There are days when we feel discouraged, like we’re not doing enough or accomplishing enough. There are days when the weight of everything feels heavier and when it becomes harder to focus on all the good that we have.
It’s on those days when we need to watch our thoughts a little bit more carefully. Because those thoughts of discouragement, hopelessness or heaviness do not come from a God who is loving and kind.
It’s important for us to recognize the times when those heavy thoughts come into our minds. They sometimes seem to overwhelm, frustrate and discourage us. Making us feel on some days disconnected from God and from ourselves. It’s totally ok for us to cry and allow ourselves to feel and experience all kinds of emotions. It’s part of life that we learn to be aware of the different feeling and emotions we’re having and to try to process them and help ourselves.
It’s also important to recognize that the enemy is also at work, and that he wants us to be miserable like himself. He will throw all kinds of terrible thoughts about ourselves, our lacks and “inadequacies” He wants us to think that we’re not good enough, that we’re not doing enough that we’re failing at things…making us feel terrible and miserable is his goal.
It’s during times like these when we need to remind ourselves that we need to get good at recognizing where those negative thoughts are coming from. That is not the language of God. He would never speak to us like that. God on the other hand, would take us where we’re at. He would remind us of His love for us. God’s love is never failing and never changes. It won’t change because of how much we achieve or accomplish. It won’t change because of how much money we make or what we look like.
His love is the same and it has always been the same from the beginning and it will be the same forever and ever. He encourages us, He lifts us, He strengthens us and tells us to focus on Joy, peace and love. So, don’t forget, His love doesn’t change, what changes sometimes is our ability to be receptive to His love.
I like to compare that to receptors. Our physical health depends on hormones and their receptors. If something is wrong with a receptor, it makes it hard for that receptor to receive the messages that the body sends to heal or take care of things. Eventually a receptor that doesn’t work can cause illness or disease to occur. For us to experience good health our receptors need to be able to receive and transmit the signals throughout our body.
Similarly, we have spiritual receptors that transmit messages. We can test within us our receptors of the love of God. Sometimes our receptors fail, and we end up allowing more negative thoughts into our minds and hearts.
But when our receptors for the Love of God are activated, when they’re open and ready to receive the light, love and peace from God. We’ll see that those negative thoughts will fade away. Our receptors will be open to helping us and strengthening us rather than not functioning and affecting us negatively.
As we focus on recognizing that, we will be better able to keep our receptors active and ready to feel God’s love. It’s better for us to focus our thoughts and energy on trying to connect to God, rather than allowing negative thoughts to spiral is downward into more negative thinking. We can choose to focus our energy on what God can do for us instead and take action form there.
We can take time to ask for forgiveness & ask for guidance and wisdom to know what to focus on each hour. We can PRACTICE focusing our thoughts on the things that God would tell us and the ways in which He would want us to view ourselves, our lives and others. We can focus our receptors for His love to be activated daily through prayer, meditation and spending time in nature. Most important turning away from our phones and the distractions that are all around us keeping us trapped and away from feeling God and keeping our receptiveness to His divine love and peace throughout the day.
Some of the ways that can help us activate our receptors better are focusing on daily gratitude. We can write down things that we’re grateful for each day. We can also remember all of the times that God has been there for us in the past, and remember that He will do that again for us.
Making time to be alone with God especially in nature is one of the best ways to feel Him. Knowing that this world works perfectly and al things are supported by His divine light and knowledge can remind of us of His love for us and this home He created for us. It can also remind us that He’s in control and that We can trust in His divine knowledge.
We can then focus on hearing Him. Really trying to listen to the thoughts and feelings that He puts in our hearts. & if possible writing down the thoughts and feelings that he puts in our hearts. So that we may remember what to focus on throughout the day.
Let’s try to promise to ourselves that we will feed our minds and spirits uplifting words, music and messages to help us. By doing this, our energy will be recharged. We will feel way more connected to God. & it will become even easier for us to focus on joy each day.
As we try to be aware of our thoughts and focus on being receptive to God. We will see that each hour will feel on purpose. Our hearts will be fully connected to God and all of those negative and heavy thoughts will begging to disappear and go away completely.
We will Instead find gratitude, recognize our blessings and be better able to focus on the Love of God. Which will trickle down to other areas of our lives. We’ll be better able to have compassion for ourselves and to be kinder and way more loving toward ourselves and others.
So, Tell yourself; Today I choose to focus on God today. I choose to be receptive to His love. He removes the negative or heavy thoughts from my mind and heart and allows His peace and love to flow within me. I’m better able to love myself, to take care of myself and others. Today I choose God. I focus each hour on doing what He would want me to. On focusing my tastes to be dedicated to Him. I trust in His God of Love & wisdom. He is my creator, my Father, the one who has the perfect plan for me. God’s love is my shield and my protection. With Him I can do all things. ❤️
This is our spiritual goals for the week, to be receptive to Gods love each hour and to act from that point.
Our physical goal is to take care of ourselves by exercising at least 30 mins at least 4 days a week. Moving our bodies and exercises brings so many benefits. We just have to try it 🙂
Love you all and hope to see you in class tonight at 5:30pm. Motivate yourself to be there. The hardest thing is always showing up. But just get yourself there and you’ll feel the difference afterwards. You’ve got this! 💪🏼🥰❤️