him in times in my life thru wrong paths I have taken, and wrong decisions that I have made. Without his love I know I would not be living as long as I have and I can only thank him for that. I pray that I will continue to thank our Lord and hope I can be the person he wants me to be.
God bless
love ya