I Am Made Of Divine Light ?

A small group of close friends, family & myself have been submerging ourselves in mindfulness this week. We’ve had daily challenges to work on and we’ve been introduced to new tools which can help us be better able to navigate life in a more positive way. ????

Our challenge yesterday was to focus on seeing the DIVINITY in ALL living things. ? We often go through life without thinking about all of the light that actually surrounds us. ☀️ We close ourselves off to it (not on purpose), but just because we allow the business to get in the way and we don’t take the time to SLOW DOWN & Enjoy the moment. Our lives are often busy and hectic & we tend to feel stressed and overwhelmed. We compare ourselves to others and use social media, tv, food and sometimes even our own business as a way to buffer our emotions. ?

The more that we’re able to teach ourselves to have moments to slow down, to breathe and to connect to ourselves the more we will be able to know ourselves, to manage our emotions and our lives. This practice will trickle down slowly to all areas of our lives and it will help us to acknowledge the Divine light within us and the The light of God in all other living things. ?

When we can focus on the light we’re better able to invite more of it into our lives. ?? We can forgive others, we can recognize with humility our mistakes and know that there’s a loving God who is always ready to help us on our journey toward becoming a purer soul.

YOUR SOUL MISSION IS TO LEARN ABOUT THE DIVINITY WITHIN YOU AND GROW IT!! ?? So, slow down a little and focus on seeing the divinity within yourself and all around you. See that divine light in your family members, in the plants , ?animals and all living things. Recognize the light and allow yourself to invite more of the light and love of God to reside within you and around you today. Let go of the things that don’t help you or serve you and do your best to be present and to sense the spirit of all that is Divine around you.

Hope that you can make it to class today at 5:00 pm!!! Not only release stress and to do something great for your physical body but also to strengthen your soul and to have a wonderful meditation to help you relax and align yourself to the light that is all around you. ???? 

The hardest thing is showing up. Make it happen for yourself and feel the difference. ?


Lili ?

I Am Present Today ?

Be here. Today, guide your thoughts back to the present moment with gentle focus and live fully right where you are. Just being present throughout your day will allow you to experience more peace and joy.

 We often keep our thoughts focused on the past or on the future and we forget to just enjoy today. To be present and to be here, where we are right now.

I want to invite you to be more present during your day. To let your day flow with grace, and to tune in to your inner spirit to allow God to guide you toward where He wants you to focus your attention today.

Allow yourself to be open to welcome the light of God into your life. Feel the love of God as it fills you and as you invite it in.?? ? His light & love allows you to be positive and to experience that inner Joy that can only come form His presence.

Today, notice what is around you and express gratitude for each moment you experience. Give thanks for your blessings, no matter how small they may be. Allow yourself to be open to being kind and filled with love toward yourself and others. See the good in those around you and focus on inviting THE GOOD into your mind and heart today. That the things which you choose to focus on, will allow you to become more aligned to God, flowing in His light and being able to more easily enjoy the gift of TODAY. ☀️???

Hope that you can make it to class this afternoon at 5:00pm. ?❤️?? To be outdoors, to release stress and give yourself the opportunity to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit and leave feeling renewed, peaceful and filled with light to help you throughout your week. ??

Love you all! & Don’t forget that you’re not alone. You’re supported, guided and unconditionally loved exactly as you are. God loves YOU! and will help you through it all. Trust Him and feel His love and peace available for YOU TODAY. ????


Lili ?

What will you choose today? ?

I choose Faith over anxiety, hope over worry and love over fear.

These words can serve us in two ways: As an affirmation and as a practice. When fears arise, affirmations and our breathing can move us gently toward the light even as we face the darkness. They make us mindful of our thoughts and our choice to direct them with faith and hope. Choosing to do this over and over again is the practice, when worries settle in, we always have the choice to look at them through the eyes of love.

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed we can close the door to the outside world and instead make our thoughts and emotions known to God. I promise you that He does hear and answer every prayer of your heart. (Maybe not always in the timing we would like, but HE does answer) He did it for me this week. He answered me with LOVE. ❤️ & Just as He answered me with love, I know He will do the same for anyone who seeks Him. ❤️??

As we’re willing to surrender our challenges to Him with a brave, patient and open heart. Trusting in the God of the Universe. The creator of our souls. We will see that He will remove the stress and anxiety from our hearts. & instead replace all of that, with HIS LOVE.❤️

The LOVE OF GOD is the greatest gift in the world. Just to know that you are loved by God, allows you to remove anything else that makes you feel unhappy, anxious or stressed. Because the love of God fills and covers your heart and soul with peace. It brings an assurance that everything will be ok. The soul that is able to trust in God, is able to gain way more strength to overcome the challenges of life than those who place the trust on themselves.

It’s completely up to us to choose to exercise our spiritual muscles daily & to focus on His love. ??❤️ It’s up to us to choose to place our TRUST ON HIM with everything that happens in our lives and to know and believe that with His help we truly can overcome all things. ??

So, Today I invite you to say to yourself; I choose faith, Hope and Love. And when I do, my anxiety, worries and fears dissolve. My focus becomes centered on the highest good for my soul. I believe that all things are possible as I place my trust on the amazing love of a God who is ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL & ALL LOVING.

I trust in His incredible blessings and I know that He walks the path of life with me and He will carry me through it all. ❤️ Every thought out of my mind and soul today will come from a place of LOVE. Love for God, Love for myself and Love for others. ❤️ TODAY I CHOOSE FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE.

Hope that you can make it to class today at 5:00pm ? Focus on loving yourself today and doing the best that you can to strengthen your Body, Mind and Soul ? which will allow you to remain stronger and more stable when the different challenges of life arise. This is what we train for. ??? This is why we have this class! To become stronger children of physically, emotionally and Spiritually.


Lili ?

Daily Gratefulness ?

With everything that we have experienced this year, it’s easy for us to feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed by the different circumstances we’ve had to encounter.

Many of us know of, or have friends and family who have passed away from COVID-19. Others are experiencing very difficult challenges in their lives. & although it only seems fair to focus on those things, we all know that focusing on them makes us feel weighed down, unhappy, disconnected from God, and It affects our thoughts, surroundings and even our health.

Did you know that by being grateful you shield yourself from negativity? ? It actually makes you at least 25% happier, it rewires your brain and eliminates stress. It heals your body, improves sleep, boost your self-esteem and performance, enhances the law of attraction in your life, and improves relationships. Focusing on your daily gratitude will change your world internally and externally. ?

Not only that, but God wants to remind you that He wants you to focus on gratitude instead of focusing on the things that don’t seem to be working right in your life. He has promised us this; “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.” (D&C 78:19) How amazing that God has promised that as we focus on gratitude He will bless us with even more than what we have now. ❤️ ??

So, If you’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed please take a moment to stop everything that you’re doing to have a second to just close our eyes and to take a few deep breaths….Just taking a moment to be thankful for this simple ability to take in a breath is all you need to focus on. With each breath that comes into our body we can experience deeper and deeper feelings of gratitude for all that we have and for all that we’ve received from God. We can allow those breaths to strengthen us and to renew and energize our body, our mind and our spirit. Remember, focus on your blessings. You’re in charge of controlling how you feel and what to focus on. Let it be for your benefit and for your inner peace. ?

The goal for this week is to be thankful DAILY ☀️?? when you start feeling stressed take a moment to count your blessings instead. Think about the simple gift of life. The fact that you’re able to be on this earth today, that you can breathe, be here and present with everything that surrounds you. The more that you focus on those things the more you’ll enjoy your day, the more stress will disappear and you’ll be able to feel peaceful and joyful and instead focus on the abundant blessings that God has given you and will continue to give you. ???

St. John 14: 18 says
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

How much do we trust that promise? Do we trust Him to be by our side and to lift us up during our times of need? If so, then we have nothing to worry about. We trust God daily for His will to be done and not ours. Because we trust that His ways are better than ours. We focus on gratitude and on our blessings and as we start to see our blessings, we will promise to Him to reach out to others in service and help to lift their burdens as well. ? We’re here to focus on the light that we have in our lives and to be a light to others. Our trust and our gratitude will change everything! ???

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 5PM! ? our goal is to release stress, strengthen our Body and renew our Mind and our Spirit through meditation & relaxation. If you feel like you need it. Please motivate yourself to be there and to do something good like this for yourself. You’ll leave feeling amazing and you won’t regret it.

TODAY, FOCUS ON THE THINGS THAT MATTER MOST AND TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME. ??We can do all things with Gods help. You’ve got this! Be grateful and blessed. ???


Lili ?

Team God ?

As I was talking to my six-year-old son the other night, we were talking about superheroes and all of their different powers. After spending a while talking about some of the best superheroes he’s learned about, he turned to me and said; “Mommy, Jesus is the greatest superhero EVER!!!! He walks on water, He saves and heals people and the best part of it all, is that He is actually real!!!” ❤️ “I want to be on Team Jesus forever!!! Why can’t He just come now?”

My heart seriously melted to hear my little six-year-old say that. My little boy who is into superheroes, Avengers etc.. Just realized that the greatest superhero that has ever lived and that still lives is Jesus Christ. ?❤️ We started talking about prayers and how He answers them. I also explained to him that Jesus can’t come just yet, because He’s giving us daily opportunities to prove ourselves so that we may become better members of His team. ?

As I was thinking about this today, I felt that I really do want to be a good member of Gods team. I want to be on the good side of this battle that we live in daily on this earth. The choice to be a member of Gods team happens every morning, when we wake up and we have the opportunity to choose for that day how we are going to react, and how we are going to live this day.

I was also reminded of the scripture which talks about all of us being ultimately judged by our thoughts and the intents of our hearts. Since God knows our hearts and our thoughts. I felt that I have a daily opportunity to release any negativity from my heart and to ask God to purify my heart, to align my thoughts to Him and allow me to be more open and willing to hear His voice and be a better member of Gods team. ???❤️

I want all the actions, desires and thoughts going out of my soul to glorify God and I want to allow all that comes into my soul and into my life to glorify Him as well. I want to have a soul that has a desire to seek wisdom from the best places and sources ( specially at this time when we can be so easily distracted by everything on the Internet, social media etc.) I want to seek His wisdom and to make my home, heart and soul a place where God can reside.

The battle is daily, and that battle usually begins in our hearts and minds. So today I invite you to think about what are some of the things you can do to strengthen your mind and heart? & How can you be a better member of Gods team today? ? ☀️

We belong to the team of God who knows our battles and who is willing to fight with us and for us. He loves us and gives us daily opportunities to choose. He doesn’t want us to give up, but instead He wants us to train with Him! and to strengthen ourselves for the daily battles we face. With Him we will overcome all things. Please know that He does have a perfect plan for your life! trust your coach! Because He is the most AMAZING coach you will ever have & He is willing to help you, strengthen you, heal you and fill you with peace along the path of your life. We’ve got this team God! ???❤️

Hope that you can make it to class and our new schedule on WEDNESDAYS AT 5 PM. Come strengthen your body, Mind and soul and leave feeling renewed and ready to do your best. ??

Our physical goal this week is to exercise at least 3 days 😉 & our Spiritual goal is to remember daily that we belong to Gods team and all will be ok. ? Remember the scripture; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me.” Trust that He will come through for you. ?❤️??


Lili ?

Inner Oasis ?

Often times our thoughts and conversations are directed at the future or the past, that we forget to focus on the present. Being Present is bringing full awareness to the moment we are in. Filtering out distractions and bringing our attention to the task at hand.

Doing this allows the combined stresses of life to fade to the background as we focus on being right here, doing whatever it is that we are doing right now. With a focused mind and a sense of gratitude for this very moment.

As we’ve talked about in class, one of ways to improve our ability to come into the present moment is to calm the mind in meditation. Meditating at any time of the day, brings rewards that filter into all aspects of life. Any time Is the perfect time to refresh or renew ourselves. We just have to choose to make the time for it and allow it to actually help us.

Between our regular meditations, when we are in the world. We can use short meditations for even one or two minutes that are refreshing, calming, centering and good for our health and clarity. They open the window of communication to our higher wisdom, returning us to our spiritual perspective and allowing us to connect to God and to ourselves. This allows us to focus on God’s peace, Love and trust which will allow us to act from a place that is centered and peaceful. ???

Our Goal for the next 2 weeks is to bring ourselves to this calming connection as many times a day as possible. And to be more present in our daily tasks. You may have to remove distractions and take some deep breaths, but you can do it! ??? The more we practice the more natural It will become.

Here’s one way you can practice this.

▫️Stop what you’re doing.

▫️Take three deep breaths and allow yourself to feel what is going on in your body and mind.

▫️Invite the calming peace and love to be with you.

▫️ Start your next task with gratitude, kindness joy, compassion and love.

Hope that you can allow yourself to have more moments to access your inner oasis. We will have class tonight at 6pm if there’s rain we will do it through zoom. If not, we’ll meet outside ? Hope that you can make it and continue to do things to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit. ?


Lili ?

Greater Inner peace ?

With everything that has happened in our world this year. There’s been an increase in emotional instability, stress, fear and anxiety.

Addiction and violence have been on the rise and we’re finding ourselves and our loved ones looking for ways to “numb” the emotional stress that surrounds us.

We resort to food, look for compliments or validation on social media, we obsess over our physical appearance, use entertainment, tv, shopping, substances and many other activities that seem harmless at first, but little by little become the ways in which we buffer our emotions.

Can you see how we’re slowly becoming more and more dependent on outside sources to bring us “inner peace”? Most of the time we don’t even realize how much we’re allowing those things to control our emotional state, or how we’re “numbing the discomforts” of life which little by little disrupts our inner peace.

This week I want to motivate you to take a look deeper within yourself. Remember that this may not feel comfortable at first and you may be tempted to grab your phone or try to look for your “buffering tools.” The goal is to honestly sit quietly and make a list of the things that you use to “numb” your emotional discomfort. What comes up for you? What are the things you reach for first? Do they bring you peace? Or do they leave you feeling worse?

Once you’re able to do this for yourself, be proud of your ability to be clear about what those things are. Set a goal for yourself this week that you will notice when those things start to show up and motivate yourself to not rely on them for your comfort. Instead, try to disconnect from the outside world to focus on your internal peace which is always available to you, if you choose to focus on it.

Remember that God invites us to fully place our trust on HIM. He is the prince of peace, who invites our souls to receive long lasting and eternal peace.

John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️ ? ??

God wants us to not be troubled or afraid. So, what is troubling you today? What is bringing you fear or frustration? Whatever those feelings are, sit with them for a little bit. It’s ok! & remember to allow yourself to speak to God and release that to HIM. He will remove those feelings from you and instead fill you with peace and trust in Him, which is where the greatest peace can come from. Being at peace with God is lasting peace for the soul. ❤️

Remember that no one has permission to upset you, unless you allow them to do so. We talk about this in class every week! So, hopefully you can make it tonight to learn more about this and to gain greater strength to help you.

So, set the goal for yourself to notice what you’re using to buffer your emotions. Take some deep breaths and move forward with gaining greater inner peace. Make time to strengthen your relationship with God who is the Father of PEACE. He will allow you to be filled this week. ???

Our Spiritual goal this week is: To gain greater inner peace. ?

Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body healthy nutrient rich foods. ❤️

Hope To see you in class tonight at 6pm. Hope that you can come get rid of stress and strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Lili ?

Body, Mind & Spirit ?

Those of you who know me, know how much I love talking about the connection of the Body, Mind and Spirit. God has put this in my heart for many years. I’ve felt that many of my challenges and experiences have helped me to learn how important this connection is and I seek strongly to follow this feeling in my heart to continue to grow from it and to let others know of its importance and to hopefully help you on your journey as you also seek balance of your Body, Mind and Soul.

1 Corinthians 3: 16 Says; know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

I want to remind you that God has giving you an amazing gift of having a body, mind and soul, all in one amazing temple which is you. Only you can allow yourself to Bring balance to your temple.

You are In control of what you allowed to enter your mind by the things that you watch and listen to.

You are in control of what you allowed to enter your body. By choosing foods that will be nourishing for you, and by allowing yourself to exercise and do what you can to keep your physical body in balance.

And finally you are in control of what you allow your soul to receive. The soul is the one thing that we take with us after this life. So how important is it to take care of it? It is the soul which allows all the other areas of your life to come together.

God has put you on this earth to discover how your inner strength can help you throughout your life. And as you balance your physical emotional and spiritual needs you will see that you will be better able to make choices and to feel the spirit of God more strongly in your life.

So today focused on what you can do to allow the spirit of God to be with you, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Take some deep breaths, be present and enjoy each moment. Look for joy and try to remember that you have a God who loves you and is here for you. With Him life is full of peace, love love and Joy. ❤️

Hope that you can make it to class tonight!! don’t forget that we’re starting at 6 PM. This is a good opportunity to disconnect from everything else, and to do some thing amazing for your body mind and soul. So I invite you to come get rid of stress, strengthen and renew your inner self and leave feeling lighter, peaceful and ready to do more for yourself and for others.

You’ve got this!!! ????


Lili ?

Emotional Overwhelm

You know how you have those days when you wake up and realize how much you have to do? How little time you have to do it all? Or when you just have that feeling of overwhelm from everything that is going on?…Well, I just had one of those days yesterday. 

I felt like I started my day with good intentions. I woke up getting ready to start my new fall 2020 routine as a homeschool mom.? I thought I was going to be able to accomplish what I wanted to do for that day. Not only for my kids, but for my home, work and more. Little by little I started to realize that I wasn’t even close to completing what was on my “to do list” I felt the overwhelm and stress start to get to me from my lack of accomplishments for that day. 

I found myself continuing to go on the whole day without a break. Until I was forced to sit in my car and wait for the rain to stop before I could get out. That rain was a tender mercy to me. It forced me to sit in my car and say a little prayer, asking God to help me ease those feelings of overwhelm and stress that had been over me the entire day.

As soon as I was done with my prayer, I looked up at the sky, and noticed the rain and the sunset. For the first time in my whole day I felt completely present in that very moment. Then, I had this incredible feeling that brought SO much peace to my heart, it made me cry. It was as if the voice and peace of God had come into my car and touched my soul for sure! Because it instantly, it took all of those overwhelming emotions away. ??? 

I learned once again the importance of allowing ourselves to slow down a little. We talk about this in class every week! ? We talk about being mindful and present in our Body, Mind & Soul.  So, I realized that I needed to practice what I preach! lol This was my opportunity to be present at this very moment with myself. ? This was another opportunity for me to experience it for myself and to allow God to speak to my heart. 

During that small amount of time in my car, I gained so much from God. He allowed me to feel in my heart His immense love ❤️ I felt How much He notices the little details and all of the good actions that we do. He sees way passed the stuff on our to do list. Instead, He sees all that we can become & encourages us to focus on the most important things each day and to just TRUST HIM.

Everything that that happens in our lives is truly meant to bring us more wisdom and experience. As long as we don’t choose to numb our emotions with food, addictions or entertainment. But instead, for us to make a conscious decision to take a little time to disconnect from those things, from the pressures that we place on ourselves and have a moment to instead connect to God. He is the one that helps us precisely when we feel like we’re not doing enough. He will send angels to our lives to remind us of this. & He will help us along the path of life to focus on the good! On His healing power, love and light that is available ALL of us. ❤️

Yeah, maybe I didn’t accomplish the things on my to do list. But I did have a few moments when I experienced the smiles of my children. I was able to give to them a hug or just be there for them. ? Maybe I didn’t accomplish cleaning or doing more…But I’m thankful that I was able to slow down enough to be present with my emotions and present for my myself to align my whole self to God. To be mindful enough to try to speak the desires of my heart to Him and to be able to enjoy His tender mercies for me each and every day. Those are truly the moments that make any day a good day. Just the fact that we can still be here, enjoying these hours & moments are all gifts. Don’t take them for granted, but instead try to be present, & don’t focus so much on the past or the future. God reminds us to take it one day at a time. ?

So, today I want to encourage you to slow down a little more. To be more present with yourself. To let go of distractions or negative thoughts & instead invite God unto your life. Don’t forget that He is the ONLY ONE who truly knows exactly what you need and how to help you. I believe that we can’t have true, deep joy in our life without having a relationship with God. ❤️ I promise that He will take away your emotional overwhelm just as he did it for me. He will allow you to see your blessings and to feel His love which will bring strength into your life and allow you to be filled with more Joy, light and peace. Regardless of what goes on, remember to be present for yourself. Take some deep breaths, my goal today is to be mindful each hour ?? Remember today to say a little prayer and count your blessings. God will be there for you! ❤️??

Hope to see you in class tonight at 6:30pm to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit. ?? Part fo taking care of our emotional selves also has to do with what we feed our body and the exercise that we do. It’s so healing for us to add these things into our day. So, I invite you to come to class and renew your strength and your energy today. I’m here for you if you need me as well. ??? Take it one day at a time & do your best today. ??


Lili ?

This season of your life ?

Have you felt the weather lately? Even us Floridians can feel a little change coming 😉 As I’ve been thinking about the changes that begin to take place in nature, when leaves begin to change colors, the weather begins to cool and daylight starts to become shorter. Its beautiful to think about the ways in which nature begins to adjust for the colder winter months.

Thinking about this is a gentle reminder that “there is a season for everything. A time for every purpose in Heaven.” We all have different seasons in our lives. What’s important is that we take the time to slow down a little and discover what we’re meant to learn from each season. And the ways in which we can strengthen ourselves, grow and overcome as God would want us to do for ourselves. ??❤️

It’s part of life to bring those changing seasons into our lives. ? The question is, are we willing to trust HIM enough through each season? Are we willing to be accepting of what comes and allow Him to transform us? Being willing to go through the inner growth to release what we need to let go of. To gain a stronger hold on our faith and trust that we are in the hands of God. knowing that whatever each season brings will be for our own good and the development of our souls in the perfect timing. ❤️

As we welcome this new season in nature. allow yourself to welcome this new season in your life as well. Contemplate the season you have experienced and what season your are in and which season is approaching for you. Bless the outgoing season thanking it for it’s insights and lessons learned and welcome in the new season making space for blessings and small miracles to grow. ??

The most important thing that God wants to remind you is that there is beauty in every season. ❤️ Some seasons may be harder than others, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t right there for you to lift you and to help you through it. Allow those seasons to strengthen you and draw you closer to God and remember to FOCUS ON THE JOY AND THE BEAUTY THAT THIS SEASON BRINGS YOU. ?❤️?????

Our Spiritual goal this week is to reflect on the season we’re in and to allow ourselves to surrender to the positive transformation that it’s meant to bring us. We want to focus on it’s beauty, on the good, on the goals we can accomplish and the ways in which we can strengthen our Body, Mind and Soul during this season. Remembering to always focus each season on LOVE ❤️ The LOVE OF GOD, LOVE FOR OURSELVES, and love for others. ? ENJOY YOUR SEASON & LOVE IT FOR WHAT IT WILL BRING INTO YOUR LIFE. ❤️??

Hope to see you in class tonight so that you can let go of stress and negativity. & instead strengthen you body, mind & soul to leave peaceful, renewed and stronger. Love you all and hope That God delivers this message to you in His amazing ways. Make it a good day! You’re in good hands! ???❤️???


Lili ?