Often times our thoughts and conversations are so focused on the future or the past, that we forget to focus on the present. Being Present is bringing full awareness to the moment we are in. Filtering out distractions and bringing our attention to the task at hand.
Doing this allows the combined stresses of life to fade to the background as we focus on being right here, doing whatever it is that we are doing right now. With a focused mind and a sense of gratitude for this very moment.
As we’ve talked about in class, one of ways to improve our ability to come into the present moment is to calm the mind in meditation. Meditating at any time of the day, brings rewards that filter into all aspects of life. Any time Is the perfect time to refresh or renew ourselves. We just have to choose to make the time for it and allow it to actually benefit us.
During our moments of quietness and prayer, we can use short meditations for even one or two minutes that can be refreshing, calming, centering and good for our health and clarity. These are opportunities that we can create for ourselves to open the windows of communication to higher wisdom. Allowing us to enter more of a spiritual perspective and be in that moment for a little while.
Making time for this, will allow us to focus on God’s peace, which is already within us but requires a little “tuning” to find it and feel it more fully. Practicing moments of quiet during the day can allow us to center our attention on the Love of God and on trusting that we are in the hands of God and that our actions of this hour can come from a place that is centered, confident and peaceful.
Our Goal for this next week is to bring ourselves to this calming connection a few times per day. Or at least when we feel really stressed or when we need it most. We can practice becoming more present in our daily tasks. We can remind ourselves hourly to check in with ourselves and see how YM we’re feeling it what emotions we can release. Then, to become fully present we can practice 5,4,3,2,1 and focusing on the tasks or on your senses, (5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell & 1 things you can taste) practicing this will allow us to be more present and in the moment.
We may have to remove some distractions, push our phones aside and instead focus on taking some deep breaths, and bringing our awareness to this very moment. The more we practice and allow ourselves to live more in the present, the more we will be able to enjoy one day a time with focused energy.
Here’s one way you can practice this.
Stop what you’re doing.
Take three deep breaths and allow yourself to feel what is going on in your body and mind.
Invite the calming peace and love to be with you. Breathe until you can release the negativity and the invite peace and love of God to be with you.
Set your intention for this next hour (Ex: my intention is to feel peace this hour etc) & start your next task with gratitude, kindness joy, compassion and love.
The choice of how you want to live and what you want to focus on, will always be yours. Choose what is best for your Mind, Body and Soul. This is your life and you can choose to make it joyful, peaceful and beautiful. Allow God to help you align to that peaceful, loving and beautiful energy one moment at a time.
Hope that you can allow yourself to have more moments to access your inner oasis today. We will practice that tonight during our meditation. Can’t wait to see you Tonight at 7pm To help and motivate one another to do something amazing for our Body, Mind and Spirit today. Let’s remind ourselves of why we want to do this & show up for ourselves & make it happen. 💪🏼🥰❤️
Lili 🌸