Focus on what matters most ?

This week our goal is to slow down a little and FOCUS on the truly important things in our lives.?So, set the goals that are important to YOU this week and make them happen! ???❤️

You can pray and make it a priority to spend daily time with God, take care of your health, turn off your phone or distractions and instead spend time with your family. ? If possible, Make a list of your top priorities in your life & focus on them each day this week. As we’re able to do this, we will realize what is truly important and significant. We will also notice the things are completely unnecessary, time wasters or negative things which may need to be removed or eliminated ??? As we’re able to be honest with ourselves and filter those things in or out of our lives we will be better able to find more peace and joy in each day. ☀️ ❤️???? Hope that you can accomplish your goals this week. Focus on those things that matter most and feel the difference in your life. ? ??? God is with you to help you though it. Keep your thoughts positive and do your best each day. ❤️

CLASS WILL BE CANCELED NEXT WEEK due to Spring Break. But I hope that you can make it tomorrow at 9am or Thursday night at 6pm to strengthen your Body, Mind & Spirit & tap into that greater potential inside of you! ????



One Reply to “Focus on what matters most ?”

  1. Dear Lili
    Don’t know if I am responding to this email late but as of now we are dealing with the Corona virus. Sometimes its hard to be positive during these hard times when no one knows who will be next to get the virus or die from it. I know that as human beings we have been thru harder times and survived it. I know having a positive way of thinking gets you thru hardships. I know that not allowing discourgement into your mind is hard to fight. But I do know that my faith in God will get me thru this and my sisters and brothers around the world. We are all in this together and we shall over come it altogether. Like God said this too shall pass. I pray for everyone who is going thru hardships because of the virus and all other situations they find themselves in.
    May God be with you and your family. And may he help us thru this cross we are bearing.

    Love ya

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