
The definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one or having strength when facing pain or grief.

I’ve been thinking about how important it is to have courage as one of our attributes. Specially after reading the message from last week about aligning our goals with God’s will and not ours. We need courage to do exactly what God has put in our hearts to do. Enough courage to fully believe, trust and know that God will help us to accomplish those things which are important to Him. We need that courage to be strong in knowing that there’s only wisdom in following Gods plan for our lives and we need determination to push through when we feel like giving up. Because we know that those are the moments when our courage will truly be tested.


Being courageous requires that we let go of the thoughts or fears about what others may think or say about us. We know that we are not here to please the rest of the world or to “fit in” with society, although it tries to blind us and distract us constantly…But those are the times when we need courage! When society or someone is pulling at us to go in a direction that we know is not going to benefit us at all. Being courageous means that KEEP TRYING! Specially when we are faced with something difficult or when we feel lazy, tired or discouraged.
We basically need courage daily! Courage to say no to something that is bad for us, courage to let go of bad habits, courage  to control our thoughts, appetites, anger and frustrations. Courage to eat healthy, courage to exercise and to do all of those things that are good for our minds and bodies. Finally, we need courage to let go of fears and to trust more deeply in God and in His power to help us.

Joshua 1:9 says;
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest

His promise is real! 🙂 The Lord God is with us wherever we may be, We gain our courage from Him! ✨ He gives us the energy to push through anything that may come our way. He is our courage to make the right choices each day. ☀️ We know that the amount of time that we have on this earth is short. So focusing our goals and efforts on those things that are pleasing to God and that will bring our souls the most  peace and joy should be our priority. Doing this will automatically bring us GREATER COURAGE because we know that we have God on our side to help us accomplish anything that we’re meant to do for Him on this earth. So let’s let go of fear trust Him a lot more and let His power fill us with courage ! ????


Our spiritual goal for the week is: To wake up each morning and pray for the COURAGE to do the things that God needs us to do each day. (From taking care of our health to letting go of bad habits etc…We need courage daily! 🙂
Our physical goal for the week is: To drink enough water! Our bodies are all different and each person needs a different amount. What is recommended is to do half of your body weight in ounces. When we don’t drink enough water our bodies retain it :(…So let’s drink enough and see how much our energy will improve, our bodies will feel better and even our skin will benefit. 🙂 
Hope to see you tonight in class for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation session!!! ? The combination of everything is soooo good for our health! 🙂 Take the time to do something great for yourself! You’ll love the feeling! 🙂 And don’t forget that if you bring a friend who has never been to class your class is free!!! how awesome is that? 🙂
Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week! Do your best one day at a time! ??
Lili ?


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