Each morning we wake up, we get to choose what to focus on. We have a daily opportunity to focus on light or darkness, good or bad etc. Each of us has an opportunity feel the energy of all living things around us. Especially the sun, trees, plants, water and animals. I would like to invite you today to take a moment to connect to that amazing energy of life and of all living creations that God has places on the earth.
Take a moment to go outside, breathe and connect to life around you and most importantly to connect to your creator. Try to feel your heart beating, your breath as it comes in and out if your body. Express gratitude to God for your health, for the ability to see, hear, smell, taste and to have this body today. When we can set time aside to speak to Him, to express gratitude to Him and to connect to the Divinity around us and within us, our environment and our energy will be renewed in His light, love and peace. We will be able to connect to His divine light and it will help us as we approach the different choices of our day.
When we can realize that we can talk to the same God who created this earth, who designed it and made it possible to create all living things that surround us, that are alive and have that “spark” of life within them. We will be better able to find reverence, love and respect for the God who has the power to keep our earth turning and our hearts beating. Seeing Him and recognizing the times when we have seen His hand in our lives, will change us! We will begin to see that we do have a God who hears each one of us individually. In His amazing way of being, He answers our prayers, comforts us, helps us or sends us messages or earthly angels to help us, lift us and encourage us.
How amazing for each of us to be able to recognize that we come from that same divine light. Not only that, but that we can feel immense LOVE from God being poured upon us daily. I want to remind you, that He does hear your prayers, He does want to know the feelings of your heart, and His biggest joy would be to have a relationship WITH YOU!!! ❤️
Another important thing He wants us to realize, is that He created our bodies for our spirits to reside in. Our bodies are the temples to our spirits! So, how important is it to each one of us to take care of our body and our spirit? We take care of the physical things that are around us. We try to have a clean home, we take care of our cars, clothes, possessions. We take care of buildings, historical places, temple/sacred places of worship. We take care of all of these places because of their importance, their beauty and our love for them.
Yet, somehow we find ways to disrespect our body, our mind and our spirit. 🙁 We talk negatively about ourselves, we defile our bodies with the bad things we put into ourselves. From food we consume, the substances that we put in or on our body, the media we watch and all that we consume emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well. The more we add the sneaky things that are negativity the less we’ll be able to recognize how to better take care of our divine body, Mind and soul. So, let’s try to take a moment to think about what we’re not paying attention to, that is polluting or degrading our Body, Mind and Soul.
Let’s try to recognize what we need to get rid of, remove, “clean” and ask God to help us to purify ourselves to have more appreciation, love and respect for ourselves. Ultimately, we’re the ones who get to live on our bodies. We have to try to care for our physical, spiritual and emotional parts of ourselves more than anything else! Were the ones who have to live with ourselves. We take ourselves everywhere! If we’re not making sure that we’re pure within, filled with light, love, peace, charity and all that is good then NO ONE ELSE CAN CHANGE THAT FOR US! We have to make ourselves a daily priority to take care of ourselves and all that comes into our surroundings and internally as well.
We get to be our own best cheerleaders, we get to invite all that is good, healing and positive into our ourselves. We get to be United with God in our purpose, goals and desires and as we align ourselves to Him, He will bless us! He will help us, He will lift us, guide us and show us the ways to change and the wisdom to know what is good to keep and better to remove from our lives. Let’s have admiration for our bodies, let’s have respect for the body God is lending us, let’s take care of it! Nourish it in the best ways we can. So that one day we may look to God and He may be proud of who we become physically, mentally and spiritually. I believe we will all have the opportunity someday to show God what we did with our body, mind and spirit while we were here on this earth. So, let’s encourage ourselves and do our best each day to take care of ourselves.
Today, let’s focus on expressing gratitude to God for the creations that are around us and for the creating that we are! 😍 God has placed us on earth with a purpose and a plan. Even if it’s one person that you get to help today, that alone can save someone who needed YOU specifically to be there. Let’s allow ourselves to connect to the love of God, who gives us the ability to CHOOSE what it is that we want to focus on today.
We have the freedom to choose how to take care of ourselves. How to speak to ourselves, what to eat, what to enter our minds, hearts and souls. WE ARE IN CONTROL OF WHAT WE ALLOW TO GROW WITHIN OURSELVES. God loves you so much He gives you the freedom to choose what to do with this amazing creation He has given you. The more we’re able to express gratitude for our body, the more we will be able to find our connection to God and the more inspiration we will gain so that we will be better able to take care for our ourselves.
I invite you to connect more with yourself. To CHOOSE to LOVE YOURSELF MORE. To grow your confidence in God so that you may easily see the type of love you should have for yourself. Ask God to help you love yourself more and do all that you do from a place of Love and honor to yourself and to God. The daily choices we make are opportunities to honor ourselves and glorify God. Choose to life your life from a place of honoring your Body, Your Mind and your spirit because you know you’re a Child of God. You have a Body to remind you of this daily! Make it your goal to strengthen and LOVE TAKING CARE OF YOUR BODY, MIND & SPIRIT.
1 Corinthians 6:19 Says, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
The spirit and the body are the soul of man. The body and the spirit are meant to work in harmony with one another. We NEED to try to take good care of our physical bodies as well as our spirits. So, when you make up each morning and you see that sunrise or when you look at yourself In the mirror take a moment to thank God for what He has given you today. PRACTICE Speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself. Try to find the beauty that God has given you. Not only in the physical way but also the emotional and spiritual parts of you. Find your light, focus on that divine light within you and allow it to GROW! Set your goals from a place of love and not dissatisfaction with yourself. God doesn’t want you to allow the enemy to make you feel bad about yourself. Instead He wants you to TRUST HIM MORE! TO LOVE YOURSELF, GOD AND OTHERS BY SEEING THE DIVINE LIGHT ON ALL LIVING THINGS & REMEMBERING TO DO YOUR BEST ONE DAY AT A TIME. CHOOSE JOY, PEACE, LIGHT AND LOVE. ❤️
See you tonight at 7pm inside the building to do something AMAZING for your Body, Mind and Spirit! 🥰❤️ Don’t let things get in the way of an opportunity to do something good for yourself. There’s always opposition in all things (especially the good ones) but find your strength, your motivation and come join a group of positive energy to help you release release stress and leave you feeling renewed and recharged mentally, physically and spiritually. ❤️💪🏼🥰
Lili ❤️