Trust In God & His Promises 💖

In a world full of uncertainty and challenges, developing trust in God is essential to finding peace, purpose, and direction in life. Trusting in God means having faith in His wisdom, love, and ability to guide us through every aspect of our lives. This trust requires more than just believing in His existence. It’s a confident expectation that He will fulfill His promises to us as we strive to live according to His will.

Trusting in God is not just about passive belief, but purposefully relying on His timing, wisdom, and love. It means that we turn to Him in all aspects of our lives, whether in times of joy or trial. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy always acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

This passage teaches us that when we place our trust in God, we let go of the need to control everything in our lives. Instead of relying solely on our limited understanding, we turn to the Lord, trusting that He sees the bigger picture and knows what is best for us. Trusting God also requires patience, understanding that His timing may not always align with ours, but that His timing is actually always perfect.

Take a moment to think about the ways in which you are building and strengthening your trust in God. 💛

Building trust in God is a daily process that requires faith, effort, and consistency. There are things that can help us build and strengthen our trust in him. For example: We can choose to pray with real intent. I love finding a quiet place if posible in nature for me to speak to my Father in Heaven. I need that time alone to align my thoughts and my soul and to be ready to Hear Him speak to me too. Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. When we pray sincerely, seeking His guidance, when we show Him that we are willing to listen, we invite his presence into our lives.

Can you imagine God seeing His precious daughter humbly praying and asking Him for help? The God that we love and serve is a God who is filled with compassion. He rejoices when we come to Him, and He wants us to know that we are never alone. That He does hear us and He wants us to feel His love and peace as we pray. S, we can purposefully try to remember daily, that every time we pray, we invite His presence to be with us . We can trust and believe that He will make Himself manifest unto us through His spirit so that we may feel His love, His guiding peace and the light that He can provide for our daily lives. ☀️

Another important way to build trust in God, is for us to study His words. The Scriptures have so many examples and stories of how God has delivered, protected and blessed His people. As we learned from the words of God, those words also testify to us and teach us that God is always faithful to those who trust Him.

One of the things that we learn from reading the words of God, is that He has asked us to keep His commandments. He’s done this because He loves us and knows that as we choose to follow and keep His commandments this will bring blessings into our lives. To me obedient means that we’re submissive, malleable, meek and willing to be taught and shaped into who our Father in Heaven would like us to become. Obedience to God (who knows it all) is truly beautiful and rewarding. It brings a peace that will be eternal. There’s no one better in this world to obey, than to obey God. Our loving Father and creator. ❤️

Obedience to God’s commandments is one of the clearest ways for us to show our trust in Him. As we follow His guidance, and live according to his standards, we invite blessings into our lives. We may not always see the immediate fruits of our obedience, but trusting that God‘s ways are higher than ours, will lead us to eternal blessings.

As our trust in God grows, we begin to exercise better faith in our trials. Trusting God doesn’t mean that life will be free of challenges. In fact, trials are often the very means by which our trust in God is tested and strengthened. President Thomas S. Monson once said “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will do for you what no other power can. He will extend His arms of mercy toward you, to lift you up, and to carry you when you need His support.” When we face difficulties with faith, trusting that God has a purpose in our suffering, we can find comfort and peace, knowing that He is shaping us into who we are meant to become.

And what about what God will do for us as we trust Him?

God has made so many beautiful promises to those who trust in Him. While we may not always see the results of our faith immediately, we are assured that God will always bless us according to His will and timing. Some of these blessings can be:

💖 Having Peace Amidst Adversity:

Trusting in God, doesn’t eliminate challenges, but it does bring an inner peace that sustains us through them. The savior promised, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27). This peace comes from knowing that God is in control, even when life feels uncertain.

💖 Another blessing is; Receiving Guidance & Direction: When we trust in God, we can know for sure that He will lead us on the path that is right for us. Whether through promptings of the spirit, the council of leaders or the impressions we receive as we study the scriptures, God will direct our steps as we seek His will.

💖 God promises to give us the strength to overcome: Trusting in God gives us the strength to phase our challenges with courage and faith. As we rely on His power, we are promised that we can overcome ALL things. As Paul wrote, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13)

And finally, God promises us His eternal reward. God‘s greatest promise to those who trust in Him, is eternal life. As we remain faithful and trust in His plan throughout our lives, we are promised the opportunity to return to live with Him and our families for eternity. This eternal perspective is one too the things that can help us endure the trials of life with patience and hope. 🫶🏼

It’s better to trust God than to trust anything or anyone else on this earth. Regardless of your challenges and circumstances that you may be facing today, just turn it all over to God. Trust in Him. Trusting in God is not a one-time decision but a lifelong journey of faith. It involves continually and DAILY turning our hearts and minds toward Him, especially when we face uncertainties or challenges.

As we develop this trust, we will find peace, guidance, and strength, knowing that God loves us and will fulfill His promises to us. So, today I want to encourage you and invite you to build a stronger relationship with your loving creator. Strengthen your relationship with Him through the power of prayer, remember that the enemy never wants you to pray. He never wants you to discover what you can accomplish with God. So, make it your priority to PRAY MORE! To let God know everything that is in your heart and mind and be willing to listen and ACT upon what God places in your heart. Read from His words daily, study, and obey His commandments in Joy.

This will allow us to be strong spiritually, mentally and physically ❤️ God will bless us in every aspect of our lives as we strive to follow Him and TRUST IN HIM. We can develop the deep trust that allows us to say, “Not mine, but thy will be done,”

God’s plan for us is far greater than anything we could plan for ourselves. Let’s TRUST HIM, LOVE HIM AND DO OUR BEST. ❤️

If you need to let go of stress, worries or anxieties I invite you to give yourself one hour today to come to class. I promise that you will be able to release stress and tension and you will leave feeling peaceful and renewed. I hope that you can make it tonight at 7 PM, and invite others to benefit as well. 💖


Lili 🌸

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