Spilled Soup ?

  • As I was rushing to clean out my fridge yesterday, I knew I only had a small amount of time to do it before picking up my groceries. As I picked up a big Tupperware full of soup from the fridge, it slipped out of my hands and broke open as it landed. Spilling all of its contents all over my kitchen floor and cabinets ??‍♀️
  • The mess was horrible!! After having some tears of frustration and spending a while cleaning up. My son handed me a drawing he made to help me feel better. It was a picture of me with the spilled soup ? but it had hearts all around me and he wrote over and over I LOVE YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️ …It was definitely the cutest way to help me feel better.

    I feel like in life there are so many times when we accidentally “Spill the soup” all over ourselves and all over the place! ? We end up having negative thoughts about ourselves, about our body, our looks, our parenting, what we do and don’t accomplish. We compare ourselves to Pinterest, to social media, we place our value on what others think about us. Or on what the world tells us we should be like. Do you notice how all of these thoughts turn into a mess in your mind & soul?

    Sometimes you need a little reminder like the one my son gave me. That even though you spilled the soup, there’s still a God who is right there to help you feel better. ❤️ There’s a God who wants you to know that He loves you and His love doesn’t change because of your your achievements, your body size, your looks, your bank account, your popularity etc… HE JUST LOVES YOU!!! ❤️

    He wants to remind you to not nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Instead, remember that on those days when you spill the soup, He still BELIEVES IN YOU! ❤️ He wants you to remember that He notices all of the good that you’re doing and all of it doesn’t go unnoticed.

    He wants you to remember to take it one day at a time, doing your best each day to clean up any negativity from your mind & heart and instead to fill yourself with the companionship and inner peace that God brings. He allows your cup to be full and even overflowing each day.

    As you allow yourself to find your value in Him. Your confidence will grow. ? Not confidence in the things of this world, but confidence in God. ??? You will see that confidence and success in life truly comes from discovering and understanding who you really are in the sight of God. ❤️

    So, keep looking up! Stay positive and do your best. ? I pray that God can deliver the message that you’re meant to gain from this. & that you will have a stronger desire to FOCUS MORE ON THE LOVE OF GOD. Rather than on the ways in which you’re “spilling the soup” You’re AMAZING! AND ARE LOVED BY GOD TODAY AND ALWAYS!!! ? Love you all and hope to see you in class tonight at 6:30pm to strengthen our Body, Mind and Spirit. ????


    Lili ?

    I choose JOY ?

    There are days when life’s challenges can be too difficult to handle. Even the smallest step toward joy can seem like climbing a mountain. The truth is that we can honor a wide range of feelings during our day. For the most part we want to choose things that will help us feel lighter and more capable of handling what we’re going through.

    If we tend to “honor” certain emotions and feelings during our day why not try to honor those that help us feel better? Why not try to choose Gratitude, peace, faith and joy instead of giving into the negative thoughts that so often drain us and lead us down a spiral of emotional burnout.

    Instead we can choose to be aware of the negative repetitive thoughts that keep us distracted and distressed. We can take some deep breaths, pray for strength and focus instead on the things that were grateful for. We can focus on feeling the love of God, which is full of Joy and instead start trusting that He will help us along the way to remain peaceful, faithful and joyful which is the way He would want us to live.

    This will strengthen us and allow us to make Joy part of our daily practice. Something that we focus on and honor for our own spiritual wellbeing. Choosing Joy will also inspire us to renew our connection with the divine daily.

    Therefore allowing us to align with God which will automatically bring a soul more peace, more trust, more joy and a feeling of safety and relaxation in God. We will know that we are safe. We have a God who loves us and wants us to focus on Joy. And as children of God we will choose to focus on all that is good for our souls. This is who we are. In Him we can overcome ALL THINGS. ?

    ❤️Our spiritual goal for the week is to have our hearts open to Joy. Remember the gifts that you have today. See the hand of God in your life daily and trust that the world is a taken care of by a benevolent God, whose plan is for your highest good. You deserve Joy! Focus on it and let it be part of who you are. ❤️

    ❤️ Our physical goal is to Eat nutritious food, move our body and compliment ourselves.

    Remember to take it one day at a time. & say to yourself; I do this for ME! ❤️??

    Hope to see you in class Wednesday at 6:30pm to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit ?????‍♀️?



    Trust in His ways ❤️

    Just wanted to remind you that even when life is uncertain, God still remains in control. He knows the end form the beginning and His ways are ALWAYS GOOD! ?? ❤️Try to give your mind and heart to opportunity to relax in God. ?? Make it a point to trust Him way more than you have before and believe that He will guide YOU on the path of your life. ❤️

    He knows the way, He knows the challenges and difficulties that you’re meant to overcome. He knows that you will experience pain, uncertainty and that life will have its ups and downs. He wants you to remember Him in your highs as well as in your lows and to have a heart that is always willing to be aligned, humbled and ready to HEAR HIM ? The whole point of life is for us to find the JOY in our journey and to be better prepared to meet HIM.

    So, keep your head up! Look up to God for your strength. FOCUS ON THE THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL & let go of those you can’t. Give it to God and trust in the path and wisdom that He will provide ONE DAY AT A TIME. ??????

    ??? TOMORROW AT 6:30 PM WE WILL HAVE AN OUTDOOR SOCIAL DISTANCING CLASS in case you’re interested in having a good workout and meditation outside ? ??? ??‍♀️ Please let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you the details. Stay safe and keep yourself peaceful and positive. ???❤️


    Lili ?

    Be of good cheer ?

    We were never promised that we would have an easy life. If anything we know that our challenges and difficulties can come to either strengthen us or weaken us depending on how we choose to react to them. ?

    God did promise that we can be of good cheer. Even during the difficulties that we may face throughout our lives. The Cheer that God provides comes with optimism and confidence. It comes from our desire to TRUST in His will and timing, just as a child submits to the will of his/her parents. We do the same with our Heavenly Father. We can instead try to access the love and peace that only God can provide for our lives daily! ❤️????

    Have you thought about where you’ve been looking for peace lately? Think about some of the things we use to “numb our emotions” we choose food, tv, hours of social media, entertainment etc to numb our feelings…We’re not very willing to sit with ourselves and think about what is going on inside of us. Or what we can do to gain the true internal peace that can only come from the reassurance of God directly to our souls. ❤️??

    When we take time out of day to connect to God, to try to hear Him, to thank Him for our blessings, He will provide us with the true and lasting love and peace that we need. We will no longer look for comfort in food, social media, or entertainment to keep us “happy” instead we’ll be able to experience the full peace and love that God provides as we’re ready to receive it. ?? Its the cheer that Jesus Christ wants us to experience ❤️

    God’s love protects us not only during the good times but most importantly during the hard times. It’s His love which protects us amidst the suffering and carries us through all of the challenges of life to bring us the peace and love that we need. ??

    So, the goal this week is to be cheerful, trusting in the promises of God. We want to be grateful for our blessings and find joy in knowing that our peace comes directly from our connection to God and not from anything else. So, Keep yourself positive, confident and cheerful ❤️?????


    Lili ?

    Focus on what matters most ?

    This week our goal is to slow down a little and FOCUS on the truly important things in our lives.?So, set the goals that are important to YOU this week and make them happen! ???❤️

    You can pray and make it a priority to spend daily time with God, take care of your health, turn off your phone or distractions and instead spend time with your family. ? If possible, Make a list of your top priorities in your life & focus on them each day this week. As we’re able to do this, we will realize what is truly important and significant. We will also notice the things are completely unnecessary, time wasters or negative things which may need to be removed or eliminated ??? As we’re able to be honest with ourselves and filter those things in or out of our lives we will be better able to find more peace and joy in each day. ☀️ ❤️???? Hope that you can accomplish your goals this week. Focus on those things that matter most and feel the difference in your life. ? ??? God is with you to help you though it. Keep your thoughts positive and do your best each day. ❤️

    CLASS WILL BE CANCELED NEXT WEEK due to Spring Break. But I hope that you can make it tomorrow at 9am or Thursday night at 6pm to strengthen your Body, Mind & Spirit & tap into that greater potential inside of you! ????



    This week our valentine’s gift is to be kind & loving to ourselves. ?

    Here are some of the affirmations that remind us of who we are.

    ?I am unique and special (Deuteronomy 7:6)

    ?I am chosen (Ephesians 1:4)

    ?I am happy with the way I am made (Gen.1:27)

    ?I am grateful to be me. (Genesis 1:13)

    ?I am designed for greatness. (Ephesians 2:10)

    ?I am made to be exceptional (Psalms 119:73)

    ?I am very valuable (Exodus 19:5)

    ?I am fearfully and wonderfully made(Pslm 139:14

    ?I am called to be a light to the world (1 Peter 2:9)

    ?I am loved (Jeremiah 31:3)

    So, this week love yourself enough to be reminded of who you are as a child of an all loving God who has a plan for you. ? Be kind in the way you think of yourself. Edit out any negativity or unkind thoughts.

    Be kind to your body, fueling it with good food, exercise, water, enjoyable activities and rest. Be kind to yourself by imagining yourself and seeing your soul as a radiant, powerful expression of Gods love.

    Be kind to yourself by taking downtime when your body, mind and soul need it. Try to be more present, patient and loving with yourself. Do your best one day at a time. Connect to God, trust Him and LOVE the relationship you’re strengthening with your creator. ???

    & finally remind yourself by saying;

    I lovingly care for myself. Knowing I am a child of God. Radiant, powerful, peaceful and beautiful. When I am clear and healthy, I enjoy life more deeply and I love others more fully.

    Hope that you can make it to class this week! Unfortunately ?TUESDAY CLASS IS CANCELLED For this week. But we will be there on THURSDAY AT 6pm to strengthen our Body, Mind & Spirit. ?? Have a blessed and wonderful day and remember that YOU are in control of what you think about. Make it possitive and Good for you! ???


    Lili ?

    2020 Goals ❤️

    Happy New Year!!! I pray that 2020 allows you to achieve the goals that lead to your highest potential & to achieving the growth that God desires for your life.

    With all of the New Year resolutions remember to not overwhelm yourself with all kinds of goals but instead try to set some time aside to be alone and to pray and ask God to show you and to help you feel what are the things which He desires for you to focus on this year. As you’re able to seek inspiration for your own life you will have a greater and deeper desire to work toward achieving the goals that are important to God and to you. As you’re able to make that connection to our goals deeper, you’re better able to have the dedication toward achieving them.

    Remember that God wants to help you, He wants to guide your life. As you’re willing to seek Him and trust Him, He will let you know in your heart what things are truly important to focus on this year. As soon as you have those goals, write them down and put them up on your wall to view them daily. ☀️ Create a daily schedule to follow so that you can set aside daily time toward achieving those goals which will eventually and with repetition turn into habits.

    Remember that ACTION is what is needed to achieve anything. So, you have to set aside the time to achieve greater Spiritual, Physical or Emotional strength. Notice how you’re spending your time and what distractions or negativity you need to remove from your life, to instead be better able to focus on the good that you have the power to bring into your life. ???

    Remind yourself to always start with your thoughts. Look at what you’re thinking and make the change of the thoughts as needed. Think positively about your goals, think about how good it would feel to achieve them, think about the reason WHY you’re doing this. See yourself in your mind daily working excitedly toward it. As your thoughts begin to change your feelings will also change. You begin to feel this joy in your heart from having the desire to achieve that goal and once those feelings begin to change the action begins to move things forward. Remember that it’s the little steps that you do DAILY which lead to the goals. DAILY ACTION is the focus this year. It’s the little things that we add to our schedule, to our lives that if we continue to do them will make the biggest difference. ❤️

    So, I want to challenge you to do this for yourself. No one else can do this for you. The thoughts to change or add something to your life have to come from YOU! The desire and the feelings to want to do something have to come from you. The motivation has to come from yourself & the vision can only be accomplished by loving yourself enough to want to make the changes and to be excited to go for it. Most importantly, the main goal is to find that connection to God who will encourage you, strengthen you and fill you with His light to allow you to move forward. He is your strength during the hard days and the light on the days. As you’re able to keep that strong connection to your creator, He will propel you forward into becoming the best version of yourself and you will fulfill the vision that He has for your life. So, Trust & Love Him. Trust & Love yourself, set inspired goals ??& Make the plan to add them to your daily life and to remove the distractions & negativity to instead focus on all of the Good and all of the light that YOU CAN BRING INTO YOUR LIFE ???? You’ve got this! ❤️

    This week in class we will talk about our goals. We will be focusing on a monthly goal. We will strengthen ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Hope that you can make it this Thursday at 6:00pm & start 2020 the best way possible! See you there! ????


    Lili ?

    You Are Enough ???

    For many of us our first thought of the day is “I didn’t get enough sleep.” Followed by “I don’t have enough time, my weight isn’t what I want it to be, there’s not enough money”etc. Whether those statements are true or not, we tend to constantly entertain the thought of “I am not enough.”

    We have a hard time being satisfied with what we already have. Social media and the things we view can also have an effect on us, making us feel “not enough” more often than not. As we shop during this holiday season, notice how we mostly tend to purchase from a place of lack. We say to ourselves “I don’t have this. I need this, this person needs that. If I had this It would make me happier, make my kids happier and those who receive the gifts happier.” We tend to make a lot of purchases this way and most of the time we don’t even notice the feelings behind those purchases or the things we’re seeking.

    The thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. This internal condition of scarcity, this mind-set of scarcity, only brings into our hearts jealousy, greed and dissatisfaction with our lives. We try to search to become “enough” by the things that we purchase, the trips we take, the money we make and the accumulation of more material things that we don’t use. : / We search for it by seeking popularity, attention and the approval of others. So, we should take a minute and ask ourselves, Where am I searching to become “enough”?

    Because at the end of it all, you’ve always been enough. God thought of creating YOU!!! That alone is amazing on its own!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Your value doesn’t come from material things, from an instagram or Facebook post. It doesn’t come from popularity, from having the perfect body or from having millions of dollars and seeking more recognition or power. Some things in life may bring comfort, but none of those things bring true joy, happiness and real lasting peace. That can only come from within each one of us. We have to remember that we are enough, because we are CHILDREN OF GOD, Our value is already determined. It is only up to us to look inward to find it and to bring it out and start feeling that love more and more within us and around us.

    I believe that the real test of our lives is to learn to look inward, to help ourselves internally to overcome and love ourselves enough to want to do the best for our soul. One of the most important things we can learn is that we are in control of our thoughts. No one else has power over us unless we “allow them” to. If we know where to focus our thoughts, to make them positive, they will help strengthen us, change our feelings and our actions which create some amazing results for our lives.

    When we learn to look inward we have a stronger desire to love ourselves for who God created us to be. He wants us to truly feel the AMAZING LOVE THAT HE HAS FOR EACH ONE OF US!! ❤️ & He wants us to know that we can only reach our true God given potential by choosing to seek Him, Learn from Him and allow Him to provide that inner strength that only God can give us.

    So, Trust Him and know that true and lasting peace starts with your thoughts and your connection to yourself and to God. All other things are mostly distractions or ways to teach us to manage our surroundings…But, we’re really here on earth to learn to Love God, Love ourselves, Love our families and Love our neighbors. ❤️❤️❤️

    As we Prepare for this holiday season and New Year let’s focus on how much we truly have. On how much abundance we’re blessed to have now and have been blessed to have throughout the year and from the very beginning of our lives. We’ve all had challenges and difficulties, which are part of life, but we chose focus on the Good and learn from the hard times. We choose to know that we’re more than enough. We move forward with Faith in God and in ourselves and we remember that It’s not about the presents or the thoughts of not enough..It’s about LOVE ❤️ True peace, light and abundance that God is ready provide to all who seek him. Life is what we want to make it. Let go of the lack and focus on the good and on the love and abundance that surrounds you today and always.


    Lili ?

    Tonight is our last class of the year! Hope that you can make it at 6pm and give yourself some love by taking care of strengthening your Body, Mind & Spirit. Classes will Resume in January. Have a a wonderful Christmas & Happy New Year!!! ?❤️???

    The goal of the enemy is to keep us distracted with seemingly “important” things. He wants us to spend hours on social media comparing ourselves to others, thinking about what we lack, creating feelings of discouragement, fear, anxiety and frustration. Until little by little in his stealthy ways he’s able to make us more miserable like himself.

    Since the goal of the enemy is to keep us away from God. We must be vigilant and ready to fight his attacks. As children of God we know we begin to fight this battle on our knees. We make our time with God our #1 Priority of our day. We know that there are daily battles and that we must start by speaking to our Father. We know that no matter what challenges we encounter we have the help of an ALL POWERFUL FATHER TO HELP US THROUGH! ??❤️ He helps us overcome our weaknesses, our carnal desires, our damaging habits and instead turn us into stronger children of God. He is able to fill us with His Strength, Love, Power and Peace to help us then fight our battles on our feet. He is able to renew our mind and create a stronger desire within us to do what is right in the sight of God, to let go of our earthly desires or struggles and Instead to trust in His higher wisdom and power for our lives. There’s nothing better than that! ????

    The more willing we are to set the world aside and to make our time with God our #1 priority, the more we will learn and receive form Him. Our relationship with God will only become stronger as we’re willing to seek Him and receive more, we will be better able to overcome our weaknesses and recognize the ways in which the enemy is tying us to his entangling strands. We will better able to cut any strand of the enemy and instead be completely filled with the light and strengthening power of God.

    So, our goal is to make our time with God our #1. To give Him our full hearts and to be willing to listen to Him and to feel the peace and renewal that He will provide. Each morning we will wake up and begin the battle on our knees. Our minds and souls will be strengthened and when we rise on our feet we fight to keep our thoughts clean and the distractions away from us. We’re able to FOCUS our energy on bringing ALL that is GOOD & POSITIVE INTO OUR LIVES.???

    Don’t forget that God is loving, merciful, forgiving and kind. It is in His nature to want to help us as we have a desire to come to Him. Trust Him. Trust in His timing. He won’t ever leave you, but instead He will teach out to you and strengthen you. He will provide the angels and the help that you need along the way. Take it one day at time, fill yourself with His light, love and power that is accessible to ALL who seek Him. ???

    Keep your focus on Him & ALL other things will work out. ?


    Lili ?

    Hope to see you in class tonight at 6pm to release stress, strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits and have that moment to connect to God and leave feeling even stronger and better able to help ourselves and others.? See you there!

    Believe in Yourself & Believe in God ?

    Believe in yourself and in all that you can do. Believe that you have access to receive help from an all loving God who is willing to rescue and assist you in your challenges, struggles or the moments when you need to be lifted up. Know that you have the power within you to create your thoughts, feelings and actions that will help you to become the best version of yourself. ???

    Make it a point today to be grateful for your blessings and to fill yourself with that peace and love that God wants you to have. Realize that you have unlimited potential and that you possess the divine DNA of an all loving God who wants to support you in your daily life as long as you choose to seek, feel and keep all that is good & uplifting for your soul.

    Believe in Gods power and in what He can do for YOU. Know that the light of God is within you and that the more that you strengthen yourself the better able you will be to help others. ? ? ?

    Believe in your strength and the will to rise up under any circumstance. Don’t give up! Keep trying! Do your best and know what is truly important in your life. Remember to connect to your source of wisdom, guidance & love daily and allow yourself to feel His hand in your life. & to do your very BEST ONE DAY AT A TIME. ❤️

    ? His word says; For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him, and He knoweth all things, For all things are present before His eyes.

    So, Believe in Him! Believe in Yourself & know that you couldn’t be in better hands than in God’s hands. ??❤️

    ? Our spiritual goal for the week is to Believe more in ourselves and in God. We will let go of our worries & allow Him to help us, to give us the wisdom and the strength that we need to keep moving forward in the love and peace that God can provide for us daily so that we may gain True inner strength that nothing or no one else in this earth can provide. ❤️

    Our physical goal for the week is to nourish our body with foods that will be nutritious and good for us ? We will try to let go of sugars and carbs focusing instead on eating more fruits and vegetables that will help our bodies gain the most nutritional values. ?? We also want to make time this week to exercise, let go of stress & if possible make time to meditate.

    This is one of the reasons why we love this class, Because we strengthen our Body, Mind & Spirit all at once. ?? Hope that you can make it TUESDAY @ 9:00am & do something awesome for yourself!!! ???☀️ IF YOU BRING A FRIEND WHO HAS NEVER BEEN TO CLASS, YOUR CLASS IS FREE!!!? ?? ?

    Hope that you can come strengthen yourself in every way and feel the difference. ??? Don’t forget to take it one day at a time and to do your best today! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF & BELIEVE IN GOD. ?


    Lili ?