Peace amidst the Storm ?

Life’s challenges come in many different forms and usually when least expected. The key to overcoming these struggles is to chance our perspective and to have an action-plan ready when life throws a curveball at us.

Some of the things we can do are:

❤️We can take deep breaths. Stop whatever you are doing and practice taking some slow, deep breaths for 30 seconds. It’s just enough time to recenter and quiet the mind. Then provide a new action, a new thought or think of something that you’re thankful for.

❤️Get quiet & still your mind. Find a place to relax, breathe and give your brain one command, “Find the stillness,” & remind yourself that at this moment, you don’t need to have all the answers. You just need to find the stillness and breathe. The more we practice finding stillness the better we’re able to handle what comes our way.

❤️ Journaling. Give yourself 5 minutes to quickly jot down every thought, feeling, frustration, and emotion that comes to mind. Society teaches us that feeling our emotions is a sign of weakness but in fact; it’s a sign of strength. Use this time to handle everything that’s been building up in your system for years.

❤️ Trust in God and know that True peace and happiness comes from within. It’s not an external force. It’s a state of being independent of what’s happening in your outer world. God will Provide you the power to have peace amidst the storm. Seek Him and feel the difference He can make. ???

Whether you are going through a major life crisis or managing the day-to- day struggles.

think about what you do when those storms come overhead. Do you seek out a personal escape through the things of the world or do you firmly plant yourself in the Word of God lifting your eyes towards heaven?

Where do you turn to help you understand how to deal with the storms of your life? I challenge you to take any problem, difficulty, or circumstance to Him in prayer whether big or small. God already knows what you have need of and is just waiting to hear from you! ?

As we SEEK personal time with God through prayer, we can know how to handle anything that comes into our lives. I’ve discovered that when I make time to be ALONE WITH God, He gives me the greatest wisdom and provides the peace that I need at that specific moment. So, put it to the test in your own life and make that time with God a space for YOU to DISCONNECT form your daily struggles or challenges that you may be going through, to just CONNECT TO GOD & to HIS DIVINE POWER & LOVE FOR YOU!!! ❤️

As we choose to make the time to Come to Him. He will provide the inspiration, the thoughts and specially the PEACE that we need to get us through the challenges or sometimes just to get us through the day! ??

So, Take your step toward Him one day at a time. Trust in His timing for your life and in His infinite wisdom. He knows why these storms have to come, He knows what will strengthen YOU & what will make you spiritually, mentally and emotionally stronger than you are now. As we CHOOSE to focus on what we can learn from the challenges that we experience and how they can strengthen us and help us to become better as a child of God. We will see that we will be surrounded by His love, that we’re not alone, and that His peace will be here to give us the strength to control what goes on inside our souls regardless of the storms that may be around us, we can remain internally peaceful. Find the stillness, cover yourself in the Peace that God can provide & know that YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH HIS HELP. ?

Our spiritual goal for the week is to find more stillness during our days. To make time to connect to God and let go of so many distractions to Seek Him more and feel the peace no matter what the challenges may be this week. Find stillness One day at a time ???

Our physical goal for the week is to finish our last meals by 7pm and to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water each day! We’ve got this! ???

Hope that you can make it to class this week & Invite others to come with you as well! ?? The hardest thing is showing up!! Once you’re there, you’ll feel that renewal & strength to our Body, Mind and Spirit! ???????


Lili ?

Love Yourself ?

We are always searching for others acceptance, “likes” and recognition. We feel like our self worth depends on others for approval. We search and we search for more and it’s never enough. Some people thirst for acceptance and recognition until the end of their lives. Never learning that we are the ones who need to LOVE OURSELVES fully and unconditionally without having to depend on ANYTHING OR ANYONE ELSE to help us feel that love.

We must first learn to love and care for ourselves to then be able to give to others. It won’t always be perfect but we can try each day to depend less on others opinions and focus more on ourselves and our worth to God. That’s the real way to find true lasting Joy and peace. ?

When we’re able to stop worrying about the outside world and instead turn our focus inwardly, we will see that we will feel a little more in control. We won’t be dependent on others, on the “acceptance” or “recognition” of the world around us to feel love for ourselves. We will learn not to look for love or confidence in outside sources like the opinions of others, shopping sprees, make up, having a fit Body, traveling or having tons of money to finally give us a sense of accomplishment or inner love. Even some of the “richest”& most beautiful people in the world are completely unhappy and emotionally empty inside. They never learned to just love themselves NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES COME INTO OUR LIVES! When we loose our looks will we still love ourselves? When we see all of the signs of aging, will we Still love ourselves? When we don’t fit into the clothes, will we still love ourselves? When we have an accident or a health incident will we still love ourselves? When we have no money or material things, will we still love ourselves? Life is going to throw at us all kinds of challenges. NONE OF US are Exempt from that. It happens, it comes to us all in different ways, But the question is HOW DO WE REACT??

We have the opportunity to learn to choose what is best for us. If we don’t take care of our own selves, then who will?!?! We have to to make ourselves a priority and FILL OURSELVES WITH INNER LOVE AND CONFIDENCE ?? NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS AROUND US.

When we are able to purposefully do this for ourselves our lives will feel more calm, peaceful, assertive and in control. Because we we have now learned how to control our emotions and not let others, their opinions or other outside sources get to us.

If we want to establish healthy relationships in our lives we have to start with ourselves! Doing the work within Ourselves will allow us to then be able to help those around us by sharing our love, peace, light and the inner strength that we have gained.

Here are a few tips that can help us to love ourselves a little more.

? BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Learn to accept yourself with your shortcomings, speaking nicely and kindly about yourself. Remind yourself that you do love and accept who you are, that you love yourself enough to want to do the best for yourself daily!!! ?☀️??

FEEL THAT LOVE WITHIN YOU AND BE THAT LOVE : Spend more time during your day focusing on self-love, try loving and positive affirmations, meditation, prayer and all that focuses your energy and thoughts on feeling compassion, peace and love for yourself. Once you feel those positive vibrations of self-love or peace in your heart try to be in that place of love throughout your day. Choose to hold on to it and share that light with others in your life.

? GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: We’re not perfect and we will all have our good days and our bad days. Remember that It’s ok when things don’t work out the way you planned. Just remember to take a deep breath, give yourself some grace, maybe taking a break, doing something spontaneous or changing your routine can help you breathe a little better. know that God will be with you, everything will be ok and you will have a new chance to try again tomorrow. Each day is a new opportunity. Take it one day at a time. ?

? EMBRACE YOURSELF: Are we comfortable being alone with ourselves? Are we ok to be in silence for a little while and listed to the thoughts or inspiration that we receive? Do we feel anxious, fear or judgmental of ourselves when we are alone? Do we reach for our phone or social media to keep us distracted and numb to listening to the feelings of our heart and our mind? Maybe it’s time to disconnect a little from or devices to see and feel what’s really going on inside. Not being afraid of feeling or discovering what our spirit, our mind and Body are trying to tell us. It’s ok for us to be in silence sometimes. To slow down a little. It’s good for us to be alone with ourselves and to embrace the moments of silence, to feel our emotions and to give ourselves a time to embrace ourselves, to see how we truly feel. Taking in that moment to be comfortable with ourselves and to be kind and loving to ourselves. ?

? BE GRATEFUL: One of the most powerful things in our lives is the power of gratitude. Being grateful helps us to see how blessed we are and allows us to not worry so much about other less important issues and distractions in our lives. A good exercise to focus on gratitude and all the things that we are thankful for each and every day. Is to Just take minute to think about what you’re thankful for today! Gratitude reminded us of how much we do have! When we do this, our hearts will be full of gratitude and we will feel that peace in our hearts. ?

GIVE YOURSELF IN SERVICE TO OTHERS & SEE HOW THIS CONNECTS YOU TO GOD:  There’s no higher self love than when we are connected to God. Praying daily and having a relationship with Him brings security, self love and confidence that nothing else in the world can bring. It’s when you’re able to FEEL that connection to God or to that higher source of strength and light that helps you each and every day of your life. When we ask God daily to show us how we can help others during the day, we will see that He will begin to trust us and place people in our paths that He needs us to help! It’s an opportunity for us to something good for someone else, to strengthen our relationship with God and to feel that inner confidence and love for ourselves. ?

When we’re kind, considerate, compassionate and giving of ourselves, our soul rejoices because we have reached the highest level of self-love in serving others. When we find ways to do small task or bigger acts of service we will find that our hearts will let go of focusing on “what we lack” and we will instead focus on surrounding ourselves with deeper more meaningful things that will fill our lives with peace and our hearts with even more love. Allowing us to fully love ourselves from the inside out! not just “physically” or being completely dependent on the likes or opinions of others. But instead being changed in a deeper level, with a heart that is confident in God in our own ability to push forward to not allow our self love to depend on anything else but on our own selves and our connection to God. Our soul, our spirit and our inner beauty will radiate to our outer world as well.

I know that God wants us to focus on finding that deep and true inner love within ourselves. He wants us to see ourselves the way that He sees us! He wants us to think about how much love He has for us today, when He created this world, when He gave us this soul and Body to take care for. We are SO loved by Him and He wants us to do the same for ourselves. To believe in ourselves, to do our very best and not worry about the opinions of other but only about the opinion of our God. So, let’s be kind to ourselves and remind ourselves of the daily love that we need. Remember that you have amazing potential! The enemy can’t mess with you if you know that!!! & if you know who is on your side to fight your battles. ??? Do your best! love yourself and let go of the attachments that keep us tied to the opinions of others or to what the rest of the world wants you to think about…The journey of your life is between you and God. ? You’ve got this! ??

Our spiritual goal for the week is to give ourselves more Love and kindness. We have the tools to do it…We just have to really want to make that happen in our lives! Remember to disconnect from the distractions to connect more to yourself and to God. Surround yourself with positive words and don’t let the negativity in! You’re in control!!! ???❤️

Our physical goal for the week is to have at least one healthier meals. Even if it’s just one per day! Maybe have an awesome breakfast smoothie, or eggs and veggies, fruit or a nice salad for lunch etc…basically the more nutritious the meal is the better for you! At least one, healthy meal each day (if not more ?) Will help us to feel great!

Hope you can make it to class tonight @7:15 We’ve been working hard! having a good time getting rid of stress, toning, strengthening ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. This class helps so much with not just the physical side but also how we feel inside! We do this because we love ourselves!? Hope that you can make it! ??Please feel free to bring a friend. That way more people can benefit from what the class does for us.

Lili ?

The power of our thoughts ❤️

We are in control of what we think about and how we let it affect us. This week & tonight in class we will talk about how nothing from the outside can affect us internally UNLESS we allow it to do so. It’s all a chain reaction which begins with the events that we experience and the opportunity that we have to CHOOSE our thoughts & how to react to the situations that happen in our lives.

The equation is:


We have the opportunity to choose how we will respond to everything that we experience. It’s always up to us to decide what we allow to enter our minds. Our reaction will determine the outcome which we will experience. That is why we must always ask ourselves, Do I want a positive outcome from this? How can this situation strengthen me instead of weakening me? What can I do to react in a way that will bring a positive outcome to my life? It’s Amazing that we have the power to choose to not allow outside sources to control how we feel internally! We sometimes forget that we have that huge power which we sometimes unfortunately give away to others or to outside sources to control us…it’s as if we hand someone else our control or our power. ? But we must remember that it is OUR power to protect and take care of. WE CHOOSE HOW TO REACT OR HOW TO RESPOND TO EVERY SITUATION. ?

We can choose to react positively! To focus on making our thoughts stronger and to help us to remain internally peaceful and less affected by the outside things that we experience. It takes practice, but the more that we’re able to exercise that choice and power to strengthen our thoughts, the happier we will be and the more in control of ourselves we will feel. The power is there! We just have to choose wether we use it for good or negativity in our lives. ???

If we have a hard time with our thoughts or we feel affected by the outside sources or situations that we experience, we can turn to God to ask Him for help. He can make our minds more powerful and positive. He knows what’s in our heart, He knows our thoughts, our goals and desires.

He has said;

Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart. (D&C 6:16)

He knows the things that we want to work on and do better on. He knows how we feel more than anyone else! He knows how we can overcome our challenges and difficulties. As we’re willing to listen to Him and follow what He would like us to do, He will help us to be stronger and to focus our minds on being more Positive & capable of choosing what is best for us. ??? God loves us! He loves YOU!!! He wants to help you! It’s in His nature to want to help you because He is a Good and loving God. He has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. The things we experience in our lives can either teach us and help us or harm us and make us negative and miserable, th choice is always ours. The more that we’re able to come to Him, to listen & to follow what we feel in our hearts is right, the more we will feel His love, power and guidance for our lives.

Our strength can’t always come from us. We need divine help in our lives more often than we think! ? As children of God we have access to that help as we search for it and as we’re willing to listen & follow that higher wisdom ? God’s goal is to have strong children on this earth who know their potential and their value as children of God. Children who know that they have access to the help, love and peace that our Father in Heaven is able to provide. So, Trust in His love, believe in Him and what He can do for YOU!! Trust in your own internal power to choose the good for your life. ??& remember that you’re just a thought away from feeling happy, thankful, peaceful and joyful. ??

Our spiritual goal for the week is to be aware of our thoughts and our internal power. To not allow outside sources to affect us internally but instead to remember our potential as children of God and who we can become. Be strong and choose the thoughts that will bring the best outcome for your life.

Our physical goal for the week is to remove one bad item from our diet. ? It can be that soda, the chips or the sugary treats. Just choose one item to remove that can help your health and strengthen your body.

Hope to see you tonight in class to do something awesome for your BODY, MIND & SPIRIT! ?? Don’t forget that God will return the good that we do in our lives and our joy will be even greater in knowing that God is pleased with our thoughts, feelings and our actions. Doing these things will only bring peace, happiness and positivity into our lives. you’re not alone, God is with you and will make you stronger! Do your best ONE DAY AT A TIME! ❤️


Lili ?

One Day At A Time ?

Sometimes we rush through life and our days pass with so many distractions and responsibilities that we forget to slow down a little and to actually take it in and enjoy the smaller and bigger blessings that we’re given.

Our days pass so quickly that we can just see our children growing, another birthday coming and life passing. We tend to think that we’re invincible, that nothing could ever happen and that we just can just go, go, go…Until eventually life reminds us that we need to slow down a little. That we need to take in the little moments and that worrying about the past or future does nothing good for us.

I believe that God created Day and night for a reason. Night is for us to rest and renew our minds and our bodies. A time for us to turn off our brains, the stress and the distractions of our day and to allow ourselves to slow down, recover and rest. How amazing that God did it that way. ??

I also believe that God our Father wants us to focus on taking that sunrise ? as a new opportunity. A new chance! A new day to live the best life we can. An opportunity to focus on that one day, on what it’s challenges or blessing may bring. A new opportunity to grow, to CHOOSE the the best things that we can bring into our Spirit, our mind, our body and into our family relationships.

God wants us to focus on taking things ONE DAY AT A TIME. ? The more that were able to enjoy the DAILY BLESSINGS, the daily Bread that God gives us & the daily energy and mercy that we’re able to receive from Him, the happier our lives will be! We will live a better life as we make a conscious effort to enjoy each day, to give service and help others. He gives us one day a time, to do something good for ourselves and to make the time to connect to God DAILY. Everything else will come little by little. We don’t have to focus on the future because we really have no idea what it will bring. Instead living DAY by day ONE DAY AT A TIME will allow us to connect to God, to strengthen our family relationships and to realize what the truly important things are in our lives and where our focus should be we each day that we have.

Mathew 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take Thought  for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

So, Don’t worry about tomorrow. God has promised that things will work out. He doesn’t want us to think about Tomorrow. Instead He wants us to think about what you can do today! Trust in God and trust in His love. Trust that He will provide for you in His way and in His timing. Let go of those feelings of stress and anxiety and trust in the being who created the universe and knows the end from the beginning. The one who KNOWS YOU! LOVES YOU! ❤️ & Has given you another gift of having this day to live, enjoy and feel blessed.

So, take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Enjoy the blessings, the little moments and you will feel amazing in knowing that you’re enjoying your most precious little DAILY blessings. Remember to focus on TODAY! Feel the love and the blessing of having those around you. Be Glad & enjoy TODAY! ☀️ God will bless you and take care of you. Trust in Him & He’ll take care of the rest. For now, just focus on today & do your best today. ? ☀️ ??

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Slow down and little. Strengthen your relationship with God to give you the daily wisdom that you need to know where to focus your energies. ???☀️

Our Physical goal for the week is to have more water throughout the day and to eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrition. Put away the bad stuff! You can do it! ???

Hope to see you tonight in class to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit & to leave you feeling peaceful and connected to your higher purpose and what you can do for yourself and others. ? Love u all & hope that you can gain something from this message and from class. ?❤️???


Lili ?

Hold on to His Love ❤️

We all have to experience challenges and difficulties in our lives. Some things may be harder to go through than others. But it is always up to us to decide how we will react to each situation. Our reactions will ultimately determine our outcomes. We are responsible for either allowing our spirit to rise above the situations or letting it get knocked down by what we have to go through. The choice is always ours.
God has given us that gift of agency to allow us to choose for ourselves. In each situation we can either choose to come closer to Him or to draw ourselves further away from Him. All of us have had these experiences in our lives, where we’ve had moments of CHOOSING wether we step closer toward God or moments when we’ve stepped further away from him. I have discovered in my own life that stepping away from God has never brought me anything positive. If anything I’ve seen things get worse. My patience would begin to fail me and things would make me feel easily frustrated and unhappy. I noticed that my days were more filled with frustration and sadness & I noticed myself becoming more focused on my own world than anyone else’s.
It wasn’t until I felt myself hitting rock bottom from the difficulty that I was experiencing that I reached a point in which hit rock bottom. I knew I had no where else to go nothing else I could control and my only option at that point was to pray. To start looking up toward God because He was going to be the only one who would truly understand my need and what I was feeling. He was the only one who could bring the healing that my soul needed at that time. As I began CHOOSING to turn my heart toward God I began to notice the ways in which God tried to help me I began to see things clearer and to realize that God had been there for me all along…I realized that it was up to me to step toward HIM. He wasn’t going to force me to come close to Him. He was anxiously waiting for ME to WANT to do that for myself. And when I did, I was able to begin to feel incredible joy and peace. Knowing that my relationship was becoming stronger with God. I realized that He knows every one of our difficulties, that He answers prayers through others around us, I realized that life isn’t about the money, the material things, the power or the popularity. Those things fade and are not lasting. But our relationship with God will last even after our physical bodies stay on this earth and our Spirit goes to see Him again. ?the whole point of life is for us to come to KNOW GOD! to learn to trust Him & to CHOOSE to access His help, to try in our own lives to be more like Him and to GIVE of ourselves to others who may be in a harder situation than us. Turning our focus away from our problems and instead giving to others who need us. ❤️ I realized from that experience that for the rest of my life I wanted to experience my hills and my valleys with God by my side. ?
Its not until we’re able to experience difficulties or things like that in our lives that we’re able to see how much we can grow from our challenges. That’s when we realize that there really are only two paths in life the path with God or without Him. When we realize that we would rather travel life through the path that brings true peace and joy then it becomes easier to follow God. We begin to have a desire to just stay close to Him and to go through the good, the bad and the terrible if we have to, But to go through it ALL with HIM by our side. So, if you’re experiencing a difficult time in your life, hold on to God. Don’t let go of looking up to Him for guidance, help and the angels that will be around you to help you. Even in the hardest times He will be there to bring comfort. Trust Him & never let him go. He will provide and take full care if you.

He has said;

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 

(Isaiah 41:10)
 So, Let’s believe in His word, when He tells us to not be fearful. We can instead allow God’s light and power to come into your life to strengthen us and uphold us. We can choose to hold on, take it one day at a time and choose to be positive. That’s exactly what God wants us to do. To bring all of the light that we can into our lives. Specially when the difficulties feel the heaviest. He loves us! We are His children and He wants nothing but THE BEST FOR US!!! do your best and prove to Him that you’re doing that. I promise, He will take care to the rest. ?
Our spiritual goal for the week is To not let the earthly circumstances affect us spiritually. But to instead allow ourselves to be strengthened by accessing the power of God in our lives. We need to try daily to bring His light into our lives to help us. Remind yourself of how amazing and powerful your God is!!!What He has done for you in the past and what He can do for you today, and for your future. <3 
Our physical goal for the week is to: Eat foods that will strengthen us and that are nutrient rich. Let go of anything processed this week and feed your body only good things. 🙂
Hope to see you tonight in class! We’re gonna focus on toning, getting rid of stress, and on having a great meditation to help us feel stronger. The hardest thing is always showing up to class, But I know that if you make it happen for yourself you will feel a renewed energy to help you remain strong and positive. It will feel great to do this for yourself. Hope that you can make it. ?
Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week. keep whatever message God wants you to gain from this in your heart. & really put it to use in your life and feel the difference of what God can do.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passers all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6&7)

With love, 

Strong through the storm ❤️

Challenges come to all of us. It all has to do with the way in which we CHOOSE to react to the situation, which will make the difference. We can either let the challenges drag us further down & lead us to unhappiness and misery or we can CHOOSE to look up to God, hold on to Him, learn patience & let HIM show us and teach us what we’re meant to learn from our challenges.
As children of God, He wants us to gain inner strength and to allow our spirit to become strong enough to carry us through our physical & emotional challenges. ??❤️
God will help us and strengthen us as we choose to come to Him and as we let Him teach & guide us through the path that He has set for our lives. ? So, take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Hold on to Him TODAY! Let His light come into your life TODAY & Do your best each day to find His light & guidance through the good & the difficulties that we’re meant to overcome.
We can do ALL THINGS with His Help. ??We can trust Him & truly give it all to Him. After all, whom better to trust than the God who holds the planets and who created us? He knows what we’re meant to go through, He knows where we need to grow and develop. He can help us to become the best versions of ourselves and to be STRONG children of God who are willing to be submissive to Him and His timing. God said; But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage. ? As We fully trust Him and serve Him with our full heart, and as we’re willing to be submissive and to learn from Him we will know that we have nothing to fear and that He will provide deliverance for us and bring peace into our souls.
As we encounter difficulties and challenges we can also focus on feeling His love for us. Even in the smallest ways, looking at our blessings and focusing on the good that we have in our lives ? God will always bring Answers & help usually through those around you. Think about those angels that surround you. God is looking out for you, He is mindful of you and He LOVES YOU! ❤️Remember to give love to yourself & to anyone who may need it. As you do so, you will begin to feel God’s love STRENGTHENING YOU ONE DAY AT A TIME ???
? Our Spiritual goal this week is to give our full trust to God. Specially during our challenges, & to try to see what we’re meant to gain from them or whom we’re meant to help from what we go through. The goal is to reach to Him daily for light, guidance & help. & also to give love to ourselves and others. Put it to the test, Trust Him & Remember to take it One day at a time ☀️ ❤️
?Our physical goal for the week is to choose Nutrient Rich foods! ? ?? We’re strong enough to have the willpower to turn down the bad stuff & to gain a stronger desire to bring in the good into our bodies! Let’s do it & feel the difference. ????
?WE WILL HAVE CLASS TUESDAY AT 9:30am & THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 pm!! ? Can’t wait to see everyone again & to continue on our journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves & doing our best to gain a STRONGER BODY, MIND & SPIRIT ? Hope that you can make it! ?
Lili ?

Hope, Act & Become

Our life has a purpose. When God created each one of us He had a plan in mind and a mission for us to accomplish. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God wants us to be hopeful, to trust Him and to do our best to accomplish His plans for us. As we place our trust in Him & come closer to Him our purpose will become clearer and He will be better able to guide us toward becoming who He desires us to become. ❤️

When we keep that hope in our lives we are better able to move toward our ultimate goal which is to live a life that we can be proud of. A life that is filled with good & that God will approve of. At the end of the day we are all here on this earth to PREPARE TO MEET GOD. So, our goal is to stay focused on trying to live the best life we can for God, for ourselves & for those around us. ?

Having strong hope and faith in God brings us the power to act. We know that we can’t just wish for things to happen and that’s it. When we have faith in God we gain a stronger desire to ACT! we’re more willing to put in the work necessary toward reaching who we are meant to be. ?? God said; Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in Faith believing that he shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you. (Moroni 7:26)

God is ready to bless us if we have a pure heart, if we seek Him & Ask the Father, BELIEVING that we will receive! How amazing is that? This is where our faith is tested & where God is able to show Himself in our lives. Christ said; If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me. (Moroni 7:33) That scripture promises us that we will have power to do whatever is in our heart & that aligns with the desire that God has for us. So, with our Faith in God, our desire to accomplish His goals for our lives, & having the dreams and desires of our hearts, we can go to God & from Him receive wisdom and power to accomplish those things. We can then Act toward our goals believing in God to help us. Wether that is a physical, spiritual, emotional or temporal goal, God knows what’s in our hearts and because He loves us and wants the best for us, HE WILL HELP US. ?❤️

We must act as if our goals are on their way. Act as if we are actually living them! (Healthy, strong, peaceful etc..) We must work toward them EACH DAY! 😉 To set aside time to move us closer to our goals and toward becoming the person that God desires us to become. 🙂 By holding on to Faith in God and in ourselves & working hard toward our goals we can then help others to do the same in their lives.

Remember that with God all things are possible! You can do it! Count on Him, Do your best & Go for it! ??❤️? HOPE, ACT & BECOME.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to have hope & to act! Set 3 goals that you want to accomplish this week. Ask God in Faith to help you & get to work 😉 you can do it! Plus, God has promised the POWER for you to accomplish it. ?? Just go for it & make it it happen this week. ? Remember, HOPE & ACT ?

Our Physical goal for the week is to exercise at least 3 days and to eat as clean as possible. Eat more frequent healthy meals so that you don’t get super hungry and reach for the bag of chips or the easy junk food that’s there. 😉 try it out and feel the difference in energy in your body ? ??

We will talk about the message & our goals in class. We will also get rid of stress, have an awesome toning session and meditation that will leave our minds feeling stronger, peaceful & ready to do our best this week. Hope to see you there and that you’re able to keep this message and goals in your heart this week. God will strengthen you & help you to accomplish them. Trust Him & DO YOUR BEST! ????


Lili ?

God Confident

The world around us wants us to place our confidence on our abilities or on what we can accomplish. We tend to feel like our level of confidence is based on what people say about us, how many likes we get, how popular we are, how much we have compared to others or how we look.

The more that we base our level of confidence on what is “popular” the harder it will be to ever feel at peace with ourselves and to be able to experience the true confidence that we can gain. It’s important for us to be honest with ourselves and ask ourselves, how confident Am I? Do I base my confidence on my own strength? Do I look for outside sources to bring me confidence? How can I gain stronger confidence in God?

To be confident in God means that we don’t need any outside sources to tell us our worth. We don’t need likes, comments, the popular vote or even everyone to like us. The confidence that God provides is different, It’s not prideful or conceited. Instead it’s peaceful, calm and filled with an inner strength & confidence that is full of FAITH IN GOD.

God confidence means that it’s full of courage even when there’s fear, because we know in whom we trust. It’s a confidence that has faith to get out of the boat and walk on water. It’s a confidence that is filled with a positive attitude, with hope, it looks upward and forward to the future and to the purpose that God has for our lives. It’s a confidence that is filled with strength and courage to live the best life that we can for God. ???

God teaches us in Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. & Proverbs 3:26 says; For the Lord shall be thy confidence.

God wants us to place our confidence on Him! That’s the reason why we’re here on this Earth! To get to know Him, To learn to trust Him, To test the limits of our Faith & to become who He intended us to become when He created us. The more that we trust Him, the more we will notice what we can do and accomplish with His help. He will guide us, help us and inspire us to know where we should be focusing our energies. Trust Him & see what a confident Child if God can do. ????

? Our Spiritual goal for the week is to be God confident! ?? Don’t let the other stuff get to you…Focus on your purpose! On what God wants you to work on and you’ll feel so much better. Set goals for yourself, talk to Him & be confident in your ability to accomplish what He has placed in your heart.

? Our Physical goal for the week is to Eat more nutrient rich foods. Avoid anything processed or sugary. Focus on healthy and full of nutrition to help us become stronger. You can do this! ??❤️

Unfortunately I’m sick and will not be able to teach class Tuesday Morning at 9:30 but I’m hoping to be back Thursday night this week! 😉 Remember to take each day one day at time. Do your best, be your best & trust God.

Love always, ?

Lili ?

Keep your peace ?

If you’re in need of getting rid of stress, letting go of stuff and strengthening yourself physically, emotionally & spiritually, to feel more relaxed peaceful and centered? ???‍♀️? Then this is the Therapy that you need tonight! ??

You are the only one who can make this happen for yourself. Set aside the time and give yourself a little space to STRENGTHEN yourself and to be reminded of your purpose as a daughter of God.?

Class is from 7:15 to 8:30. We will strengthen ourselves physically and we will have an amazing meditation about inner peace. Hope that you can make it & strengthen yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually to be able to take on anything else that comes your way in the upcoming week. I know that God wants us to do good things for ourselves like this. ? We Just have to make the sacrifices to make it happen & Become Stronger in every way with His help. ❤️?????

This is our weekly message with our spiritual and physical goal at the end. ?

Our lives can be surrounded by chaos, anxiety, fear and the pressures of the constant fast paced world in which we live. It can sometimes be hard to slow down and disconnect from it all, to bring into our lives the inner peace that we so desperately need.

Most of the time we search for happiness and peace through different means around us. We think that by having more money, a higher social status, popularity, more material possessions or even the way we look physically will determine wether we feel happy, sad, peaceful etc. Most of us don’t realize that the things that surround us are TEMPORARY. We won’t always have them, They are not lasting and we cannot base our levels of joy, peace or happiness on those things. We have to remember that all of these things may bring COMFORT into our lives but we should never let them determine how happy or peaceful we feel.

No material possession, money, looks, achievements or even people around us can determine how we feel inside. They may affect us in one way or another because the joy or the peace that we feel from those things comes from OUR CHOICE to allow it to make us feel a certain way. It all has to do with our mental attitude. We determine how we feel and what we allow outside sources to do in our lives. They are not in charge of how we feel…. IT IS ALL UP TO US & what WE CHOOSE.

Remember that we can’t control the comments or actions of others, the way in which we are treated, the chaos in which we live or the challenges that we may be going through. These things shouldn’t ever determine how we feel inside and we shouldn’t ever let them steal our peace. WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN PROTECT OUR INNER PEACE. If we take care of ourselves internally, of strengthening our spirits and our souls, NOTHING AROUND US CAN AFFECT US UNLESS WE GIVE IT PERMISSION TO DO SO. this is a mental state which we create for ourselves. Which one will you choose?

Choose to not let any outside sources affect your internal peace. Choose to not let anyone affect your inner happiness and peace. Choose to speak kindly and lovingly about yourself, your body, how it changes and accept it with gratitude knowing that it is a blessing to have it and to have the gift to be here in this earth another day. Choose to be grateful for your body, your surroundings and most importantly for the spirit that lives inside your body. Here on this earth to learn to grow and to develop. A spirit that is meant to to LEARN how to NOT be affected by outside sources, but instead be strong and peaceful in the storms of life. A Spirit which connects easily to God. A spirit that desires nothing more than to get to know HIM better, to become God’s friend and to receive all strength and power from the divinity of the Father of our spirits. A Spirit that knows its source of power is God and is able to carry and even lift us during physical or emotional challenges. ❤️

Choose to create for yourself a happy state of mind more often. Choose to look past the differences of all man and women and begin looking more frequently at others as spiritual children of God which we all are. Chose to be kind, generous, giving and to do your best each day to please God and to bring that inner peace that can be a protection and shield which you choose to keep inside. Choose to TRUST IN GOD and know that HE will allow you to receive HIS strength and power to do these things and to feel lasting peace and joy internally.

He has said, “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” D&C 19:23 When we try to live peacefully with ourselves, with others and when we choose to take in all of the good that is around us, we will be able to strongly feel the spirit and love of God strongly in our lives. That is the true peace and love that can never be removed from us. No outside source, no person, no challenge can steal our inner peace. We can choose to allow God’s peace to be with us more often or to even have it with us permanently. ❤️ He has promised; “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Remember that the peace that God offers is different from the “peace” that the world brings…His peace is lasting and not determined by anything material, popular or that brings power….His peace is a peace of love, humility, kindness, generosity & not easily to be taken away…You’ll know the difference.

Just allow the peace, the light and the joy of God fill you completely today. Do not let outside sources get to you. Remember that you are in control of your mental state and of what you allow to enter. Choose only the good and reject the bad. You are a child of God! He loves YOU!!! He wants you to slow down a little, to let go of the distractions and to FEEL HIS LASTING PEACE in your soul today and EVERY DAY! Do your best each day, Stay strong shielded and protected in the power that God brings you. Choose a peaceful and happy mental attitude and feel the difference. ??☀️??

Our physical go for the week is to exercise at least three days this upcoming week. You can do this! : ) Part of our goal for the week is to eat one ingredient foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you find a box with lots of ingredients ? put it down and replace it with 1 ingredient food items instead. This will give you more energy and help you feel great! ???

Our spiritual for the week is to keep our inner peace. ??‍♀️??? I pray that as you read the message you will feel in your heart what God desires you to gain from it. That you will have a strong desire to keep your inner peace focused on God and on His opinion & love for you! Just say to yourself or remind yourself; “My inner peace is controlled by ME! I choose to keep and protect the peace that is inside my soul today” God strengthens me to feel His peace which is different from anything that the world can offer. I am peace, I am love, I am joy.” No one can take that away from me unless I allow them or it to do so. Keep your peace, trust in God and all will work out. ??


Lili ?

Stay Centered

Stress is one of those words which we use frequently but try to do very little to remove from our minds. We will always encounter circumstances which can bring about “stress” anxiety or frustration in our lives. It ultimately has to do with the way in which we RESPOND to the situation which will allow us to either remain stressed or to be able to calm ourselves down and become internally peaceful. The choice is always ours.

The question then becomes, how do we react to the situations that you are encountering? Do we find ourselves becoming frustrated, upset or negative? Do we begin to point fingers or judge others for what they’ve done to us? We usually tend to complain, criticize, feel stressed, anxious, asking “why me?!” Or even creating feeling of “competition” toward others etc. These feelings and emotions are described as being out of Center. The more that we choose to react in the ways mentioned above, the more they will become a habit for us. We have to be conscious in knowing that we are the ones who CHOOSE our responses! we are the ones who can make a difference in our own minds. No one else can do that for us.

We have to practice remaining Centered

The most important thing we can do is allow ourselves & the power of our minds to help us during these situations, feelings or emotions that we may begin to encounter. It is in our true desire to not let others control ME! Or my reactions that we win and are able to remain peaceful for our own good. Every time we allow others to take us out of our Center we give our power to them!! Can you see how that happens? If we allow others to take us out of our Center we can remain strong ?? to not allow them or the situations that arise to remove us from our center. The power will still be in our control & if we choose to not allow others or the circumstances take us out of our Center, then we will fight to remain centered. These are habits which we can break if we truly want to be able to feel peaceful and centered amidst the strongest storms of our lives.

Since we know that we can make the changes necessary for us to remain centered or to come back to Center, we must be aware of what situations are happening around us. We must look at the way in which we are responding. The first and most important step, is for us to be able to acknowledge and realize that we are out of center. Once we realize this is, our mind can help us to bring about images, thoughts or scents that can allow us to come back to Center. We can remove ourselves from distractions and take some time to breathe outside to lower our emotions and try to return to our center. We think about the way in which we would like to react in a higher way to the situation or in a way which will allow us to remain peaceful and not give away or power to do so.

WHEN WE ARE ABLE TO CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS, OUR REACTIONS AND OUR MIND WE EXPERIENCE TRUE POWER. The power to remain calm and centered can only be exercised by consciously being aware of when you’re losing it and still being able to remain peaceful and calm. It takes work but our mind, body & spirit will benefit as we learn to control ourselves and our emotions. There are many studies which show the effects of the mind in the body. You will find a connection to stress and disease in almost all of the cases. The levels of stress on a person and a lack of control in their lives bring about more disease. The opposite goes for those who learn and master their minds, they’re able to even reverse disease. That’s why meditation is so important! & that’s the reason why I like to invite everyone to come to class. To learn to meditate and to gain more control of our minds. To help us reverse disease, gain the benefits of meditation and be able to remain centered in the circumstances that come into our lives. Once again, the choice is ours. 🙂

One important aspect of this is that we must have a true and strong desire to make the changes which will allow us to experience that still and calming peace that comes can only come from our Center. Imagine as if you are a house, with many people living in your home. There are different personalities different thoughts and experiences (kind of like the movie inside out) The important thing is for us to notice that there has to be a Center, a higher self which can control all of these emotions and reactions that we’re so quick to have sometimes. It is our center which will help us to quiet the voices of all of the other “personalities” or people living in our home specially those that bring out negative reactions (frustration, anger, jealousy etc) It is the higher self which will help us to regain a peaceful control and allow us to react in the most positive way possible.

Our higher self is connected to God. We can feel that our souls have a higher level of energy and power. Because WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD! it’s the connection to our higher self and our source of power which is God which will allow us to take charge and to control of the other “reactions” Within us. It is also important to know that we are in charge of creating the methods which will allow us to connect to our higher source. Some of these things can be taking a break from our distractions like social media, TV, phones, entertainment etc. we can stop these things to take a moment to sit outside in nature, together ourselves, to be still, breathe and connect to our higher source for wisdom and guidance on how to react and come to Center. Allowing ourselves to have a little bit of time to connect to our source and to feel the peace and calm that it brings and which can heal from within. You have to seek it for yourself and you will find it. ?

We can take moments to just close our eyes, quiet the chatter in our minds and find our higher self to then connect ourselves to our higher source which is God. Who WILL help us react to every situation and who will guide us and give us the gift or receiving peace and clarity when we need it. ? As long as we trust Him & believe in his healing light and power He will provide it. Proverbs 3:5-6 says;”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Know that He will guide us, he will help us as long as we come to him and listen for his counsel that He desires to share with us. The more that we practice coming to our center and connecting to him the more that we will see his hand in our lives and the more we will be able to experience peace, joy and the power of God in our every day life.

So, take your breaks form the distractions. Don’t allow others or your situations control your emotions. Find time to connect to who you really are as a child of God and do whatever is necessary to Connect to your FATHER! The source of ALL PEACE! The source of all that is Good! ? He will provide the light and strength that you need to overcome ANYTHING with His help during your life. Trust in yourself! You can do this! The power of your mind is amazing! ?? Take control and connect to your source to feel the difference. God loves you & is ready and willing to help you! ❤️

Our spiritual goal for the week is to connect to our center and to God. Our goal is also to not allow negative situations, people or experiences to control us, but for us to take control over ourselves, our minds and our emotions to keep ourselves calm, peaceful and centered.

Our physical goal for the week is to eat nutritious and balanced meals. We only want good things going into our bodies. Let go of the sugary drinks and replace them with water and feel the difference in energy in your body. Also don’t forget to move and make time to exercise at least 3 times during the week. 🙂

Hope to see you tonight for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation. Your mind and body need this therapy!!! It feels so good! ? Make it happen for yourself and feel the difference in your day & your week 🙂 hope that you can make it and invite anyone else who you think would benefit from doing this for themselves. Take it one day at a time. Do your best & be your best! ❤️


Lili ?