Thy Will Be Done ❤️

I recently read this quote that I loved and I wanted to share it with you. It says: “The submission of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar. The many other things we ‘give,’ … are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us. However, when you and I finally submit ourselves, by letting our individual wills be swallowed up in God’s will, then we are really giving something to Him! It is the only possession which is truly ours to give!” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell)

I’ve been thinking about how we can reach a higher level of aligning our will to Gods, and this quote really struck me. It’s so true that everything that we have comes from God…The one and only thing that we can willingly offer or give to God is our will. ❤️ & even though that seems hard to do, because we don’t want to let go of the control of our things. We have to recognize that at some point or another in our lives we are faced with opportunities or challenges that teach us to practice what it means to let go of our will and bring it into alignment or submission to Gods.

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of submitting to the Father’s will. His entire mortal ministry—from His baptism to His suffering in Gethsemane and ultimate sacrifice on the cross—was a testimony of complete obedience, humility, and trust in the Father’s plan. By studying how He aligned His will with God’s, we can learn to do the same in our own lives.

One of the ways we can learn about this, is by the example of how JESUS FOLLOWED THE FATHER’S WILL.

1. He Sought the Father’s Will in All Things.
Jesus never acted alone. He constantly sought His Father’s direction. He declared, “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me” (John 6:38). His mission was not about personal gain or comfort but about fulfilling God’s divine plan. I believe that we can try to follow Christs example by going to our Father in Heaven more often in prayer and seeking for His direction. That we may trust in Him in ALL THINGS just as Christ did.

2. He Prayed with Sincerity and Submission
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ demonstrated the deepest form of submission when He prayed, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). Even when faced with unimaginable suffering, He chose to trust the Father’s wisdom over His own desires.

3. He Acted with Faith, Even When It Was Hard
Jesus didn’t just acknowledge the Father’s will, He acted on it. He healed, taught, served, and ultimately gave His life, knowing that the Father’s plan was perfect. His willingness to endure all things, including rejection, pain, and death, was rooted in His absolute trust in God’s purpose.

4. He Found Strength Through the Spirit
The Savior was never alone in His obedience. He was strengthened by the power of the Holy Ghost. “And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him” (Luke 22:43). Just as He received divine help, we too can be strengthened when we seek to do God’s will.

So, how can we follow the Father’s will?

1. Seek Revelation Daily
Just as Jesus turned to the Father in prayer, we must also seek God’s will through sincere communication. Regular, heartfelt prayer invites personal revelation, and studying the scriptures helps us recognize His voice.

2. Be Willing to Submit, Even When It’s Hard
Sometimes, God’s plan may differ from our own. Like Christ, we must be willing to say, “Not my will, but thine, be done.” This requires humility, faith, and trust that God knows what is best for us.

3. Act on What You Receive
Faith is not just believing…It’s acting. When we receive promptings, follow them, even if they are difficult or unclear. As we move forward with faith, the Lord will guide our steps.

4. Rely on the Strength of the Atonement
Jesus Christ not only set the example…He also made it possible for us to succeed. When we struggle to follow God’s will, we can turn to the enabling power of the Atonement. Through Christ, we can overcome fear, doubt, and weakness, allowing us to press forward with confidence.

When we choose to follow the Father’s will, we find true peace, joy, and purpose. The world may not always understand our choices, and trials may still come, but as we align our will with God’s, we will feel His love and direction in ways we never imagined.

Just as Christ trusted the Father’s plan and was exalted in glory, we too can receive all that the Father has as we faithfully follow Him. As President Russell M. Nelson has taught, “When you know your divine identity and purpose, your life takes on new meaning.”

As we choose give to God the one and only thing that we can truly give to Him, our will. We will see that we will be blessed for placing our trust in our creator and in our Savior! He is our exemplar, the Savior will be ready to help us in our journey of letting go of our “natural man” & in the process of giving our will to Gods. As we practice trusting in Him, we will see that its easier to act on the impressions that we feel. We will be able to feel closer to the Lord, trust His plan, and move forward with faith.

Don’t ever forget that you have a loving God ready to help you. He wants you to trust HIM. He will lead you, strengthen you and bless your life in ways you cannot yet see. I pray that you’ll feel this stronger desire in your life to let go and trust in God more. Enough to be able to say “Thy will, not mine be done.”

Hope that you can make it to class tonight to release stress and to help you strengthen your body mind and spirit. Our meditation will be focused on letting go of the things that are heavier and inviting more light, peace and love into our lives. Hope to see you there!! 🥰❤️


Lili 🌸

Nourishing The Whole Self 💖

In a world filled with constant demands, fast-paced schedules, and unrelenting challenges, it’s easy to feel stretched thin, pulled in every direction and left wondering how to find balance. Yet, many of us have been blessed to have learned about divine truths that teach us the importance of nurturing not just one aspect of ourselves, but the whole self: body, mind, and spirit.

This holistic approach to self-care is not just a fleeting trend or some nice words to say. It’s actually been taught by God our Father in Heaven and by our Savior Jesus Christ. When we learn to care for all three elements of our being, we unlock greater peace, strength, and purpose.

The Body: A Sacred Temple

Our bodies are gifts from a loving Heavenly Father. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost and that we are “bought with a price.” Recognizing the sacred nature of our physical bodies inspires us to treat them with reverence and care.

This means nourishing our bodies with wholesome food, getting sufficient rest, and finding joy in movement. It also means avoiding substances or practices that harm our physical well-being. As we strive to avoid addictive substances or practices, and as we strive to care for our body, we are better able to align ourselves with God’s design, and we invite greater health and vitality into our lives.

But caring for our bodies goes beyond physical health. It’s about cultivating gratitude for the miracle of life itself. When we honor our bodies, we acknowledge their divine purpose as vessels to carry out God’s work on earth. We can express gratitude for everything that our bodies are able to do for us daily. And we can allow ourselves to walk day to day filled with love and gratitude for the body we are given and the blessing of being able to care for it and love it.

The Mind: A Gateway to Truth

Our minds are incredible gifts. Capable of creativity, reasoning, reflection and growth. In Doctrine and Covenants 93:36 says; “The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth.” Caring for our minds means dedicating ourselves to lifelong learning, filling our thoughts with all that is positive, uplifting and good. And seeking knowledge in both spiritual and temporal matters.

In a world overflowing with information, it’s important for us to be discerning. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has taught, “Seek out the majesty, the beauty, and the exhilarating joy of the truths of the gospel. They will lift your spirits and cause your burdens to fade into the background”. We also read in D&C 88:118 Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.

Developing our minds also includes protecting our mental health. Turning to the Savior in times of stress or discouragement, seeking professional help when needed, and surrounding ourselves with supportive people are all ways to strengthen this powerful and amazing gift of our mind, that God has given us.

The Spirit: Anchored in Christ

At the core of everything is the spirit. The eternal part of us that connects with God. Nurturing our spirits involves daily habits of prayer, scripture study, seeking quiet moments and worship. It’s through these practices that we hear God’s voice and feel His guidance in our lives.

The Savior Himself set the perfect example of spiritual self-care. He often withdrew from the crowds to pray and commune with His Father (Luke 5:16). Likewise, we must prioritize time to be still, reflect, and reconnect with the divine.

President Russell M. Nelson said: “Through daily prayer and feasting upon the words of Christ in the scriptures and the words of living prophets, we can receive the Savior’s guidance and protection”. When we invest in our spiritual well-being, we are strengthened to face life’s challenges with faith and hope.

Striving for Balance

Caring for the body, mind, and spirit is not about perfection but about progress. Some seasons may demand more focus on one area than another, and that’s okay. The key is to strive for balance and listen to the quiet promptings of the Spirit, which often guide us toward what we need most.

When we take the time to nurture ourselves holistically, we become better instruments in the hands of God. We are more prepared to serve, love, and fulfill our divine potential.

Heavenly Father gives us a divine invitation to care for our whole beings. Our own individual body, mind, and spirit working together in harmony. By caring for each part of ourselves, we honor His plan and draw closer to Him. As we seek to nurture our whole selves, let us remember the Savior’s loving invitation:

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Through Him, we can find true rest, healing, and joy as we strive to care for the beautiful, divine creations that we are. Let us embrace this journey with faith, knowing that we are never alone. & that God has a beautiful plan and purpose for our lives. He loves us and wants us to love, care and protect our whole self. Recognizing that each day comes with a blessing a gift and an opportunity to care for this body, mind and spirit.

I pray that this message will allow you to feel a little more connected to your divine love of our creator and loving Father in Heaven. That you may have a stronger desire to care for your whole self and that you may be a light to others on their journey of loving and caring for themselves as well.

Tonight in class, we will have an opportunity to strengthen our bodies, release stress, quiet our minds and give our spirit a little time to recharge. I hope that you can join us and that you can leave feeling amazing physically, mentally and Spiritually. Love you all & can’t wait to see you there! 💖


Lili 🌸

Be Still 💖

The other day I was rushing through my day, trying to do things as fast as possible. I noticed that it was cloudy and gloomy which is unusual for the Florida sunshine that we’re used to having. But it’s on days like these when I usually feel kinda lazy, bummed and not really wanting to do much. But this specific day I was just going, going going! As fast as I could to try to get things done before appointments and having to leave the house to run errands and stuff.

All of a sudden, while I was running around I saw the sun fully come through the clouds and light up my backyard! ☀️ It was as if the sunshine was calling me, because I felt this voice in my heart telling me to STOP everything I was doing and just step outside to enjoy the sunlight for a few minutes before it went away. I quickly took my AirPods out of my ears and ran outside to just sit in the sun for a moment.

As I was sitting there, I took a moment to just close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and give myself a moment to say a little prayer and talk to my Father in Heaven for a little while. After I finished my prayer, the sun became even brighter! 🥹 As it shown down on me, I could feel that my heart, mind and spirit were completely covered by my Heavenly Father’s love! ❤️ I felt that He knows me completely and the love that I felt is more than what I can describe.

The answer to my prayers was so beautiful…& even though i’m not sharing all of the details about it…I cried because I heard & felt the voice of my Father in Heaven clearly speak to my mind and heart. It was so beautiful! & I get emotional just thinking about it. There was a moment during that answer that I received when I felt the presence and love from my Grandpa who passed away years ago. I couldn’t believe that God was answering my prayer and that He allowed me to feel the presence of my grandpa, 😭 his immense love for me, for his daughter (my mom) and for my whole family. It was so beautiful! I think that we often forget that our loved ones who are in Heaven are also our angels. & they’re also willing to comfort us when we need it. It was an amazing experience and something that I’ll never be able to forget. 💖 But I still wanted to share it, in case it’s meant to help at least one of you who’s reading this message.

So, when people say, how do you know that God lives or that He really exists?…It’s because of experiences like these that I know that He lives! It’s when I know that I couldn’t possibly make up something like the experience that I had. That the feelings that I experienced, what I heard and saw in my mind and what I felt in my heart, can’t be duplicated. I know that God spoke to me this week and I’m incredibly thankful for that and I know I can’t deny what I felt. It’s just amazing to me. 🥲❤️

These are the moments that are treasured in my heart & that remind me that there’s a loving God who does want to hear from us. He wants to answer our prayers, He wants us to know that He LOVES US. And that He’s there for us ready to give us guidance and wisdom. As long as we’re willing to step away from our distractions and just be in a moment of STILLNESS. To allow ourselves to pour our heart to Him, to seek His light ☀️ and to allowing ourselves to just have a moment listen and wait for Him to speak to us. 🫶🏼

James 1:5-6 says

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

So, if you feel that you’re lacking wisdom or that you need help with ANYTHING that you may be going through in your life…I invite you to TRUST in Gods promise when He says that if you lack wisdom HE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU! I invite you to set aside all the things for a few minutes and to just give yourself a moment to sit in nature. To speak to God and open your heart to Him. & then, I invite you to just be in stillness and listen. 💖 Focusing all of your heart, mind and energy to just inviting the light of your Father in Heaven and your Savior Jesus Christ to be poured over you. I promise that as you do so, you will feel and know for yourself that God loves you! That He cares about every little thing that’s going on in your life & that YOU ARE IN HIS HANDS.

Speaking to each of us, the Lord says, “Fear … not; … I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; … I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

I pray that you may experience Gods divine love for yourself! That you may seek the light or the “sunshine” that He can provide especially on the darkest and cloudiest days of your life. I know that He will be there for you. So, make yourself a promise that you will set aside time for stillness in your day, to speak to your loving Father in Heaven in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. & that you may feel peace in your heart. A peace that is not of this world, but a peace and a love that goes straight into your soul. God wants to speak to you individually. He wants to let you know that He’s there!l. We just have to do our part to come to Him and to experience Him for ourselves.

I love the words of C. S. Lewis when he said: “I pray because I can’t help myself. … I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.”

I’m so thankful for the experience that I had this week with prayer. It definitely changed me and it continues to transform me to know that God is present in my life. I pray that the power of prayer and stillness will change each one of us individually. ❤️ & I hope that you know that I’m here for you too!! If there’s ever an experience or a struggle that you want to share with me, I’m here hear it and to be with you on this journey. 🥹🫶🏼

Tonight in class we will not only get rid of stress and strengthen our bodies. But we will also make time for stillness and to have a moment to feel closer to God. I invite you to do this for yourself. It will feel amazing and you won’t regret it. 🥹❤️🙏🏼 Love you all and hope to see you tonight at 7pm. 🥰


Lili 🌸

Inner Peace Keeper 💛

With everything going on in our world, and the different challenges that we all face, It’s easy to allow the chaos of it all to increase and cause greater emotional stress, fear and anxiety.

We see that not only is our peace constantly being attacked, but we’re becoming more addicted to distraction, devices, comparison, food etc. It seems like we’re all looking for ways to “numb”our emotions. We seem more disconnected and more attached to what’s going on around us and outside of ourselves than knowing what’s going on within us.

Have you noticed that the world as a whole is having a harder time controlling their feelings, thoughts and emotions? People seem to be more explosive, less patient and unable to control themselves. Sadly, we’re becoming a society that’s more disconnected, divided and addicted. Numbing our emotional stress with outside sources and completely forgetting how to stop, breathe and silence our minds and hearts.

It’s during times like these that we need to reach inward a little more. We need to practice checking in with our internal self a little more often. Allowing ourselves to take a moment to breathe, calm our mind and heart and check in with kindness and love about how we’re feeling and doing. The practice of checking in on ourselves will allow us to see where we’re experiencing pain and disappointment. So that we may “process” that pain the best way we can without having to reach for our typical “numbing” actions. Can you imagine how amazing it would feel to practice and learn how to regulate our own internal feelings, thoughts and emotions? To have a place of peace where we can compassionately deal with the situations and invite God to help us keep our strengthen and our inner peace centered and focused for whatever we may have to experience.

Remember that the enemy of our souls will always push for us to become dependent on outside sources. So that we may become a “slave” to those things. The enemy will even lie to each one of us and tell us that it’s too uncomfortable to sit with our feelings. That we can’t look within ourselves etc…But that’s exactly how he ties us to more addictions and material things that keep us away from God. The enemy knows that if he can keep us distracted, unable to process our feelings and especially keeping us from speaking or communicating with God. Then, that’s exactly how he wins. By attaching us to worldly desires and making us miserable like himself.

God, our Father in Heaven, on the other hand, wants us to be able to RISE ABOVE that. He wants us to LEARN HOW TO TAKE CARE OF PROTECTING OUR INNER PEACE. He wants us to CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES to turn to our creator for the help that we need.

So, we can choose to create within ourselves that strong determination to remind ourselves constantly that WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. & as such, WE HAVE ACCESS TO DIVINE POWER, LIGHT AND GREATER PEACE. He wants us to know that we don’t need to depend on anything material or of this world to bring us the peace that we seek. But to know instead, that God is the giver of our peace. He can provide that peace way more abundantly, even amidst the storms of life. So that when the difficulties come, we may know in whom we trust and remain peaceful and faithful.

This week I want to motivate you and encourage you to push past the discomfort & take a deeper look within yourself. Remember that this will most likely not feel very comfortable at first, and you may be tempted to grab your phone or turn on the TV, or call a friend or whatever else you try to do to get out of fully sitting for a moment and just feeling your feelings and emotions. 

The goal is to practice when you’re triggered by something. Just take a moment to close your eyes, cover your ears, breathe and feel within yourself what’s going on. Take a moment to see your feelings and thoughts clearly. If it’s possible, see them from a distance…so that they’re not fully “attached to you.” Take a moment to recognize that you are not your thoughts, and that you get to choose how to reach to every situation.

Allow your in this moment to invite divine light into your heart and soul. Ask God to be with you. To give you His LOVE, His STRENGTH, and His PEACE. Ask Him to remove those feelings. Then allow yourself to feel that amazing power flowing from God INTO YOUR HEART, MIND AND SOUL. His healing light will be with you as you allow yourself to be open to receiving from Him. There’s nothing in the world that can compare to that feeling of knowing that something comes directly from God to you!!! ❤️ So, JUST LISTEN FOR WHAT GOD WILL SPEAK TO YOUR HEART AND MIND. If you’d like to record your feelings or write down any wisdom that God places in your heart, that will be an amazing blessing to you to be able to recognize, record and act on what God speaks directly to YOU. 🫶🏼

This is how your inner peace won’t be attached to material or worldly things. But instead it will be attached to God. So that when you leave this earth you will experience that same peace of knowing that God knows you and that YOU KNOW HIM, LOVE HIM AND TRUST HIM. ❤️ God loves to speak to you!!! He wants a relationship with you, but you have to be willing to be silent, to not be distracted but to listen with a humble heart and be willing to do what feels right, good, loving and peaceful to your heart, mind and soul. God speaks. We just have to listen and allow His light to fill our minds and hearts and keep us anchored on trusting in God and not the world around us.

We can become our own best cheerleader! Our own best friend, our own protector of our peace in this life. We can gain greater strength to reject all that is bad or damaging for our minds, hearts and souls. We can fight against evil and focus instead on inviting all that is good, all that invites compassion, love and peace to reside within us. As we strengthen ourselves internally we will be able to respond better and in a wider and higher way to all the different difficulties that we may have in this life. Our inner peace and strength need to become one of our highest priorities. 💪🏼🥰

So, let’s take a moment to practice breathing. Check on your emotions and change them for the better. Take a moment to just sit in silence. Close your eyes and breathe. Whatever is troubling you today, whatever is bringing you fear or frustration….Take a moment to sit with those feelings. Recognize each emotion and how it presents in your body. For example; “This is anger or frustration, I feel tightness in my chest or I feel it in my throat..etc” “I want to release this emotion and allow myself to come to peace & calm” you can say to yourself “I invite the peace of God to come and be with me. To heal me and to strengthen me and remind me of my inner and divine light. “ I choose this hour to keep my peace centered on a God who sees me, who hears me, who loves me and who wants to help me. “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and with His help I protect my inner peace and I choose light, love and peace to be with and to surround me on this day.” ❤️ As a child of God, I am love, I am peace, I am complete, whole and protected.” Whatever comes to your heart that inspires love, and light comes from God. Keep Breathing and feel that peace calmness covering you completely. 💛

After you do this for yourself, be proud of your ability to look inward and to allow yourself to check on how you’re doing internally in your mind, heart and soul. Be thankful for the opportunity to feel these emotions, and to be able to reach up to God who is the true giver of lasting peace. Recognize how He’s able to be with you in this very moment, to help you clear the internal chaos & to RETURN you to calm, joy and peace. 💛

Our goal for this week is that we may be the best inner peace keeper that we can be for ourselves. To allow for quiet moments to be with us so that we may connect to that higher source of peace and love which comes from God. We can ask God to help us focus on our internal light and peace instead of what the world wants us to focus on. We can ask Him to give us the strength to change the way we view ourselves or others and to strengthen our ability to protect our inner peace. I know that as we practice this skill, it will increase your inner power day by day and we will experience true Joy and true peace regardless of the other attachments that this world tries to place on us. We’ve got this! God wants us to feel His peace and He will help us to do so.

John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️ 

There’s nothing greater on this earth than being able to experience the peace that can only come from a loving God. He will strengthen you, help you and lift you, take away your fears and fill your life with peace one hour at a time. ❤️ I pray that you’ll be able to feel His peace and allow yourself to be the KEEPER AND THE PROTECTOR OF YOUR LIGHT AND INNER PEACE.

This is our Spiritual goal this week is: To be the protector of or our inner peace, and that we won’t depend on material things to help us feel better. But instead that we may have the wisdom to know where true peace comes from. To learn about our divine ability to seek a better relationship within ourselves and with our creator so that we may be comfortable in our bodies and able to deal with our emotions in a healthier way allowing God’s peace to recharge us and be with us more fully. 🫶🏼

Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body more water and healthy nutrient rich foods that we need. ❤️

Hope To see you in class tonight at 7pm. Make this promise to yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This will allow you to release stress, strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will have an amazing opportunity to practice being the keeper of our inner peace during a wonderful meditation. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference.


Lili 🌸

New Year Renewal 💛

As this New Year begins we all have a desire to better ourselves, to set goals for ourselves and to work toward them. But did you know that the majority of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions within four months, and many people abandon them within the first two weeks? I hope that each one of us can take a moment this week to think about the types of goals we want to have. To make them with a spirit of prayer and looking for the wisdom that God wants to provide us so that we may strive to work on them, one day at a time and to not give up on them. 🙂

God wants to help us to better ourselves. He wants us to come to Him and to seek His divine wisdom and guidance for our lives. We can trust that He will provide the inspiration that we need so that we may know which goals are the best goals. Not just thinking about what we want but most importantly to think about what goals God would want us to set for ourselves.

Having Gods approval as we set our goals, will create a stronger within us to work toward them. So, take your goals to Him and ask Him to help you to know what is the best goals to set for yourself spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially etc. God won’t overwhelm you. Instead He will help you to feel peace, to let you know that He loves you and He will help you to recognize the things that matter most.

Our Father in Heaven wants us to be prepared to meet Him. So, we must strive daily to have a good relationship with our creator so we may be inspired to know the things that we need to change or the things that we need to do more of to be able to see Him whenever is our time to leave this earth. We all know that life is vulnerable, none of us know much time we really have on this earth. A friend of mine recently lost her mother unexpectedly from one day to the next. It was heartbreaking for her family and I’m important reminder that this is the time to prepare to meet God. None of us know when we will be called to the presence of God. But how amazing will it feel to know that we KNOW GOD. That He knows is and that we trust in Him and His wisdom.

Whatever we have going on in our spirit, is exactly what will rise with us in the spirit world. The prophets have warned us: “Ye cannot say … that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will … possess your body in that eternal world.” Another prophet adds, “He that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still.”

Great is the knowledge that “whatever principle of intelligence we attain … in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.” “God has … a time … appointed … when He will bring all His subjects, who have obeyed His voice and kept His commandments, into His celestial rest. This rest is of such perfection and glory, that man has need of a preparation before he can, according to the laws of that kingdom, enter it and enjoy its blessings. … God has given certain laws to the human family, which, if observed, are sufficient to prepare them to inherit this rest.”

These words from prophets are true! We must strive daily to live each day as if it’s our last. To repent, forgive, love more, express our love to others, take care of our body, mind and spirit in the way that God would want us to today.

So, one of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to live in the now. To know that we can’t control the past or the future. All we have power to control is the now. The gift of being here today at this very moment. This is the only time we really have. You have chosen to read this message 🙂 so, try to slow down a little to practice being present. Just breathe and Take a moment to connect to what you see, hear, smell, taste, touch. Look at the nature around you. Look up at the sky, see the clouds passing, notice the trees and all living things which God continues to support and care of. Remember that not one leaf falls without His knowledge. And just as He takes care of the animals and the plants…How much more will He take care of YOU? Who are His Child. ❤️

This New Year I invite you to be more present, more focused on Christ. More willing to let go of your lusts and desires and instead anchor yourself more on God. Set your Goals with Gods approval and guidance. Focus on each hour that you have. To take it one day at a time remembering that the only time to be present and focused on the truly important things is now.

I invite you to strengthen your relationship with God and to believe in Him. Mosiah 4:9 says: “Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend”

And as you seek God throughout your year remember what Hebrews 11:6 says: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”

God doesn’t want us to run faster than we have strength. He wants us to have wisdom on what we choose to do with our time. He just wants you to trust Him, to believe in His rewards for us. & to invite Him to be in our lives MORE! ❤️ So that we may feel His love, peace, grace, forgiveness and abundance in our process of becoming one day at a time, one hour at a time.

Finally, I want to remind you that God has purpose for your life. When God created us He had a plan in mind and a mission for each one of us to accomplish. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God wants us to be hopeful, to trust Him and to do our best to accomplish His plans for us.

I promise that if you make it a daily goal to speak to God and seek for His wisdom, the Holy Ghost, who is the comforter, from the presence of God, will come upon you and bring you peace. He will assure us that God hears all of our prayers, that He is taking care of us and ALL will be ok.

As we choose to act on communicating with God and continue to have faith in God’s power, He will strengthen us individually and give us the daily bread or daily wisdom to help us know what we should focus on this day and this hour. Remember that we can’t just wish for things to happen and that’s it. When we have faith in God we gain a stronger desire to ACT. We become more willing to put in the work necessary toward becoming who we are meant to be.

God said; “Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in Faith believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you.” (Moroni 7:26)

God is ready to bless us when we have a pure heart. We can seek Him and ask Him, BELIEVING that we will receive.

Christ said; “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” (Moroni 7:33) That promise in His word, reminds us that we will have power through our faith to accomplish the desires of our hearts that align with the desires that God has for us. So, with our Faith in God, we’re better able to see more clearly which goals we should focus on and actually work on accomplishing them.

I pray that you feel inspired to reach out to God and seek His peace, strength and light today. I know He has helped me when I have asked Him for help and I know that He will do the same for you too!

Love you all and thank you for having a desire to keep God’s light flowing through you. He’s got you & He will help you to become the best version of yourself one day at a time. 💪🏼😉 Trust Him! Believe in Him and Know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Let’s have an amazing 2025! Can’t wait to see you in class tonight to start working on our physical and spiritual goals 🥰❤️🎉


Lili 🌸