Counsel With The Lord 💖

This week I challenged myself to memorize this scripture im Alma 37:37 which says; “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.”

As I’ve been meditating on this scripture this week, I’ve had some realizations that are helping me gain new insights. One of those, is that I realized that I don’t counsel enough with the Lord. Sometimes our prayers are so repetitive, we tend to ask for things and we forget to counsel or to listen to what God is trying to communicate to us. The word counsel, reminds me that when we counsel with someone, we come to them because they’re wise and they have insights that we do not have.

So, I’m trying to make it my goal to be more intentional about coming to God and to counsel with him in all my doings. As I practiced/tested this out at the beginning of the week, there was one day when I was really overwhelmed. As I made it a point to set some time aside to speak to God and to invite his presence to be with me. I found myself just breathing and waiting for an answer. When all of a sudden, I felt completely covered in peace. It was hard to believe that I had sat down a few minutes earlier completely overwhelmed and as I pondered and prayed, God completely filled my heart, mind and soul with peace. My circumstances hadn’t changed, I still had the same amount of pressures and things going on. But, God covered me in peace and that was exactly the type of counsel that my heart and soul needed.

It was amazing to me that I was able to then walk away feeling peaceful, calm and relaxed. It’s almost as if God told me to not worry about the little things…a lot of these things are just temporary & there are bigger and greater things to focus on and to think about. So, I felt completely different about my “stress”, I felt way more relaxed and peaceful. & that wouldn’t have happened, had I not taken a moment to come to Him and counseled with Him. My day ended up being so much better than the way it had started. I’m thankful for what I learned from that experience.

Another thing that stood out to me, is that I have to TRUST that He will hear me and answer me. God wanted me to show him that I TRUSTED IN HIM enough to come to Him & to counsel with Him. He let me know that He hears even the smallest prayers, and that as I trust him, read his words, come to him and do my part to hear him, ALL WILL BE OK. 💛 This was an amazing experience for me and an example of the importance of counseling with God, & also of the importance of doing my part in the process as well.

When we come to God and counsel with him in all our doings, He promises that HE WILL DIRECT US FOR GOOD. & what better promise can we have than from God? We canTRUST HIM that He will speak to our heart and mind. That he will give us wisdom to handle whatever situation we may be facing whether big or small. And that He will direct us for good. He is a loving God and wants to be here to help us through it ALL. To counsel us and to guide us.

From our part, we can show him that we’re willing to be PROACTIVE and to do our best to exercise our own wisdom as we continue to learn of him, to invite Him to be with us in all that we do. Even hour by hour we can ask for His help and counsel to know what to do and how to react to this person, challenge or situation in this very moment.

Finally, at the end of that scripture, it talks about letting our hearts be full of thanks unto God. Gratitude is one of those things that will allow us to strengthen our relationship with God. Gratitude is a vibration or an energy that we radiate. There are lower vibrations of energy, such as stress, anxiety, frustration, comparison, competition, complaining, criticism, etc. but when we focus on gratitude, our vibration rises, gratitude reduces those lower vibrations, and it instead allows us to feel more Joyful and peaceful. It can actually shift circuits in our brain in the direction of feeling a better sense of well-being, more grounded, less fear etc.

Gratitude is powerful and healing. Gratitude is acceptance. Even to the point that we can accept things, people and situations as they are. Gratitude is healing. & that higher vibration will allow us to radiate that to others and to receive counsel from the Lord with a grateful and humble heart.

So, I invite you to counsel with the Lord this week in all that you do. I pray that you will experience for yourself how amazing God is when we truly make it a point to seek Him and to do what he would want us to do in all of our circumstances.

If there’s something that you want to share with me, please message me. I love hearing about your amazing God moments. 🫶🏼🥰

Our physical goal for the week to choose healthier meals and to walk or exercise daily. Also take a moment to express gratitude for your body and the gift that it is to have it and to create a stronger desire within you to want to take care of it. 💖

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm We’re gonna dance away our tensions or stress & focus instead on strengthening our body, mind and spirit. & ending with an amazing and relaxing meditation that will leave us feeling peaceful, positive and uplifted. 🥰 Love you all and hope to see you there! ❤️


Lili 🌸

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