I Choose Now ?

You know how we have those days when we feel like the day completely passed by and all we thought about was either focused on the past or the future?

On days like that I feel like my energy is completely drained. I’m more impatient, I complain more, and it becomes harder to count my blessings. So, I had the opportunity to work with my thoughts the other day and I noticed that I asked myself these questions; Why do these thoughts from the past or the future keep showing up for me? What is the deeper reason behind them? Is it fears, discomfort, pain or anything else that I need to process? Is there anything that I need to be aware of or that I need to focus on releasing or lettering go of so that I may be better able to focus on the present and on the joy I could have today?

As I asked myself those questions I did notice that there were things coming up that I haven’t processed or released yet. I also acknowledged that I’m less productive and more distracted when I’m thinking about all the different thoughts. I’m also less able to make good choices when my mind is all over the place like that. I have moments when I love that feeling of diving into my thoughts to try to process them and to try to genuinely help myself to create a better thought path for me. I knew that was exactly what I needed to do.

Our thoughts have so much power. What the brain believes we align with. Our feelings and actions follow after those thoughts. That is why it’s so important for us to learn to be aware of what we’re thinking about and once we have that awareness we can take some deep breaths and redirect our thoughts toward the person we want to be or toward the results we want to achieve.

Sometimes when I noticed my mind going on all different directions past or future thoughts, I’ve been able to practice some of the mindfulness tools that I’ve learned about. One of the best ways for me to redirect my mind or to slow down my thoughts is to focus my energy on my heart. ? I’ve been slowly learning to not just be so focused on the mind or the thoughts, but instead I like to focus on the energy of my heart and on breathing into my heart and slowing things down for me. I focus my attention on my soul and I think about my ability to feel that living light within me and to connect to it. That is one of the ways that I feel like I can connect to God.

From that place or that energy I can try to listen to what God tells me about these thoughts that I’m having or I try to think about what He would want me to focus on instead. Sometimes I even place my hand on my heart and close my eyes as I try to breathe, listen to and focus my attention more on my inner self, my light, my internal peace, and my connection to God and to His Divine light and guidance for my life. It may feel a little strange at first, but it’s totally worth it to try to learn and disconnect from the external and the thoughts to just connect Internally to your inner deeper self and to God.

I then notice my mind starting to calm down and I’m able to connect once again to that peace that God can provide for those who seek it. ? As I turn my focus away from my mind and focus instead on the energy of my heart and the light of my spirit, I notice that I’m better able to react to the thoughts I was having and to guide or redirect them more into the present moment. I noticed that I can come from a place where I can Just trust in God and myself to make the best choices. I can focus on inviting that feeling of peace, which helps me to calm my thoughts and allows me to focus instead on my blessings and on being more grateful and better able to be more in this moment.

So, this week I want to invite you to try this for yourself. To practice diving deeper into your mental and spiritual strength. You can also do this by doing what I’ve taught you in class (5,4,3,2,1) bringing your attention to your senses. 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you touch, 2 things you smell and 1 thing you can taste. Choosing to be more present is a beautiful gift that we take for granted too often. No matter what we’re going through, I want to remind you that YOU GET TO CHOOSE HOW TO REACT TO EVERY SITUATION. You can choose what to focus on, you can choose to invite more internal peace rather than negativity, you can breathe deeper and enjoy each moment as it comes. ?

I know that God wants all of us to be more open to hearing His voice and His guidance. He can calm our minds, ease our burdens and bring more light into our hearts so that we may continue forward with a positive mind and a strong spirit. The more we practice this in our lives the better able we will be to release and reject negative feelings and thoughts and instead change those thoughts into positive energy for our hearts, minds and lives. Don’t forget that you are in the hands of God. He will take care of you and your life because He loves you and He is a loving God. Trust in yourself and in your ability to have that awareness and to make your thoughts work in the most positive way for you. The choices is yours! Focus on today & actually make it a point to enjoy your day and to choose the best as each moment comes. ????

Love you all and hope that you can make it to class tonight at 6:00 to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit. The hardest thing is showing up but once again, that’s an opportunity to allow your inner light to guide you and to remind you why you need this class and to help you get there to do something amazing for yourself. Reject the voice of laziness and negative and focus on the voice that encourages, motivates and knows what is best for you. So, Put that mental strength to work and come feel the difference. ????


Lili ?

Seeking the Light ?

God is light. ☀️ And I’ve felt that light in my most sincere moments of prayer. I usually like to offer my morning prayers in my living room, where I can feel the sun coming in and I can just be still for a moment with God.

I recently had an experience with prayer. I was sitting on my couch waiting for an answer from God and as I felt the sun coming into that room, I also felt my heart begin to feel tingly and bright. I felt the light of God increasing in the room and at the same I felt it growing brighter in my heart. For the first time in a while I felt completely covered in the love and peace of God.

My soul felt so full and satisfied, it’s hard to describe. But for some reason just knowing that I was LOVED BY GOD WAS ENOUGH! ❤️ That knowledge filled me with peace and Joy FULLY & COMPLETELY. ? I noticed that I no longer thought about my inadequacies, my lacks, the unaccomplished goals etc.

I felt that the thoughts of pressure that we sometimes place on ourselves such as how to “be successful”, make more money, look and feel a certain way and the constant; I’m not good enough, healthy enough, pretty enough, wealthy enough” etc….ALL of those types of thoughts just completely disappeared from my mind! They we’re all gone! & It felt to freeing and amazing.

I realized that I was experiencing the pure peace and Love of God. I could feel with my whole heart that this is exactly what God wants us ALL to experience. ? This type of freedom from the temporary “pressures” of this world, to instead connect to His light and feel the lasting influence of His Eternal Love.

I fully believe that in the presence of God there is no pressure to “be something,” to compare ourselves or try to achieve the things that we desperately seek for here in the world. The only thing that matters to Him is that we’re able to experience His LOVE, to recognize that we’re already loved fully and completely and that we’re able to act accordingly to what the love of God allows us to do for ourselves, for others and for Him on this earth. ? ❤️

Looking for comfort, peace or joy from anywhere else besides God, will never allow us to fully experience the true lasting peace and love that God can offer. The type that lasts even after we leave this earth. So, just remember, that the carnal man will always want more and there will never be enough to satisfy…It can consume our thoughts and our days can pass us by, having placed our ladder toward “success” on the wrong wall all together.

So, today I want to remind you that you’re already successful! Because you’re LOVED BY THE MOST AMAZING BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!!! The same one who created your soul and gave you the gift of this body. Can you imagine the type of Love that requires? …You’re capable of experiencing full peace and love because God is love and you have His DNA ?. Therefore it’s within you and available to you ALWAYS!!! ?

You do not need to go looking for anything external to fill you. Because as you come to God, follow Him, and seek Him, your life will be filled! You’ll experience His light even brighter, His Love and peace more purely and you’ll be able to detect and let go of the lies of the adversary and instead be shielded and protected by the armor of God.

The more that time goes by and the world keeps changing, the more I’ve realized that there’s nothing more important in this life than to come to know God. To fully experience being filled by His light, love and peace. To be able to have a humble heart that is willing to ask for forgiveness and to experience the mercy and the pure love of God.

He is the light of the world and He can be the light of our lives. As we choose to come to Him, to seek for His light, to pray with a sincere heart and focus more on LOVE rather than on lack, we will be better able to feel confident in His Divine love, we will invite more peace into our souls and be filled with daily strengthening light for our lives.

I hope that this week you can allow yourself to connect more purely to the light within you. Let God speak to your heart directly and most importantly to focus on His LOVE for YOU. I promise that it will fill you completely, give you confidence and remind you of the truly important things in this life.?

Come enjoy the sunset with us tonight at 5:00 pm and do something awesome for your body, Mind and Spirit. You won’t regret it and it will allow you to let go of negativity and instead leave feeling renewed, peaceful, empowered and most importantly filled with LOVE for yourself, others and God. ?


Lili ?

The comparison trap ?



Hold on ?

As we face the different challenges that come into our lives, we start to realize that we really do have a choice on what we focus on. We can either let the challenges bring us down even more or allow ourselves to grow from them, hold on, be patient, pray and wait for God’s timing.

We know that our challenges are not something new to God. He knowns what we will go through because He has known the end from the very beginning. He is fully aware of our challenges and is always ready to help us. Even when we don’t feel him near, He is working behind the scenes to provide for us daily. So, what can we do to navigate life a little bit better? & be more willing to trust God?

The best formula when a problem arises is for us to pray, trust God, cast our cares on Him and try to manage our minds or thoughts and continue to fill our spirits with positive messages. ??? As we try to take a look at our thoughts and notice which thoughts are serving us and which thoughts are weakening us, we can then align our positive, uplifting thoughts to Actions which will help us. This will allow us to feel Gods strengthening power in our lives. And allow us to continue forward focusing on one day at a time. ?

God wants us all to have a truly personal relationship with Him. The truth is that we’re not wise enough to run our own lives.. He has the divine wisdom and power to help us through it all. So why not trust Him? The one who knows it all! who can protect us and either open or close doors for our benefit. It’s better to fully depend on a loving God, who is forgiving and kind and who knows it all, than to try to do it on our own. We really do need our creator if we’re looking for internal peace and guidance in our lives. He is the ultimate guide who knows what is truly best for us in the end.

He has promised to support us, bless us and provide us with peace throughout our lives. Give your trust to Him, don’t doubt His power, be patient, and remember that you have internal peace available to you always. Now is the time to strengthen your relationship with God and allow it to grow stronger and stronger until the end. Because with Him by your side life is sooo much better!!! ???❤️

Don’t dwell or hold on to the things which you cannot control and which feel negative in your life. You can instead help yourself by releasing those things and giving them to God. He wants to show you what He can do for you and how powerful your faith can be to let go. So try it out it, practice it and don’t forget that He might need you to be patient through it…but you can do it, because the reward of letting go and trusting God is greater. faith brings miracles and promises to all who believe and trust. ???

Be aware that it’s in the waiting when the enemy attacks you the most, bringing doubts and fears into you mind and heart…But that’s when you can focus on the power of prayer and you can pick ourselves up and say to yourself; “I am a child of God. Created by the divine power of a loving Heavenly Father. His power is within me. He loves me, He supports me and provides abundantly in my life. He fills me with His peace and love daily and I continue forward knowing that God is working right now in my life and I will receive all that He has promised me. ???

God wants you to experience joy more fully. So, is there any joy that you can hold on to right now? While you wait for God to help you with something…focusing on the little things that bring you joy heals our heart and helps us to focus on the blessing. ❤️

So, this week let’s remember that there is Divine light fully available for us and already within us, because we come from the presence of God. ❤️??? Take deep breaths and invite more of that into your life. Remember, God knew about your problem before you had it. He is working on it. Let Him take it. Ask yourself if your thoughts are energy draining? Or energy producing? & Change those thoughts to be positive in your life so that your actions will be positive too. Trust God & be surrounded by peace, trust and love.

John 14:27 Says; My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. ❤️


Lili ?

The Power Of Your Words ?

Words are so powerful. They form new thoughts, they express new ideas and they create new realities.

Have you noticed that we often carry words that were spoken to us, about us and over us for years? Some of these words have traveled with us through life and we haven’t even questioned them. We let those words whether they’re good or bad create our reality and tell us how to live or “who we are.”

Ask yourself these questions:

? Are the words that you’re caring inside of you negative or positive?

? Do these words encourage you or make you feel worse about yourself?

? Is the goodness of God or the criticism of people creating your thoughts today? 

? Is it peace or fear that is ruling your emotions?

?How are the words that you have believed affecting you today?

?Which words do you want to change for yourself?

As I sat down and asked myself these questions, I was able to write down some of the positive and negative words that I have carried for years. As I made my list I realized that I love the positive words that I’ve adopted or carried for years. They’re like beautiful affirmationsthat I want to continue to repeat to myself. ?

And then I looked at my list of the negative words that I have carried. I noticed that those words have been attached to some of my own insecurities and doubts. Due to something someone said at one point or a thought I created in my brain. I realized that these words are not allowing me to live the way that I know God wants me to live.

So, I asked myself; are the words that I’m carrying accurate? & how can I change these negative words? Then, I was pointed to James 1:21 which says; humbly accept the word that is planted in you, which has power to save you.

I felt that the word of God is the word that is planted in me and the one that I want to continue to GROW WITHIN ME. He has power to help me and to save me. As I choose to focus on His words I know I will be able to help myself as well. ?

So, take a look at your words today and the words that you’ve been caring for years. God wants you to listen to His words and most importantly to respond to them. To not just be a hearer of the Word of God, but a DOER. 🙂 So, partner with Him! He wants to help you keep you reach your highest potential. He is speaking to you of your real life and He will help you create that reality in you. Which will be greater than anything else we can accomplish in this life. ?

Look for the fullness of Christ that you have been given. You have the word of God living in you and that should be superior to all other words. The word of God overrides any lesser word spoken to you, spoken about you or spoken over you.

It’s time to throw away any lesser word that you have been caring about yourself. Stop letting them replay in your mind or letting them dictate how are you feel, stop letting them create barriers in your relationships. Stop letting them tell you who you are. Instead I encourage you to believe in God. To fully allow yourself to be open to feeling His love for you. (Just sit alone in nature and that will remind you of His love) ? I encourage you to become a partner with the word of God to allow the positive words to grow within you and to remind yourself when you think of the negative words that no matter what you tell yourself or how critical you are of yourself, that there’s always an amazing God who LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!! ❤️

So, focus on His love and change your negative words. He wants you to bring light into your heart and to heal from the words that you’ve been caring. And instead be filled with the word of God which brings POWER to save you, to encourage you and to allow you to be a light to others as well. This takes practice, but remember? we are DOERS ??? and we can do it. Our minds have the power to focus on the good and as we trust God, He will take care of the rest. ❤️ Choose the words that will help you today and take it one day at a time. ?❤️

Love you all! & hope that you can be surrounded by Uplifting words to help, encourage and strengthen you today and always. Don’t forget, Your words have POWER! ??

If you need encouragement or motivation to do something good for yourself all you have to do is show up at 5:00 pm tonight. ?? You’ll enjoy the sunset, be able to release stress and feel encouraged and motivated to do something good for your Body. You’ll also be able to allow your mind to relax and re-focus your thoughts and feel your Spirit renewing and re-energized to take on the rest of your week. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference in yourself.


Lili ?

Life is a Gift ?

Last week I had an opportunity to meet people who are dealing with many different challenges in their lives. Some are trying to overcome addictions, trauma, loss, relationship issues, mental health challenges and even terminal illness.

As I listened to their stories my heart ached because I wanted to help them all 🙁 I felt like if If I was capable of feeling this amount of love for these people, I could only imagine how God must feel toward them. ❤️

I was also reminded that this is part of life, for all of us to go through different challenges and that all of these things are opportunities for us to RISE or be knocked down by what we have to experience. We all really do get to CHOOSE how to show up for ourselves each day of our lives. ☀️

As I talked to the hospice worker, she mentioned the feelings that people have in their last moments. Some of their biggest regrets were to carry or hold on to pain or negativity for years. Some felt sad that they didn’t build a relationship with God during their lifetime and they had fear of meeting Him now. Some regretted not living more in the moment, not accomplishing their calling in life and basically letting their days pass them by filled with worry or stress and without treasuring the people and relationships around them. She also mentioned that people in their last moments are not worried about their financial state, how many material possessions they gained or the status or popularity they reached…those things are just not important In the end.

The question is, where are we headed? Are we happy with what we’re doing each day and where we’re going to end up at the end of our lives? Are we worried about the right things daily? Or do we need a little re-focusing of what the truly important things will be at the end of our lives. ? These are the questions that we can ask ourselves now. When we have the opportunity to be alive and able to choose for ourselves daily what we want to do and how we want to feel in the end.

As I listened to the different experiences we all shared I was reminded that life is truly a gift. We don’t know when that last moment will be for any of us. But I felt a desire in my heart to live a more grateful life. To allow each day to flow in gratitude allowing Divinity to be present in my daily living. And specially to allow that Divinity to reach me in the times of pain and suffering.

I know that God truly is mindful of all of us. He has been present for me before and I know He will do that for all of us who seek Him and ask Him. I’m thankful that He allows us to go through life together, so that we may support and help one another through our challenges. I’ve seen how we end up becoming little angels for one another and by doing so we’re able to experience the pure LOVE of God, which is able to remove fear, pain and instead anchors us in His light which brings more stability and lasting joy into our lives. ?

Our spiritual goal for the week is to live in gratitude for each moment. To more present in what we’re actually doing. To choose one day at a time how we want to show up for ourselves and to keep our focus on the things which bring the most lasting joy and are truly important. You can write your daily gratitude or make a list of the things that you think will be the most important to you at the end of your days. (I know it sounds sad, but it’s actually a great way to see what we really need to focus on to be happy at the end 😉 and don’t forget to take some deep breaths and enjoy the moment and be more present for yourself.

Our physical goal is to keep ourselves motivated to exercise. Remember just do something for yourself today! Exercise is healing for the mind and body and it will strengthen you and help you as you choose to do this for yourself. Make the choice and show up for yourself! ????

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 5pm to renew your energy, to get rid of negativity and to the strength and your body mind and spirit so that you may be able to show up better for yourself. ??? Make the choice and show up for yourself today! You’ll feel the difference. ?❤️??


Lili ?

Break The Complaining Cycle ?

We all have those moments when life feels a little harder, when things tend to pile up or when we feel overwhelmed and stressed that we just want to vent and complain.

It’s ok to have those feelings and allow our emotions to be released, we all need that. The problem is that we often don’t know how to process our emotions in a positive way and we instead start complaining about our circumstances. And as we know, complaining only adds negativity to what we’re already experiencing.

Most of the time we don’t realize when we’re complaining, yet little by little it becomes a habit and the more we COMPLAIN the more we REMAIN in that situation. There’s a story in the Bible of the Israelites looking toward their promised land, it was the land of their dreams. But because they complained about almost EVERYTHING on their journey they remained in the desert circling the same mountain for 40 years. This was a trip that could’ve taken only about 2 weeks! But the complaints only kept them focused on the negative rather than looking ahead toward the place they were trying to reach.

Do you notice that this happens to us in our lives as well? The more that we complain the more we remain in the same space. This can be in regards to anything; our relationships, our bodies, finances, self esteem, jobs etc. It is in complaining that we remain focused on the negative. We continue to “circle the same mountain” over and over again and year after year we find ourselves in the same situation or worse.

So, once again we’re given the opportunity to choose for ourselves where we want to be. Do we want to continue the complaining cycle and remain the same? Or do we want to change that and consciously turn it into something positive for us? There’s a remedy to complaining that actually works and brings lasting positive results. Since we know that what we focus on EXPANDS OR GROWS then why not allow something positive to grow within us. This is what having an attitude of Gratitude will do for us. ❤️

No matter how difficult life may be, there’s always something to be thankful for. We’ve read about how gratitude pushes people forward. It’s one of the key habits to success and one of the most important attributes that God has asked us to focus on. He’s asked us to be thankful in all things. ❤️ Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; the ability to have the readiness to show appreciation for all that we have and to return kindness as well.

One of the best ways for us to get rid of complaining is to practice being a little more conscious and aware of what we’re feeling. Taking some deep breaths, redirecting our energy and keeping a gratitude journal where we can write down our top three things we’re thankful for each day, is super helpful and healing. It is also a great opportunity to write down some of our challenges and difficulties and be able to take a moment to recognize that those experiences can also help us to be a little more polished, to grow and develop.

Once we’re able to focus on gratitude instead of complaining, our world will begin to change. We won’t be so easily affected by the world around us, but instead we will want to radiate a little more peace, love and light. Not only for ourselves, (because we’ve chose it) but also for others as well. This way we will not be going around the same mountains ? but instead we will be moving forward toward a life that is happier, more fulfilling and peaceful. It is our choice 😉

So this week I would like to challenge you to notice how often you are complaining as well as how often other people around you complain. Try to focus on changing that negative environment into something positive ( By counting your blessings, or the things that you’re thankful for) God will see you effort and will reward you for it. ? Try it for yourself and notice a difference.

Hope that you can make it to class this week and allow yourself to have a moment to grateful for the body that you have and for the opportunity that you have to do something good for yourself & to strengthen your body, mind and spirit. I hope that you can join us this week! Specially since class will be canceled next week. (Jan 27th). Stay focused, keep doing your best and take it ONE DAY AT A TIME! ☀️don’t let negativity get in your way, focus on the good and notice how it will GROW in your life. ?❤️??


Lili ?

Rest for your Soul ?

As we experience the challenges, difficulties and heaviness of the world around us, we realize that we really do have a choice.

We can either choose to allow more negativity to enter our minds and hearts, we can continue listening and trusting the many voices of the world. Or instead, we can choose to have a moment to take some deep breaths, be more present, slow down a little, focus on what we can control and most importantly TRUST IN GOD more than men. ❤️

God has given us promises and tools to bring us inner peace and to truly bring rest to our souls. But the question is; Do we genuinely show God that we believe Him? & How willing are we to look within ourselves and to look toward God for inner peace and rest from the burdens we may be carrying?

Mathew 11:28-30 Says

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest into your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He wants you to come to Him. He invites YOU! & guess what? you get to CHOOSE for yourself. He tells you that you can learn of Him, you can know Him better. & by doing so, you will learn that He is a GOOD GOD. A God who is never blind to your tears, who knows your pain and all of the difficulties you’re going through. He is never deaf to your prayers and is always right there ready to comfort you in the way that you personally need it. He Hears YOU! He sees You! He knows you and loves you more than you’ll ever know. ?

We all know that life is short and temporary. Each day really is a gift and a new opportunity that God gives us to do better. ? Do we want to be constantly triggered by all that is going on in the world around us?… Or do we want to gain more inner stability, peace and strength in God? He is ready to provide it to any who SEEK HIM. The more that we’re able to align ourselves to Him the less fear we will have in the world and the better we will be able to make choices and handle the difficult situations that may come into our lives.

With God we can do all things and with Him we are WAY MORE STRONGER, PEACEFUL AND STABLE. ??? We all know that our world needs a little more of that. and as our minds and hearts are more peaceful and stable we can be a light in the lives of our families, loved ones and the world around us. ?

So, remember He’s got you! & HE ALWAYS WILL. You’ve got this! Come to Him & you will receive peace and rest. Focus on the light, love, peace and all the good that you find in TODAY and feel the difference. ?❤️??

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 5:00pm to continue on your journey of strengthening your Body, Mind and Spirit. ?This is a little therapy for all of us. 🙂 So, make it happen for yourself and see the benefits from it. ? ??‍♀️?


Lili ?

The Focus Of Your Life ?

As 2021 begins I’ve been thinking about the lessons learned form 2020.

I noticed that I could focus on all the negative things that happened…but as I looked back at my journal for 2020 I remembered that my goal for the year was to record how I could see the hand of God in my life or in the life of my family throughout the year.

I’m thankful that I had recorded the ups and downs of 2020. We all had tears, experienced fear, challenges and difficulties. But, I also noticed that it’s sometimes during the darkest or hardest moments of our lives that we can be a little more polished, we can gain new wisdom that ultimately blesses us and allows us to grow.

As I looked back at what I recorded in my journal, I noticed that I did write about the negative things that were happening. But to my surprise as I kept reading the different experiences I realized that my journal was filled with all of the ways in which I was able to recognize the hand of God in my life and the life of my family. It was beautiful for me to see our 2020 miracles, the answered prayers, the amazing people who were angels to us and all of the other positive things that came from this “Negative year” I realized that I had placed my focus on the positive things, Which was very hard to do in 2020, right? But as I noticed how focusing on the positive really helped me, I remembered the words from President Russell M. Nelson which say;

The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

Of course, if I had only journaled about the negative things I would’ve missed seeing the hand of God during 2020. I wouldn’t have recognized the kindness, service and love from so many people around us and I would’ve missed the beauty and the lessons that 2020 brought to my life and the life of my loved ones. It really does matter what YOU CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON.

I’m thankful that the 2020 challenges lead me to receive my certification as a Mindfulness coach. I learned throughout the year not to seek for peace externally but internally. I learned to be more present daily and I began viewing the world differently than I had in my entire life. My connection to God and to others was deeper and I began to notice that Divine light all around me. I realized that NO ONE, & NOTHING can control the way we CHOOSE to react to situations. It will always be up to each one of us to choose how we want to react. Do we want to focus on the good? Do we want to connect to that divine inner light within us? Do we want to strengthen our relationship with God more?

As we tap into that inner light and connect to it more often it will allow us to become more present, to disconnect more easily from the outter world and instead gain the peace that we need for each day, and each moment. The more we search internally and allow ourselves to connect to God directly, the more confident we’ll feel. The easier life will be to navigated and we will see that we will be less reactant to the world around us. We will instead radiate more of that divine light not only to help ourselves emotionally and spiritually in times of difficulties, but also to be a light to our family, our communities and the world around us. ?

So, this 2021 allow yourself to be way more loving and kind to yourself. Look for the positive lessons learned from 2020 and move forward from here. Be willing to have your eyes open to seeing Gods hand in your life daily. Allow yourself to connect to Internal self more often to gain more emotional and spiritual strength to keep you moving forward. Give yourself time to breathe deeply! Give yourself the gift of letting go of any internal pain that may be holding you back. Focusing on your emotions from the past or the future isn’t going to do much good RIGHT NOW. So, focus on being a little more present and on welcoming more peace and love into your life . When your internal world is at peace, you’ll feel it touching all other areas of your life. ???

So, Set your goals, systems or intentions for 2021 coming from a place of LOVE toward yourself. Think about how you want to SHOW UP for yourself this year & try to do it in a way more positive, peaceful, kind and loving way. ? YOU DESERVE THAT! ?

Look for Gods hand in your life. Remember that He knows the plans that He has for you. He won’t leave you comfortless, He will give you peace. Do your part each day and He will do His. He loves you and wants to continue to be here for you. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND IN THAT DIVINE INNER LIGHT WITHIN YOU. ??? You can do way more than you imagine with God by your side. So, Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. As you choose to Focus on the GOOD, to TRUST GOD & to inhale and invite more Peace, Love, and kindness into your daily life. You’ll see that 2021 will be a beautiful year. YOUR FOCUS IS YOUR CHOICE. & THAT FOCUS CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING! ?????

Hope that you can join us in class on Wednesdays at 5 PM. To keep you motivated to accomplish your goals and to help you feel more internally balanced, stronger and peaceful.


Lili ?

Daily Gifts ?

“Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift just for today. Embrace it and enjoy it before it fades away.” If we choose to see the gifts that God has given us, we will see His fingerprints of Love and divinity all around us. ?

Some days may be harder than others but as we remember to take it one day at a time and slowly become more aware of our surroundings, our feelings and trying to become more present. We can focus our attention on seeing the light, beauty and love that is woven in all things outside in the world and inside our heart.

We can gently remember that each moment brings with it the gift of life and the chance to love. This small moment, this precious day will not come again. We have never seen a day like this before.

So, If we can change the way we see things normally and focus instead on the beauty that is around us, we can start to view our day as being saturated in sacred sights and sounds. Then, this moment right here, right now, where we are, broken, messy, or whatever it may be, becomes a beautiful & holy moment.

James 1:17 Says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

God is the provider and the giver of all Good gifts. ? He gives us more than we realize daily. He loves us and wants us to keep our view focused on Him. The Father of lights, the Father of our souls. He who knows the end from the beginning is ready to help us and lift us daily.??? We just have to reach up to Him and consciously be aware of how blessed we are and the gifts that He is constantly giving us.??

So, don’t keep looking down ?…You know that’s not a good place. You get to CHOOSE if you want to focus on the light or not. God invites you to experience His love in the daily moments that He gives you on this earth. So, Enjoy them and allow your heart to be peaceful and socked in daily divine light.

We will have our LAST CLASS OF 2020 tonight at 5pm!! ?? Hope that you can make it & leave feeling stronger Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually ???????


Lili ?