Inner Peace Keeper 💛

With everything going on in our world, and the different challenges that we all face, It’s easy to allow the chaos of it all to increase and cause greater emotional stress, fear and anxiety.

We see that not only is our peace constantly being attacked, but we’re becoming more addicted to distraction, devices, comparison, food etc. It seems like we’re all looking for ways to “numb”our emotions. We seem more disconnected and more attached to what’s going on around us and outside of ourselves than knowing what’s going on within us.

Have you noticed that the world as a whole is having a harder time controlling their feelings, thoughts and emotions? People seem to be more explosive, less patient and unable to control themselves. Sadly, we’re becoming a society that’s more disconnected, divided and addicted. Numbing our emotional stress with outside sources and completely forgetting how to stop, breathe and silence our minds and hearts.

It’s during times like these that we need to reach inward a little more. We need to practice checking in with our internal self a little more often. Allowing ourselves to take a moment to breathe, calm our mind and heart and check in with kindness and love about how we’re feeling and doing. The practice of checking in on ourselves will allow us to see where we’re experiencing pain and disappointment. So that we may “process” that pain the best way we can without having to reach for our typical “numbing” actions. Can you imagine how amazing it would feel to practice and learn how to regulate our own internal feelings, thoughts and emotions? To have a place of peace where we can compassionately deal with the situations and invite God to help us keep our strengthen and our inner peace centered and focused for whatever we may have to experience.

Remember that the enemy of our souls will always push for us to become dependent on outside sources. So that we may become a “slave” to those things. The enemy will even lie to each one of us and tell us that it’s too uncomfortable to sit with our feelings. That we can’t look within ourselves etc…But that’s exactly how he ties us to more addictions and material things that keep us away from God. The enemy knows that if he can keep us distracted, unable to process our feelings and especially keeping us from speaking or communicating with God. Then, that’s exactly how he wins. By attaching us to worldly desires and making us miserable like himself.

God, our Father in Heaven, on the other hand, wants us to be able to RISE ABOVE that. He wants us to LEARN HOW TO TAKE CARE OF PROTECTING OUR INNER PEACE. He wants us to CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES to turn to our creator for the help that we need.

So, we can choose to create within ourselves that strong determination to remind ourselves constantly that WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. & as such, WE HAVE ACCESS TO DIVINE POWER, LIGHT AND GREATER PEACE. He wants us to know that we don’t need to depend on anything material or of this world to bring us the peace that we seek. But to know instead, that God is the giver of our peace. He can provide that peace way more abundantly, even amidst the storms of life. So that when the difficulties come, we may know in whom we trust and remain peaceful and faithful.

This week I want to motivate you and encourage you to push past the discomfort & take a deeper look within yourself. Remember that this will most likely not feel very comfortable at first, and you may be tempted to grab your phone or turn on the TV, or call a friend or whatever else you try to do to get out of fully sitting for a moment and just feeling your feelings and emotions. 

The goal is to practice when you’re triggered by something. Just take a moment to close your eyes, cover your ears, breathe and feel within yourself what’s going on. Take a moment to see your feelings and thoughts clearly. If it’s possible, see them from a distance…so that they’re not fully “attached to you.” Take a moment to recognize that you are not your thoughts, and that you get to choose how to reach to every situation.

Allow your in this moment to invite divine light into your heart and soul. Ask God to be with you. To give you His LOVE, His STRENGTH, and His PEACE. Ask Him to remove those feelings. Then allow yourself to feel that amazing power flowing from God INTO YOUR HEART, MIND AND SOUL. His healing light will be with you as you allow yourself to be open to receiving from Him. There’s nothing in the world that can compare to that feeling of knowing that something comes directly from God to you!!! ❤️ So, JUST LISTEN FOR WHAT GOD WILL SPEAK TO YOUR HEART AND MIND. If you’d like to record your feelings or write down any wisdom that God places in your heart, that will be an amazing blessing to you to be able to recognize, record and act on what God speaks directly to YOU. 🫶🏼

This is how your inner peace won’t be attached to material or worldly things. But instead it will be attached to God. So that when you leave this earth you will experience that same peace of knowing that God knows you and that YOU KNOW HIM, LOVE HIM AND TRUST HIM. ❤️ God loves to speak to you!!! He wants a relationship with you, but you have to be willing to be silent, to not be distracted but to listen with a humble heart and be willing to do what feels right, good, loving and peaceful to your heart, mind and soul. God speaks. We just have to listen and allow His light to fill our minds and hearts and keep us anchored on trusting in God and not the world around us.

We can become our own best cheerleader! Our own best friend, our own protector of our peace in this life. We can gain greater strength to reject all that is bad or damaging for our minds, hearts and souls. We can fight against evil and focus instead on inviting all that is good, all that invites compassion, love and peace to reside within us. As we strengthen ourselves internally we will be able to respond better and in a wider and higher way to all the different difficulties that we may have in this life. Our inner peace and strength need to become one of our highest priorities. 💪🏼🥰

So, let’s take a moment to practice breathing. Check on your emotions and change them for the better. Take a moment to just sit in silence. Close your eyes and breathe. Whatever is troubling you today, whatever is bringing you fear or frustration….Take a moment to sit with those feelings. Recognize each emotion and how it presents in your body. For example; “This is anger or frustration, I feel tightness in my chest or I feel it in my throat..etc” “I want to release this emotion and allow myself to come to peace & calm” you can say to yourself “I invite the peace of God to come and be with me. To heal me and to strengthen me and remind me of my inner and divine light. “ I choose this hour to keep my peace centered on a God who sees me, who hears me, who loves me and who wants to help me. “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and with His help I protect my inner peace and I choose light, love and peace to be with and to surround me on this day.” ❤️ As a child of God, I am love, I am peace, I am complete, whole and protected.” Whatever comes to your heart that inspires love, and light comes from God. Keep Breathing and feel that peace calmness covering you completely. 💛

After you do this for yourself, be proud of your ability to look inward and to allow yourself to check on how you’re doing internally in your mind, heart and soul. Be thankful for the opportunity to feel these emotions, and to be able to reach up to God who is the true giver of lasting peace. Recognize how He’s able to be with you in this very moment, to help you clear the internal chaos & to RETURN you to calm, joy and peace. 💛

Our goal for this week is that we may be the best inner peace keeper that we can be for ourselves. To allow for quiet moments to be with us so that we may connect to that higher source of peace and love which comes from God. We can ask God to help us focus on our internal light and peace instead of what the world wants us to focus on. We can ask Him to give us the strength to change the way we view ourselves or others and to strengthen our ability to protect our inner peace. I know that as we practice this skill, it will increase your inner power day by day and we will experience true Joy and true peace regardless of the other attachments that this world tries to place on us. We’ve got this! God wants us to feel His peace and He will help us to do so.

John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️ 

There’s nothing greater on this earth than being able to experience the peace that can only come from a loving God. He will strengthen you, help you and lift you, take away your fears and fill your life with peace one hour at a time. ❤️ I pray that you’ll be able to feel His peace and allow yourself to be the KEEPER AND THE PROTECTOR OF YOUR LIGHT AND INNER PEACE.

This is our Spiritual goal this week is: To be the protector of or our inner peace, and that we won’t depend on material things to help us feel better. But instead that we may have the wisdom to know where true peace comes from. To learn about our divine ability to seek a better relationship within ourselves and with our creator so that we may be comfortable in our bodies and able to deal with our emotions in a healthier way allowing God’s peace to recharge us and be with us more fully. 🫶🏼

Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body more water and healthy nutrient rich foods that we need. ❤️

Hope To see you in class tonight at 7pm. Make this promise to yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This will allow you to release stress, strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will have an amazing opportunity to practice being the keeper of our inner peace during a wonderful meditation. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference.


Lili 🌸

New Year Renewal 💛

As this New Year begins we all have a desire to better ourselves, to set goals for ourselves and to work toward them. But did you know that the majority of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions within four months, and many people abandon them within the first two weeks? I hope that each one of us can take a moment this week to think about the types of goals we want to have. To make them with a spirit of prayer and looking for the wisdom that God wants to provide us so that we may strive to work on them, one day at a time and to not give up on them. 🙂

God wants to help us to better ourselves. He wants us to come to Him and to seek His divine wisdom and guidance for our lives. We can trust that He will provide the inspiration that we need so that we may know which goals are the best goals. Not just thinking about what we want but most importantly to think about what goals God would want us to set for ourselves.

Having Gods approval as we set our goals, will create a stronger within us to work toward them. So, take your goals to Him and ask Him to help you to know what is the best goals to set for yourself spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially etc. God won’t overwhelm you. Instead He will help you to feel peace, to let you know that He loves you and He will help you to recognize the things that matter most.

Our Father in Heaven wants us to be prepared to meet Him. So, we must strive daily to have a good relationship with our creator so we may be inspired to know the things that we need to change or the things that we need to do more of to be able to see Him whenever is our time to leave this earth. We all know that life is vulnerable, none of us know much time we really have on this earth. A friend of mine recently lost her mother unexpectedly from one day to the next. It was heartbreaking for her family and I’m important reminder that this is the time to prepare to meet God. None of us know when we will be called to the presence of God. But how amazing will it feel to know that we KNOW GOD. That He knows is and that we trust in Him and His wisdom.

Whatever we have going on in our spirit, is exactly what will rise with us in the spirit world. The prophets have warned us: “Ye cannot say … that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will … possess your body in that eternal world.” Another prophet adds, “He that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still.”

Great is the knowledge that “whatever principle of intelligence we attain … in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.” “God has … a time … appointed … when He will bring all His subjects, who have obeyed His voice and kept His commandments, into His celestial rest. This rest is of such perfection and glory, that man has need of a preparation before he can, according to the laws of that kingdom, enter it and enjoy its blessings. … God has given certain laws to the human family, which, if observed, are sufficient to prepare them to inherit this rest.”

These words from prophets are true! We must strive daily to live each day as if it’s our last. To repent, forgive, love more, express our love to others, take care of our body, mind and spirit in the way that God would want us to today.

So, one of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to live in the now. To know that we can’t control the past or the future. All we have power to control is the now. The gift of being here today at this very moment. This is the only time we really have. You have chosen to read this message 🙂 so, try to slow down a little to practice being present. Just breathe and Take a moment to connect to what you see, hear, smell, taste, touch. Look at the nature around you. Look up at the sky, see the clouds passing, notice the trees and all living things which God continues to support and care of. Remember that not one leaf falls without His knowledge. And just as He takes care of the animals and the plants…How much more will He take care of YOU? Who are His Child. ❤️

This New Year I invite you to be more present, more focused on Christ. More willing to let go of your lusts and desires and instead anchor yourself more on God. Set your Goals with Gods approval and guidance. Focus on each hour that you have. To take it one day at a time remembering that the only time to be present and focused on the truly important things is now.

I invite you to strengthen your relationship with God and to believe in Him. Mosiah 4:9 says: “Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend”

And as you seek God throughout your year remember what Hebrews 11:6 says: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”

God doesn’t want us to run faster than we have strength. He wants us to have wisdom on what we choose to do with our time. He just wants you to trust Him, to believe in His rewards for us. & to invite Him to be in our lives MORE! ❤️ So that we may feel His love, peace, grace, forgiveness and abundance in our process of becoming one day at a time, one hour at a time.

Finally, I want to remind you that God has purpose for your life. When God created us He had a plan in mind and a mission for each one of us to accomplish. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God wants us to be hopeful, to trust Him and to do our best to accomplish His plans for us.

I promise that if you make it a daily goal to speak to God and seek for His wisdom, the Holy Ghost, who is the comforter, from the presence of God, will come upon you and bring you peace. He will assure us that God hears all of our prayers, that He is taking care of us and ALL will be ok.

As we choose to act on communicating with God and continue to have faith in God’s power, He will strengthen us individually and give us the daily bread or daily wisdom to help us know what we should focus on this day and this hour. Remember that we can’t just wish for things to happen and that’s it. When we have faith in God we gain a stronger desire to ACT. We become more willing to put in the work necessary toward becoming who we are meant to be.

God said; “Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in Faith believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you.” (Moroni 7:26)

God is ready to bless us when we have a pure heart. We can seek Him and ask Him, BELIEVING that we will receive.

Christ said; “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” (Moroni 7:33) That promise in His word, reminds us that we will have power through our faith to accomplish the desires of our hearts that align with the desires that God has for us. So, with our Faith in God, we’re better able to see more clearly which goals we should focus on and actually work on accomplishing them.

I pray that you feel inspired to reach out to God and seek His peace, strength and light today. I know He has helped me when I have asked Him for help and I know that He will do the same for you too!

Love you all and thank you for having a desire to keep God’s light flowing through you. He’s got you & He will help you to become the best version of yourself one day at a time. 💪🏼😉 Trust Him! Believe in Him and Know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Let’s have an amazing 2025! Can’t wait to see you in class tonight to start working on our physical and spiritual goals 🥰❤️🎉


Lili 🌸

Daily Gifts 💛

I recently read a quote which says; “Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift just for today. Embrace it and enjoy it before it fades away.” Sadly, we often take the little things for granted. The blessing of a new day, the ability to move, the health that we have are all gifts from above. We don’t have to be stressed about so much…we can choose to remember the Father of Lights and acknowledge the gifts that He has given us today. I invite you to take a moment to look for the fingerprints of God, of His Love and His divinity that is surrounding you today.

Some days may be harder than others. Regardless of the type of day we may be having, it’s important to remember that we need to slow down. To focus on TODAY. To take it one day at a time or one moment at a time. We can make a conscious choice to be present, in the here and now. We can ask God to help us become more aware of our surroundings, and more willing to focus on our blessings.

We can choose to be filled with Peace in this moment. We can choose to be filled with Love and light. All of these are gifts that God is willing to provide for us as long as we ask Him and come to Him with a sincere heart. We can choose today to focus our attention on seeing the light, beauty and love that is woven in all that surrounds us at this very moment.

God would like us to practice being more present. He tells us in Mathew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

We can remind ourselves that God invited us to focus on being present. As his children He gives us the opportunity to choose how we want to react to things and what to focus on. So, we get to choose. Do we want to invite to this moment an opportunity to feel closer to God? Do we want to acknowledge and express gratitude for the gifts that we have today? For the opportunity to live, love, smile and have peace? Reminding ourselves that there won’t be another day like today. We have never seen a day like this before. We get to choose what to focus on. Therefore we must try to make it the best it can be. To focus our choices and activities on what is truly important and on what will allow us to feel more peaceful and connected to God and His love and light for us.

We can change the way we see things normally, we may have a pattern for how we view things and do things. But what if today we choose to focus on seeing and being present in the beauty that is around us. We can start to view our day as being saturated in sacred sights and sounds. Then, this moment right here, right now, where we are, either feeling broken, messy, or whatever it may be, can be transformed into a beautiful & a holy moment.

James 1:17 Says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

God is the provider and the giver of all Good gifts. If we choose to see His light in our lives, we will see Him and feel Him. He gives us more than we realize daily. He loves us and wants us to keep our view rising above the things of this world. He wants us to be more focused on Him. To trust in The Father of Lights, the Father of our souls. Please know that He knows you and LOVES YOU!!! He has a perfect plan for you. Even if things feel hard and heavy to handle….just remember that you CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH HIS HELP! He will get you through it ALL & as you trust Him, and come to Him, you will be able to experience more of His light.

So, let’s remind ourselves today to look up! Look up to the Father of lights to fill us with more light. As his children we already have his light within us. But it is up to us to fill our hearts, homes and all that surrounds us with more of His divine light. 

Let’s remember to not allow the enemy to bring us down. Recognizing the negative ways in which he affects us. But also remembering that we’re stronger than we realize. Our power comes from our Father in Heaven, who is filled with love, light and peace. He is the giver of all good gifts. Who is granting us the gift of being here today. We have to let some things go and understand that ALL THINGS ARE UNDER HIS CONTROL.

We can reject negativity with prayer and feeding our minds and souls all that is good & uplifting. So, change things up today! Choose Christian music to lift you! Choose messages of light to fill you. Choose to focus on the good each journey. Choose to come closer to Christ. He invites each one of us to experience His love in the daily moments that He gives us on this earth. So, Enjoy them and allow your heart to be peaceful and able to TRANSFORM THE NEGATIVITY FOR GOOD! Let’s focus on the divine light and rejoice in the daily gifts of our loving Father in Heaven.

During this Christmas season I invite you to look for the light, for the gifts that God so abundantly gives each one of us daily. I invite you to also be a light to others and to consciously choose to be filled with Love, Light and Peace form one moment to the next. Having greater power to REJECT NEGATIVITY AND HAVING GREATER STRENGTH TO FOCUS ON THE LOVE, LIGHT AND PEACE THAT ONLY GOD CAN PROVIDE. 💛 Let’s recognize and thank God for all of the gifts He has blessed us with and continues to provide to us even for the opportunity to have this very moment.

Finally, I want to challenge you to make a promise to yourself to take your focus away from yourself this holiday season and instead think of a gift that you could give to God. Ask yourself “What is one gift that I could offer to God this week?” What would be a good gift to give Him for all He does for me?” I pray that as you do this you will be blessed and inspired to offer Him your heart and what He inspires you to do. Doing this will fill your soul with an even greater amount of abundance and gratitude for Gods love and blessings.

Tonight in class I invite you to be in the moment. To enjoying the gift of being able to move your body and to strengthen yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed I invite you to make time for class & think about the ways in which it will benefit you. Come ready to have a peaceful meditation that will re-center you and re-focus you on the truly important things of your life. This is the time of the year when we need this the most! Love you all and let’s do this together! 💖


Lili 🌸

Recognize Your Divine Light 💖

The world can often feel dark, filled with challenges, confusion, and uncertainty. Yet, as children of God, we carry within us a divine light, a spark of the infinite love and truth of our Heavenly Father. As we learn to recognize this light and invite Christ into our lives to magnify it, we will see that we will experience a profound and transformative journey that will fill us with peace and joy.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World (John 8:12). His light enables us to see who we truly are: divine sons and daughters with infinite worth and eternal potential. But how do we recognize and nurture that light within us? How can we allow Christ to help us illuminate not only ourselves but also the world around us?

The first step would be to understand our divine identity. That we may recognize our light, starts by understanding our divine heritage. The scriptures teach, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). Knowing this truth brings clarity to our purpose and potential. Remind yourself that you are not an accident or an afterthought—you are a beloved child of God, endowed with divine attributes and destined for greatness. Your life testifies that there is a God. You just have to trust in Him and continue moving forward.

We can invite this light by allowing ourselves to spend time reflecting on what it means to be a child of God. We can pray to feel His love, compassion and grace and ask Him to help us understand our unique gifts. As we do this, we’ll begin to see ourselves through His eyes, and the light within us will become more apparent.

The next step we can take is to draw closer to the light. Christ is the source of all light. His Atonement not only redeems us but also empowers us to shine brighter in a world that often feels dim. In Doctrine and Covenants 88:11, we read, “The light which is in all things giveth life to all things.” Christ’s light is in you, sustaining and guiding you.

To draw closer to Him, we need to make Him the center of our daily life. We need to learn of Him, study His life and teachings in the scriptures and in books that testify of Him such as the Bible and the Book of Mormon, which also testifies of His divinity. All that testifies of Christ will allow us to come closer to him. Listening to good music and messages that draw us closer to Christ. That we may learn to judge for ourselves and see the light of God in all that invited us to believe in Hima nd to follow Him. We can also pray with sincerity, asking for His help in recognizing and magnifying our light. We can make it a point to invite God to be in our daily activities and dedicate each hour to Him in all that we do and are.

As we come unto Christ, He will help us to see our divine worth and purpose more clearly. His light will refine and purify each one of us, allowing our natural goodness to shine through.

Another concious step we can take is to let our lights shine for others. Once we can recognize our divine light, the next step is to share it. The world needs us to share this light. Our friends and family need this light. You never know who needs your smile, your ability to listen in a Christlike way or the hug that you can give to someone so that they may feels God live at that precise moment. Christ Himself taught, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid” (Matthew 5:14). Your light is not meant to be hidden but to illuminate the lives of those around you.

Sharing your light doesn’t require grand gestures. It begins with small acts of kindness and love. Serve others selflessly, listen with empathy, and testify of Christ through your actions and words. Be a source of hope and encouragement to those who may be struggling.

The Savior’s example shows us how to light the way for others. He ministered one by one, meeting people where they were and lifting them with love and compassion. As you follow His example, you’ll find that your light grows even brighter.

Don’t forget that all of us will experience times of difficulties.There will be times when the adversary tries to dim your light through doubt, fear, or discouragement. Remember that light always overcomes darkness. When challenges arise, turn to the Savior for strength. His grace is sufficient to lift you, no matter how heavy your burdens may feel.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, “Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ.” Trust that through Him, you have the power to overcome any darkness in your life. Lean on His love, and let your faith guide you back to the light.

He has promised that He will always be there. So, look for the light, especially during the hardest times of your life. ❤️

As we choose to embrace our divine light and share it with others, we’ll find that life becomes richer and more meaningful. Living in alignment with our divine purpose brings deep joy, a joy that radiates from within and touches everyone around you.

The Savior promised, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Don’t forget to strengthen yourself by recognizing your light and allowing Christ to help you shine, you can experience this abundant life. You will be a beacon of hope, pointing others to Him and helping them discover their own divine light.

So, make it a point each day to come to Christ. To align yourself more fully to Him. To recognizing your divine light is not just about understanding who you are—it’s about embracing whose you are. As you turn to Christ and allow Him to magnify your light, you will not only illuminate your own path but also bring light to a world in need.

I pray that you may take a moment to stop, breathe and feel within yourself that Divine light flowing through you. Allow yourself to slow down and feel your connection as the child of God that you are. Your light is real! Your light matters. Through the Savior, you can shine brightly and make an eternal difference in your own life and in the lives of others. So, make it your goals to let your light shine, and let Christ help you light the world. ❤️

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm to release stress, do something amazing for your body, mind and spirit and experience a wonderful meditation to remind you of your divine light. 💛Love you all and I can’t wait to see you there so that we may all be a light to each other’s lives today. 🥰💖🧘🏻‍♀️


Lili 🌸

The Best Gift ❤️

Christmas can feel chaotic and crazy sometimes.  The world around us places so much pressure on gifts, on having the most perfectly decorated home, on running around and spending money and on having a schedule that is busy and full of activities.

It’s during this time that we often forget that this season also brings with it an opportunity to slow down and re-focus our attention on the truly important things. Instead of being so focused on the external or material things that we want to buy etc. We can purposefully choose to focus our attention on the importance of acknowledging the gifts that God has given us throughout the year. We can choose to be more present this season, on slowing down a little, on recognizing the ways in which we’ve seen His hand in our lives and on giving in the way that God wants us to give.

The giving that God wants from us isn’t always materialistic or monetary. This Christmas I invite each one of us to think about the gifts that God would want us to give. Gifts of sharing more kindness, patience, love, peace, forgiveness, friendship and all of the gifts that our Savior Jesus Christ has taught us that we too can give. So, this Christmas season let’s practice turning our attention a little more away from the world and focusing instead on offering to God the true gifts from our heart.

One of the gifts we can give Him is to be grateful. To vocally express our gratitude to Him in prayer for all of the blessings He provides. We can also give God the gift of repentance. Taking an opportunity to ask God to forgive us for the ways in which we have failed or lacked love for ourselves or others.

We can also offer Him charity, by being kind to others and mending relationships with family members or others with differences around us. We can give Him our trust, we can give Him our faith. We can give Him our love by loving others and sharing with others in the way that He would want us to.

The Scriptures talk about the ways in which we give to Him and how we can offer some of these gifts to God.

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

“When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

“Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt.25:37-40)

We can experience Gods love by serving Him and giving to others and also by being humble and willing to receive from others as well. 

As we center our attention on truly celebrating the birth of Christ during this Christmas season, and on allowing our relationship to our Savior to grow because we choose to offer these gifts to Him. We will see that the gifts we can offer to God will fill our hearts and minds with true and lasting joy. The gifts we offer to God will fill us way more than what any material gift can provide for us. ❤️

Through prayer, we communicate with God, expressing gratitude for the gift of salvation and all that He provides for us daily. So, let’s give God the gift of strengthening our prayers and making them more meaningful.

Every act of kindness and charity become offerings, reflecting the teachings of Jesus. In our worship, we can offer the gift of time, acknowledging the divine significance of the season.

Let’s let our lives be living testimonies, embodying the values of Christ, as we present ourselves as offerings to God, acknowledging all of the good and the blessings that we have, and all that we’re willing to give to Him during this joyous time of the year. 

Acknowledging the gifts that our Father in Heaven has given us and the gift that His son Jesus Christ gave for us when He chose to give His life for each one of us individually, is truly humbling. Our hearts should be turned to Him. We can choose for ourselves to give to God the gifts of our heart and soul.

Giving purely will fill our souls with more than anything else we may receive. Giving is truly better than receiving. ♥️ So, which gifts would you like to offer to God this week? 

I pray that you’ll gain insight from this message and that you’ll be able to feel God’s immense love for you. You are not alone. ♥️ The giver of all good gifts is with you to support you and help you get through anything! Trust Him, believe in Him & try to give Him your best. You’ve got this!

After thanksgiving I know I definitely need this class tonight! lol So, let’s make it our goal to come to class tonight to release stress, and to honor ourselves by doing this for our body, mind and spirit. We will also have an amazing meditation that will re-charge us and re-new us. I promise, that you’ll leave feeling better than before coming into this class. Let’s do this! love you all and see you tonight!!


Lili 🌸

Attitude Of Gratitude 💖

Gratitude is one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous.

Did you know that just by being grateful you can shield yourself from negativity? One study shows that being grateful can instantly make you at least 25% happier, it rewires your brain, eliminates stress, strengthens your relationship with yourself and others and it increases your mental strength.

The research has also proven that the practice of gratitude is associated with having many positive effects on our physical and mental health. Expressing gratitude can improve sleep, mood and immunity and it can decrease depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and disease. Being grateful is a gift that will benefit our mind, emotions, our physical body and our spirit.

Not only is gratitude healing to our mind and body but it’s also important to remember that God invites us to focus on gratitude instead of focusing on the things that don’t seem to be working right in your life. He has promised us this; “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.” (D&C 78:19) How amazing that God has promised us that as we focus on gratitude, He will bless us with even more than what we have now. 🥹❤️

The more we’re able to practice gratitude the more we will invite joy and peace into our lives. Practicing is the part that will really change our lives. So, how can you make this a part of your daily life? You can start first thing in the morning by thanking God for a new opportunity of having a new day, for your gifts and blessings. You can also have a gratitude journal to help you notice the daily blessings. Throughout the day you can have moments to just breathe and be in that feeling of gratitude. Allowing it to flow in and releasing more of the thoughts that aren’t healthy or good for you. Another great idea to practice as a family is to say one thing you’re each thankful for around the dinner table. Or before going to bed taking a moment to think about the gratitude for the good or difficult things that happened that day and what we learn from them. Expressing gratitude to God will heal us, change us and allow us to be blessed with more. Doing this will invite joy into our day and into the lives of our loved ones. & it will also add the physical and spiritual benefits of being grateful.

So, If you’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed please take a moment to stop what you’re doing, to have a second to just close our eyes and to take a few deep breaths….Just taking a moment to be thankful for this simple ability to take in a breath is all you need to focus on. With each breath that comes into our body we can experience deeper and deeper feelings of gratitude for all that we have and for all that we’ve received from God. We can allow those breaths to strengthen us and to renew and energize our body, our mind and our spirit. Remember, focus on your blessings. You’re in charge of controlling how you feel and what to focus on. Let it be for your benefit and for your inner peace. Invite more gratitude to flow in and out of you and just be here in this moment.

The goal for this week is to be thankful DAILY ☀️When you start feeling stressed take a moment to count your blessings instead. Think about the simple gift of life. The way your body functions, the fact that you’re able to be on this earth today, that you can breathe, be here and present with everything that surrounds you. The more that you focus on those things the more you’ll bring peace into each moment. You’ll re-train your brain to look for the good instead and you’ll see your stress will decrease or disappear and you’ll be able to feel peaceful, joyful and instead focused on the abundant blessings that God has given you.

St. John 14: 18 says
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
One of the ways in which we can feel the comfort of God is by expressing gratitude to Him and by being willing to trust in the promise that He will never leave us comfortless. Gratitude will allow us to open our eyes to see more of the blessings that God has given us, and in return it will allow us to strengthen our relationship with Him. To trust Him more and to believe in His will and goodness for our lives.

When were able to focus our attention on inviting Gratitude and God into each hour of our day. We will notice that we will stop fearing and instead our faith in Him and in ourselves will become stronger. & when we feel that light flowing through us, we will be able to turn the attention away from ourselves and to help God to reach out to others instead. So that we maybe able to testify of His goodness and to be a light and a blessing to those around us. We have to CHOOSE to want to live in daily gratitude. That is how we will find the hidden treasures that God has for us. It will be a blessing to us to choose gratitude, more love and more peace daily. The choice is ours. 🫶🏼

I pray that this message allows you to think about the benefits of gratitude. Not only the health, emotional and mental strength that it will bring into our lives. But also the increase of confidence that we will have in God and in ourselves, which will allow us to have a way more joyful, enjoyable and peaceful life. Gratitude will allow us to be better able to help ourselves and others on our journey. It will increase our daily of the love of God and our connection to Him. Which at the end of our days, is all we really take with us. So, let’s choose to focus on Gratitude today and experience the blessings that come from that. ❤️

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7:00PM! Our goal is to release stress, strengthen our Body and renew our Mind and our Spirit through meditation & relaxation. If you feel like you need it, please motivate yourself to be there and to do this for yourself today. It is a gift that will benefit YOU! You’ll leave feeling amazing and you won’t regret it. Plus, we’ll be able to see each other and to renew our energy together. 💛 So, Invite whoever you feel would benefit from this class & let’s do this for ourselves. 🥰 Love you all and hope to see you there! 😊❤️🧘🏻‍♀️

Our spiritual goal for this week is to keep a gratitude journal or to express our gratitude daily and see how we feel after doing that for one week. 

& Our physical goal is to cut out the sugary drinks and to drink more water instead. Try it for one week and see how we feel.



Lili 🌸

Calming Our Storms 💙

In life, we often face challenges that feel like intense storms. They’re chaotic moments that make it hard to find peace within ourselves or with others. These storms come in many forms: misunderstandings, conflicts, and personal struggles. They can stem from differing beliefs, values, or goals, which, if not handled with care, can drive us apart. But there are powerful ways to calm these storms, as we choose and practice how to cultivate inner peace, connect with the Divine, and seek harmony with those around us.

Even though our world feels contentious, chaotic and without peace, we can CHOOSE to be calm. The first step toward peaceful living is finding calm and peace within ourselves. It’s choosing to calm our own internal storms. Why is it that we allow these storms to boil within us, letting them dictate how we feel instead of trying to do something about those feelings? Why do we expect people or circumstances to “change” so that we may feel better?!? Why do we give away so much of our internal power to external circumstances that are out of our control? When we can recognize that we can focus more on what we CAN control; On our feelings, thoughts, emotions and reactions rather than on the storms within and around us, we will see that everything will change for the better for us.

Each one of us gets to choose how to calm our own internal storms, we each know what helps. We can turn our attention away from the internal storms to instead focus on what helps us to calm those storms within us. Think about what helps you calm your internal chatter and chaos. Make a list of you’d like and remember to use those things to help you when your storms get stronger. The power truly is right here within us. We just have to recognize what helps us and choose to find stillness and strength as we turn our attention inward and most importantly, look up to God to help us as well.

The Savior’s words say ”Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (John 14:27) His words remind us that true peace comes from Him. As we turn to prayer, scripture study, and quiet reflection, we allow His Spirit to dwell in us and bring calm to our hearts, even when life feels overwhelming turning our attention to the Savior Jesus Christ will allow us to have peace. He is the king of peace. He is the Savior of our souls. He rescues us and helps us to find peace regardless of whatever challenges we may be facing right now.

Similarly, It’s important for us to recognize that peace is our natural state. God created us to have Joy and peace. Our divine DNA is filled with peace and love. We can remind ourselves of this and access that divine peace. We can invite it to be with us more often. We can let go of fear and focus more on peace, love and trusting in God.

To be focused on peace means that we keep our eyes on that divine source of light, love and peace. It means we stop ruminating and instead we turn our thoughts toward Jesus. 2 Corinthians 20:5 tells us what we should with our thoughts, by “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”

Taking your thoughts captive simply means gaining control over what we think about and in my opinion, it means to move the thoughts toward Christ. That our thoughts may align with Him and on what He would tell us to think about. ❤️

One of the best ways to invite peace into our lives, is to practice breathing and meditating. Where we can allow ourselves to connect to our inner being and to God our father and our Savior Jesus Christ. That we may allow our mind, heart and soul to be in an environment of peace for a moment, so that we may calm our troubled heart and invite the peace of God to reside within us. When meditating we can come to Him, let go of pain and also be reminded of our own spiritual identity and our connection to a loving creator who is filled with love and is ready to bring us peace. This practice can allow us to detach from the noise of the world and return to the serene essence within us. Meditation, combined with introspection, helps us find this state of inner calm that transcends external events.

One of the reasons why storms are created within us is because we feel tension or stress toward others around us. It’s part of life for us to encounter people that are different from us and even challenging for us in some cases. I believe that God wants us to have plenty of practice 😉 on this earth to come in contact with people who are different from us or whom we consider difficult. This is where God invites us to embrace others with love and compassion. He wants to remind us that every single one of us is a child of God, with divine worth and unique perspectives. This perspective encourages us to approach differences with humility and seek understanding. The principle of loving one’s neighbor as oneself teaches us that, although others may live or believe differently, they are still worthy of our respect and kindness.

We can practice and work on repenting for the ways in which we have treated others or the feelings that we may have in our hearts toward others. In our process of being introspective, we can recognize that this exactly what God wants us to do. We can allow ourselves to develop, grow and create more light within ourselves to be respectful and kind to others, recognizing that each soul is on its unique journey and has its own role to play. We can all practice soul consciousness; which means, seeing ourselves and others as souls beyond our physical and societal labels. We transcend surface differences and instead see that we are all on our soul journey. Actual spiritual children of God. This will enable us to view others with a purer heart, free from judgment, and appreciate the richness that diversity brings into our lives.

Here are some of the steps that we can practice so that we may live in more peace and be better able to handle the storms in our lives. These steps include; Purposefully trying daily to recognize that I am in control of my own thoughts and feelings and that it truly is a choice to focus on the good, light, love and peace of God rather than on the storms around me.We can seek to live more harmoniously with others, we can make it a priority to invite a stronger Spiritual Connection Daily. Whether through prayer, scripture, or meditation, daily spiritual practices to help us ground ourselves and stay centered, even when life feels stormy. We can be remind of our higher purpose and help us act from a place of calm rather than reactivity.

Another helpful practice is learning to PAUSE. Instead of always reacting to things… we can pause, breathe and take a moment before responding to others and even to our own internal reactions. We can pause, ponder and ask ourselves “is this really what I want to be thinking about right now?” Instead, we can transform negative energies strengthening ourselves into into reacting in a more spiritual and emotionally mature way. So that we may be able to respond with love, kindness, compassion and peace rather than with ego.

Gratitude and forgiveness will also hell us to calm the storms of our lives and live in harmony with ourselves and others. We can be grateful for the diverse experiences and perspectives of others, which helps us appreciate life’s variety. We can be grateful for the opportunity to have another day to be able to forgive others and let go of things that are not healing us or serving us. When we’re grateful it heals us, It allows us to see our blessings. It increases our happiness and who doesn’t want a little more of that. Gratitude and forgiveness removes us from comparison and instead it invites the peaceful feeling of healing that God wants us all to experience. Remember that as we are compassionate, forgiving and kind, the Lord will also be compassionate, forgiving and kind to us.

Finally serving Others with love will allow us to heal from our storms as well. Acts of service takes our attention away from ourselves so that we may serve others. And when we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are o my in the service of our God. Service breaks down barriers and fosters unity. By helping others, we build bridges across differences and Gods spirit is able to be with us and heal us as well.

When we cultivate inner calm and approach others with love and respect, we help create a world of peace, one relationship at a time. Remember that peace starts within and radiates outward. When we find serenity in our hearts and compassion for others, we not only calm the storms of our own lives but also contribute to a more harmonious world for all.

I pray that we may each strive to be beacons of peace, embracing others’ differences, and building bridges of understanding and love. In doing so, we reflect the divine light within us and bring a little more calm to the storms around us.

Hope that you can allow yourself to heal from within the storms that you may be going through. Remember that with God you can do all things. He will heal you, help you and comfort you. The story of Peter having enough faith to step out of the boat in the middle of a storm and walk toward Jesus, is an amazing story. The faith that it takes to get out of the boat in the middle of the storm because he’s looking at the Lord, reminds us that we can place our focus on Him too and walk toward Him even when all seems dark and stormy around us. Peter must’ve had his feet and clothes wet, he must’ve felt the wind blowing strongly around him. Yet, he looked ahead to the savor and he actually walked on the water! It wasn’t until his focus was taken away due to fear and the strength of the storm, when Peter began to sink. But, the amazing thing is that Jesus still was there to rescue him, hold his hand and lift him up. So, don’t forget that just like the Savior was present to rescue Peter, He will be right there for you no matter what! He wants you to trust Him. He wants you to have enough faith to step out of the boat and walk on the water. FOCUSING ON JESUS and not on the storms.

He will keep your mind and heart peaceful and to calm the storms of your life staring from within yourself and allowing you to radiate peace outwardly too. Love you all and hope to see you tonight in class at 7pm for an amazing and renewing class that will leave you feeling so incredibly peaceful and calm. 💛


Lili 💖

Faith To Overcome ❤️

In life, challenges come in many forms: personal struggles, family hardships, financial worries, health concerns, and spiritual doubts. While we may not always have control over when trials arise or how intense they may be, we do have control over one thing that can see us through any storm, and that is the power of our faith.

Think of a time when you had to exercise your faith. When you had to place your full trust in the Lord, and when you received an answer to your prayers. 🙂 Not all things happen at the perfect timing, but it’s important for us to recognize the moments when we’ve experienced the power of faith and God working in our lives.

Some people think that faith isn’t real and they don’t allow themselves to experience what God can show them as we place our faith in Him. If we think about it, faith truly is the principle of action in all things and it’s also the power that can help us overcome even the most overwhelming challenges.

When we take a moment to consider why faith is a principle of action, we can see that it clearly is what allows us to do all that we do in our daily life. For example, from the moment we wake up we have faith that we will accomplish all of the things on our “to do list”. We believe it and then we get to work, visualizing in our minds the result we hope for and then we go for it and do it. Would we do those things if we didn’t think we could do them? Would we plant a seed if we didn’t have the hope or faith that it would grow? All that we do starts with a thought of faith and hope that we will accomplish it, and then we start working towards it.

Faith prompts us to keep going, when we would rather give up. It moves us to pray, when we’re not sure anyone hears us. It encourages us to take another step, even when the path ahead is unclear. Through faith, we rely not on our own strength, but on the strength of the Savior.

When we act in faith, we do more than wish for a solution, we actively seek God’s guidance and align our lives to receive His blessings. This might mean studying the scriptures to feel the Spirit, serving others to forget our own worries, or being diligent in daily prayer. As we take steps forward, no matter how small, our faith becomes a light that illuminates the path ahead. Regardless of the size of our faith, God has promised that He will help us to grow that Faith and the best way to grow our faith in God is to KNOW HIM BETTER.

I love this quote from President Russell M Nelson, which says; “Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of all belief and the conduit of divine power. According to the Apostle Paul, ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’”

“Everything good in life—every potential blessing of eternal significance—begins with faith. Allowing God to prevail in our lives begins with faith that He is willing to guide us. True repentance begins with faith that Jesus Christ has the power to cleanse, heal, and strengthen us.

“Deny not the power of God,” the prophet Moroni declared, “for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men.” It is our faith that unlocks the power of God in our lives.”

How amazing that God once again allows us to choose, to grow for our ourselves the desire to KNOW HIM. BELIEVE IN HIM AND HAVE FAITH IN HIM. We can do this by recognizing all of the moments in which He has been present for us. In the moments when we have been comforted. Maybe not all of our prayers have been answered yet…but we can trust that He hears us and He will answer, in His wisdom and timing for our lives. For now, we place one foot in front of the other. One day at a time we strengthen our relationship with our amazing Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ. We keep believing 💪🏼 we keep trying and we keep TRUSTING IN HIM.

We can remind ourselves that we’re not alone. That our prayers are heard. That we are the children of a loving Heavenly Father, and that as His children we can receive the confidence we need to face any challenge that may come into our lives. We aren’t left to struggle alone. We have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and we receive comfort when we sincerely pray and ask Him to comfort us. He is a loving, kind and compassionate Giver. When we begin to know how Christ better, we see that we truly can trust Him more.

Alma 26:12 reminds us, “Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things.” When we trust in God’s love for us, we see ourselves not as weak and incapable, but as heirs to divine power.

That power will also remind us that things don’t need to happen in our timing, but in God’s timing. One of the hardest aspects of having faith is trusting in the Lord’s timing. Sometimes answers come quickly, and sometimes they don’t come in the way we expect. But in those moments of waiting, we grow spiritually as we learn to TRUST that God has a plan for us that is far greater than our own.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s counsel: “Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.” Faith means holding onto hope and staying faithful, even if the answers don’t arrive right away.

When we do so, we prove to God that we trust Him, and He will bring his blessings, answers, and comfort in His divine timing. The ultimate source of strength and comfort comes through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Because He suffered for our sins, sorrows, pains, and weaknesses, He perfectly understands our struggles. In moments of deep trial, we can find comfort in knowing that the Savior is by our side, ready to comfort us and give us strength beyond our own.

As we come to know Christ through prayer, scripture study, and applying His teachings, we can feel His presence in our lives. This relationship with the Savior is what makes our faith strong enough to overcome any challenge. As we rely on His power, we become capable of achieving things we never could on our own.

Another important thing we can do to allow our faith to grow in God, is to remember that when we’re faced with difficult times (when it’s usually easier to focus on what’s going wrong), learn to see the good. President Thomas S. Monson taught, “Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.” Through faith, we can find peace and joy, even amidst trials, by looking for the lessons and growth that come through them.

Seeking gratitude, even in small moments, helps us stay focused on the blessings God has already given us. Recognizing His hand in our lives builds a reservoir of faith that we can draw from in future trials.

So, remember that when we face life’s trials, faith provides a sure foundation to stand on. It’s what helps us keep going when the road is rough. By acting in faith, remembering our divine identity, trusting God’s timing, relying on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and looking for the good, we can overcome ANY challenge. Faith doesn’t eliminate struggles, but it does give us the strength to face them and to emerge from them stronger, closer to God, and more refined by His love.

I know that the Savior is stretching His arms toward us, to remind us that He is there. That no matter the difficulty, He is ready to help us. He invites each one of us to come to Him, lean on Him, and find rest for our souls through Him. With faith as our anchor, we can face every trial, knowing that we are never alone and that God’s love will see us through.

Our spiritual goal for this week is to continue strengthening our faith. Speak positively to yourself, remind yourself by saying “I am a child of God, and as His child, His love, peace, mercy and provision are abundantly available for me. I will trust Him, I believe in Him, and I know that truly with Christ, I can do and overcome all things.”

Our physical goal is to take care of our bodies because our spirit resides in them. We must have a greater desire to eat healthier, to exercise, rest, and do all that our bodies need to allow us to feel better, And in return, express our gratitude to God for this body that He has entrusted us with. Let’s be grateful for it. Love it and do our best to take care of it.

I pray that you’ll gain what God wants you to get out of this message, and I hope that you will make a little bit of time for yourself tonight to come to class, to do something amazing for your body, your mind, and your spirit. Our goal is to renew ourselves and let go of anything heavy or negative that we may be experiencing. Hope to see you tonight at 7pm!!!


Lili 🌸

Rest For Your Soul ❤️

As we experience the challenges, difficulties and heaviness of the world around us, we realize that we really do have a choice.

We can either choose to allow more negativity to enter our minds and hearts, and continue listening to and believing the many voices of the world. Or instead, we can choose to have a moment to take some deep breaths, be more present in this very moment, slow down a little, focus on what we can control and most importantly TRUST IN GOD, more than men or anything else in the world. ❤️

God has given us promises and tools to bring us inner peace and to truly bring rest to our souls. But the question is, do we genuinely show God that we believe Him? And how willing are we to look within ourselves and to look toward God for inner peace and rest from the burdens we may be carrying?

Mathew 11:28-30 Says;

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest into your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

God wants you to come to Him. He invites YOU! And guess what? You get to CHOOSE for yourself. He tells us that we can learn of Him, we can know Him better. And by doing so, we will learn that He is a GOOD God. A God who is never blind to our tears, who knows our individual pain and all of the difficulties we’re each going through. He is never deaf to our prayers and is always right there ready to comfort us, in the way that we personally need it. So, please remember today that He Hears YOU! He sees YOU! He knows you and loves you more than you’ll ever know. 

We all know that life is short and temporary. Each day really is a gift, and a new opportunity that God gives us to do better. Do we want to be constantly triggered by all that is going on in the world around us? Or do we want to gain more inner stability, peace and strength in God? He is ready to provide it to any who SEEK HIM. The more that we’re able to align ourselves to Him, the less fear we will have in the world, and the better equipped we’ll be to make choices and handle the difficult situations that may come into our lives.

With God, we can do all things. With Him, we are so much STRONGER, PEACEFUL, and STABLE. We all know that our world needs a little more of that. As our minds and hearts are more peaceful and stable, we can be a light in the lives of our families, loved ones, and the world around us. 

So, remember, He’s got you! And, HE ALWAYS WILL. You’ve got this! Why? Because, you trust in a loving God to take care of you daily! Come unto Him and you will receive peace and rest. Focus on the light, love, peace, and all the good that you find in TODAY, and feel the difference. Where you choose to put your focus daily, really does matter. ❤️

CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED TONIGHT due to Halloween. 🎃 Hopefully we can all enjoy this evening with our friends and families and focus on strengthening our love for one another and sharing that love and peace with others in our communities as well. 🧡 I pray that we’ll all continue on our journey of doing our best and strengthening our Body, Mind and Spirit daily. Hope to see you again next week so that we may all benefit from class together. 🥰🙏🏼 Love you all and see you soon!


Lili 🌸

One Day At A Time 💛

Sometimes we rush through our days having so many distractions, responsibilities and things to do, that we forget to slow down a little and enjoy just being in the moment.

Sadly, most of our thoughts end up stuck in the future or the past and by the time we know it, the day is gone and we’ve been focused on future or past thinking. Sometimes it feels like we’re on autopilot so much that we forget to have moments of being fully being present and engaged in each activity and each moment.

Slowing down and re-focusing our attention on the present moment takes practice. It’s not just a nice thought to have. It actually requires us to choose to practice each moment being fully here and fully present.

I believe that God allows us to have day and night for a reason. Can you imagine if we had no night? How many of us would actually stop and rest? Or would we just keep going with our to do lists? Thankfully, night time is our reminder to slow down, rest, sleep and renew our minds and our bodies. A time for us to turn off the constant chatter of our thoughts, the stress and the distractions of our day and to allow ourselves to just close our eyes, rest and recover. It’s pretty amazing and healing for all of us.

Daytime on the other hand is the reminder that God gives us of taking in that sunrise. So that we may see this new day as a new opportunity for us to choose that renewal for ourselves. Each new day we’re able to tackle new things but it is also an opportunity to set goals, express gratitude and hopefully enjoy the day ahead being present each moment at a time.

God doesn’t want us to run faster than we have strength, or to let our minds constantly dictate what we should think and do. We have the power each day and each moment to CHOOSE how to show up in this very moment. To check our thoughts and see if they’re helpful and useful for us. God wants us to choose to do those things that can bring light into our souls, peace to our minds, greater love to our hearts and health to our bodies. 

He wants us to focus on taking things ONE DAY AT A TIME. The more that we’re able to enjoy the DAILY BLESSINGS, the “daily Bread” that God gives us & the daily energy and mercy that we’re able to receive from Him, the happier and more peaceful our days and lives will be.

One of the best ways to practice being present is to focus on our senses or 5,4,3,2,1. What do we see, name and notice the 5 things you see. 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 that you can smell and 1 thing to taste and focus on each sense. We practice this in class almost every week to help us bring our attention to the present. Creating opportunities to live present and to the fullest I’m this very moment. 

The truth is that none of us know when our time on this earth will end. My uncle suffered a heart attack recently. & its situations like that, which put life into perspective. None of us know exactly what’s going to happen. So, trying to live each hour in the best way we can and being the most present, is the best gift we can give to ourselves. To enjoy the breath we have at the moment we have it and to find gratitude in each day and hour is a huge gift that we can give to ourselves.

So, let’s practice making a conscious effort to enjoy each day, to give service, help others and most importantly to choose how to react to our thoughts. We can allow ourselves to feel our feelings and also choose to invite peace in that very moment to flow into our mind, body and spirit. Just remember that what we focus on what really matters. Some things are temporary and not as important. But turning our attention to God and to what would be important to Him today is the best way we can live our day.

We can focus our mind on scriptures or positive affirmations when we need to lift our focus. For example saying to ourselves. 

I am a daughter of God, divine light is within me and around me. I am aligned and supported by my Father in Heaven and all is well.

I am clear, focused and efficient in my work today.

I am peaceful, joyful and patient with my kids and friends.

I flow through the day with the spirit, ease and grace.

I listen for guidance and follow my inner voice.

I have all the time I need for all I need to do. 

These are some of the examples of affirmations that help me. Having affirmations and scriptures that help us is so important for us to be able to take it one day at a time and really be able to enjoy the day we have TODAY. God has counseled us to take it one day at a time. So, let’s try to remember what He has counseled for us.

Mathew 6:34 Says: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take Thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

He wants us to remember to not worry about tomorrow. The things of tomorrow will work out the way they’re meant to and according to His will. He doesn’t want us to be so focused about Tomorrow, or what is ahead. instead He wants us to think about what we can do today. What challenges we have to overcome and to focus our energy on the present moment which is really the ONLY moment we can control. 

So, I invite you to Trust in God and trust in His love. Trust that He will provide for you in His way and in His timing. Let go of those feelings of stress, anxiety and fear. Instead, trust in the being who created the universe and who knows the end from the beginning. The one who KNOWS YOU! LOVES YOU & has His own perfect plan for your life, for what you’re meant to go through, overcome and rejoice in…It’s all in HIS HANDS & HE LOVES YOU!!! ❤️ So, choose to live this day in Joy and feeling blessed.

Remember to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Enjoy the blessings, the little moments and you will feel amazing in knowing that you’re enjoying your most precious DAILY blessings. Even if it’s something hard that you’re going through, try to invite God to help you and be with you in this moment. Focus on inviting peace, motivation, light, love or whatever your soul needs to get through each moment of just TODAY.

Feel the love and the blessing of having people around you who love and care for you. Count your blessings and TRUST IN YOURSELF AND IN GOD. He will bless you and take care of you. He will help you to know what to focus on one hour at a time as you seek for His divine guidance and as you allow yourself to be present. & As you do your best, let go of the rest for now…release the heavy thoughts and trust that He’ll take care of the rest and of providing for you ONE DAY AT A TIME.

So, remember to be in this very moment. Breathe, bring yourself the peace and the love of God that surrounds all living things & prioritize your hour. Just be in this very moment. Focus on today, on this hour & do your best.

Psalm 118:24 says: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Slow down a little and rejoice. 🙂 Find joy in your day. A life with joy is a life well lived. So, let’s focus on joy. Let’s practice being present and strengthening our relationship with God TODAY. So that He may give us the daily wisdom or the “daily bread” and provision that we need to for today. That we may ask Him to help us know where to focus our energy, thoughts and actions.

Our Physical goal for the week is to move our bodies and to drink more water. Also, let’s try to eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrition. The more we’re able to help our bodies, the better we will also feel mentally and spiritually. As we care for our body our mind benefits too and when our mind benefits our spirit is more able to be receptive to God. So, it’s all connected. 💪🏼🥰

ClASS IS TONIGHT AT 7:00pm!!! I’m so excited to see each of you and for you to be able to choose to do this for yourself TODAY! ❤️ Do it from a place of Love and come to class ready to strengthen and renew yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Last week we had an amazing meditation that left us feeling so peaceful. I hope that you can join us tonight for another amazing meditation to help us focus on the present and on living a life that is peaceful, joyful, balanced and centered on God who provides us with way more than we can do for ourselves. 💖 & if you want to skip the workout and just show up for meditation please feel free to do that. Meditation will start at 7:50pm. 🙂

Love you all & hope that you can make it and gain what you’re meant to from class and from this message. Remember to choose to do the best that you can for yourself today. Be present from one moment to the next and feel the difference. Can’t wait to see you guys there!! 🥰💖🤗


Lili 🌸