Trust Him

So often in our lives we feel as if we’re almost always right about things or situations…These are experiences that we can only see through our own lenses and our own perspective, but which can regularly lead us to believe that we are the ones who actually know what is best and that things, people or situations should react according to my will or what  “I” want them to do etc…Unfortunately, trying to control so much of our lives can actually harm us by bringing about more stress, anxiety, or frustration when things don’t go according to what we planed or desired. When we do this, we are basically leaning on our own understanding and just living life according to what we can do for ourselves and to according to what we expect. I think that most of us have experienced what it’s like to travel “blindly” in life, basically just trusting ourselves, our knowledge or skills and expecting things to just go our way…But, at some point or another many of us have also experienced the difference of what it’s like to NOT just lean on our own worldly or one dimensional understanding and instead be able to completely let go and to leave those problems or situations in the hands of God.
A friend of mine who has been battling cancer told me that before having to go through this difficult time in her life, everything was about doing things her way, for her own desires or interests and not really even thinking about God or anything like that. She was basically just kinda living her life and enjoying all the material, the social and the other things that surrounded her. Once she was diagnosed, things began to change and this difficult time in her life made her re-evaluate everything! She soon realized that she had been living so differently from the way that she would have wanted to…And here she was experiencing the most difficult challenge in her life, when she realized that at this point she really didn’t have control of anything at all. She then began to stop relying on herself and Instead she felt a strong desire to bring herself closer to God, to come to know Him better! to apologize to Him for forgetting about Him all of those previous years and she eventually reach a point in which she was willing to believe! to let go and to trust in God’s power enough to lean on Him completely, and on His power to heal her and to make her better…Her trust became so great that she was even willing to accept death if that was the will of God for her life. <3 wow! thats incredible! isn’t it? That’s the trust that healed her and has caused her cancer to be on remission and to now enjoy time with her family, having her priorities in life straight, continuing to bring herself closer to God as she travels the path of her life knowing that she trusts Him fully and leans upon him and His wisdom completely!?
To lean on Him and trust in the Lord with all our hearts, means that we have no fear, but instead we only have FAITH. It means that we will try to solve our problems by praying, searching and finding His guidance to overcome them. It means that we will trust Him with all our hearts, being strong enough to know how to keep our hearts clean and pure from anything evil, from any unclean things, thoughts, words or actions that could be harmful to ourselves or others. As I was thinking about what kind of heart I would want to have I realized after praying one day that God really does want us to have a pure heart. <3 A heart that has gotten fully rid of anything bad or negative and that instead glows from the  joy and peace of knowing in whom we trust. I also realized that I can’t worry about my neighbors heart or whatever feelings they may have inside it towards me or others 🙁 I can only worry about what’s in my own heart ? and once I do that I will be better able to love others more fully. I am learning that I am in charge of keeping my heart protected from the evil or the negative,I am in charge of the feelings that abound in my heart, I am in charge of seeing the good in others and their potential or love that God has for them regardless of what they do to me etc…And because I know that the merciful obtain mercy and I want a heart that is full of forgiveness, of mercy and of love for God, for myself and for all! learning one day at a time to live the way that God would want me to live and in the way in which He would be proud of me, of what I do, of what I think and of what I keep in my heart.
He gives us greater power than we could ever receive from ourselves! He can guide us, cleanse us and help us in ways that can sometimes seem indescribable to our natural eyes. The key is to trust Him enough to know that even when things don’t go according to “my will” I am willing to accept what He wants for me, in His greater knowledge and wisdom and be happy of knowing that although they may not go my way they’ll be going the BEST WAY POSSIBLE WHICH IS HIS WAY!!! and according to His will! Which will always lead to my happiness that will be greater than anything that this world could offer.

 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. ( Proverbs 3: 5-6)

Our spiritual goal for the week is to trust God more! to let go completely and remind yourself that you do believe in Him! the goal is also to give Him our hearts by keeping them clean from all that is evil or negative and instead filling our hearts with good positive words, thoughts and actions that will bring us closer to God. 

Our Physical goal for the week is to slow down on the carbs and to do something great for our physical body and to exercise to take care of ourselves, have more energy and feel great! 🙂

I hope to be able to see you in class tonight! we will have a little bit more room because we will be in the Gym so you can bring friends and family whom you would like to benefit from the class. Last week we had a wonderful meditation session which helped us to focus on the truly important things <3 It felt wonderful and I always wish everyone could be there to experience how good it feels. I’m here for you always! and don’t forget to take it one day at a time. You do your best today and see how great you’ll feel! ? you’ll love it! ?

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


Lili ?

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