This season of your life ?

Have you felt the weather lately? Even us Floridians can feel a little change coming 😉 As I’ve been thinking about the changes that begin to take place in nature, when leaves begin to change colors, the weather begins to cool and daylight starts to become shorter. Its beautiful to think about the ways in which nature begins to adjust for the colder winter months.

Thinking about this is a gentle reminder that “there is a season for everything. A time for every purpose in Heaven.” We all have different seasons in our lives. What’s important is that we take the time to slow down a little and discover what we’re meant to learn from each season. And the ways in which we can strengthen ourselves, grow and overcome as God would want us to do for ourselves. ??❤️

It’s part of life to bring those changing seasons into our lives. ? The question is, are we willing to trust HIM enough through each season? Are we willing to be accepting of what comes and allow Him to transform us? Being willing to go through the inner growth to release what we need to let go of. To gain a stronger hold on our faith and trust that we are in the hands of God. knowing that whatever each season brings will be for our own good and the development of our souls in the perfect timing. ❤️

As we welcome this new season in nature. allow yourself to welcome this new season in your life as well. Contemplate the season you have experienced and what season your are in and which season is approaching for you. Bless the outgoing season thanking it for it’s insights and lessons learned and welcome in the new season making space for blessings and small miracles to grow. ??

The most important thing that God wants to remind you is that there is beauty in every season. ❤️ Some seasons may be harder than others, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t right there for you to lift you and to help you through it. Allow those seasons to strengthen you and draw you closer to God and remember to FOCUS ON THE JOY AND THE BEAUTY THAT THIS SEASON BRINGS YOU. ?❤️?????

Our Spiritual goal this week is to reflect on the season we’re in and to allow ourselves to surrender to the positive transformation that it’s meant to bring us. We want to focus on it’s beauty, on the good, on the goals we can accomplish and the ways in which we can strengthen our Body, Mind and Soul during this season. Remembering to always focus each season on LOVE ❤️ The LOVE OF GOD, LOVE FOR OURSELVES, and love for others. ? ENJOY YOUR SEASON & LOVE IT FOR WHAT IT WILL BRING INTO YOUR LIFE. ❤️??

Hope to see you in class tonight so that you can let go of stress and negativity. & instead strengthen you body, mind & soul to leave peaceful, renewed and stronger. Love you all and hope That God delivers this message to you in His amazing ways. Make it a good day! You’re in good hands! ???❤️???


Lili ?

One Reply to “This season of your life ?”

  1. Dear Lili
    I have always loved the season of autumn because of its beauty of the colors of the trees. It looked like someone took a brush and painted the trees. I guess it’s a way of telling me that for each season there is a change in us and with God. Knowing that was then is now. We try to hold on to what we believe is the best for us not knowing that changes throughout our lives is what makes us realize that it’s God s plan. Sometimes it’s hard to change or accept changes but knowing that we are not in control and it’s in Gods hands should comfort us. The beauty of it all is experiencing the changes thru others nature and life. To every season under heaven there will be changes for our good thru Christ our Lord.

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