God’s Gift ♥️

This Christmas season is our opportunity to determine what we want to focus on. The world around us places so much pressure on gifts, on having the most perfectly decorated home and on running around and spending money we don’t have.

Oftentimes, we forget that this season brings with it an opportunity to slow down and re-focus our attention on the truly important things. Instead of being so focused on the external or material things that we want to buy etc. We can focus our attention on the importance of acknowledging the gifts that God has given us throughout the year. We can recognize the ways in which we’ve seen His hand in our lives and instead of focusing on receiving, we can turn our attention to giving.

The giving that God wants from us isn’t always materialistic or monetary. This Christmas I invite each one of us to give to God a few gifts from our heart. To turn our attention away from the world and focus on giving God a few gifts from our heart this Christmas.

One of the gifts we can give Him is to be grateful. To vocally express our gratitude to Him for all of the blessings He provides. We can also give God the gift of repentance. Taking an opportunity to ask God to forgive us for the ways in which we have failed or lacked love for ourselves or others.

We can also offer Him charity, by being kind to others and mending relationships with family members or others around us. We can give him our trust, we can give Him our faith. We can give Him our love by loving others and sharing with others in the way that He would want us to.

The Scriptures talk about this and how we can offer some of these gifts to God.

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

“When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

“Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt.25:37-40)

We can experience Gods love by serving Him and giving to others and also by being humble and willing to receive from others as well.

As we center our attention on truly celebrating the birth of Christ during this Christmas season, the gifts we can offer to God go beyond material possessions. We can present our hearts filled with faith, hope, and love.

Through prayer, we communicate with God, expressing gratitude for the gift of salvation and all that He provides for us daily! Even in this very moment.

Acts of kindness and charity become offerings, reflecting the teachings of Jesus. In our worship, we can offer the gift of time, acknowledging the divine significance of the season.

Let’s let our lives be living testimonies, embodying the values of Christ, as we present ourselves as offerings to God, acknowledging all of the good and the blessings that we have, and all that we’re willing to give to Him during this joyous time of the year.

Acknowledging the gifts that our Father in Heaven has given us and the gift that His son Jesus Christ gave for us when He chose to give His life for you and me, Is truly humbling. Our hearts should be turned to Him. We can choose for ourselves to give to God the gifts of our heart and soul.

Giving purely will fill our souls with more than anything else we may receive. Giving is truly better than receiving. ♥️ So, which gifts would you like to offer to God this week?

I pray that you’ll gain insight from this message and that you’ll be able to feel God’s immense love for you. You are not alone. ♥️ The giver of all good gifts is with you to support you and help you get through anything! Trust Him, believe in Him & try to give Him your best. You’ve got this!

Tonight will be our last class of 2023. Hope that you can make it to release stress, to do something amazing for your body and to enjoy a wonderful meditation that will re-charge you and re-new. I promise, that you’ll leave feeling better than before coming into this class. Let’s end the year the best was we can. 🙂 love you all and see you tonight!!


Lili 🌸

Look For Divine Light 💛

I want to Invite you right now to slow down for a minute and take a moment to breathe, take a few deeper breaths and to focus on re-charging your energy. Take a moment to notice the Divine light within you. Remember that God doesn’t want you to run faster than you have strength. So, make it a point to slow down a little and notice the divinity within you and around you.

Can you feel that light of God within you today? Can you see the Divine light in the animals, plants and people around you? We all have a soul, a divine inner light that connects us to our creator. We often go through life without thinking about all of the light that actually surrounds us. ☀️ We often close ourselves off to it. We allow the busyness, overwhelm and distraction to get in the way. We don’t take enough time during our day to SLOW DOWN & Just enjoy the little moments.

Instead we live our lives often running too fast, overdoing things, comparing ourselves to others, judging ourselves and focusing on our lack rather than focusing on what we’re blessed to have. We often use social media, tv, food, shopping and many other activities to buffer or numb our emotions. We’re not willing to sit with ourselves for a few minutes to just feel what is going on in our hearts to help ourselves process our pain, thoughts, energy and emotions.

We need to be able to teach ourselves to disconnect from all that our minds have going on, to just have a moment to slow down, to breathe and to connect to ourselves. The more we’re able to do that, the more we will get to know ourselves. The more comfortable we will become at feeling all kinds of emotions and helping ourselves to connect to God and return to feeling calm, peaceful and with an abundance of love. (Which is what that light within us is all about )

This practice of slowing down and noticing the light will impact all areas of our lives. As we practice noticing the light in each moment we will be able acknowledge the Divine light within us more often and the power that comes from it which RISES above our worries that may be temporary. We will also be better able to see that same divine light of God all around us in the eyes of our loved ones, the people we come in contact with, animals, plants and all other living things. Acknowledging the light in others helps us to connect to the divine light that is within all living things as well.

This Christmas season and throughout the New Year, I invite you to focus on the light. When we can focus on the light of God, we’re better able to invite more of it into our lives. We can forgive others with a sense of knowing that Gods Rivne light allows it to be easier for me to forgive and to see others in divine light too. We can also recognize with humility our mistakes, and know that there’s a loving God who is always ready to help us on our journey toward becoming a purer soul. He is ready to fill us with more light, he is ready to forgive us when we come to Him in humility. He is willing to give us more light if we desire to invite it and to see it more in our daily life.

OUR SOUL’S MISSION IS TO LEARN ABOUT THE DIVINITY WITHIN US AND ALLOW THAT DIVINITY TO EXPAND!!! So, let’s slow down a little and focus on seeing the divinity within ourselves and all around us. See that divine light in your family members, in the plants, animals and all living things. Recognize the light, bless it, welcome the light of God around you to come in and reside within you. Your light is already there. You just have to allow God to let you feel more of His light flowing through you.

Feel His peace and His love by being willing to NOTICE THE DIVINITY THAT FLOWS WITHIN YOU AND AROUND YOU. Allow yourself to invite more of the light and love of God to reside within you and around you today. Let go of the things that don’t help you or serve you and do your best to be present and to sense the spirit of all that is Divine around you. Allow your day to flow from an abundance of light. Notice that the light of God brings a calm confidence. Trust that you’re surrounded by that loving peace and abundance from God and that all of your needs will be met and you will be able to prioritize and focus on the truly important things. The things that matter. The things that have eternal importance.

I pray that today and this end of the year you practice letting go of the stress and instead focus on inviting more light to be with you. Remember that the light of the body begins with our eyes. And what we choose to see and focus on. Set your eyes on things that uplift, edify, build faith and remember to see the world around you with eyes that are focused on seeing the light of God. Try this for today and feel the difference.

If you need to release stress and re-center or re-charge yourself. I invite you to join this class tonight at 7pm. It won’t just help you physically, but it will also strengthen your mind and soul. You will experience a wonderful meditation to help you relax and align yourself to divine light. And you will leave feeling re-charged, renewed, peaceful and calm so that your focus can be re-centered during a time of the year when we need a little more of that. 🫶🏼

Our spiritual goal is to focus on the light of God within us and around us daily. Let’s allow His light to reside brightly within us to help us focus on gratitude and on taking each moment one step at a time in the direction that allows us to feel more of that light. Then, we will be better able to be a light to others as well. 🙂

Our physical goal is to take care of ourselves by exercising during the week and also thinking about the health goals that we want to accomplish. Let’s make it a goal to exercise a little daily. This will also help us get rid of stress. & Eating healthy will keep us having the right energy that our body needs to work optimally. So, try it and do your best each day to love yourself and take care of yourself. You deserve this! ❤️

Love you all and keep doing your best. Focus on the good and do your best to enjoy each day to the fullest. Thank you all for sharing your divine light with me! I’m blessed and so thankful to know each and every one of you. Can’t wait to see you tonight & for us to do this together! 💪🏼🥰



Daily Gifts 💛

Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift just for today. Embrace it and enjoy it before it fades away.” If we choose to see the gifts that God has given us, we will see His fingerprints of Love and divinity all around us.

Some days may be harder than others. Regardless of the type of day we may be having, it’s important to remember that we need to slow down. To focus on TODAY. To take it one day at a time or one moment at a time. We can make a conscious choice to be present, in the here and now. We can ask God to help us become more aware of our surroundings, and more willing to focus on our blessings.

We can choose to be filled with Peace in this moment. We can choose to be filled with Love and light. All of these are gifts that we can give to ourselves. Gifts that we can give to God, and gifts that we can give to others. We can choose to focus our attention on seeing the light, beauty and love that is woven in all that surrounds us at this very moment.

God wants us to be more present. He tells us in Mathew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

We can remind ourselves God wants us to practice being more present. That each moment brings with it the gift of life and the chance to love. This small moment, this precious day will not come again. We have never seen a day like this before. Therefore we must try to make it the best it can be. And to focus our choices and activities on what is truly important and on what will allow us to feel more comfortable and connected to God and his daily gifts.

We can change the way we see things normally, and focus instead on the beauty that is around us. we can start to view our day as being saturated in sacred sights and sounds. Then, this moment right here, right now, where we are, broken, messy, or whatever it may be, becomes a beautiful & holy moment.

James 1:17 Says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

God is the provider and the giver of all Good gifts. If we choose to see His light in our lives, we will see Him and feel Him. He gives us more than we realize daily. He loves us and wants us to keep our view focused on Him. The Father of lights, the Father of our souls. He who knows the end from the beginning is ready to help us and lift us daily. We just have to reach up to Him and consciously be aware of how blessed we are and the gifts that He is constantly giving us.

So, let’s remind ourselves today to look up! Look up to the Father of lights to fill us with more light. As his children we already have his light within us. But it is up to us to fill our hearts, homes and all that surrounds us with more of His divine light.

Let’s remember to not allow the enemy to bring us down. Recognizing the negative ways in which he affects us. But also remembering that we’re stronger than we realize. Our power comes from our Father in Heaven. Who is filled with love, light and peace. He is the giver of all good gifts. Who is granting us the gift of being here today.

We can reject negativity with prayer and feeding our minds and souls all that is good & uplifting. We get to CHOOSE to focus on the light or not. God invites us to experience His love in the daily moments that He gives us on this earth. So, Enjoy them and allow your heart to be peaceful and soak in that daily divine light.

During this Christmas season I invite each one of us to look for the light, for the gifts that God so abundantly gives each one of us daily. I invite us to also be a light to others and to consciously choose to be filled with Love, Light and Peace form one moment to the next. Let’s recognize and thank God for all of the gifts He has blessed us with and continues to provide even to this very moment.

Finally, I want to challenge you to make a promise to yourself to take your focus away from yourself this holiday season and instead think of a gift that you could give to God. Ask yourself “What is one gift that I could offer to God this week?” What would be a good gift to give Him for all He does for me?” I pray that as you do this you will be blessed to feel an even greater abundance of Gods love and blessings.

Tonight in class I invite you to be in the moment. To enjoying the gift of being able to move your body and to strengthen yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed I invite you to make time for class & think about the ways in which it will benefit you. Come ready to have a peaceful meditation that will re-center you and re-focus you on the truly important things in your life. This is the time of the year when we need this the most. Love you all and let’s do this together! 💖


Lili 🌸