Yes You Can

When you feel overwhelmed and stressed with whatever may be going on in your life right now, Just remember that it is OK for you to just stop thinking about it all for a minute. It’s ok to just take some deep breaths, refocus yourself and remind yourself that YOU CAN do hard things. YOU CAN overcome this, YOU CAN take on those goals, and YOU CAN & WILL continue forward and upward on your journey.

The path of complaining, feeling discouraged and negative is always easier, but definitely not rewarding. We often allow the emotions or judgments of others to affect us, when we already know that we can’t control what anyone else does or says. We can only control what we think, say or do. The choice is ours.

That is where our power comes in. This is the moment when we need to react positively for ourselves. Because we deserve it! And because we CAN choose a better option for ourselves. We can come from a place of love, respect and confidence so that we may be able to be here for ourselves, to have our own back & to cheer ourselves on as we go through life. We must practice coming from a place of confidence and trust in God and in ourselves to overcome and accomplish all that God has for us in this life.

Philippians 4:13 Says; I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

There are so many amazing scriptures to remind us that God is with us and that He can get us through anything we may be facing. What’s important, is that we choose to trust in His words and to allow those words to come over us, to empower us and to fill us with His strength. So that we may be able to continue moving forwarding in light, love, faith and in positive energy for ourselves and for what we may be facing. Trusting in God, seeing the goodness around us and focusing on inviting positive thoughts daily will make all the difference.

So, today tell yourself YOU CAN! You can overcome this, you can make it through even if it’s just ONE DAY AT A TIME. God wants to remind you that through Him you can do MORE! Even ALL THINGS!!! He wants to remind you that you’re loved by your creator, that your work doesn’t go unnoticed, but that it’s actually noticed by the most amazing being in the universe. He knows your heart and is ready and willing to help you through it All.

Believe in yourself, and in your capacity to choose to focus on the good. To keep your eyes centered on what God would want you to do for yourself and for those around you. Keep your heart focused on the Love of God so that may experience more love for yourself. Focus today on feeling Gods love in the smallest little things, like the air you breathe, the plants, animals and children you see. The light and love of God is all around you! In ALL living things and more! How much of it can you see, experience and connect with?

Remember that it is up to you to choose the words I CAN. God has reminded you, that YOU CAN!! So, Whom better to trust than HIS WORDS. If He says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Then, really put it to the test. Try to do all things through Christ and in His name. You’ll know what choices to make, what to focus on and how to use your time, energy, thoughts and actions. Connect to God and to believing that YOU CAN & feel the difference.

Our Spiritual goal for ourselves today is to “check in” With ourselves each hour, to take some deep breaths and re-focus our energy on what we want to feel. Ask yourself, how do I want to show up for myself and others during this hour? Remind yourself I CAN DO THIS! I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me….Whatever your goal is, remember to give yourself the gift of encouragement, love and alignment with God to remain positive. You’ve got this & YOU CAN DO THIS.

Our physical go for the week is to remain in alignment with our health goals. Focus on the good healthy foods you can eat and how good they are for your body. Don’t tell yourself you can’t have that! Etc…Instead tell yourself you CHOOSE not to have it because you’d rather choose something healthier for yourself. Tonight in class we’ll talk a little more about this.

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 6PM to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit! Motivate yourself to do this for YOU! Because you love yourself enough to make the time for it and because you deserve to Release stress and recharge your energy. I promise you won’t regret it. ❤️

If it rains we’ll be inside, but for now, the weather looks nice for us enjoy the sunset outside. Love you all and hope you can make it!.



Seek The Light

God is light. ☀️ And I’ve felt that light in the most sincere moments of prayer. I usually like to offer my morning prayers in my living room, or outside. where I can feel the sun coming in and I can just be still for a moment with God.

I recently had an experience with prayer. I was sitting on my couch waiting for an answer from God and as I felt the sun coming into that room, I also felt my heart begin to feel tingly and bright. I felt the light of God increasing in the room and at the same I felt it growing brighter in my heart. For the first time in a while I felt completely covered and surrounded by the pure love and peace of God.

My soul felt so full, bright and completely satisfied…it’s hard to describe. But for some reason just knowing that I was LOVED BY GOD WAS ENOUGH! ❤️ That knowledge filled me with peace and Joy so FULLY & COMPLETELY. I noticed that I no longer thought about my inadequacies, my lacks, the unaccomplished goals, the things I’m not doing etc.

I felt that the thoughts of pressure that we sometimes place on ourselves such as “what should I be doing with my life? how can I be successful, make more money, look and feel a certain way and the constant; I’m not good enough, healthy enough, pretty enough, wealthy enough” etc….ALL of those types of thoughts just completely disappeared from my mind! They we’re all gone! & It felt so freeing and amazing.

I realized that I was experiencing the pure peace and Love of God. I could feel it with my whole heart that this is exactly what God wants us ALL to experience. This type of freedom from the temporary “pressures” of this world, to instead connect to His light and feel the lasting influence of His Eternal Love.

I fully believe that in the presence of God there is no pressure to “be something,” to compare ourselves or try to achieve the things that we desperately seek for, here in this world. The only thing that matters to Him is that we’re able to experience His LOVE, to recognize that we’re already loved fully and completely and that we’re able to act accordingly to what the love of God allows us to do for ourselves, for others and for Him on this earth. ❤️

Looking for comfort, peace or joy from anywhere else besides God, will never allow us to fully experience the true lasting peace and love that God can offer. The type that lasts even after we leave this earth. So, just remember, that the carnal man will always want more and there will never be enough to satisfy…It can consume our thoughts and our days can pass us by, having placed our ladder of “success” on the wrong wall all together. We instead want our ladder of success to be aimed at God! & At what HE CONSIDERS SUCCESSFUL FOR US ❤️

So, today I want to remind you that you’re already successful! Because you’re LOVED BY THE MOST AMAZING BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!!! The same one who created your soul and gave you the gift of this body. Can you imagine the type of Love that requires?…❤️ You’re capable of experiencing full peace and love because GOD IS LOVE! and YOU HAVE HIS DIVINE DNA. Therefore it’s within you and available to you ALWAYS!!!

You do not need to go looking for anything external to fill you. Because as you come to God, follow Him, and seek Him, your life will be filled. You’ll experience His light even brighter, His Love and peace more purely and you’ll be able to detect and let go of the lies of the adversary and instead be shielded and protected by the armor of God.

The more that time goes by and the world keeps changing, the more I’ve realized that there’s nothing more important in this life than to COME TO KNOW GOD. To fully experience being filled by His light, love and peace. To be able to have a humble heart that is willing to ask for forgiveness and to experience the mercy and the pure love of God.

He is the light of the world and He can be the light of our lives. As we choose to come to Him, to seek for His light, to pray with a sincere heart and focus more on LOVE rather than on lack, we will be better able to feel confident in His Divine love, we will invite more peace into our souls and be filled with daily strengthening light for our lives.

I hope that this week you can allow yourself to connect more purely to the light within you. Let God speak to your heart directly and most importantly to focus on His LOVE for YOU. I promise that it will fill you completely, give you confidence and remind you of the truly important things in this life. Our goal is to feel His love and focus on Love rather than lack. 🙂

Our physical goal is to fast for 2 meals one day and allow ourselves to focus instead on the things that our spirit can do. We can offer a prayer during that time to not rely on food but instead on our spiritual strength. We can offer our fast for anything that we may need, we can fast for the people who are suffering in the world and turn our focus away from food for a little while. Fasting also has some amazing benefits for our organs and cells in the body.

Come enjoy the sunset with us tonight at 6:00 pm and do something awesome for your body, Mind and Spirit. You won’t regret it and it will allow you to let go of negativity and instead leave you feeling renewed, peaceful, empowered and most importantly filled with the LOVE of GOD, for yourself, for God and for those around you.



I choose Faith over anxiety, hope over worry and love over fear.

These words can serve us in two ways: As an affirmation and as a practice. When fears arise, affirmations and our breathing can move us gently toward the light even as we face the darkness. They make us mindful of our thoughts and our choice to direct them with faith and hope. Choosing to do this over and over again is the practice, when worries settle in, we always have the choice to look at them through the eyes of love or the eyes of God.

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed we can close the door to the outside world and instead make our thoughts and emotions known to God. I promise you that He does hear and answer every prayer of your heart. (Maybe not always in the timing we would like, but HE does answer) He did it for me this week. He answered me with LOVE. & just as He answered me with love, I know He will do the same for anyone who seeks Him. ❤️

As we’re willing to surrender our challenges to Him with a brave, patient and open heart. Trusting in the God of the Universe. The creator of our souls. We will see that He will remove the stress and anxiety from our hearts. We have to practice leaning on HIM! & Not leaning on our challenges or on the ways in which we can mold our situations. We can pray to be able to accept those things we can’t control and giving them to God. & instead focus on the things we can control. On inviting God to guide us each day and replace all of the heaviness we feel with HIS LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE. ❤️

The LOVE OF GOD is the greatest gift in the world. Just to know that you are loved by God, allows you to remove anything else that makes you feel unhappy, anxious or stressed. Because the love of God fills and covers your heart and soul with peace. It brings an assurance that everything will be ok. The soul that is able to trust in God, is able to gain way more strength to overcome the challenges of life than those who place the trust on themselves.

It’s completely up to us to CHOOSE to exercise our spiritual muscles daily & to focus on His love. ❤️ It’s up to us to choose to place our TRUST ON HIM with everything that happens in our lives and to know and believe that with HIS HELP we truly can overcome all things.

So, Today I invite you to say to yourself as often as you need to; I choose faith, Hope and Love and when I do, my anxiety, worries and fears dissolve. My focus becomes centered on the highest good for my soul. I believe that all things are possible as I place my trust on the amazing love of a God who is ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL & ALL LOVING.

I trust in His never ending love and blessings and I know that He walks the path of life with me and He will carry me through it all. ❤️ Every thought out of my mind and soul today will come from a place of LOVE. Love for God, Love for myself and Love for others. ❤️ TODAY I CHOOSE FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE.

That is our Spiritual hope for the week: To move from moment to moment breathing as deeply as we need to. Inviting ourselves to choose Love, Faith and Hope. Being compassionate to ourselves and others, and inviting God to be with us to guide our thoughts and actions from one moment to the next. 💛

Our Physical Goal for the week: Is to give ourselves the right nutrition, movement and rest that our bodies need to be able to function their best each day. Remember to come from a place of love in how you treat, nourish and take care of yourself too.

Tonight at 6pm Let’s choose to give ourselves more love ❤️ By making time for ourselves to disconnect from all the other things going on…To instead come and release stress and do something amazing for our Body, Mind and Spirit. We all need it during these times. 🙈💖🥰 & It will be SO Good for us!

If you feel that the physical portion of the class is not for you, but you’d like to come meditate with us, just show up at 7pm with your mat and meditate with us! 😍 it feels amazing & it will recharge us all so much! 🧘🏻‍♀️🌅

We all need to give ourselves the best activities we can, to help us strengthen ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. Hope that you can make it and leave feeling AMAZING & connected to God and to yourself so much more! 💛

Remember to focus on loving yourself, on giving yourself the best nutrition and on allowing yourself to have moments of peace and quiet to recharge your energy and your connection to God. This will allow you to handle the challenges of life with a perspective that’s more aligned to God and where you can focus more on His love for you than on fear, stress or anxiety. God loves you! ❤️ keep trusting, believing and all will be ok. You’ve got this! 😘❤️



See The Beauty Of The Soul

Sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty of the soul in the difficult people in our lives. We all encounter people whom we have a hard time getting along with. We can recognize that our energies just don’t go well together or that we feel drained after spending some time with them.

In some cases we can keep our distance from these types of people, but In other cases we have to learn to live with them. Sometimes we have a hard time recognizing when we’re being judgmental of others, but as we try to become more aware of our thoughts, feelings or emotions we can take some time to see where our judgements are coming from and why we feel the way we do sometimes.

The truth is, that we never really know what the other person is truly feeling or what situations they may be going through or have had to go through in their lives. When we judge others this depletes our own energy and takes away our power. If we want to keep good, loving, positive energy within us, then we must learn to see ourselves and others with more compassion.

The word Namaste has a beautiful meaning. It’s a greeting which means; “The divinity within me bows to the divinity within you.” This is a beautiful meaning. If we were to practice viewing all of us with spiritual eyes we would see people differently. We would be better able to focus on seeing the divinity of each other soul way more clearly. We would be able to focus on seeing ourselves and each more in the way that God sees each one of us. ❤️

All of us are here to learn, grow and develop. We’re here to gain experiences and to learn from the good and the bad that we go through. The Buddhist have a saying that difficult people become the yeast to our bread. So, let’s allow ourselves to grow from what they teach us. We can become more patient, forgiving, kind and empathetic. Allowing ourselves to grow instead of being affected by the things that others do and the things we can’t control.

If we can learn to focus on what’s in our circle of control. Our emotions and reactions and to be humble, patient, and allow Gods divine light to guide us throughout our lives. We will be better able to handle all of the different types of people we will encounter throughout our life. Even to the point of being able to follow one of the most important teachings that Christ has given us.When he says; “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:43–44).

God asks us to do this because He knows we’re capable of loving, forgiving and even reaching a point of being kind and loving toward our enemies. It seems super hard to do. But with Gods help and guidance He will show us where to focus our energies to heal our hearts to be able to accomplish this.

James 4: 10-12 says:

  1. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
  2. Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
  3. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Wow! This scripture teaches us that we are not the ones to Judge. There’s only one judge and we have to leave the judgment up to our God. The father of our souls who knows what’s in our hearts. He knows we’re trying to be better and He will lovingly help us to become less judgmental and focus more instead on filling ourselves up with Gratitude for what He gives us daily and to fill ourselves with love for ourselves and others as we take it one day at a time.

When I was thinking about how we can stop judging, I thought about the 4 things that can help us to heal.

1. PRAY: God wants us to free our hearts and minds form carrying those negative feelings and emotions with us. He wants to help us heal! If we believe in His power and have Faith that we will help us, He will show us the way to turn our weaknesses Into strengthens. As we keep a prayer in our heart we will be guided to know what to do and how to react.

2. EYES TO SEE: As we practice having eyes to see the divine light within each person. Our eyes will be able to focus on the good within ourselves and others. Mathew 6:22-23 says The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness?…We must see with our eyes all of the good in others so that inside us we may be full of light. Let’s use our eyes to see passed the physical or the actions of others and instead try to see the soul that is inside each one of us. The person that God sees and the potential that He or she has in His eyes. God sees the potential in all of us. We can try to do the same for ourselves and others.

#3 BRIDLE OUR TONGUES: Meaning that we’re able to control what comes out of our mouths. Instead of gossiping or judging others we try to see the good in others. We’re better able to use our words to be more positive, uplifting and edifying. Not only with others but also with ourselves. We deserve to speak kindly and in uplifting ways to ourselves. Lets make it a goal for us to use our words to help us extend love and compassion to ourselves and to others as well.

& Finally # 4: TAKE CARE OF WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART. Our heart is the place where we will either hold on to things or let them go. Everything depends on what we CHOOSE to keep or let go off but when we see the good in others we will begin to experiment a change in our hearts. We will be better able to live ourselves and have a heart that is willing to release the negative and hole in the the good, the peace and the light m.
James 3: 14-18 Says:
14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly and devilish.
16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Let’s choose to allow our hearts to be full of peace, gentleness, mercy, and everything that comes from God and that is good for us. Allowing the evil to leave our hearts and rejoice instead on keeping the good within us.

As we make it a point to use our eyes to see the divine light in others and use our tongues to speak words that are kind, uplifting and peaceful then our hearts will be fully changed and fully able to see with love the beauty of the souls around us. Once we choose to work on changing one of these, the rest will follow until we are full of the light of God within us. We must protect this light and allow our choices thoughts and decisions to come from this light. I hope that this message allows us to bring new insights and awareness of what we need to let go of and what we need to hola on to instead. As we learn to have a desire to change some things within ourselves God will provide us with the wisdom and guidance on how to do this. So that we may reach the potential that we have as sons and daughters of God.

I’m so thankful for each and every one of you who takes the time to read these messages each week. I pray that you will gain what God desires to place in your heart today and that we may all grow from these experiences together. I’m thankful to have each and every one of you in my life. You’re all such an amazing example to me. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey. We’re all a team! We’re here to better ourselves and to become a little more polished each day. Remind yourself today of the Live that God has for you and how proud He is of you as you try to do your best one day at a time. We can do this together and we’re here to support and help each other. 🥰❤️

Our physical goal for the week is exercise at least 2 days this week. thats the minimum 🙂 if you can do more that would be great! go for a walk or do something that feels good and it’s therapeutic.

Our goal for the week is to see the beauty of each soul. To treat others as we would want to be treated. To check our eyes for what we’re seeing in others, our tongues for what we’re speaking and our hearts for what we’re holding in to. Make today positive, peaceful, and a day full of light. You’re in control ❤️

Hope to see you tonight at 6 pm!!! Class will be amazing for our Body, Mind and Spirit. We will have an amazing toning and meditation to release stress and leave us feeling renewed and re energized. I hope you can make it and invite others to come benefit as well. You won’t regret it and instead you’ll leave feeling AMAZING!! Make it happen for yourself and don’t let things get in the way of doing something that is so good for YOU! 🙂


Be Present Today

Be here. Today, guide your thoughts back to the present moment with gentle focus and live fully right where you are. Just being present throughout your day will allow you to experience more peace and joy.

We often keep our thoughts focused on the past or on the future and we forget to just enjoy today. To be present and to be here, right now. God has counseled us in this too, Mathew 6:34 Says; “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” In His words, we learn that He wants us to be present.

I want to invite you to purposefully be more present during your day today. Let your day flow with grace, and tune in to your inner spirit to allow God to guide you toward where He wants you to focus your energy and attention today.

Allow yourself to be open to welcome the light of God into your life. To purposely focus on not allowing your Mind to go to the past or the future, but instead focus on feeling the love of God as it fills you and as you invite it in. ❤️ His light & love allows you to be positive and to experience that inner peace and joy that can only come form His presence.

Today, notice what is around you and express gratitude for each moment you experience. Give thanks for your blessings, no matter how small they may be. Allow yourself to be open, kind and filled with love toward yourself and others. See the good in those around you and focus on inviting THE GOOD into your mind and heart from one moment to the next. Those things which you choose to focus on, will allow you to become more aligned to God, flowing in His light and being able to more easily enjoy the gift of TODAY.

When you are present there is a certain stillness and centeredness inside. You calm down. You’re better able to fully experience the NOW, and focus instead on what kind of energy you want to put into THIS moment. Knowing that dwelling on the past or on the future will only deplete the energy that you can give into this moment.

If you feel tense or stressed from one moment to the next, remember to STOP, close your eyes, cover your ears and focus on your breath. (I call this my internal ocean. & It’s my alignment to God. He is my internal ocean, who provides me with each breath as it comes in and out.) So, with each breath you can choose to inhale peace and exhale fear etc. As you focus on feeling and hearing the breath going in and out of your body. You remember to be thankful for the moment that you have NOW!

God wants you to come to Him & to take it one day at day at a time, one moment at a time. Remembering that we can give Him ALL of our worries and fears. Because He is not a God of fear. But a God of FAITH, TRUST, LOVE, POWER and of a sound and PEACEFUL MIND & HEART. He will help you to carry your loads and to make them lighter. Each moment is an opportunity for you to strengthen and exercise those parts of your connection and alignment to yourself to your creator. The choice is always yours and you can choose to make it the best you can for yourself and for those around you. ❤️

Another way to practice being present which we’ve talked about In class. Is by focusing on your senses more. We call it 5,4,3,2,1 (5 things you see, 4 you hear, 3 that you can touch, 2 things you can smell and 1 that you can taste) The more you Can describe, the better! Focusing on your senses brings your attention to the present moment. It allows yourself to re-discover the beauty around you as if you were a child, seeing things for the first time. This will allow you to live more in the moment and be more present.

If you have moments of stress during the day. Remember to bring your Mind back to the awareness of the power that you can have now to calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths and allowing your breath to fill your belly, is one of the best ways to calm down the mind and body. By focusing just on the in and out-breaths you connect to the present moment again instead of the past or future scenarios. Remember, that there is power in BREATHING!

With everything that is going on in the world around you…Internally and externally it is so important now, more than ever, that you create and build up the tools and skills that will help you to manage your mind, thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is a necessity that you learn to do those things that will allow you to create and have a deeper alignment with yourself and with God. Rejoice in the gifts that God gives you today. Live more and enjoy being more in the present. Listen closely to your inner voice guiding you and helping you feel grateful for each moment that you have. Use your breaths, your senses to bring you to each moment, letting go of all the other thoughts (because they are just thoughts) that try to intrude and disrupt the inner peace and power that you have now. Instead, find strength in the light, love and peace that God provides which surpasses all understanding of earthly things and brings lasting and eternal peace.

Buddha said: “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

Also, Leo Tolstoy said; “There is only one time that is important – NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time that we have any power.”

So, today focus your energy and power on the moments that you have control of. Be present, kind and loving toward yourself and others one moment at a time. Seek the wisdom that God has for you today, and live aligned to the knowledge that God loves you and wants to help you be more present In your conversations, actions and thoughts. The more you practice those breaths and bringing your mind back to the present moment, the more you will enjoy living today and the more power you will have over the distractions and judgements that arise in our mind. The power is here, Now!

Hope that you can make it to class this afternoon at 5:00pm. ❤️ To enjoy the outdoors, to release stress and give yourself the opportunity to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit and leave feeling renewed, peaceful and filled with light to help you throughout your week. Just so you know, if it rains we will go inside the building. But for now, we hope for good weather so we can be outside. 😊

Our spiritual goal is to be more present this week each moment with present focus.

Our physical goal is to remove sugary drinks and drink more water instead. & also to make time to move our bodies daily! Just 30 mins per day will help us physically and mentally. 🙂

Hope to see you tonight! Love you all! & Don’t forget that you’re not alone. You’re supported, guided and unconditionally loved exactly as you are. God loves YOU! and will help you through it all. Trust Him and feel His love and peace available for YOU TODAY.


Lili ❤️

Rest For Your Soul

As we experience the challenges, difficulties and heaviness of the world around us, we realize that we really do have a choice.We can choose to allow more negativity or heaviness to enter our mind and heart, we can choose to keep ourselves focused on the things of the world. Or instead, we can choose to turn our focus toward God, to allow ourselves to have a moment to take some deep breaths, be more present, slow down a little, focus on what we can control and most importantly TRUST IN GOD more than men.

God has given us promises and tools to bring us inner peace and to bring rest to our souls while we’re on this earth. Jesus said; “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”—(John 16:33)

So, we know that in this world we will all have tribulations, challenges, difficulties and pain. But, He’s asking us to keep our focus on Him and not on the world or on the things that may be going on in our “internal world” as well. It’s all about turning our thoughts and focus to the God of love and the provider of peace. We can take a moment to ask ourselves, What are some of the things that we can do to turn our hearts, minds and souls to Him today? How willing are we to look within ourselves and to turn our focus away from our fears, to instead look toward God for inner peace and rest from the burdens that we may be carrying?

Mathew 11:28-30 Says

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest into your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He wants us to come to Him. He doesn’t for force us, He invites us to choose for ourselves what we want to focus on. He tells you that we can learn of Him, so that we may come to know Him better. & by doing so, we will learn that He is a GOOD GOD. A God who is never blind to our tears, who knows our individual pain and all of the difficulties we’re each going through. He is never deaf to our prayers and is always right there ready to comfort us in the way that we personally need it. Just remind yourself by saying ; “He Hears ME! He sees ME, He knows ME, and loves ME more than I’ll ever know.”

We all know that life is short and temporary. Each day really is a gift and a new opportunity that God gives us to do better. Do we want to be constantly triggered by all that is going on in the world around us?… Or do we want to gain more inner stability, peace and strength in God? He is ready to provide it to any who SEEK HIM. The more that we’re able to align ourselves to Him, the less fear we will have in the world. We will be better able to make good choices, to be responsible for keeping our inner peace and be better able to handle the difficult situations that may come into our lives.

With God we can do all things and with Him we become STRONGER, MORE PEACEFUL AND STABLE. Even on a world of commotion and uncertainty. He is the one who we rely on. Our peace is attached to Him. Not to anything or anyone else. We all know that our world needs a little more of that peace. As our minds and hearts are more peaceful and stable we can be a light in the lives of our families, loved ones, and the world around us. Trust Him & keep your peace.

So, remember He’s got you! & HE ALWAYS WILL. You’ve got this! Come to Him & you will receive peace and rest. Focus on the light, love, peace and all the good that you find in TODAY and rejoice in the God that is the giver of lasting peace. Allow yourself to become stronger, more centered and peaceful in Him & feel the difference.

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 5:00pm to continue on our journey of strengthening your Body, Mind and Spirit. This is amazing therapy for all of us. So, make it happen for yourself and feel the difference. ❤️



The Power of Your Thoughts

We are in control of what we think about and how we let it affect us. This week & tonight in class we will talk about how nothing from the outside can affect us internally UNLESS we allow it to do so. It’s all a chain reaction which begins with the events that we experience and the opportunity that we have to CHOOSE our thoughts & how to react to the situations that happen in our lives.

The equation is:


We have the opportunity to choose how we will respond to everything that we experience. It’s always up to us to decide what we allow to enter our minds. Our reaction will determine the outcome which we will experience. That is why we must always ask ourselves, Do I want a positive outcome from this? How can this situation strengthen me instead of weakening me? What can I do to react in a way that will bring a positive outcome to my life?

It’s Amazing that we have the power to choose to not allow outside sources to control how we feel internally. We often forget that we have that huge power which we unfortunately give away to others or to outside sources to control us. 🙁 It’s as if we hand someone else the control of our power. We must remember that it is an honor and our responsibility to take control of OUR power, to protect it and to CHOOSE HOW TO REACT OR HOW TO RESPOND TO EVERY SITUATION.

We can choose to react positively, to focus on making our thoughts stronger and to help ourselves remain internally peaceful and less affected by the outside things that we experience. It takes practice, but the more that we’re able to exercise that choice and power to strengthen our thoughts, the happier we will be and the more in control of ourselves we will feel. The power is there! We just have to choose wether we use it for good or negatively in our lives.

If we have a hard time with our thoughts or we feel affected by the outside sources or situations that we experience, we can turn to God to ask Him for help. He can make our minds more powerful and positive by becoming more centered or focused on coming to Him. He knows what’s in our heart, He knows our thoughts, our goals and desires. We have to trust that He will help us.

He has said;

Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart. (D&C 6:16)

He knows the things that we want to work on and do better on. He knows how we feel more than anyone else! He knows how we can overcome our challenges and difficulties. As we’re willing to listen to Him and to follow what He would like us to do, He will help us to be stronger and to focus our minds on being more Positive & capable of choosing what is best for us. God loves us! He loves YOU!!! He wants to help us. It’s in His nature to want to help because He is Good, caring and loving. He has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. We just have to remember that this earth is our school for us to learn to choose all kinds of things, most importantly, what thoughts we allow to remain and grow in our mind.

The things we experience in our lives can either teach us and help us or harm us and make us negative and miserable, The choice is always ours. The more that we’re able to recognize our power of control, to choose to remain on control of ourselves and to come to God to listen & follow what we feel in our hearts is right, the more we will feel His love, power and guidance for our lives.

Our strength can’t always come from us. We need divine help in our lives more often than we think. As children of God we have access to that help as we search for it and as we’re willing to listen & follow that higher wisdom. God’s goal is to have strong children on this earth who know their potential, value and power as children of God. Children who know that they have access to the help, love and peace that our Father in Heaven is able to provide. And children who feel confident in their ability to choose good thoughts, feelings and actions. We can do this! Lets Trust in His love, believe in Him and in we can do for ourselves with His divine help. Trust in your own internal power to choose the good for your life. & remember that you’re just a thought away from feeling happy, thankful, peaceful and joyful.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to be aware of our thoughts and our internal power. To not allow outside sources to affect us internally but instead to remember our potential as children of God and who we can become. Be strong and choose the thoughts that will bring the best outcome for your life.

Our physical goal for the week is to remove one bad item from our diet. It can be soda, sugary drinks, fast food, chips or sugary treats. Just choose one or 2 items to remove that can help your health and strengthen your body.

Hope to see you tonight at 5pm to do something awesome for your BODY, MIND & SPIRIT. We will get rid of stress, strengthen ourselves and have a amazing meditation to remind us of our inner power.

Don’t forget that God will return the good that we do in our lives and our joy will be even greater in knowing that God is pleased with our thoughts, feelings and our actions. Doing these things will only bring peace, happiness and positivity into our lives. you’re not alone, God is with you and will make you stronger! Do your best ONE DAY AT A TIME! ❤️



God Loves YOU!

We all have those days when we feel stuck. When it seems like we’re not doing enough, accomplishing enough, or even coming close to doing what we had hoped to have accomplished by now. In a way we could say that we even feel unnoticed or invisible.

Unfortunately the world that we live in isn’t helping either. Often times the environment around us has a lot to do with how we’re feeling. We’re constantly being bombarded daily on social media with feelings of dissatisfaction, comparison, insecurities and a sense of lack.

We find ourselves looking for inspirations or role models through a screen. We judge ourselves and forget about who we really are. We feel that our self esteem is depending on other’s opinions of us, and little by little the cycle continues. We “numb” ourselves by reaching for the things that helps us to buffer our emotions. Food, addictive substances, and our phones or screens become our “go to” things when we’re feeling sad, discouraged, frustrated etc.

We don’t notice it most of the time unless we can bring awareness to what is happening. unfortunately, a lot of those things that we add to our day could be stealing our joy, draining our energy and most importantly clouding our ability to connect to God and to feel His love.

Today I want to invite us to be more aware of the things that drain our joy. So that we may make a conscious effort to remove them from our day or at least to minimize our exposure to them. Instead, let’s take a moment to step outside, take some deep breaths, enjoy the sun and look around fora moment to count all of the things that God has created and that our eyes can see today. See if for a moment you can just feel the love that God has for you. (Really, put it to the test, be more present and see what God allows you to feel)

Remember that there is something bigger and greater than our troubles and problems. The God who has given us another day to breathe and to be here on this earth is always ready for us to come to Him. He has a bigger and a greater plan for YOUR LIFE than you know. He LOVES YOU! Love was created by Him and He is ready to give His divine love to each one of us who seek it. ❤️

In case we have forgotten, let’s remind ourselves today today that each one of us is a child of divinity! A child of God. This life isn’t an accident but an opportunity for us to learn, to rise above the chaos and darkness and instead for us to gain a greater focus on living a life centered and aligned with God. A life that is filled with light, peace and the love of God to guide each one of our days.

The biggest thing we can come to know in this life, is to know who we really are. We are not what other people think of us, we are not our accomplishments, financial status or fame. We are not our circumstances, feelings, emotions or even our bodies. We are greater than all of those things. Our spirit has been around for way longer than we can comprehend. God knows us spiritually! He knows what we have overcome in the past and what we will overcome in the future.

If we can just remember that we are a cherished, beloved child of a Father in Heaven who loves us so perfectly, that He sent His son Jesus Christ to atone for each one of us. Even if we fail and feel distant, discouraged or anything like that. THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD. ❤️ His love will always be there for us, regardless of what we choose to do. But how amazing would it be for our Father in Heaven to see us WILLINGLY turning our hearts to Him? 😍

The love of God will always push back the confusion of the world that tries to weaken our confidence and tries to blind us from our divine potential. The more that we are able to focus daily on the love that God has for us, the more confidence we will gain in Him and in ourselves. We will be able to let go and reject the feelings of heaviness, negativity, discouragement and instead rejoice in His LOVE daily.

The more that we’re able to come closer to God, the more we will be able to recognize the distractions and the things that bring us down. We will have more wisdom in the ways in which we CHOOSE to spend our time each day. We will be able to stop judging ourselves and others, We will stop having feelings of envy, jealousy, comparison and instead replace those feelings with love, compassion, peace, kindness and forgiveness.

The love of God will be able to surround us and to cover us completely. To the point that we will feel His immense love for us in our moment by moment decisions. We will find ourselves living out of that same love. Choosing LOVE & compassion for ourselves and others. With His help we will find ourselves accomplishing the impossible.

1 John 4:7-8 Says “Let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. … For God is love”

So, let’s not forget who we are and where we come from. Let’s allow ourselves today to consciously invite the love of God to be with us. He will lovingly allow us to feel that, if we choose to focus on His Love and the knowledge that brings above all other things. God is counting on each one of us to bring that light into our souls more fully and brightly, so that we will not only be able to help ourselves but to be united with God in helping to change the world and to invite others to come unto Him.

Our spiritual goal for this weekis to focus on LOVE. That we may choose everything that we do coming from a place of love. Allowing ourselves to connect to the love of God before our words, thoughts and actions. Aligning ourselves to the things that bring that love into our lives and letting go of the things that we can acknowledge are definitely not good for us. We be got this! 🙂

Our physical goal for the week, is for us to come from a place of love as we choose the food that we eat and the different exercises we will focus on. Coming from a place of love for ourselves will allow us to have greater wisdom as we take care of our Body, Mind & Spirit.

We will have class tonight at 5 PM to be able to give ourselves the opportunity to feel more of that love for ourselves. We will release stress, tone our bodies and have an amazing meditation to leave us feeling renewed, re-energized and filled with love for ourselves and others. Hope that you can make it. ❤️🥰

With love,

Lili 🌸

Hold On

As we face the different challenges that come into our lives, we start to realize that we really do have a choice on what we focus on. We can either let the challenges bring us down or allow ourselves to grow from them, hold on, be patient, pray and wait for God’s timing.

We know that our challenges are not something new to God. He knowns what we will go through because He has known the end from the very beginning, He is fully aware of our challenges and is always ready to help us. Even when we don’t feel Him near, He is working behind the scenes to provide for us daily. So, what can we do to navigate life a little bit better? & to be more willing to trust God?

The best formula when a problem arises is for us to stop and take a moment to pray, trust God, cast our cares on Him and try to manage our minds and thoughts. We can continue to fill our spirits with positive messages and to continue to be kind and positive with ourselves throughout it all.

We have to remember that ultimately, we have to be able to have our own back and to be our own best cheerleaders throughout the ups and downs of life. We might not always have people around to encourage us and help us. Sometimes all we have is an opportunity to pray and ask God to help us be more positive and kind to ourselves during our difficulties and HE WIll ANSWER OUR PRAYERS. We always have a choice on what to focus on.

The next best thing we can do is to take a look at our thoughts and notice which thoughts are serving us and which thoughts are weakening us. It’s important for us to write those thoughts down and see if they make sense. Sometimes writing thoughts down on paper can helps us to realize that they’re not really serving us and are causing more damage than good. We can then allow ourselves to change some of those thoughts and to instead ask God to help us focus on positive and uplifting thoughts. We can focus on thoughts of GRATITUDE, counting our blessings and feeling grateful for what we are able to have today. Choosing positive thoughts and actions will help us to forward and upward on our journey of becoming the best version of ourselves. 🙂

God wants us all to have a truly personal relationship with Him. The truth is that we don’t have enough wisdom to run our own lives. WE NEED DAILY DIVINE HELP! God has that divine wisdom and power to help us through it all. So why not fully trust Him? Why not give it all to Him? He can protect us and either open or close doors for our benefit or wellbeing.

It’s important for us to discover and understand that life is way better when we’re fully dependent on a loving God, who is forgiving, kind, merciful and patient with us. Rather than to try to do life on our own. We really do need our creator if we’re looking for internal peace and guidance in our lives. He is the ultimate guide who knows what is truly best for us in the end.

So, let’s not doubt His power, but instead be patient, and remember that we have that inner peace available to us always. We just have to slow down, take some deep breaths and allow ourselves to connect to God. Remember that now more than ever is when we need to gain stronger inner peace and trust in God. The world will continue to get darker but we can still live aligned to the light of God so that we may have that light constantly with us and be able to share that with others as well.

Now is the time to strengthen our relationship with God and allow it to grow stronger and brighter each day. Because with God by our side, we have nothing to fear and we can be filled with His hope & wisdom. life is sooo much better when we’re close to God!!! ❤️

Be aware that it’s in the waiting when the enemy attacks us the most, bringing doubts and fears into our mind and heart…But that’s when we can focus on the power of prayer and we can pick ourselves up and say to ourselves; “I am a child of God. Created by the divine power of a loving Heavenly Father. His power is within me. He loves me, He supports me and provides abundantly in my life. He fills me with His peace and love daily and I continue forward knowing that God is working right now in my life and I will receive all that He has promised me. ❤️

Finally, God wants us to experience His joy more fully. So, is there any joy that we can hold on to right now, while we wait for God to help us with our different challenges?…Turning our hearts and attention away from ourselves and focusing on giving to others will bring us more of the joy of God and allow us to receive more of His light and wisdom as we go through our different challenges. Our burdens become lighter when we turn our hearts to others and we’re better able to focus on the light that we’re able to share with others. God will see our efforts and bless us for that always. ❤️

So, this week our goal is to remember that there is Divine light fully available for us to gain more wisdom and guidance. We already have divine light within us, because we come from the presence of God. ❤️ We just have to allow ourselves to create moments to strengthen that light through prayer, changing our negative thoughts, focusing on the good and helping others.

Our physical goal will be to burn more calories than we take in. Eat healthy, nutritious food and move your body daily! 🙂 Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 5pm to do something amazing for your Body, Mind and Spirit. If it’s raining we’ll be inside. If not, we’ll see you outside by the lake. 🙂 Hope that you can make it! ❤️

Let’s take some deep breaths today and invite more of the light of God into our life. Remember, that God knew about our problems before we encountered them. I fully believe that part of our test of life is to see if we will learn to trust Him. Blindly, going into our different challenges with opportunities to PROVE OUR TRUST IN HIM. So, prove to God that you FULLY TRUST HIM. Know that He is working on it. Let’s allow Him to take our pain, sadness and challenges and turn them into opportunities to be grateful, to look up to God, to be kind to ourselves and to help others on their journey as well.

Remember to always take a look at your thoughts. Do they really speak truth? Are they energy draining? Or energy producing? We can change those thoughts to be positive so that we may bring on positive actions daily. Let’s allow ourselves to promise to ourselves today that we will Trust in God MORE! Let’s allow ourselves to be surrounded by His peace, (which is better than anything else this world can offer)

We can trust in His love. & know that our faith will bring miracles and promises to all who believe and trust in Him. So, today is our chance to trust to Him, to give our difficulties and worries to Him. To listen for His divine guidance and to go and DO what He speaks to our hearts & minds. Feel His love for you today and know that he’s got you in the palms of His hands.

John 14:27 Says; My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. ❤️



Choose Love

I choose Faith over anxiety, hope over worry and love over fear.

These words can serve us in two ways: As an affirmation and as a practice. When fears arise, affirmations and our breathing can move us gently toward the light even as we face the darkness. They make us mindful of our thoughts and our choice to direct them with faith and hope. Choosing to do this over and over again is the practice, when worries settle in, we always have the choice to look at them through the eyes of love.

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed we can close the door to the outside world and instead make our thoughts and emotions known to God. I promise you that He does hear and answer every prayer of your heart. (Maybe not always in the timing we would like, but HE does answer) He did it for me this week. He answered me with LOVE. ❤️ & Just as He answered me with love, I know He will do the same for anyone who seeks Him. ❤️

As we’re willing to surrender our challenges to Him with a brave, patient and open heart. Trusting in the God of the Universe. The creator of our souls. We will see that He will remove the stress and anxiety from our hearts. & instead replace all of that, with HIS LOVE.❤️

The LOVE OF GOD is the greatest gift in the world. Just to know that you are loved by God, allows you to remove anything else that makes you feel unhappy, anxious or stressed. Because the love of God fills and covers your heart and soul with peace. It brings an assurance that everything will be ok. The soul that is able to trust in God, is able to gain way more strength to overcome the challenges of life than those who place the trust on themselves.

It’s completely up to us to choose to exercise our spiritual muscles daily & to focus on His love. ❤️ It’s up to us to choose to place our TRUST ON HIM with everything that happens in our lives and to know and believe that with His help we truly can overcome all things.

So, Today I invite you to say to yourself; I choose faith, Hope and Love. And when I do, my anxiety, worries and fears dissolve. My focus becomes centered on the highest good for my soul. I believe that all things are possible as I place my trust on the amazing love of a God who is ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL & ALL LOVING.

I trust in His incredible blessings and I know that He walks the path of life with me and He will carry me through it all. ❤️ Every thought out of my mind and soul today will come from a place of LOVE. Love for God, Love for myself and Love for others. ❤️ TODAY I CHOOSE FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE.

Choose to do Something to strengthen yourself physically, spiritually and mentally. Focus on loving yourself, on giving yourself the best nutrition and on allowing yourself to have moments of peace and quiet to recharge your energy and your connection to God. This will allow you to handle the challenges of life with a perspective that’s more aligned to God and where you can focus more on His love for you, rather than on fear, stress or anxiety. Just know that God loves you! ❤️ keep trusting, believing and all will be ok.

Hope to see you tonight for an amazing class at 5:00 pm!!! 😍👏🏼Motivate yourself to be there & you’ll feel so thankful you did. 🥰

You’ll be able to release stress, strengthen your body & renew your mind and spirit. This class helps us to heal, strengthen and invite more positive thoughts and feelings into our hearts and minds. It’s the best therapy! Hope that you can make it & benefit as well. ❤️😘🧘🏻‍♀️🌅

Our Spiritual goal is to choose to focus on LOVE instead of all other negative thoughts. Practicing love for God, ourselves and others will bring us so much peace and happiness. ❤️

Our Physical goal is to love our bodies by taking care of what we eat and the movement we choose to do. Make it a daily goal to take care of yourself. You’ve got this!🥰 ❤️


Lili 🌸