This week our valentine’s gift is to be kind & loving to ourselves. ?

Here are some of the affirmations that remind us of who we are.

?I am unique and special (Deuteronomy 7:6)

?I am chosen (Ephesians 1:4)

?I am happy with the way I am made (Gen.1:27)

?I am grateful to be me. (Genesis 1:13)

?I am designed for greatness. (Ephesians 2:10)

?I am made to be exceptional (Psalms 119:73)

?I am very valuable (Exodus 19:5)

?I am fearfully and wonderfully made(Pslm 139:14

?I am called to be a light to the world (1 Peter 2:9)

?I am loved (Jeremiah 31:3)

So, this week love yourself enough to be reminded of who you are as a child of an all loving God who has a plan for you. ? Be kind in the way you think of yourself. Edit out any negativity or unkind thoughts.

Be kind to your body, fueling it with good food, exercise, water, enjoyable activities and rest. Be kind to yourself by imagining yourself and seeing your soul as a radiant, powerful expression of Gods love.

Be kind to yourself by taking downtime when your body, mind and soul need it. Try to be more present, patient and loving with yourself. Do your best one day at a time. Connect to God, trust Him and LOVE the relationship you’re strengthening with your creator. ???

& finally remind yourself by saying;

I lovingly care for myself. Knowing I am a child of God. Radiant, powerful, peaceful and beautiful. When I am clear and healthy, I enjoy life more deeply and I love others more fully.

Hope that you can make it to class this week! Unfortunately ?TUESDAY CLASS IS CANCELLED For this week. But we will be there on THURSDAY AT 6pm to strengthen our Body, Mind & Spirit. ?? Have a blessed and wonderful day and remember that YOU are in control of what you think about. Make it possitive and Good for you! ???


Lili ?

One Reply to “”

  1. Dear Lili
    Thank you for such a confirmation of how I should think of myself. I know that I have felt low esteem of myself for sometime. Never felt as smart and lack in some beauty that other women have. But then I realized that there is one of me and not the way I look but the way I treat others is what makes me feel beautiful in my heart. Beauty is in the behold of others. It’s how others look at you and feel about you. Beauty is within us it’s not all surface. I have gown to myself for how I look and I am and I have come to realized that it’s who I think of myself. I try to treat others with respect as I would want that respect with decency like I would the same and as humans as I would like to be treated. When that happens in my life I feel good about myself and feel the beauty God has given me within in and the way I can share it with others makes me feel beautiful. That’s how I treat myself and feel about myself.
    Thank you God
    God bless
    Love ya Margie

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