As we face the different challenges that come into our lives, we start to realize that we really do have a choice on what we focus on. We can either let the challenges bring us down or allow ourselves to grow from them, hold on, be patient, pray and wait for God’s timing.
We know that our challenges are not something new to God. He knowns what we will go through because He has known the end from the very beginning, He is fully aware of our challenges and is always ready to help us. Even when we don’t feel Him near, He is working behind the scenes to provide for us daily. So, what can we do to navigate life a little bit better? A little bit more in the way God would want is to?
When a problem arises, one of the best things we can do is to try to stop the thoughts from taking over and instead try to stop and take a moment to pray, to cast our cares on God, to communicate with the Divine and wait to hear or listen to what God speaks to our hearts and minds. Then we must write down what He speaks to us! We can’t ignore the feelings that God brings into our hearts and minds after we pray. This is our way to strengthen our communication with Him! & the more That We’re able to liste. The more He will speak. We can also remember to be present, to try to manage our minds and thoughts. We can continue to fill our spirits with positive messages and continue to be kind, gentle and positive with ourselves through it all.
We have to remember that ultimately, we have to be able to have our own back and to try to be our own best cheerleaders through the ups and downs of life. We might not always have people around us to encourage and help us. Sometimes we have to be the ones to help others. So, we have to be aware that it is our own responsibility to care, love and protect ourselves. Difficult moments require us to shield ourselves in all that God can possibly give us to get through the challenges. It’s an opportunity for us to pray, to show God that we do trust Him and His plan for us. It’s a chance to ask God to give us wisdom and to help us to be more positive and kind to ourselves during our difficulties. We have to believe that HE WIll ANSWER OUR PRAYERS & That it’s in His nature to love us and want to help us.
The next best thing we can do is to take a look at our thoughts and notice which thoughts are serving us and which thoughts are weakening us. It’s important for us to write those thoughts down and see if they make sense. Sometimes writing thoughts down on paper can helps us to realize that they’re not really serving us and are causing more damage than good. We can then allow ourselves to change some of those thoughts by re-writing or choosing thoughts that will help us. We can focus on thoughts of GRATITUDE, counting our blessings and feeling grateful for what we are able to have today. Choosing positive thoughts and actions will help us to move forward and upward on our journey of becoming the child that God wants us to become.
The Father of our souls, who loves us and created us, wants us all to have a truly personal and beautiful relationship with Him. The truth is that we don’t have enough wisdom to run our own lives. WE NEED DAILY DIVINE HELP! God has that divine wisdom and power to help us through it all. One day at a time and from one moment to the next. So why not exercise or practice trusting Him a little more today? Why not give it all to Him? He can protect us and either open or close the doors we’re not meant to walk through. He know that things we’re meant to walk through, the things that will eventually be for our benefit or wellbeing. Even if they don’t feel right or fair in the moment…God knows what He is doing, He is in control of all things and He will help us to get through it all.
It’s important for us to discover and understand that life is way better when we’re fully dependent on a loving God, who is forgiving, kind, merciful and patient with us. Rather than to try to do life on our own. We really do need our creator if we’re looking for internal peace and guidance in our lives. He is the ultimate guide who knows what is truly best for us in the end. He is the one who will light the path of our lives as long as we’re meant to be here on this earth and as long as we choose to trust Him and continue to strengthen our relationship with Him.
So, let’s not doubt His power. Instead let’s be patient, focusing on one moment at a time. Remembering that we have that inner peace available to us always. We have to slow down, take some deep breaths and allow ourselves to connect to God. Remember that now more than ever is when we need to gain stronger inner peace and trust in God. The world will continue to get darker, the challenges may become harder, but we can still live aligned to the light of God so that even during the moments when we don’t understand why things are happening we may always remember and say to ourselves; “No matter what storm I’m going through, I KNOW THAT GOD LOVES ME & WILL TAKE CARE OF ME.” This trust in God will allow us to have His light and love within us so that we may also be able to share that with others who may need this as well.
Now is the time to strengthen our relationship with God and allow it to grow stronger and brighter each day. With God by our side, we have nothing to fear and we can be filled with His hope, love, peace and wisdom. life is sooo much better when we can keep Him close to us. When we can communicate with Him and allow Him to speak directly to our soul. ❤️
Be aware that it’s in the waiting when the enemy attacks us the most, bringing doubts and fears into our mind and heart…But that’s when we can focus on the power of prayer and we can pick ourselves up and say to ourselves; “I am a child of God. Created by the divine power of a loving Heavenly Father. His power is within me. He loves me, He supports me and provides abundantly in my life. He fills me with His peace and love daily and I continue forward knowing that God is working right now in my life and I will receive all that He has promised me. ❤️
Finally, God wants us to experience His joy more fully. So, is there any joy that we can hold on to right now, while we wait for God to help us with our different challenges?…Turning our hearts and attention away from ourselves and focusing on giving to others will bring us more of the joy of God and allow us to receive more of His light and wisdom as we go through our different challenges. Our burdens become lighter when we turn our hearts to others and we’re better able to focus on the light that we’re able to share with others. God will see our efforts and bless us for that always. He wants us to try to find the joy in our journey. Even in the hardest moments, look for that little bit of joy in the smile of a child, In the creations of God or anything that helps bring joy to your soul. ❤️
This week our goal is to remember that there is Divine light fully available for us to gain more wisdom and guidance. We already have divine light within us, because we come from the presence of God. ❤️ We just have to allow ourselves to create moments to strengthen that light through prayer, changing our negative thoughts, focusing on the good, gratitude and joy and most importantly, knowing that God loves us and is definitely us, so that we may reach out to others and help them as well.
Our physical goal will be to burn more calories than we take in. We can make it a goal this week to try to choose more healthy, nutritious food and move our bodies a little more daily. 🙂 Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm to do something amazing for your Body, Mind and Spirit. We’ll be outside taking that hour to do something great to release stress, strengthen our bodies and have an amazing and renewing meditation to help us to connect to God and to leave feeling peaceful and renewed. 🙂 Hope that you can make it & feel the difference in yourself. ❤️
Let’s take some deep breaths today and invite more of the light of God into our lives Remember, that God knew about our problems before we encountered them. I fully believe that part of our test of life is to see if we will learn to trust Him. Blindly, going into our different challenges with opportunities to PROVE OUR TRUST IN HIM. So, prove to God that you FULLY TRUST HIM. Know that He is working on it. Allow Him to take our pain, sadness and challenges and turn them into opportunities to be grateful, to look up to God, to be kind to ourselves and to help others on their journey as well.
Remember to always take a look at your thoughts. Do they really speak truth? Are they energy draining? Or energy producing? We can change those thoughts to be positive so that we may bring on positive actions. Let’s allow ourselves to promise to ourselves today that we will Trust in God MORE! Let’s allow ourselves to be surrounded by His peace, (which is better than anything else this world can offer)
We can trust in His love. & know that our faith will bring miracles and He promises that, to all who believe and trust in Him. So, today is our chance to trust to prove our faith, to believe more fully in Him, to give our difficulties and worries to Him. To listen for His divine guidance and to go and DO what He speaks to our hearts & minds. Feel His love for you today and know that he’s got you in the palms of His hands.
John 14:27 Says; My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. ❤️