The power of our thoughts

Our thoughts greatly affect our attitudes, and behavior. Every thought leads to certain actions and as we continue to act on our thoughts wether they’re good or bad, we can eventually see that we do BECOME what we think about most of the time.

So, why is it important to have good thoughts? Have you ever met a person who is extremely negative and constantly complaining?…How do you feel around that person? Maybe drained, tired or you simply don’t want to be around them. Our thoughts are always being expressed outwardly even more often than we realize. We can tell what a person thinks and the quality of their thoughts by the way in which they speak about themselves, their surroundings and others.

On the other hand, we can also notice the difference from the positive thinker. They speak and act differently, their behaviors are completely opposite and people actually enjoy being around them. Our thoughts really do have a lot more power than we think. The longer we stay in a negative state, the more likely it will become a habit, a bad habit. So, if we want to create a positive and good habit we have to practice that and continually keep our minds at a higher more positive level. Positive thinking really can create our happiness. Just one thought can make a difference.

Our THOUGHTS affect our ➡ FEELINGS, our feelings affect our ➡ ACTIONS our actions become our ➡ HABITS and our habits become our ➡ DESTINY

If we really think about it, we can see that our THOUGHTS eventually become our DESTINY! So, how important is it for us to think positively? How important is it for us to feed our minds good things?…Knowing that our thoughts will eventually become our destiny?

Proverbs 23:7 says

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

Basically, everything that we think about we actually become. So, if we say negative things about ourselves, they will happen. If we think negatively about others, our actions will show it and all of those thoughts will eventually be returned to us. If we give off negativity we will receive it and if we think positively about ourselves, others and our situations we will give off good, positive energy that will later be returned to us positively. Keeping our thoughts positive will eventually create that peace in our hearts and allow us to become what we think about. 🙂

We are in control of what we think about and how we let it affect us. In class we talk about how nothing from the outside can affect us inside, unless we give it permission to do so. Its all a chain reaction which begins with our thoughts and how we react to the events that happen in our lives. The equation is:

Event + RESPONSE or Thought = outcome

We can always choose the thoughts & make them good for us 😉

God knows what’s in our hearts, He knows our thoughts and the desires that we have to change for the better and to be more positive and have more faith in Him.

He has said;

Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart. (D&C 6:16)

He knows the things that we want to work on and do better on. He knows our thoughts, how we feel, and because He is so full of live He will help us to overcome our negative habits. He will help us to change our minds and to make our thoughts positive and filled with faith and power on knowing that we are not alone. That our strength doesn’t just depend on us alone, but that we become stronger in God! And as His children we have access to all the love, peace and positivity that our Father possesses as long as we’re willing to be open to receive it. 🙂 He will help us. Trust in His love & know that you’re just a thought away from feeling happy, thankful, peaceful and joyful. ???

Our spiritual goal for the week is to have awareness of our thoughts. To change them into positive thoughts and to strengthen our minds by keeping the good inside of us and getting rid of anything negative with the help and power that God can provide. Our meditation in class tomorrow will have some of this in it 🙂

Our physical goal for the week is to push ourselves to exercise at least 2 days this week. The goal is to add weights or more resistance To our exercises. This will strengthen our muscles and bones and keep us feeling strong and energized. 🙂 We also want to add more water to our days this week. 😉 Make sure to do that! Our bodies need it! 🙂

Hope that you have a wonderful day thinking good thoughts about yourself and others and giving off all that is good. God will return the good that we do into our lives and our joy will be even greater in knowing that God is pleased with our thoughts, feelings and our actions. Doing these things will eventually bring peace, happiness and positivity into our lives. Remember, you’re not alone in this and you can just do your best ONE DAY AT A TIME! ❤️

Hope to see you tomorrow morning for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation. This is your chance to get rid of stress, disconnect from the negative or the unimportant to connect to your higher self. Come try it for yourself and feel the difference. Please don’t forget that Critter Camp will also be offered at 9:30am and your little ones can have a wonderful class as well. Take care of yourself and do your best for each day 🙂

Have a wonderful day!


Lili ?

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