My Spirit Is Stronger ♥️

As spiritual beings having a human experience, our Spirit is often neglected due to some of the physical & temporal experiences that we encounter in our journey.

We must be vigilant and aware of the ways in which the enemy takes away our time. His goal is to keep us distracted and occupied on seemingly “important” things like: FB, Instagram,Twitter, YouTube, Tv, phones, and our never ending to do lists. These are some of the tools in his stealthy kit that keep us occupied and create feelings of discouragement, unhappiness, comparison, jealously, pride, stress, fear and more.

These are the some of the feelings that he wants us stay stuck in, so that we may be more and more miserable like himself. He wants us to have NO TIME for God, No time to learn and connect to our Father in Heaven & definitely No time to STRENGTHEN OUR SPIRITS. That’s actually what he fears the most! He doesn’t want us to recognize the incredible POWER THAT WE HAVE AS CHILDREN OF GOD. ?

So, this week our goal is to look for the things that will STRENGTHEN OUR SPIRITS! ??♥️ Make time for prayer, find a way to disconnect from the distractions and the small addictions or time consuming habits that are keeping us WEAK or down. 🙁 Recognize in your heart what you can do to do better this week and to strengthen yourself physically, emotionally but most importantly SPIRITUALLY 🙂 Then, make time to talk to God, ask Him to help you break these habits, Listen to Him and what He would like you to focus on TODAY ☀️ Trust Him & Know that He loves you and wants only the BEST FOR YOU. He wants your spiritual strength to be great on this earth so that you may be prepared for what He has for you after this life. ❤️

Hope that you can disconnect from the world a little more this week to connect to God and strengthen your spirit. & Hope that you can make it to class this week and add even more strength to your Body, Mind & Soul! 🙂 Class will be Tue @9:30 & Thu @ 7:15pm.

*For the month of October if you bring a friend who has never been to class, your class is Free!! Bring water and a mat and get ready to let go of stress, get stronger, calm your mind & relax! ??‍♀️?

Do your best this week and remember to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME! ☀️❤️???


Lili ?

Can you hear Him? ❤️

Have you heard the voice of God today? ? We all seek wisdom and guidance for our lives but often times we don’t make time to turn off the distractions and talk to Him. One of the biggest blessings that we have is the ability to speak to God!! Our purpose for praying is not just to ask for things, but to actually learn to listen to Him. In this life we will either learn to hear His voice or we will be too busy to listen.

God invites us to come into His presence so that He May speak directly to us. Don’t let the businesses of your day drown out the voice of God.

Busyness will rob you of your ability to hear from Him, the all loving and amazing God who created YOU. Just know that the enemy will always use “busy” to keep you from hearing God’s voice.

So, we have to fight for our time with God! We have to turn off the distractions for a little while and prove to Him that our relationship with Him is more important than anything else. We can make time to hear Him, value our quiet time with God. & trust in what we feel during those quiet moments. We can go to Him & humbly say; God I am here, what would you like me to know today? ?

I don’t know what challenges you’re going though, but we all have them! Life isn’t always easy & that is why God allows us to communicate with Him! Just remember that there He knows exactly how you’re feeling, what you need and what you’re going through. He knows how to help You. God wants to speak to you! He loves you! He knows what you can become with His help. You need to hear God’s voice! & the only way to do that, is to slow down and listen. ❤️ He’s ready to show you how much He loves you! Trust Him, Believe in Him & LISTEN to His loving council that He has just for you as His child. ♥️

Our spiritual goal for the week is to listen. We don’t Just want to ask, we want to ask Him what it is that He would like us to know today. & we will Listen until we can feel Him. Like we say in class, the more open we are to hearing Him the more we will receive! ??? Part of the exercise is for us to write down what we feel after we pray. Those are the ways God communicates and we want to record those impressions or inspirations that we receive. ?

Our physical goal: is to make time to exercise and to do something that is physically good for our health. Exercise is healing in every way. Let’s make time to do this for our physical bodies ????

We will have class tonight at 7:15 The hardest thing is always showing up, but once we’re there we will get rid of stress and we’ll strengthen our Body, Mind & Spirit. It’s the best way to Balance our lives ??? ♥️?? Hope that you can make it and I hope that you’re able to feel God in your life this week. ♥️??


Lili ?

Daily Thankfulness ❤️

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to be thankful for our blessings. ? We sometimes focus too much on what we’re lacking or on what we “need” rather than noticing the many ways in which we’re blessed.

Did you know that If you have Food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world? If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy? It’s hard to believe how blessed we are and how many things we take for granted daily.

So, take a moment to think about your blessings today. If you still have a parent to talk to, call him or her. Spend time with your spouse or your children, tell them how much you love them! ? We never know how long we really have here…That is why we must always remember that each day is a gift. ☀️

The more gratitude that we’re able to express the more we will notice in our lives and the more God will provide. Gratitude increases the peace and love in our lives, It strengthens our relationship with God and others and allows us to feel the abundance of His love for us. ❤️ We begin to realize that our health, strength and energy is what allows us to work and provide for our families. Those are all gifts from God. We humbly begin to see that we depend on His daily mercy and love to provide us in every aspect of our lives. ❤️

As we focus on being grateful this week, let’s remember to stop complaining about what we lack and instead focus on what we’re thankful for or on the ways we can give. One of those ways can be by helping our friends in the Bahamas after the devastation they just experienced. ? If we’re blessed to have so much it’s because God has entrusted us to be able to give to others who need it. It’s an opportunity for us to help, to lift, to provide or to give of our time to help others. Find someone you can help this week and you’ll feel instantly thankful, peaceful and full of love.❤️

We can even experience gratitude during our own challenges and difficulties. Sometimes the hardest things we experience teaches us the greatest lessons. So, we can be thankful for gaining that knowledge and for allowing ourselves to become a better person from those challenges. The more we hold on to God during them and keep moving forward the better the lesson we will gain and the stronger we will be. ??❤️

Just remember that there is a God who LOVES YOU! Who is full of Mercy and Love for your life. He wants you to know that you’re not alone and that you have access to His strength & power for your life. He will lift you, He will help you and He is the provider and giver of all good gifts and blessings. Whom better to trust than Him. ❤️ I can only imagine what God must feel when we come to Him & thank Him for the blessings that we receive ? I know that as we do this we’re able to feel His love, peace cover us and help us to overcome our own changes.

Our physical goal is to do fast by skipping 2 meals in one day. This sounds a little crazy to some people but there are so many benefits to fasting. The goal is not just stop eating but to actually have a purpose behind it. I like to start by saying a prayer before fasting and offering that “sacrifice” to God. In class we talk about how the body, mind and spirit need to be in balance…but when one is out of balance another area can help to overcome the weak area. So, your physical body can live without food for 2 meals, promise! ? It’s during the time you skip those 2 meals that you can ask God to help you with something, to bring you wisdom or to thank Him for your blessings. Rely on your spirit to keep you strong during those hours without food. ?? You can also use the money that you would’ve spent on those two meals to give it to charity or to feed the hungry…This exercise will allow you to prove to yourself that you don’t depend on food to keep you “happy” but that you can live without it for hours and instead turn your heart to God to offer that to Him and to give to those who are hungry or in need instead. Of course if you have a medical condition and can’t fast that’s ok. It’s just another way to show God how thankful we are for what we have.

Hope to see you on Thursday night at 7:15 to release stress and allow ourselves to feel more balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually ❤️


Lili ?

The challenges of our lives ❤️

The challenges and difficulties that we experience can be so hard sometimes. It’s ok for us to release and feel the pain sometimes but we also don’t want to let these things keep us down forever. Everything that we go through in life is meant to help us, to purify our souls, to strengthen us and to give us the ability to empathize with the pains and sufferings of others.

When we feel like it’s too hard, let’s remember that we’re not alone. There is a God who is closer than we think who knows our needs and sorrows individually. Who is ready to help us during the hardest challenges as well as during the easiest of times. It’s part of life and the schooling that we’re meant to go through on this earth, for us to learn from experience. It’s during those times that we can allow ourselves (when we’re ready) to change our thinking and to choose to grow from the pain, to not allow ourselves to focus on our sorrows but instead to turn our hearts to others who may need our help. Or, if we ourselves need healing first, we can look inwardly with love, kindness and a willingness to reach out to others who love us and who are willing to help us strengthen ourselves during our healing.

One of the things we can do during the hardest times is to turn our heart and soul to look for LOVE ❤️ the love that we experience in our lives. We can Look for love in the faces of your children, in the love from our spouse, family members and friends. It’s during those times that we need to surround ourselves by love, which helps to heal and allow us to feel the love of God in our lives as well.

When we focus on love the pain begins to lessen and the more that we allow ourselves to feel love for ourselves and others, the better we begin to feel. Just remember that these challenges will strengthen you. You will not stay down but you will choose to rise above focusing on the love that you feel around you. Remember to kneel in prayer and talk to your creator who LOVES YOU! ❤️ who is ready to fill your soul with peace and to lift you up, so that you may be a light to others as well. So, Allow yourself to be open to feeling His light and love. Don’t forget that you’re never alone and that you can do this one day at a time. ???


Lili ?

Believe in Yourself ❤️

Believe in yourself. Believe that you can do hard things. Believe that you have everything you will ever need to live a peaceful and joyful life. ?

Make it a point today to be grateful for your blessings and fill yourself with the energy that your creator wants you to have. To remember that you have unlimited potential and that the goodness and love of God are around you daily, as long as you choose to seek it and feel it. ?

Believe in the compassionate care of an all loving God. Believe in His power and in the benevolent Father who cares for your life and is willing to help YOU and has His army of angels ready to assist you when you need it.

Believe in your strength, flexibility and the will to rise up under any circumstance. Don’t give up! Keep trying! Do your best and know what is truly important in your life. Remember to connect to your source of wisdom, guidance & love daily and allow yourself to feel His hand in your life.

? His word says; For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him, and He knoweth all things, For all things are present before His eyes.

So, Believe in Him! Believe in Yourself & know that you couldn’t be in better hands than in God’s hands. ??❤️

Our spiritual goal for the week is to Believe more in ourselves and in God. We will let go of our worries & allow Him to help us, to give us the wisdom and the strength that we need to keep moving forward in the love and peace that God can provide for us daily. ?

Our physical goal for the week is to nourish our body with foods that will be nutritious and good for us ? & to make time to exercise and let go of stress. ??‍♀️

Hope to see you in class on Thursday night at 7:15 to renew & strengthen ourselves. Remember to take it one day at a time and to do your best today to Believe in yourself & in the love of God. ?


Lili ?

Thy will be done ?

Sometimes we’re reminded that we’re not meant to control everything. If anything God put us on this earth to learn the process of letting go of ourselves & our desires, to instead LEARN TO TRUST HIM MORE. It’s ok for us to try to control what we can and to do our best to live a life that God would be proud of. We try to be kind, loving and forgiving to others, we pray for help, wisdom & guidance. & After doing our best we have to then give ourselves some grace and remember that we have done our best and now it’s time to LET GO of the things we can’t control and give them to our Father in Heaven. He has promised to lighten our load and to give us peace during the times when it seems difficult. How much are we wiling to trust Him? How much are willing to let go and let God take over? ❤️

The more willing that we are to let go of things and to give them to our Father the more we will realize that our happiness doesn’t depend on material things or the circumstances that we encounter, but that our joy comes from within. From knowing that we do our very best each day to please God and then He takes the rest. We make the choice to leave it in His hands. ❤️ Mathew 6:33 says; But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. If our focus is in the right place we will know that God’s ways are the best ways. As we seek Him, He will add what needs to come or leave our lives. HE promises that HE WILL PROVIDE ALL THINGS that are good for us!❤️ ??

HE LOVES YOU! ?HE SEES YOU! ? HE HEARS YOU! ? He knows that you’re trying to do your best. Don’t give up! Just keep trying. Trust in His plan for your life and know that HE IS GOD. & that there’s no one better to trust or to say THY WILL BE DONE! ??❤️

Jeremiah 29:11 Says; For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, PLANS to give you hope and a future. ❤️ He has a plan for you and good things are in store for those who love God. So do your best & know that your father in Heaven loves you and is in control. Let it go, & say Thy will be done! ??? This is our Spiritual goal for the week! Remind yourself of that each day & trust in His plan for you even when you can’t control everything.

Our physical goal is to during more water! Half of your body weight is ounces is ideal. Do your best to take care of yourself Physically, Emotionally and spiritually each day ????

Have a blessed and wonderful day & hope to see you on Thursday night at 7:15 pm


Lili ?

The power of your thoughts ?

Our thoughts and what we allow to enter or remain in our minds is what we become. ? Notice your thoughts, are they positive or negative? Are they helping you? Or holding you back? Are they allowing you to trust in God? Or are they disconnecting you from the source that is full of wisdom for your life?

Today Buddha might have added, what we read, or watch we become. Everything that enters our mind changes us, and so on, changes the world around us. With countless ways to stay informed or “connected”. Our resources are greater now than they’ve ever been before. Social media, the news, headlines, sources and information is constantly popping up through our day. But just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s worth our time or it’s valuable enough to be stored in the files of our heart & mind.

We have the right to discern what is best and what will bring the most value to our soul and mind. If it lifts and edifies you, welcome it & keep it. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, negative, uneasy or heavy, get rid of it or delete it. You are in control of what you allow to enter your mind and the impact that it will have on your day and in your life. ???

Our spiritual goal for the week is to discern and choose what is best for minds and souls. This week our goal is to delete impersonal emails, unsubscribe from accounts that are not lifting us or helping us, we’re going to get rid of unwanted material and work on not becoming bait of watching unnecessary material that is negative or that takes away from our precious time. ❤️ Instead we want to be mindful to fill our minds and hearts with images and stories that are uplifting and feed our soul to allow us to become a better version of ourselves and work toward living to the best and highest potential that we’ve been created to have. ?

Our physical goal for the week is to eat healthy foods only when we’re hungry! ? Not just eating because we’re bored, stressed or worried. But CHOOSING to reach for healthy foods when we’re actually hungry. When you feel the desire to “eat” try drinking water first instead. Sometimes we’re just thirsty and the body signals hunger when it’s just thirst. Try reaching for healthy food when you’re hungry and you’ll feel the difference.

Hope that you can make it to class this Thursday night at 7:15 & invite anyone else who may benefit to come get rid of stress and strengthen their body, mind and spirit. ? If we don’t take care of ourselves, no one else will. Do your best for yourself today and this week. Focus on doing this One day at a time! ??????


Lili ?

He is a rewarded ?

As we are willing to enter the presence of God daily with a thankful heart and with praise. He will enter our circumstances with POWER!!! ♥️

We will experience what a true relationship with our creator looks like when we’re fully able to open our hearts to Him and when we are willing to let go of our own desires and truly LISTEN & FOLLOW what He would like us to do. He is a God of love who wants the BEST for us and wants us to gain a stronger relationship with Him enough to know that every time TRUST HIM, HE WILL BE THERE.

He will carry us through any challenge, difficulty or circumstance. All we have to do is seek Him with a pure heart and allow Him to provide the daily peace that we need.

Our spiritual Goal for the week is to enter the presence of God with humility and praise. The more that we get to know Him, TRUST HIM, and allow Him to enter our lives the more we will be able to see His rewards and His power! ?♥️

Our physical goal for the week is to remove sugar! ? Can we do that? Just try to do better at lowering the amount of sugar that we’re taking in. It takes a little while for the body to get used to that. But the more that we’re able to reach for the healthy food the better we will feel. We have the POWER to do this! We’re stronger than our cravings ???

Hope to see you in Class on Thursday night to Renew our body, Mind & Spirit and feel physically, emotionally and mentally stronger! ? So that we May be able to handle the challenges that life throws at us. We know that WE CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH GOD!!! So, make this a good week for yourself! Enter His prescience with praise, come to Him, Trust Him & CHOOSE what is best for you physically, emotionally & Spiritually. ?????❤️

With love, ?

Lili ?

God loves you! ?

He knows our pain, He knows our struggles, our sorrows and our joys. He is always there to lift us and to help us. We just have to be willing to turn our hearts to Him, ? To SEEK HIM and most importantly to get to know Him. We want to listen to Him, to hear what He places In our hearts and what He would like us to do with each day of our lives. As we come to Him, He will help us become the person that He desires us to be.

We have to recognize that we will not be on this earth forever. We won’t take our riches or popularity with us…The most important thing we can do while we’re here, is use this time to PREPARE TO MEET GOD. ? We have to be willing to turn off our distractions, our phones and the world around us to get to know Him. No one else can do that for us. It is only up to us to strengthen our relationship with Him through praying, listening with real intent, reading His words and following the wisdom that He provides for our lives. ❤️

Our goal is to wake up every day and to say; God, today I want to know you more & I want to Love you more! ? A day well lived is a day in which we get to know God just a little bit more. Remember, He already loves you so much! You just have to come closer to Him to feel His love, peace and comfort for your life. ? Don’t Let the enemy get in the way of your relationship with God. ?? Make it Stronger and better than it has been. Feel His love and let your day be a day that you will be proud of in the sight of God. ???❤️

Hope that you can make it to class on Thursdays at 7:15 to strengthen our Body, Mind & Spirit. ?

Love you all & I pray that your strength in God will become stronger and your love for Him deeper each day. ???


Lili ?

He Fills My Cup

For the past week in Class our goal has been to focus on keeping our cup full. God’s love is there for us daily to remind us that He is the one who fills our cup. ?

We often wake up and feel the need to fill our cups by others words or actions. We find ourselves seeking compliments, posting on social media to get more likes etc…& if we don’t get those things or the attention we would like, we feel sad and unhappy…We forget to disconnect from it all to remind ourselves that the the joy is already within us!!! ? That there’s no need to depend on others or to seek to fill ourselves by looking for joy in outside sources. Those things are only temporary! They’re never enough or fully satisfying. So, we just keep searching for more and end up in a constant cycle of just NEEDING from others. ???‍♀️

Our lives are meant to be better than that! We’re meant to find the fullness and Joy from what God can provide Daily! He is the ONLY CONSTANT in our lives. He is the one we will see when we leave this earth! ? He is the ONLY ONE WHO BRINGS TRUE PEACE, LOVE & JOY ❤️ Enough to overflow our cup and to help us to give more to others. His love is always here and available to those of us who SEEK IT! FIND IT & Allow ourselves to enjoy His love, fullness & strength that it brings to our lives. ???

When we’re able to see that the only true acceptance and love that we need in this life is the love and acceptance of God. We’re better able to fill ourselves with His light and love. We’re able to love ourselves for who God sees we can become! We don’t become dependent on others to fill us or to make us feel good and happy each day. Instead, we make it a priority Daily to spend some time alone with God. To try to listen to Him, to connect to Him and to allow ourselves to be open to His wisdom and guidance for our lives. We allow Him to show us the path of true happiness for our lives and we ask Him to help us focus and place our heart and priorities on the right things each day. We ask Him to help us keep our cups full and overflowing each day with His love and peace so that we may be able to be GIVERS from our overflow and not constantly wanting to be takers from others because God Provides more than enough to fill us! ??????

I hope that you’re able to find this joy and peace for your life. That your cup may be full and overflowing in God & that through Him you will accomplish what will be truly joyful and fulfilling for your life. ❤️Not ever depending or putting your trust on anyone else…not even on yourself! But to instead turn it ALL to God who knows what’s best for you and for your life. I hope that this message touches your heart according to what God wants you to gain from it. I pray that you will strengthen yourself and grow from this! That you will no longer depend on anyone else’s acceptance or anything else other than God to fill you!…The more that we’re able to do this the more strength we will get and the more that God will give us! ??❤️? Trust Him!! & Do your best! ????


Lili ?