The mess was horrible!! After having some tears of frustration and spending a while cleaning up. My son handed me a drawing he made to help me feel better. It was a picture of me with the spilled soup ? but it had hearts all around me and he wrote over and over I LOVE YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️ …It was definitely the cutest way to help me feel better.
I feel like in life there are so many times when we accidentally “Spill the soup” all over ourselves and all over the place! ? We end up having negative thoughts about ourselves, about our body, our looks, our parenting, what we do and don’t accomplish. We compare ourselves to Pinterest, to social media, we place our value on what others think about us. Or on what the world tells us we should be like. Do you notice how all of these thoughts turn into a mess in your mind & soul?
Sometimes you need a little reminder like the one my son gave me. That even though you spilled the soup, there’s still a God who is right there to help you feel better. ❤️ There’s a God who wants you to know that He loves you and His love doesn’t change because of your your achievements, your body size, your looks, your bank account, your popularity etc… HE JUST LOVES YOU!!! ❤️
He wants to remind you to not nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Instead, remember that on those days when you spill the soup, He still BELIEVES IN YOU! ❤️ He wants you to remember that He notices all of the good that you’re doing and all of it doesn’t go unnoticed.
He wants you to remember to take it one day at a time, doing your best each day to clean up any negativity from your mind & heart and instead to fill yourself with the companionship and inner peace that God brings. He allows your cup to be full and even overflowing each day.
As you allow yourself to find your value in Him. Your confidence will grow. ? Not confidence in the things of this world, but confidence in God. ??? You will see that confidence and success in life truly comes from discovering and understanding who you really are in the sight of God. ❤️
So, keep looking up! Stay positive and do your best. ? I pray that God can deliver the message that you’re meant to gain from this. & that you will have a stronger desire to FOCUS MORE ON THE LOVE OF GOD. Rather than on the ways in which you’re “spilling the soup” You’re AMAZING! AND ARE LOVED BY GOD TODAY AND ALWAYS!!! ? Love you all and hope to see you in class tonight at 6:30pm to strengthen our Body, Mind and Spirit. ????
Lili ?