The Focus Of Your Life ?

As 2021 begins I’ve been thinking about the lessons learned form 2020.

I noticed that I could focus on all the negative things that happened…but as I looked back at my journal for 2020 I remembered that my goal for the year was to record how I could see the hand of God in my life or in the life of my family throughout the year.

I’m thankful that I had recorded the ups and downs of 2020. We all had tears, experienced fear, challenges and difficulties. But, I also noticed that it’s sometimes during the darkest or hardest moments of our lives that we can be a little more polished, we can gain new wisdom that ultimately blesses us and allows us to grow.

As I looked back at what I recorded in my journal, I noticed that I did write about the negative things that were happening. But to my surprise as I kept reading the different experiences I realized that my journal was filled with all of the ways in which I was able to recognize the hand of God in my life and the life of my family. It was beautiful for me to see our 2020 miracles, the answered prayers, the amazing people who were angels to us and all of the other positive things that came from this “Negative year” I realized that I had placed my focus on the positive things, Which was very hard to do in 2020, right? But as I noticed how focusing on the positive really helped me, I remembered the words from President Russell M. Nelson which say;

The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

Of course, if I had only journaled about the negative things I would’ve missed seeing the hand of God during 2020. I wouldn’t have recognized the kindness, service and love from so many people around us and I would’ve missed the beauty and the lessons that 2020 brought to my life and the life of my loved ones. It really does matter what YOU CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON.

I’m thankful that the 2020 challenges lead me to receive my certification as a Mindfulness coach. I learned throughout the year not to seek for peace externally but internally. I learned to be more present daily and I began viewing the world differently than I had in my entire life. My connection to God and to others was deeper and I began to notice that Divine light all around me. I realized that NO ONE, & NOTHING can control the way we CHOOSE to react to situations. It will always be up to each one of us to choose how we want to react. Do we want to focus on the good? Do we want to connect to that divine inner light within us? Do we want to strengthen our relationship with God more?

As we tap into that inner light and connect to it more often it will allow us to become more present, to disconnect more easily from the outter world and instead gain the peace that we need for each day, and each moment. The more we search internally and allow ourselves to connect to God directly, the more confident we’ll feel. The easier life will be to navigated and we will see that we will be less reactant to the world around us. We will instead radiate more of that divine light not only to help ourselves emotionally and spiritually in times of difficulties, but also to be a light to our family, our communities and the world around us. ?

So, this 2021 allow yourself to be way more loving and kind to yourself. Look for the positive lessons learned from 2020 and move forward from here. Be willing to have your eyes open to seeing Gods hand in your life daily. Allow yourself to connect to Internal self more often to gain more emotional and spiritual strength to keep you moving forward. Give yourself time to breathe deeply! Give yourself the gift of letting go of any internal pain that may be holding you back. Focusing on your emotions from the past or the future isn’t going to do much good RIGHT NOW. So, focus on being a little more present and on welcoming more peace and love into your life . When your internal world is at peace, you’ll feel it touching all other areas of your life. ???

So, Set your goals, systems or intentions for 2021 coming from a place of LOVE toward yourself. Think about how you want to SHOW UP for yourself this year & try to do it in a way more positive, peaceful, kind and loving way. ? YOU DESERVE THAT! ?

Look for Gods hand in your life. Remember that He knows the plans that He has for you. He won’t leave you comfortless, He will give you peace. Do your part each day and He will do His. He loves you and wants to continue to be here for you. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND IN THAT DIVINE INNER LIGHT WITHIN YOU. ??? You can do way more than you imagine with God by your side. So, Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. As you choose to Focus on the GOOD, to TRUST GOD & to inhale and invite more Peace, Love, and kindness into your daily life. You’ll see that 2021 will be a beautiful year. YOUR FOCUS IS YOUR CHOICE. & THAT FOCUS CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING! ?????

Hope that you can join us in class on Wednesdays at 5 PM. To keep you motivated to accomplish your goals and to help you feel more internally balanced, stronger and peaceful.


Lili ?

One Reply to “The Focus Of Your Life ?”

  1. Dear Lili
    Yes it’s been hard to concentrate on the blessings that God has given us thru the horrible Year. When not only have we seen the injustices for BLM, the crimes our government has done, and top it all the Covid virus that has killed over 400,000 people alone in our country. For the economy and loss of jobs and lives. Yes it’s hard not to think of that. But you are right I am so thankful for the fate of my family and friends and how we are still doing well. It’s a miracle. But the greatest blessing I got this past year was my first grandchild. He was the icing on the cake. Yes looking at the blessings that God has given me thru this past year is far much more than the horrible others things that occurred. God has snd always listens to the cry of his people. I feel he has answered our prayers to move on with our lives and make a difference in this world. . I now need to concentrate on my part that Hod has given me to share my light with others as he has shared with me. Someone once said thru the horrors of WWII that before they were taken as prisoners to the camps to be killed that there are still good people in this world. If that person can see the light of others thru a horrible situation that they knew the outcome how can we not do the same. Yes there is God yes
    God is good and yes we should follow his lead and show our light to others. Wishing you and yours a Happy Healthy and safe New Year with God’s blessings.
    God bless

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