Where’s My Focus? 💖

Life isn’t always easy, we all experience difficult circumstances that can sometimes make it harder for us to focus on the good and the joy that we can feel.

This week I went into a store to purchase a couple of things. I wasn’t thinking anything about it, until I met a girl who worked there and was trying to help me. We started talking about makeup, and all of a sudden we ended up talking about life and how things don’t always turn out the way you plan etc. She mentioned that she struggles with comparing herself to other people, and how that makes her feel…I think all of us can relate to that.

We talked about social media and how it can make you feel pretty terrible about yourself. I told her that we all struggle with thoughts like that. We see others lives and think that their lives are so perfect…but we have no idea what kind of struggles those people are facing in their lives too. I told her that God has a perfect plan for her and that she doesn’t need to compare herself to anybody else. Comparison truly steals our joy & it robs us of opportunities to be happy and to feel love for ourselves and others. God definitely doesn’t want us to walk through life feeling like that. 🙁

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to let go of comparisons. To remind ourselves that we are on our own path. The path that God has created for each one of us individually. His path is a path that allows for Joy to be present even during the challenges we face.

Comparing ourselves to others is one of the quickest ways to drain our joy. It’s easy to look around and feel like other people are doing better, but the truth is: everyone has struggles, even if we don’t see them.

Here’s how to stop the comparison game:

Remind yourself: social media isn’t real life. People share their highlight reels, not their struggles. No one has a perfect life.

Celebrate your own progress. Instead of looking at what others have, focus on how far you have come. What have you learned? How have you grown? That’s what matters.

Replace comparison with inspiration. If someone has something you admire, don’t let it make you feel “less than.” Instead, let it inspire you. If they can do it, so can you—in your own way and timing.

Trust that God has a plan just for you. God created you to have Joy! 2 Nephi 2:25 says: “men are, that they might have joy” Your journey is meant to be different from anyone else’s, and that’s a good thing.

In the ups and downs of life, you can choose to have God by your side and focus instead on inviting the good into your life. On taking ownership of your thoughts and understanding that no matter what circumstances are happening…You can always change your focus and choose to feel Joy instead. Here are a few ideas that can help us to change our focus.

1. Be Present & Find Joy in the Small Moments.

One of the biggest ways to invite more joy into your life is to focus on now. Not the past, not the future—just this moment. Try these simple ways to stay present:

Take deep breaths – When life feels overwhelming, pause and take a few slow breaths. It calms your mind and brings you back to the moment.

Notice the good – Whether it’s a warm cup of tea, a sunrise, a smile from a stranger, or a song you love, joy is often in the little things we overlook.

Keep a gratitude list – Every day, write down three things you’re thankful for. It’s hard to feel joyless when you focus on what’s good.

2. Strengthen Your Mind & Choose Joy

Joy isn’t about never having struggles—it’s about learning how to rise above them. Here are a few ways to strengthen your mindset:

Change your perspective. Instead of thinking, “Why is this happening to me?”, ask, “What can I learn from this?”

Do something kind for someone else. Service is one of the fastest ways to shift your focus and feel joy.

Be kind to yourself. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself. You deserve encouragement too.

3. Connect with God & Your Higher Self

True joy comes from within and from allowing God to be present in our lives. ❤️

Pray or meditate. Talk to God, or simply sit in silence and connect with your inner peace. Allow yourself to speak to God and Listen to Him speak to your heart, mind and soul. He will let you feel His peace and remind you of how much He loves you.

Remember, you are more than your circumstances. You can say to yourself: “I am a divine soul, not just my body or my role.” This means your worth isn’t based on achievements or what others think—it’s already within you.

Trust in God’s timing. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven.” Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t.

As we go through life and experience the hills and valleys of life. We also begin to understand what some feelings and thoughts feel right for our soul, and others don’t. We begin to recognize more clearly that we CAN practice changing our focus. Letting go of the negative and focusing instead on the good and the joy that we can experience TODAY. BEING PRESENT, RIGHT HERE & NOW.

Remind yourself that no matter what you’re going through, you can find joy. It’s in the little moments, in being kind to yourself, and in trusting that your path is unfolding exactly as it should. In trusting God for His provision of health, strength, encouragement and love for you. Remember that you’re divinely created. God has a perfect path for you. It is your own unique journey. Trust in God, trust in yourself and in your ability to focus on the joy that you deserve and that is yours to claim.

Our focus for this week and to choose joy. Choose joy in each task that you do. Find the joy in it. Practice letting go of what doesn’t serve you and allow God to fill your heart, mind and soul from one hour to the next with his peace, love and joy.

Finally, in your heart say to yourself: “I open my heart to the possibility of joy flowing in my life. I am grateful for the gifts of today. I trust that my benevolent Father has a divine plan for my highest good. I trust in Him and in myself. I choose Joy one moment at a time” 💛🥰

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm. We will focus on releasing stress and also on allowing ourselves to focus on being joyful and grateful for all that we have and are able to do. Remember that you are your own best cheerleader and that the motivation to get yourself to class has to come from YOU! So, do this for yourself and feel the difference. You’ll leave feeling renewed and amazing! ❤️ Hope to see you there! ❤️


Lili 🌸

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