Do it!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!!! I’m so excited to start 2016 and to be able to do better this year than we did the last.This quote is straight to the point and it spoke to me because I realized that sometimes I say that I’m gonna do this and that…But at the end of the year I notice that I actually never DID those things. :/ The thoughts were in my head all along but the ACTION was never there!!!! 🙁 This year I want to do things differently and I want to work on putting more action into things that are important to me. So, lets do this together! you have my support! Let’s put more ACTION into our lives to actually make things happen for ourselves.:) <3
To start out the year we have to set goals and have a vision for our year. Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” We have to have a vision to know where we’re going, we have to set goals and take action to actually get there and fulfill our vision. That’s why it is so important that we pray for the goals we should set and not just write down a bunch of stuff of what we want. We have to  be grateful and actually think and realize that God has given us another day, another year, another opportunity to become closer to that person that He created us to be. He has a purpose for us on this earth and it is no accident that we are here at this precise time. <3 We have to ask our father in Heaven what goals He wants us to set for ourselves that will guide us in HIS direction for our lives not in our direction…God needs to be our guide.
That is why we come to our Father in Heaven in prayer, to ask, believing in His help, His intelligence and power for our lives. to know that if He wants us to focus on these goals it’s because HE WILL HELP US ACCOMPLISH THEM!!! & He will let us know in our hearts where exactly we should be focusing our energies and what we should be doing every single day. *What better partner can we have than Him??? <3…So, lets lose the fear, come to Him and be willing to listen and DO what He asks.
Here are a few ideas for us to set goals for ourselves on 2016 and actually accomplish them:
  1. After praying and feeling the answer in our hearts of what our goals should be, we can write them down and make them look good! haha 🙂 The reason I say that is because the idea is that we’re not just gonna throw them in a drawer and be done. What we’re gonna do with them is we’re actually gonna *Put them up in our bedroom, bathroom or whatever place in our home that we will for sure SEE them every day! <3 (the key is to be reminded)
  2. The next step, is to break down the goals into doable steps that can be accomplished in either Daily habits, weeks, etc. 🙂 and start adding them to your daily schedule.
  3. Plan your day the night before. with the 5 most important things to accomplish the next day, starting from hardest being #1 to easiest.
  4. The next day, wake up early and start your day with a prayer, a faith building message, meditate, exercise, have a healthy breakfast and then you’re ready to take on the day energized and to use your morning to tackle the hardest things first!!! once you have completed it 100% you can move on to number two. The idea is that you want to do the thing that gives you the greatest return on energy, or your mental and physical energy. ex; ask yourself, *which item will have the greatest value in achieving my main goal? If you don’t get everything done in one day roll things over to the next.
  5. Make a promise to yourself that when you schedule something you will actually DO IT! we have to take ACTION and make things happen!!! That means we gotta move, make phone calls, get up and go exercise, eat healthy or whatever it is that we may not want to do…We have to be strong enough to take ACTION on the things that we schedule for ourselves that will lead to our ultimate goal because nobody else is gonna do it for us. So, don’t let the laziness, the distractions or the one who wants to keep you distracted from accomplish great fulfilling goals get in your way! Satan wants to keep you lazy and fully distracted on other things that are not important and that will keep us away from anything that is good in our lives…We can’t let him win. If you notice a distraction or something that just seems like its one of his tactics to keep you from doing something good for yourself, then say a prayer in your heart, ask God for strength and courage to not be lazy etc…but instead to get you up and moving and to help you take action!!!  God is on your side! and with Him and His power YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS!!! <3
<3 Our spiritual goal for the week is to: Pray and feel guided to set our goals for this year and take action.
<3 Our physical goal for this week is to: Stay away from chemically processed foods! basically if we can’t read and know what the ingredients on the box are, then we shouldn’t be eating it. 🙂
I hope that God can leave in our hearts a desire to push ourselves!!! We’re built from greatness and with that, we can accomplish great and wonderful things in our lives. Now all it takes is ACTION!!! Lets do this together!!! We have God and those who love us on our side!…We can’t fail with God by your side! <3 We can and will fulfill your goals and so much more in our lives!!! <3
Love you all!!! I’m counting down the hours to start class again tomorrow!!! woohoo!!! This year we will get healthier, physically, emotionally and mentally. can’t wait to see everyone again and to add this class to our physical goals and to our routine on Tuesday nights! you will see how great you’ll feel!!! <3…I love the way we feel after class and I wish EVERYONE could feel that too!!! But it all take ACTION 🙂 I’m here for you always! hope to see you tomorrow!!! Have a blessed and wonderful week!!! 🙂 <3

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