The Antidote For Complaining 💖

Complaining is a natural human response when we encounter difficulties, frustrations, or inconveniences. It can feel good in the moment, giving us a sense of release, but in the long term, habitual complaining can have harmful effects on our mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. The more we complain the more we remain in the same situation. So, let’s focus on ways that can help us to cultivate a more positive, or solution oriented mindset.

First, let’s notice how complaining makes us feel. I notice in myself that I only feel ok while I’m complaining. But as soon as I’m done with my complaints, it doesn’t feel very good. I actually feel worse. :/ What do you notice in yourself when you complain a lot?

Take a moment to think about how complaining not only affects how you feel, but also how it affects your physical body as well. Studies have shown that complaining releases cortisol, the hormone that’s also responsible for the fight-or-flight response. & this can lead to higher levels of cortisol, which can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, a weakened inmune system and even strokes. It’s unfortunate how we often times don’t think about our bodies when we’re complaining. But it’s important to recognize that complaining negatively affects our mind, our body, our spirit and our relationships.

From a psychological point of view, habitual complaining rewires the brain to focus on negative experiences. The more we complain, the more our brains become “trained” to find faults and to focus on what’s wrong, rather than on what’s right. This leads to chronic dissatisfaction, stress, and a sense of helplessness. It not only affects our own well-being but it can also create a toxic environment for others around us. For example; Think of the people in your life who are constantly complaining. They’re not happy, it’s not enjoyable to be around them, and you can sense that feeling of dissatisfaction and heaviness when they’re around. I fully believe that we can radiate our energy to others. & that’s not at all the type of energy that we want people to feel when we’re around them. :/

Complaining truly clouds our ability to see situations clearly. It prevents us from maintaining a peaceful state of mind. It disrupts our inner harmony. When we complain, we are often resisting the way that life is flowing for us, rather than accepting and learning from it. Complaining, keeps us attached to external circumstances and disconnected us from our inner peace.

One last effect of complaining, is how it affects us spiritually. It distances us from God. & from our ability to see ourselves as children of God who are able to overcome all things with His help and to recognize our spiritual power and potential. God wants doesn’t want us to complain. He wants us to rise above that and just trust Him.

On of the ways that we can break the cycle of complaining is to focus on GRATITUDE & CHOOSING TO THINK, SAY AND DO THINGS THAT HONOR GOD. The Apostle Paul teaches in the New Testament to “do all things without murmurings and disputings” (Philippians 2:14). God not only wanted his people to be aware of their negative thoughts before they turned into negative words or actions, but he also wanted them to understand that to complain about anything, whether it was a person or a circumstance, was essentially a complaint against their God. Wow! God truly is calling all of us to conduct ourselves in a manner that’s worthy of God. So that He may be more present in our lives. After reading this, I feel like we insult God when we complain. He doesn’t want us to get caught up in grumblings amongst each other. Or in complaining. It’s just not a Godly attribute. & He know we can do better than that 😉

God wants us to trust Him & to do all things with a grateful heart. It takes practice. But instead of complaining we can CHOOSE to be grateful even in the face of trials. Complaining reflects a lack of faith in God’s plan and in His timing. It demonstrates a focus on what we lack, rather than recognizing the blessings that are already present in our lives. & the opposite is also true. When we don’t complain but instead choose to focus on being grateful, we demonstrate to God that we trust in His higher wisdom to work in our lives for good. When we actively choose to focus on what we have instead of what we lack, we begin to shift our mindset and re-wire our brain to focus on the good. A heart full of thanks truly brings peace and joy, even in challenging circumstances. Having gratitude daily will help us to stay connected to God and that higher wisdom. It will help us to foster an attitude of contentment, gratitude, joy, peace and trust in God.

We can come to God daily in prayer and meditation to ask him to help us stop complaining and focus more on gratitude. Since complaining is often a result of being caught up in the external world. By turning inward and engaging in daily self-reflection and meditation, we can cultivate awareness of our thoughts and attitudes. We can reconnect with our true self and God. This practice helps in calming the mind and transforming negative thought patterns into positive, empowering ones. Breathing and checking on ourselves, our thoughts and actions can help us to re-focus and choose better outcomes for ourselves.

Prayer is always a vital tool for realigning our thoughts and intentions with God’s will. When we regularly pray and seek divine guidance, we are less likely to focus on our complaints and more likely to trust in God’s plan.

& finally, the last tip to stop complaining is to help others and give service. When we step outside of our own problems and focus on helping others, our perspective shifts. As we choose to serve others and follow the example of Jesus Christ, who selflessly ministered to those in need. We will see that love and humility will purify our soul and elevate our spiritual consciousness. Through service, we will realize that life is much bigger than our own complaints, and we will gain a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As we develop faith in God’s wisdom and timing, trusting that He has a plan for each of us, and as we align ourselves with His will, we begin to understand that every experience, even the difficult ones, has a purpose in shaping us into the individuals we are meant to become.

So, next time we feel the need to complain, let’s remember how damaging complaining is to our mind, body and spirit. Let’s remember that God wants us to rise higher than our complaints. To have faith in Him and to trust in his plan for our lives. Purposefully choosing to practice gratitude instead of complaining. We can also choose to re-train our brains to focus on the good. To take some deep breaths, to offer a sincere prayer, to look to God for wisdom, to take a moment for deep reflection and meditation and finally, to turn the focus away from ourselves and go help someone else. 💪🏼🥰

These are the tools that will help us overcome the complaining cycle and instead allow us to live a life that’s stronger in our trust in God, way more peaceful & Joyful. I know that God will pour blessings upon His children who choose to overcome the world with faith, gratitude, peace and joy. So, let’s remember that we are children of God, and we’re capable of overcoming and rising above the world and the circumstances we face. We really can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So, choose for yourself and notice the difference. 💖

Unfortunately, CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED TONIGHT due to the hurricane. & to keep everyone safe and not having to drive in any dangerous weather. But we will resume again next week. I pray that you’ll gain what you’re meant to from this message, and that you’ll have a goal for yourself this week to rise above complaining and focus on gratitude and God instead.



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