Sometimes we rush through our days having so many distractions and responsibilities that we forget to slow down a little and enjoy the moment.
Unfortunately, most of our thoughts end up stuck in the future or the past, and by the time we know it, the day is gone. Our days pass so quickly, our children grow up, another birthday comes around, we see ourselves changing and life passing quicker than we expected. This is when we start to realize that worrying about the past and the future is unnecessary. The past is gone, and the future is unknown. So why not focus instead on enjoying the moment we have TODAY.
Slowing down and re-focusing on the present moment takes practice, but it’s so rewarding. Taking time to count our blessings and to just enjoy wherever we may be at this moment, will bring us so much peace. Trusting in God each moment, knowing that He’ll take care of everything as He has done in the past and will do in the future…The moment to fully live and enjoy life is NOW.
I believe that God created Day and night for a reason. Night time is our reminder to slow down, to rest, sleep and renew our minds and our bodies. A time for us to turn off the constant chatter of our thoughts, the stress and the distractions of our day and to allow ourselves to rest and recover.
I also believe that God our Father wants us to focus on taking in that sunrise as a way of seeing a new day as a new opportunity for us to choose that renewal, to help us and strengthen us. It’s a reminder of a new chance, a new day to live the best way we can. It’s an opportunity to focus on this one day, on it’s different challenges or blessing that it may bring. A new opportunity to grow, to CHOOSE the the best things that we can bring into our body, mind, soul and relationships.
God wants us to focus on taking things ONE DAY AT A TIME. The more that we’re able to enjoy the DAILY BLESSINGS, the “daily Bread” that God gives us & the daily energy and mercy that we’re able to receive from Him, the happier and more peaceful our lives will be.
One of the best ways to practice being present is to focus on our 5,4,3,2,1 senses. We practice this in class every week and it helps us to bring ourselves to present. Also being aware of practicing distancing ourselves from our thoughts to just be still in the moment is also so helpful.
As we make a conscious effort to enjoy each day, to give service and help others, to choose how to react to our thoughts, situations in a way that invites peace for us in each moment. We will see that doing this, will allow us to connect to God more often. Noticing the little blessings and allowing ourselves to connect better to the divine light that is all around us. In nature, and in all living things that testify that there is a God who gives lives daily.
Mathew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take Thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
So, He wants us to remember to not worry about tomorrow. The things of tomorrow will work out the way they’re meant to and according to His will. He doesn’t want us to be so focused about Tomorrow, instead He wants us to think about what we can do today. So, I invite you to Trust in God and trust in His love. Trust that He will provide for you in His way and in His timing. Let go of those feelings of stress, anxiety and fear. Instead, trust in the being who created the universe and who knows the end from the beginning. The one who KNOWS YOU! LOVES YOU! & Has His own perfect plan for your life, for what you’re meant to go through, overcome and rejoice in…It’s all in HIS HANDS & HE LOVES YOU!!! ❤️ So, choose to live this day in Joy and feeling blessed.
Remember to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Enjoy the blessings, the little moments and you will feel amazing in knowing that you’re enjoying your most precious little DAILY blessings. Focus on just TODAY. Feel the love and the blessing of having those around you. Be Glad & make today an amazing day to be present. ☀️ God will bless you and take care of you. Trust in Him & He’ll take care of the rest. For now, just focus on today & do your best.
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Slow down a little and rejoice! Find joy in your day. A life with joy is a life well lived. So, focus on joy, being present a s strengthening your relationship with God to give you the daily wisdom that you need to know where to focus your energy, thoughts and actions.
Our Physical goal for the week is to have more water throughout the day and to eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrition. Let’s Put away the bad stuff! We can do it! 🥰
Hope to see you tonight at a NEW ClASS TIME! WE WILL START 6:30 pm. Come do something amazing for your Body, Mind and Spirit. You will be so proud of yourself and you’ll leave feeling peaceful, centered on God and renewed in every way. Love u all & hope that you can make it ans gain something from class and from this message.
Lili 🌸