Our thoughts and what we allow to enter or remain in our minds is what we become. ? Notice your thoughts, are they positive or negative? Are they helping you? Or holding you back? Are they allowing you to trust in God? Or are they disconnecting you from the source that is full of wisdom for your life?
Today Buddha might have added, what we read, or watch we become. Everything that enters our mind changes us, and so on, changes the world around us. With countless ways to stay informed or “connected”. Our resources are greater now than they’ve ever been before. Social media, the news, headlines, sources and information is constantly popping up through our day. But just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s worth our time or it’s valuable enough to be stored in the files of our heart & mind.
We have the right to discern what is best and what will bring the most value to our soul and mind. If it lifts and edifies you, welcome it & keep it. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, negative, uneasy or heavy, get rid of it or delete it. You are in control of what you allow to enter your mind and the impact that it will have on your day and in your life. ???
Our spiritual goal for the week is to discern and choose what is best for minds and souls. This week our goal is to delete impersonal emails, unsubscribe from accounts that are not lifting us or helping us, we’re going to get rid of unwanted material and work on not becoming bait of watching unnecessary material that is negative or that takes away from our precious time. ❤️ Instead we want to be mindful to fill our minds and hearts with images and stories that are uplifting and feed our soul to allow us to become a better version of ourselves and work toward living to the best and highest potential that we’ve been created to have. ?
Our physical goal for the week is to eat healthy foods only when we’re hungry! ? Not just eating because we’re bored, stressed or worried. But CHOOSING to reach for healthy foods when we’re actually hungry. When you feel the desire to “eat” try drinking water first instead. Sometimes we’re just thirsty and the body signals hunger when it’s just thirst. Try reaching for healthy food when you’re hungry and you’ll feel the difference.
Hope that you can make it to class this Thursday night at 7:15 & invite anyone else who may benefit to come get rid of stress and strengthen their body, mind and spirit. ? If we don’t take care of ourselves, no one else will. Do your best for yourself today and this week. Focus on doing this One day at a time! ??????
Lili ?
Dear Lili
Thank you for this email cause my thoughts affect me in some negative way or positive way. Unfortunately I allow the negative thoughts enter my mind and affect my person and feelings. I have had such a hard time with controlling my thoughts when it comes to dealing with me direct. I try to discard the negative thoughts by saying to myself its not worth me getting myself upset over it. Cause in my heart I know God will take care of me and my situation. He know s that I do not want to harm or hurt anyone and so when others do to me I feel he is there for me. I hope and pray that I trust in God to continue to keep the positive vibes and thoughts within my head and life.
Love ya Margie
God Bless