We all know that it’s part of life that we have to experience pain, loss and difficulties. My family has experienced a huge loss this week. Our hearts have been broken and it’s hard to believe that this is really happening. It’s during those difficult moments when the questions come up and we ask ourselves, “why did this have to happen?” “How do we cope with this terrible loss?” and so many more questions that we may not have answers to while we’re on this earth.
As I sat quietly outside today, I took a moment to focus on the sunrise, to feel the light and the warmth of it. I looked around at the trees and the plants, the water around me and I focused on studying the colors of the flowers next to me. I tried to be present and in that moment of presence, I had a feeling of witnessing God in all of those living things around me. It was a beautiful testimony and reminder to me that THERE IS A GOD & He knows everything that we’re experiencing.
I could feel with all my heart and the energy of my soul that God lives!! That He is the creator of all of these divine living things that surround us and that He knows the cycle and purpose of each one of HIS divine creations. I felt so much love from Him. I felt so connected to God. Even with the pain that we’re experiencing as a family right now, I could feel myself completely covered by His love and having the knowledge that each one of us is in His hands.
As I sat pondering for a little while, I was then reminded of the scripture which says; Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
“Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29–31).
Our Father in Heaven watches over us, we are His children. We’re worth so much to Him that even His son, Jesus Christ dies for us and for the LOVE He has for us. He knows the end from the beginning and even the hairs on our head are counted. He is very aware of all that we go through. All of the pain, joy or suffering that we may experience. It’s especially important to notice in these scriptures that His eye is on the sparrow that falls, and He is aware of it. To me, it means that He is there to rescue us when we fall or when we feel weak or when we can’t do it on our own. He is aware of us. He is concerned for His fallen children. He will provide us with what we need to allow us to feel that He really is holding on to us.
I find so much comfort in sitting outside, breathing, praying. It’s important for us to know what brings us comfort. I also know that if I want to hear the words of God I have to open my scriptures and look for His words. This morning I opened my scriptures without thinking, to Proverbs 3 and I read “Write Mercy and Truth upon the tablet of thine heart” and I felt that that is exactly what I want to do. I cried as I read those words because I felt that they were being spoken to me. How beautiful to write mercy and truth upon the tablet of my heart. Mercy meaning the mercy that Jesus Christ gives me daily. His love, kindness, Forgiveness and all that He’s able to provide for me today. I’m surrounded by His mercy and I want to have that written in my heart.
The next part talks about focusing on truth being written in my heart. I started thinking about all that I know is true. And I started naming the things that I know are TRUE in my life. To me, God is truth, The fact that I know He lives and He hears my prayers and knows my joys and sorrows…That is TRUTH. The fact that I have felt His love and I know He loves me, is TRUE. The love that I have for my family is true! All that I could count as true in my life I want to write that upon my heart and keep it with me.
So my goal today is to have MERCY and TRUTH WRITTEN UPON MY HEART. Having that knowledge will allow me to find stillness and peace when I need it. We can all experience stillness and peace or a time to connect to our Father and our Savior. They love us and won’t leave us comfortless.
I also like the idea of being aware of the things that help us to feel Gods love and reaching for those when we feel we need it. Some of the things that may help are:
❤️Getting quiet to still our mind. To find a place to relax, breathe and give your brain one command, such as; “Find the stillness,” & remind yourself that at this moment, you don’t need to have all the answers. You just need to find the stillness and breathe. The more we practice finding stillness the better we’re able to handle what comes our way.
❤️ Journaling. Give yourself a little time to quickly jot down every thought, feeling, frustration, and emotion that comes to mind. Sometimes this brings up all kinds of emotions but if we can give ourselves love and kindness we can release some of that on paper in a healing way. Society teaches us that feeling our emotions is a sign of weakness but in fact; it’s a sign of strength. Use this time to handle everything that’s been building up in your system. Allow it to flow out and allow yourself to be guided by God as you release in a healthy way.
❤️ Trust in God and know that True peace and happiness comes from within. It’s not an external force. It’s a state of being independent of what’s happening in your outer world. God will Provide you the power to have peace amidst the storm. Seek Him and feel the difference He can make.
In Proverbs 3 I also read today: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Whether you are going through a major life crisis or managing the day-to-day struggles. Allow yourself to find your PEACE. Your stillness and your connection to the Divine Father who created YOU. The one who knows all that you’re going through. Keep yourself planted upon His Word and looking to Him for peace, guidance and direction even if it’s just one day at a time, one moment at a time….HE WILL PROVIDE.
As we SEEK personal time with God through prayer, we can know how to handle anything that comes into our lives. I’ve discovered that when I make time to be ALONE WITH HIM, He gives me the greatest wisdom and provides the peace that I need at that specific moment. So, put it to the test in your own life and make that time with God a space for YOU to DISCONNECT form your daily struggles or challenges that you may be going through, to just CONNECT TO GOD & to HIS DIVINE POWER & LOVE FOR YOU!!! ❤️
As we choose to make the time to Come to Him. He will provide the inspiration, the thoughts and specially the PEACE that we need to get us through the challenges or sometimes just to get us through the day. Write Mercy and Truth upon your heart and know that you trust in the most loving and amazing being in the universe! YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. ❤️
So, Take your step toward Him one moment at a time. Trust in His timing for your life and in His infinite wisdom. He knows why these storms have to come, He knows what will strengthen YOU & what will make you spiritually, mentally and emotionally the type of child of God He wants you to become. TRY TO FIND THE DIVINE EVEN IN THE MIDST OF YOUR STORM. ❤️
As we CHOOSE to focus on the LOVE of our Father in Heaven & our Savior we will be able to write upon our hearts Mercy and Truth. We will be better able to learn from the challenges that we experience. We will see that we will be surrounded by His love, that we’re not alone, and His peace will be here to give us the strength that our souls need amidst the storms. We really can remain internally peaceful, with a heart that has been written upon by God and aligned to the stillness that will cover ourselves in the Peace that God can provide. WE CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH HIS HELP. ❤️
Our spiritual goal for the week is to keep Mercy and truth written upon our hearts. To find more stillness and to make our way toward peace as often as we need It. Let’s practice connecting to God in a deeper way. Listening to what He provides to our heart, Mind and soul. Finding stillness and His peace is the most healing way to live and the best way to feel THE LOVE OF GOD.
Our physical goal for the week is to walk daily and to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water each day if we can. 😉 Walking and water are both so healing and so good for us. Try it and do your best taking care of your body, Mind and Spirit this week.
Class will be cancelled next week. So I Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm! Sometimes we don’t feel like doing this, and today is one of those days for me…but I feel in my heart that going to class is one of the things that God wants me to do for myself today. I know that He would want me to take care of myself and to also have a time to connect with my beautiful friends and family who come to class. I hope you guys can make it and benefit from it as well! ❤️love you all and hope to see you there.