He Fills My Cup ❤️

We often feel the need to fill our cups by others words or actions. We find ourselves seeking compliments, posting on social media “to get more likes” or finding ways to compare ourselves to others. We try to fill our cups in so many different ways, that we oftentimes don’t even notice the sources that are “filling up” our cups.

Sometimes we forget to disconnect from it all to try to remind ourselves that joy is already within us. That there’s no need to depend on others or to seek to fill ourselves by looking for joy through outside sources. Those things are only temporary, they’re never enough or fully satisfying. We just keep searching for more and end up in a constant cycle of just NEEDING more from others.

When we’re able to see that the only true acceptance and love that we need in this life is the love and acceptance of God. We’re better able to fill ourselves with His light and love. We’re able to love ourselves for who God sees we can become. We don’t become dependent on others to fill us or to make us feel good and happy each day.

Instead, we make it a daily priority to spend some time alone with God. To try to listen to Him, to connect to Him and to allow ourselves to be open to His wisdom and guidance for our lives. We can allow Him to show us the path of true happiness for our lives. We can ask Him daily to help us focus and place our heart and minds on the priorities and the truly important things we should focus on each day.

We can ask Him to help us keep our cups full and overflowing each day. We can focus on feeling His love and peace so that we may be able to be GIVERS from our overflow. This will allow us to not be so dependent on our circumstances or on taking from others. But instead, it will allow us to flow in the abundance and the love of God daily. ❤️ By turning our attention to God and aligning our desires to His, we will be reminded that we serve a God that is full of LOVE, even to overflowing! Even in the hardest times of our lives we can feel that love if we choose to focus on it. We honor a God who is a God of abundance, health, healing and power. He provides enough to feed us and take care of us ONE DAY AT A TIME.

As we focus our attention, heart and mind on Him. We will begin to notice that we won’t be so dependent on others or on the physical things of this world to fill us. Instead, we can place our trust in a God that is the same yesterday, today and forever. WE HAVE THE CHOICE of being able to FOCUS ON HAVING OUR CUPS FULL DAILY!

God wants us to practice finding the joy and fullness from what He provides Daily. We can focus on daily gratitude and allow ourselves to stay in that state of gratitude throughout the day. God will always the ONLY CONSTANT in our lives, He is the one who will always be there no matter what. He knows every detail of what we’re meant to gain from this life and He know when it’s our time to leave this earth, there’s no one better to place our trust on, than Him. He is the ONLY ONE WHO BRINGS TRUE PEACE, LOVE & JOY. Enough to overflow our cup and to help us to give more to others. His love is always here and it’s available to those of us who SEEK IT! As we’re able to focus on the good and on His blessings for our lives, we will be able to experience more of His love & Allow ourselves to enjoy His peace, confidence, fullness & strength that this knowledge brings into our lives.

I hope that you’re able to find this joy and peace in your life today. That your cup may be full and overflowing in God & that through Him you will accomplish what will be truly joyful and fulfilling for your life. ❤️

Trust in yourself, recognize your sources of “fulfillment” and ask yourself if these sources are the right ones to have. Try instead to focus on your daily blessings and on allowing yourself to focus on the good in your life. God will bless you for that.

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on keeping our cups full. Each day as we encounter different circumstances, lets remind ourselves that we have the CHOICE to focus on the good. To focus on the blessings instead of all the difficulties. We can focus on seeing our life as an overflowing of blessings and the goodness from God. Let’s try to live daily with a prayer in our soul and a thankful heart. ❤️ Focusing on the love of God, on His goodness for us today and trusting in Him who knows what’s best for our lives.

Our physical goal this week will be to remove the sugary drinks and drink more water. Can you make it a whole week just drinking water? 😉 We also want to make time to exercise even if it’s a small walk or anything each day and you get extra points for doing exercise outside. There are so many amazing benefits to being in nature! I hope that you can make it to class tonight at 6pm to do this for yourself. ❤️

I pray that this message touches your heart according to what God wants you to gain from it. May you find the strength within yourself to grow daily in your trust In God so that you may no longer depend on anyone else’s acceptance or anything else to fill you. Only depending and staying aligned on being filled by the God of Love, peace and light.

The more that we’re able to do this the more strength we will gain and the more that God will give us. So, Trust Him. Your cup will be full and overflowing each day if you CHOOSE to focus on it. 💛 “The Joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” Russell M. Nelson Trust in yourself and in your ability to trust in Him MORE! He’s taking care of it all. Keep your focus on the good, let your cup be full and overflowing each day & feel the difference. ❤️



My Inner Oasis ❤️

Often times our thoughts and conversations are so focused on the future or the past, that we forget to focus on the present. Being Present is bringing full awareness to the moment we are in. Filtering out distractions and bringing our attention to the task at hand.

Doing this allows the combined stresses of life to fade to the background as we focus on being right here, doing whatever it is that we are doing right now. With a focused mind and a sense of gratitude for this very moment.

As we’ve talked about in class, one of ways to improve our ability to come into the present moment is to calm the mind in meditation. Meditating at any time of the day, brings rewards that filter into all aspects of life. Any time Is the perfect time to refresh or renew ourselves. We just have to choose to make the time for it and allow it to actually benefit us.

Between our regular meditations or moments of quietness and prayer, we can use short meditations for even one or two minutes that can be refreshing, calming, centering and good for our health and clarity. They open the window of communication to our higher wisdom, returning us to our spiritual perspective and allowing us to connect to God and to ourselves. This allows us to focus on God’s peace, (which as we’ve talked about is already within us) We can center our attention on Love and trust which will allow us to take actions from a place that is centered, confident and peaceful.

Our Goal for this next week is to bring ourselves to this calming connection as many times a day as possible. And most importantly to PRACTICE IT WHEN WE NEED IT MOST! We can practice becoming more present in our daily tasks. You can practice 5,4,3,2,1 and focusing on the tasks on your senses, on really allowing yourself to be more present and in the moment. We may have to remove distractions and take some deep breaths, but we can do it. 🙂 The more we practice and allow ourselves to live more in the present, the better we will be able to enjoy one day a time with focused energy.

Here’s one way you can practice this.

▫️Stop what you’re doing.

▫️Take three deep breaths and allow yourself to feel what is going on in your body and mind.

▫️Invite the calming peace and love to be with you.

▫️ Start your next task with gratitude, kindness joy, compassion and love.

The choice of how you want to live and what we want to focus on, will always be ours. Choose what is best for your Mind, Body and Soul. This is your life and you can choose to make it joyful, peaceful and beautiful. Allow God to help you align to that peaceful, loving and beautiful energy one moment at a time.

Hope that you can allow yourself to have more moments to access your inner oasis. Can’t wait to see you tonight at 6pm so that we may strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit. And do something amazing for ourselves today. ❤️



How to love myself 💖

We all have insecurities and moments when we judge ourselves. Unfortunately, Social media and the world around us isn’t helping us gain more self esteem either. If anything it’s constantly adding more to our insecurities. The more that we focus on those things, the more that our minds become used to creating more thoughts of criticism and judgment about ourselves.

It’s time for us to take power over our thoughts and create within ourselves that shield to keep those thoughts from coming in and attacking our minds and hearts. Instead, we can strengthen our relationship with ourselves by creating uplifting thoughts about ourselves and our connection to God.

Part of the reason why we’re here on earth, is for us to learn how to truly love ourselves. We all eventually grow old and age and we have to be ok with the changes that our physical body will go through. That’s part of what God wants us to experience. He wants us to learn that the love for ourselves it’s not only about “physical beauty” but it’s connected to way more than that. We can choose to go through life criticizing and judging ourselves or we can go through life focusing on being more grateful and creating more uplifting, loving and positive thoughts about ourselves.

God has given us a spirit that resides in our body, and our goal is to strengthen the relationship between our spiritual self and our physical self. 💗 As were able to strengthen that connection and to align ourselves more fully with our Heavenly Father, we’ll be able to realize that our spirit comes from His presence. That we are built in divinity. And that He created each of us individually different, with so much beauty and capacity to grow within our souls.

The more comfortable we become with being able to feel our soul in this body, the more we will want to take care of it and of our body. You can you take a moment to just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to feel your soul and that light of God within you.

Try to notice the light of your soul, where it comes from, what attributes it has and what it’s made of! 💛 It’s amazing when you can connect to that knowledge, what you’re able to realize that for yourself. 😍 When you open your eyes, write down what you felt or what came to you from that exercise. God is able to give us so much from moments like this. Trust in Him and know that He will guide you and help you to realize your potential. 💖

Once we find that Spiritual connection to our soul and to the presence of God. We can understand that just as we have that divine light within us, we can invite it to also cover us externally as well. We can express daily gratitude for what our physical bodies can do. We can be grateful for having this soul that comes from divinity and is able to live in this physical body. We can be grateful for how our body takes care of us so perfectly. It heals itself, it pumps blood to all of the organs it keep our eyes moist and allows us to breathe and move…the more we’re able to be present and aware of the gift of our body, the more our gratitude for it will grow.

This week our goal is to aligning our spiritual self with our physical self. We will wake up each morning and write 3-5 things that we’re thankful that our bodies can do. We can also allow ourselves to express that gratitude to God in prayer. 💛 We can ask Him to allow His divine light and love to reside in us internally and externally today. We can ask Him to help us choose the right food, exercise, thoughts and words that are loving to our body, Mind and Spirit. And we can think of ways to express that love for ourselves and to share that light with others as well.

As we find our divine connection the love of God and of ourselves grows! We can invite more of that love to be with us spiritually and physically. This will add more peace, comfort , security and confidence into our lives. We will no longer “depend” on what the world says that is beautiful or not, because we will already know within ourselves that we are beautiful to the most important and amazing being in the universe. The creator of our Soul, Mind & Body. And as we know that, our love for ourselves will grow and nothing will take that away from us. ❤️

So, today express your gratitude to God for the gift of this body and gift of allowing your soul to be here inside this body today. 💛 For the opportunity that we have to take care of our Body, Mind and Spirit today. It’s a blessing and a gift to have another day. We can choose to live it in light and gratitude and we can make that connection stronger within ourselves through the power of our thoughts, love for ourselves, Gratitude and prayer.

Notice your divine light! look at yourself in the mirror and express love for yourself. Take a moment to also look beyond your physical beauty and find that divine beauty within you looks like. Allow both of those areas to connect more fully. And glorify God in who you are becoming. 💖

You are beautiful, Inside and out. Try to see yourself as a little child, speak kindly to yourself to have compassion for yourself, be forgiving and loving to yourself. Encourage yourself to be more positive so that you won’t be affected by the world…but instead being more fully connected to divinity always! God creates DIVINE THINGS! And YOU ARE DIVINE! 💖

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 6pm to express more of that love for yourself physically mentally and spiritually. 💖 Can’t wait for us to do this for ourselves! 🧘🏻‍♀️🥰❤️


Lili 🌸

Peaceful Wealth 💖

Where does your peace come from? We may all have different answers to this question. Some may say that it comes from financial stability, from accomplishing goals, or from achieving a certain level of physical or emotional standard that we set for ourselves.

As we get older we realize that there are definitely many financial, material, and physical things that bring *COMFORT* into our lives. These things don’t actually bring peace, even though we tend to think that they do.

True internal peace can only come from how we feel within ourselves. It is not defined by our accomplishments or anything physical, material or financial. It’s deeper than that. It has to do with our soul. With how honest we are with ourselves and others and with the type of relationship that we have with God. It allows us to feel more at peace for that moment when we’re called to meet Him. 🤍

In class we often do a meditation to help us disconnect from all material and physical things, to just connect to God. It is in those moments when we can see that internal peace come through. That knowledge of knowing that if we we’re striped of everything, we could still hold on to God, to His love, and to trusting in the plan that He has for each and every one of us. 💛

Gratitude is one of the ways we can connect to internal peace. When we’re grateful, we can easily acknowledge the hand of God in all things. We become even more humble, teachable, patient and loving with ourselves and others. The more that we’re grateful for all that we have and are, the more we’re able to feel peace in knowing that God will continue to provide and take care of us. Having a grateful heart only allows for more blessings to come upon us.

Our goal is to invite internal peace to allow it to be more present with us daily. Remember that peace is already within us and it’s part of who we are as children of God. It just requires us to focus on it a little more. To live in gratitude daily and to feel connected to the the love of God and of ourselves one day at a time. 💗

That way, when things change in our lives and difficulties come, we won’t allow fear or other things to disrupt our internal peace. But instead allow peace to be our anchor to God and to His divine light, love, power and peace for our lives. This will allow us to remain stable and confident in ourselves and in God daily. 💛

Here’s a little meditation to help you today. 💖

As you read, sit comfortably and extend upwards from your seat, lengthen and strengthen your spine, setting your shoulder slightly back to open the heart. Inhale deeply through your nose and take a long exhale. Once again inhale deeply and take a long exhale.

Now imagine your heart glowing with radiant light and allow yourself to feel connected to an unending stream of grace that pours through the top of your head.

*Inhale love and see it filling your heart.

*Exhale love and see it flowing around your loved ones and even out to the entire earth.

*Inhale joy and smile as it enters your heart.

* Exhale joy and watch it envelop your loved ones and all beings.

* Inhale peace and allow it to fill your heart to overflowing, even to the point where you feel it all over your entire soul and body. Allow yourself to flow in peace for a moment.

*Exhale peace and see it wrapped around yourself, your loved ones, all living things and even out to the entire planet.

Back to the first step, and repeat with dedicated, blissful focus.

Isn’t it amazing that something as simple as a breath can make big changes in our mind, body and soul? Using the power of visualization, breathing and praying can allow us to connect to peace. Allow yourself to feel that peace more often and to use that energy to spread love, joy and peace to all beings. 💛

Love you all and hope to see you tonight at 6:30 pm. To give yourself the gift of releasing stress and instead allow yourself to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit. 💖🥰🧘🏻‍♀️🌅

🌸 Lili

Be Kind To Yourself 💖

For the majority of us, self care is usually at the bottom of our to do list or sometimes it’s not even there at all. Our days are focused on giving ourselves in service to others, creating, learning, living, being and doing. Until at the end of the day we realize that we’re just exhausted and we had no time to give to ourselves much of anything.

As I’ve experienced this in my life, I’ve started to realize that self care Self care is a spiritual practice. I believe that as we practice loving ourselves, we will be able to make our connection to God even stronger. Self-care and self-love is the foundation of all spiritual practices. If we don’t honor ourselves, we can’t possibly honor our oneness with God and all of His creations. If we don’t care for ourselves, we are unable to serve others from the empty well. If we don’t see that we are a magnificent reflection of God, of His love and of His goodness then we can’t be God’s magnificent reflection in the world.

As we’re able to love ourselves and to see the light of God flowing within us, we will be better able to express more love for ourselves and for others. It will become easier to make wise choices about the way we spend our time, how much time we spend on social media, what we choose to do with our time or the ways in which we choose to strengthen our body, mind and spirit daily.

We can only become what we accept ourselves as being. So let’s accept our magnificence, our divine connection to God. Our ability to love ourselves MORE and to give more fully to ourselves and to those around us.

Here are a few things that we can practice in the world around us.

💖 Be kind in the way that you think of yourself. Edit out any negative or unkind thoughts.

💖 Be kind to your body in all ways, fueling it with healthy foods, exercise and plenty of joyful activity.

💖 Be kind to yourself by seeing your spirit as a radiant, powerful expression of God‘s love.

💖 Be kind to yourself by taking downtime when your mind, body and spirit requested from you. You will know when you feel resistance-that feeling of dragging yourself from one event to the other. Remember to stop, check in with yourself, get present, take some deep breaths and treat yourself as a beloved child of God. Listen for His wisdom and all else will be accomplished with greater ease.

💖 Lovingly remind yourself that it’s important to care for yourself and that you deserve some time each day for that. You can also say to yourself; I lovingly care for myself knowing that I am a child of God, radiant powerful and beautiful. When I am clear and healthy, I enjoy life more deeply and I love others more fully.

Love you all and I hope that you can grow that love within yourself 💖🙏🏼🥰 You’re in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Make them work for your benefit and God will bless you for your good efforts. Tonight we will focus on loving ourselves by taking some time to strengthen our Body, Mind and Spirit. Hope that you can make it at 6:30pm & do this for yourself. 💪🏼🥰💛


Lili 🌸

I choose Joy 💛

Choosing joy can be hard sometimes. Specially during the times when we’re trying to endure some of the most difficult moments that life has to offer. On some days even the smallest step toward joy can feel like climbing a mountain. The truth is, we can honor a wide range of feelings, in the span of one day, while moving at any pace we choose toward that which is one step lighter.

Research has shown that although some people are born with a more positive disposition, anyone can reprogram their thoughts to foster more feelings of joy and happiness. Once we become aware of the negative repetitive thoughts that keep us distracted and distressed, we can turn toward prayer and positive affirmations to break the cycle. And over time, these new positive thoughts will become habitual.

Some of the best affirmations we can use, can be found in the word of God. Using scripture to regain peace and strength can become one of our best tools to fight against the negative thoughts that try to take over. God wants us to remember that we can choose to Rejoice.

1 Thessalonians 6:16-18 Says; Rejoice evermore.
Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Joy isn’t optional, it is an essential part of those who believe in God. Because we know and trust in a God who created us to have Joy. We know that He wants us to find joy in the journey. He wants us to learn to CHOOSE that for ourselves. & I believe that if it comes from the word of God, He will someday ask us about how much Joy we chose to focus on in our lives.

When we can feel our connection to God, we can start to see that as children of God, He wants us to experience the ups and downs of life, but that through it all we may find joy and focus on the opportunity of seeing God amidst whatever storm we may be facing. He truly can become the God of our circumstances. We can strengthen our faith in Him, notice the good around us and focus on joy one day at a time.

Joy isn’t a feeling that is dependent on our circumstances. It is a response to the goodness of God and our eternal salvation. Choosing joy has very little to do with how we feel and everything to do with how we obey, how we trust and how we believe in the love of God. ❤️

Choosing joy is a spiritual practice, renewing our connection with the divine as we become lighter, more mindful and more peaceful. When in alignment with the spirit of God we can relax and trust that all things will be done according to His will. We will trust and focus on our blessings. We will see that we are safe. We are home in the peace of God. And this is who we really are. 💛

Our goal for the week is to experiment with positive affirmations. Write down your favorite scriptures on your journal or on your phone. Allow negative thoughts and words to move naturally through you without taking up residence.

Love yourself. Complement yourself. Treasure yourself. Forgive yourself. Eat nutritious foods. Get plenty of sleep. Move your body. Keep company with joyful people.

Read uplifting books. Listen to joyful music. Choose inspirational articles, podcasts and movies. Basically BRING ALL THAT IS GOOD AND UPLIFTING INTO YOUR LIFE. 💛

And finally in your heart say to yourself: I open my heart to the possibility of joy. I am grateful for the gifts of today. I trust that my benevolent God has a divine plan for my highest good. I trust in Him and in myself. I choose Joy in my life. 💛🥰


Lili 🌸

How to find Motivation ?

Motivation requires us to tap into our “why” to ask ourselves; “Why do I want to do this for myself?”That means digging deep to find that thought, goal, or reward that will get you moving today.

You can also take a moment to be aware and recognize the excuses that you constantly give yourself to not exercise. Think of the thoughts that pop up for you, Write them down, And ask yourself if they’re true?…Tonight in class we will talk about our thoughts and how to help them work for us and not against us. So, try to be aware and make sustaining motivation easier by recognizing and eliminating your excuses before they happen.

Most importantly, realize that you deserve to love and take care of yourself today. ☀️You deserve that time to strengthen yourself physically, emotionally and Spiritually. Exercise brings positive consequences into your life and as you tap into that love for yourself you’ll find that you can be motivated to do something good for yourself today! ?

Remember that you can do all things with Gods help too! Ask Him to help you find the motivation, the thoughts and actions to help you choose what is best for you today. He wants you to choose to do those things that will strengthen yourself not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. So that you may be a strong child of His and so that you may continue to experience the love, joy and peace of God in your life daily. It will require your awareness, and your desire to feel positive thoughts and actions in your life. You get to choose! ???

The more you PRACTICE MOTIVATING YOURSELF the easier it will get. ?? Focus on doing it ONE DAY AT A TIME. And begin to notice the difference one day at a time.

When you begin to do this for yourself consistently, focusing on your “why” on the awareness of your thoughts, on asking God to help you choose positive thoughts and feelings that will allow you to take the action toward that goal. You gradually fill your motivational stores as you understand what gets you moving. You’re better able to put on those workout clothes and to get outside to do something for yourself. You’re better able to choose good thoughts to help you not only love yourself more but also strengthen yourself emotionally and spiritually. The practice and not being judgmental of ourselves will make all the difference. ?

So, focus on your “why” today. Your own actions are what generate that feeling you’ve been searching for. Allow that love for yourself to expand and grow today. Choose to do something good for your yourself today! You deserve it and you need that opportunity to release stress, to feel proud of yourself for doing something that required your own mental work and motivation ??? what an awesome opportunity to prove to yourself what you can do and overcome. So, prove it to yourself and experience that amazing feeling of accomplishment one day at a time.

Lili ?

Self-Love Awareness ?

The other day while scrolling social media I noticed that there were people praising and complementing the rich and famous. And at the same time some of these people were also expressing hate and very little love for themselves. As soon I saw that I felt so sad for how we treat ourselves sometimes and I heard those words in my head saying; “comparison really is the thief of Joy.”

This virtual world which we join multiple times a day is saturated by images, videos and so much more that is constantly calling for our attention and attacking our self esteem. It creates insecurities, self judgments, comparison, and feelings that we’re just not good enough. Not pretty enough, not fit enough, not wealthy enough etc. It also creates a desire within us to try to achieve this “Pinterest perfect life” & we easily fall in the trap of perfectionism and we criticism of ourselves.

Brené Brown said; “Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgement, and shame…It’s a shield.”

I know all of us have fallen in these traps, but I want to remind you that this isn’t the way God wants us to live our lives. ❤️

He wants us to first look to Him. Because the only approval we need in this life is the approval of God and of ourselves. We don’t need the world’s approval when we have Gods love and approval. That alone fills us with peace and replaces the need for us to compare ourselves, to try to please the world or to try to be perfect.

So, remember to let go of those things. God already loves you! He always has and always will. That will never change. What’s important is that YOU are able to express more love and praise for the good that you do. Don’t neglected yourself, Your goodness, kindness and the hard work that you do. You don’t need to be publicly recognized because God can see your daily efforts. He is proud of all the good that you do. He knows what’s in your heart. & He is right here ready to give you a hand to help you make it through ANYTHING because HE LOVES YOU and wants you to LOVE YOURSELF ❤️

So, take a moment to be curious with yourself and find those areas where you’re being critical of yourself. Once you’re aware and recognize them, you can write them down and take a moment to see where they’re coming from or how you can change your thoughts around them. Take some deep breaths and see yourself as a little child again. If you can connect to yourself as a child you know that you wouldn’t be critical to that little child. You would tell that child that you love her & that she can do amazing things. Be positive with yourself, be kind, be accepting of yourself, your body and all that makes you who you are and allows you to have this living experience TODAY! ?

I would like to share with you 6 amazing keys to help strengthen our self esteem. ???

? 1. Refrain from Evil= Or anything that you know is not good for your Mind, Body or Soul. (Think about your habits and the things that you bring into yourself daily. (What you watch or listen to..)Are these things are lifting you? Or bringing you down?

? 2. Humility= That comes from inner strength and peace. It’s a humility that allows you accept yourself fully, with a changing body, without the need to complain or criticize yourself. It’s the Humility that allows you to be teachable and willing to love instruction and knowledge.

? 3. Honesty= Being true to ones own self is the keystone to self esteem.

? 4. Love of work = Work toward nourishing yourself, your talents, abilities, gifts and the good things that God has given you. Work toward all of the good goals in your life.

? 5. Ability to Focus on gratitude and love= Have a grateful heart daily. Thank God for your daily blessings and remember to focus on love for yourself God and others.

? 6. Love God= When you’re connected to God your self esteem instantly improves. You remember who you are to Him. You no longer depend on the world to give you recognition. You’re better able to recognize your needs and to be better able to feel God’s strengthening peace, love and light in your life. Which then allows you to be recharged and ready to give that same love to others.

The path of self love is available the instant that we choose to disconnect a little more from the comparison trap, or the worldly expectations to instead connect to God. Pray to Him daily for wisdom, strength and the ability to keep your thoughts clean, your words positive and your heart pure. His love and peace is already available to you. Hold on to it and allow it to grow. ?

Our Goal for this week of to express more love for ourselves by inviting all that is good for our mind, body and Spirit. This week we will be more aware of choosing good things to read, watch and listen to. It also means that we will be conscious of the food that goes into our bodies, the exercises we choose to do and the quiet moments we allow ourselves to have to strengthen ourselves Spiritually. ???

Invite the love, light and peace of God to be with you today. ? So that you may have a stronger desire to take better care of yourself. Motivate yourself to be at class at 7:00pm ??? Remember that only YOU can do this for yourself! Focus on loving yourself and wanting to take care of your Body, Mind and Spirit. ????‍♀️ Hope that you can make it tonight and leave feeling stronger and peaceful in every way. ❤️

Take it one day at a time, you’ve got this!



The Power Of Your Inner light ?

Today we get to make something brand new. No matter what we have going on, we have the opportunity to make it a positive experience for ourselves. It will always depend on what we choose to focus on. Every single thing we create today wasn’t there before. The energy we put into this day, the smiles, the gratitude, the actions. We are the creative tools of the divine allowing ourselves to mold love into new things.

I believe that as part of our life experience we’re meant to find a deeper connection to God by aligning ourselves more fully to Him. Through stillness and meditation we can access Gods divine light and begin to see God within ourselves. That vision of ourselves allows us to see our life more clearly, to see our potential and to gain a better perspective of where to focus our energy and attention one day at a time. It’s through the quiet moments we create for ourselves, that our vision becomes clearer. And once we have that vision, we can go and act accordingly. Allowing that connection to God to grow even deeper when we put the work and the action toward it. ?????

The more that we allow ourselves to have that connection to God, the more we will experience self love. & once we have more love for ourselves, it’s easier to give love to others. ? Even to the point when we can begin to see God in them and also be able to experience the type of love that God has for them as well. So, once again we become stronger in God. Creating for ourselves the types of relationships that God would want us to have. We’re no longer influenced by negative stories that we tell ourselves…we instead connect to the Divine and try to live a life that is pleasing to God and to ourselves.

Once we gain this knowledge of our connection to God, it becomes easier for us to choose MORE positive thoughts, words and actions that align with our divine purpose. It becomes easier for us to choose what to focus our energy on today. We can choose how to react to the different circumstances that we encounter. We can CHOOSE TO CREATE MORE love, compassion, peace and gratitude for ourselves. We can focus our mental energy and our physical energy on doing good for ourselves, for God and for those around us.

This will allow us to have not only a great day, but a lifetime filled with divine creations. ?Remember that YOU are the creator of your world. Make it good, peaceful, enjoyable and filled with gratitude . The more we practice this, the easier it will become.

Our spiritual go for the week is: To create moments where we can fully focus our energy on reacting to each situation from a place of love and alignment with God. So, dedicate your actions of today to God. ( share a smile, Clean your house, spend time with your loved ones, take time for yourself etc) But try coming from a place of love and connection to God. ❤️??

Our physical goal for this week is: To Be more mindful about the things that we’re putting in our bodies. Take some time to notice your food and express gratitude for having it. Notice how it feels, tastes etc. Try to choose good that is nourishing and good for you. ?

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm to released stress and to strengthen yourself physically mentally and spiritually. Love you all and hope to see you there! ?



What I Can Control ?

Sometimes life is out of control. We have learned that there are a lot more things that we can’t control than those that we can control.

Covid has definitely taught the entire world that, right? ??‍♀️ but as the challenges of life come to all of us, and the lack of control feels sometimes overwhelming. These different situations that we encounter become good opportunities for us to allow ourselves to release the need to control. And instead, we can choose to hold on to the few things we can control.

This knowledge has given me an opportunity to exercise something that helps me and has become my little secret when I feel like things are fully out of my control. I’ve learned to say to myself. “I may have no control of this situation, but I know God does…I always hold within my control what kind of energy I’m going to put into this hour, or into this day. ?

Reminding myself of those words allows me to remember that I do have control one of the most important things in my life. Which is the way I choose to react to things, and the kind of energy that I want to put into my day. ? This knowledge has helped me in huge ways! I realize that I can take some time to breathe and to recharge my energy, so that I can radiate more love for myself, my family and everyone that I encounter during the day.

This is a huge thing to be in control of. If my constant question is: How can I react to this with love? ?Then all day long I am vibrating love. The question itself opens the heart and exposes the depth of unending unconditional love…Which also brings peace to my soul because I know that I’m reacting in a way that is pleasing to me, to my higher self and to God.

Anytime we act with LOVE we instantly make contact with the divine, who is the infinite source of all love. It increases our capacity to love ourselves and others and that magnifies as we align with God as beings of love. Plus, it feels great to release to God the things we can’t control and instead focus our energy on reacting with Love to the things we can control.

If we are able to bring the energy of love into our day, we can react in love to even the smallest choices. We can react in love for ourselves, when we choose to exercise, eat healthy, get enough rest, meditate, pray etc. We can react in love when our children behave in a way that is not pleasing to us. Or when someone is not kind to us etc…all situations handles in love will feel way better. Throughout the day we can choose to react in love each hour because we deserve to feel LOVE instead of feeling all of the other negative and spiraling emotions that don’t uplift or help us out at all. ??‍♀️

The greatest thing is that we do get to choose how we want to react and the kind of energy that we want to have. So throughout the day, today let’s allow ourselves to become the energy of love for ourselves and for everyone who crosses our physical path as well as for those who cross our mental paths. Focus on love in your Mind, heart and actions. So that we may fully radiate love internally and externally. By doing this we will experience even more LOVE, PEACE and GRATITUDE flowing throughout our day and into our lives. This type of vibration will affect you those around you in amazing ways. Maybe after all, life doesn’t have to feel out of control. ? Put it to the test and watch it work for yourself. ?❤️

Our Spiritual goal is: To give those things we can’t control to God and to focus our energies on the things we can control. Focus on vibrating in love this week. In your words, actions and thoughts toward yourself and toward others. ?

Our physical goal this week is: To come from a place of love In your exercise. Yes, I know it can be hard to find the motivation sometimes ?…But just take it one day at a time. Choose to do it from a place of LOVE. Ask yourself how can I react in love to this feeling? ? Love might remind you of your reasons WHY you want to exercise. Love might motivate you to put on your workout clothes, to get in your car and just drive yourself to class. Love might remind you to keep a promise to yourself, it might encourage you and remind you that it would be great for you to do this…whatever is going on, respond to it coming from a place of love and then follow through with that action of Love. You’ve got this! ♥️

Hope that you can join us tonight at 7pm to enjoy a beautiful sunset, release stress and strengthen yourself Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. You won’t regret it and if anything you’ll feel AMAZING!!! ?❤️??‍♀️???


Lili ?