When you feel overwhelmed and stressed with whatever may be going on in your life right now, Just remember that it is OK for you to just stop thinking about it all for a minute. It’s ok to just take some deep breaths and refocus yourself to remind yourself that YOU CAN do hard things. That YOU CAN overcome this, YOU CAN take on those goals, and YOU WILL continue forward and upward on your journey. ?
The path of complaining, feeling discouraged and negative is always easier but definitely not rewarding. We often allow the emotions or judgments of others to affect us, when we already know that we can’t control what anyone else does or says. We can only control what we think, say or do.
That is where our power comes in. This is the moment when we need to react positively for ourselves. Because we deserve it! And because we CAN choose a better option for ourselves. We can come from a place of love, respect and confidence to be able have our own back in life.??? ?
Philippians 4:13 Says; I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
There are so many amazing scriptures to remind us that God is with us and that He can get us through anything we may be facing. What’s important, is that we choose to trust in His words and to allow those words to come over us, to empower us and to fill us with His strength. So that we may be able to continue moving forwarding in light, love and in positive energy for ourselves and for whatever we may be facing. Trust in God and positive thinking will make all the difference. ?
So today, tell yourself YOU CAN! You can overcome this, you can make it through even if it’s just ONE DAY AT A TIME. God wants to remind you that through Him you can do MORE! He wants to remind you that you’re loved by your creator, that your work doesn’t go unnoticed, but that it’s actually noticed by the most amazing being in the universe. He knows your heart and is ready and willing to help you through it All.
Believe in yourself, and in your capacity to choose to focus on the good. To keep your eyes centered on what God would want you to do for yourself and for those around you. Keep your heart focused on the Love of God so that may experience more love for yourself. Focus today on feeling Gods live in the smallest little things, like the air you breathe, the plants, animals and children you see. The light and love of God is all around you! How much of it can you see? ❤️
Our Spiritual goal for ourselves today is to “check in” With ourselves each hour, to take some deep breaths and re-focus our energy on what we want to feel. Ask yourself, how do I want to show up for myself and others during this hour? Remind yourself I CAN DO THIS! I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me….Whatever your goal is, remember to give yourself the gift of encouragement, love and alignment with God to remain positive. You’ve got this & YOU CAN DO THIS.
Our physical go for the week is to remain in alignment with our health goals. Focus on the good healthy foods you can eat and how good they are for your body. Don’t tell yourself you can’t have that! Etc…Instead tell yourself you choose not to have it because you’d rather choose something healthier for yourself. Tonight in class we’ll talk a little more about this.
Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7 PM to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit! Motivate yourself to do this for YOU! Because you love yourself enough to make the time for it and because you deserve to Release stress and recharge your energy. I promise you won’t regret it. ?❤️??
If it rains we’ll be inside, but for now, the weather looks nice for us enjoy the sunset outside. Love you all and hope you can make it! ???? ??♀️
Lili ?
Dear Lili
Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone when feeling down and out about incidents that occur in my life that affect me. I feel that I do have the power when I give it to the Lord. I never made an issue of it before and that’s why I got more depressed upset and out of control. But now I feel his presence I feel his love his strength his grace and most of all his blessing of being with me thru everything. Yes I still have my moments and weaknesses but then I remember that my lord will never leave my side and will help e carry my cross and get me over this crisis. Thank you my Lord for being here for me for showing me the way showing me that I have the strength to endure and move on with my life. You are my God and will always be my God who I will always worship and cherish love and follow and know that all is possible with you . Praise the Lord.
God bless
Love ya