With everything going on in our world, It’s easy to allow the chaos of it all and of our life’s circumstances to increase our emotional stress, fear and anxiety.
We see that not only is our peace taken from us, but studies have recently shown that an increase in addiction and violence have been on the rise. The world as a whole is having a harder time controlling their feelings, thought and emotions. And sadly we’re finding ourselves and our loved ones looking for ways to “numb” the emotional stress that surrounds us.
We resort to food, addictive behaviors, look for compliments or validation on social media, we obsess over our physical appearance, use entertainment, tv, shopping, substances and many other activities that seem harmless at first, but little by little become the ways in which we buffer our emotions.
Can you see how we’re slowly becoming more and more dependent on outside sources to bring us “inner peace”? Most of the time we don’t even realize how much we’re allowing those things to control our emotional state, or how we’re “numbing the discomforts” of life which little by little disrupts our inner peace. The world would rather numb the emotions than to ever sit with them and feel and process what is going on.
This week I want to motivate you to take a look deeper within yourself. Remember that this may not feel comfortable at first and you may be tempted to grab your phone or try to look for your “buffering tools.” The goal is to honestly sit quietly and make a list of the things that you use to “numb” your emotional discomfort. What comes up for you? What are the things you reach for first? Do they bring you peace? Or do they leave you feeling worse?
Once you’re able to do this for yourself, be proud of your ability to be clear about what those things are. Set a goal for yourself this week that you will notice when those things start to show up and motivate yourself to not rely on them for your comfort. Instead, try to disconnect from the outside world to focus on your internal peace which is always available to you, if you choose to focus on it.
Remember that God invites us to fully place our trust on HIM. He is the prince of peace, who invites our souls to receive true, long lasting and eternal peace.
John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️
God wants us to not be troubled or afraid. So, what is troubling you today? What is bringing you fear or frustration? Whatever those feelings are, sit with them for a little bit. It’s ok! & remember to allow yourself to speak to God and release that to HIM. He will remove those feelings from you and instead fill you with peace and trust in Him, which is where the greatest peace can come from. Being at peace with God is lasting peace for the soul. ❤️
Remember that no one has permission to upset you, not your circumstances or anything or anyone else, unless you allow them to do so. We talk about this in class every week! So, hopefully you can make it tonight to learn more about this so that you may practice and gain greater strength to help you.
So, set the goal for yourself to NOTICE what you’re using to buffer your emotions. Take some deep breaths appreciating your awareness, and move forward with focusing on inviting greater greater inner peace into your mind, heart and soul today. Make time to strengthen your relationship with God who is the Father of PEACE. He will allow you to be filled hour by hour, one day at a time.
Our Spiritual goal this week is: To gain greater inner peace. To be the KEEPER OF OUR PEACE! The PROTECTOR or our peace and to have the wisdom to know where our peace comes from and lean on that peace from God instead of leaning on anything else.
Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body more water a s healthy nutrient rich foods. ❤️
Hope To see you in class tonight at 6:30pm. Make this promise to yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This will allow you to release stress, strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will also practice being the keeper of our peace. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference.