Can you hear Him? ❤️

Have you heard the voice of God today? ? We all seek wisdom and guidance for our lives but often times we don’t make time to turn off the distractions and talk to Him. One of the biggest blessings that we have is the ability to speak to God!! Our purpose for praying is not just to ask for things, but to actually learn to listen to Him. In this life we will either learn to hear His voice or we will be too busy to listen.

God invites us to come into His presence so that He May speak directly to us. Don’t let the businesses of your day drown out the voice of God.

Busyness will rob you of your ability to hear from Him, the all loving and amazing God who created YOU. Just know that the enemy will always use “busy” to keep you from hearing God’s voice.

So, we have to fight for our time with God! We have to turn off the distractions for a little while and prove to Him that our relationship with Him is more important than anything else. We can make time to hear Him, value our quiet time with God. & trust in what we feel during those quiet moments. We can go to Him & humbly say; God I am here, what would you like me to know today? ?

I don’t know what challenges you’re going though, but we all have them! Life isn’t always easy & that is why God allows us to communicate with Him! Just remember that there He knows exactly how you’re feeling, what you need and what you’re going through. He knows how to help You. God wants to speak to you! He loves you! He knows what you can become with His help. You need to hear God’s voice! & the only way to do that, is to slow down and listen. ❤️ He’s ready to show you how much He loves you! Trust Him, Believe in Him & LISTEN to His loving council that He has just for you as His child. ♥️

Our spiritual goal for the week is to listen. We don’t Just want to ask, we want to ask Him what it is that He would like us to know today. & we will Listen until we can feel Him. Like we say in class, the more open we are to hearing Him the more we will receive! ??? Part of the exercise is for us to write down what we feel after we pray. Those are the ways God communicates and we want to record those impressions or inspirations that we receive. ?

Our physical goal: is to make time to exercise and to do something that is physically good for our health. Exercise is healing in every way. Let’s make time to do this for our physical bodies ????

We will have class tonight at 7:15 The hardest thing is always showing up, but once we’re there we will get rid of stress and we’ll strengthen our Body, Mind & Spirit. It’s the best way to Balance our lives ??? ♥️?? Hope that you can make it and I hope that you’re able to feel God in your life this week. ♥️??


Lili ?

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