We are always searching for others acceptance, “likes” and recognition. We feel like our self worth depends on others for approval. We search and we search for more and it’s never enough. Some people thirst for acceptance and recognition until the end of their lives. Never learning that we are the ones who need to LOVE OURSELVES fully and unconditionally without having to depend on ANYTHING OR ANYONE ELSE to help us feel that love.
We must first learn to love and care for ourselves to then be able to give to others. It won’t always be perfect but we can try each day to depend less on others opinions and focus more on ourselves and our worth to God. That’s the real way to find true lasting Joy and peace. 
When we’re able to stop worrying about the outside world and instead turn our focus inwardly, we will see that we will feel a little more in control. We won’t be dependent on others, on the “acceptance” or “recognition” of the world around us to feel love for ourselves. We will learn not to look for love or confidence in outside sources like the opinions of others, shopping sprees, make up, having a fit Body, traveling or having tons of money to finally give us a sense of accomplishment or inner love. Even some of the “richest”& most beautiful people in the world are completely unhappy and emotionally empty inside. They never learned to just love themselves NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES COME INTO OUR LIVES! When we loose our looks will we still love ourselves? When we see all of the signs of aging, will we Still love ourselves? When we don’t fit into the clothes, will we still love ourselves? When we have an accident or a health incident will we still love ourselves? When we have no money or material things, will we still love ourselves? Life is going to throw at us all kinds of challenges. NONE OF US are Exempt from that. It happens, it comes to us all in different ways, But the question is HOW DO WE REACT??
We have the opportunity to learn to choose what is best for us. If we don’t take care of our own selves, then who will?!?! We have to to make ourselves a priority and FILL OURSELVES WITH INNER LOVE AND CONFIDENCE ?? NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS AROUND US.
When we are able to purposefully do this for ourselves our lives will feel more calm, peaceful, assertive and in control. Because we we have now learned how to control our emotions and not let others, their opinions or other outside sources get to us.
If we want to establish healthy relationships in our lives we have to start with ourselves! Doing the work within Ourselves will allow us to then be able to help those around us by sharing our love, peace, light and the inner strength that we have gained.
Here are a few tips that can help us to love ourselves a little more.
BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Learn to accept yourself with your shortcomings, speaking nicely and kindly about yourself. Remind yourself that you do love and accept who you are, that you love yourself enough to want to do the best for yourself daily!!! ?☀️??
FEEL THAT LOVE WITHIN YOU AND BE THAT LOVE : Spend more time during your day focusing on self-love, try loving and positive affirmations, meditation, prayer and all that focuses your energy and thoughts on feeling compassion, peace and love for yourself. Once you feel those positive vibrations of self-love or peace in your heart try to be in that place of love throughout your day. Choose to hold on to it and share that light with others in your life.
GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: We’re not perfect and we will all have our good days and our bad days. Remember that It’s ok when things don’t work out the way you planned. Just remember to take a deep breath, give yourself some grace, maybe taking a break, doing something spontaneous or changing your routine can help you breathe a little better. know that God will be with you, everything will be ok and you will have a new chance to try again tomorrow. Each day is a new opportunity. Take it one day at a time. ?
EMBRACE YOURSELF: Are we comfortable being alone with ourselves? Are we ok to be in silence for a little while and listed to the thoughts or inspiration that we receive? Do we feel anxious, fear or judgmental of ourselves when we are alone? Do we reach for our phone or social media to keep us distracted and numb to listening to the feelings of our heart and our mind? Maybe it’s time to disconnect a little from or devices to see and feel what’s really going on inside. Not being afraid of feeling or discovering what our spirit, our mind and Body are trying to tell us. It’s ok for us to be in silence sometimes. To slow down a little. It’s good for us to be alone with ourselves and to embrace the moments of silence, to feel our emotions and to give ourselves a time to embrace ourselves, to see how we truly feel. Taking in that moment to be comfortable with ourselves and to be kind and loving to ourselves. ?
BE GRATEFUL: One of the most powerful things in our lives is the power of gratitude. Being grateful helps us to see how blessed we are and allows us to not worry so much about other less important issues and distractions in our lives. A good exercise to focus on gratitude and all the things that we are thankful for each and every day. Is to Just take minute to think about what you’re thankful for today! Gratitude reminded us of how much we do have! When we do this, our hearts will be full of gratitude and we will feel that peace in our hearts. 
GIVE YOURSELF IN SERVICE TO OTHERS & SEE HOW THIS CONNECTS YOU TO GOD: There’s no higher self love than when we are connected to God. Praying daily and having a relationship with Him brings security, self love and confidence that nothing else in the world can bring. It’s when you’re able to FEEL that connection to God or to that higher source of strength and light that helps you each and every day of your life. When we ask God daily to show us how we can help others during the day, we will see that He will begin to trust us and place people in our paths that He needs us to help! It’s an opportunity for us to something good for someone else, to strengthen our relationship with God and to feel that inner confidence and love for ourselves. 
When we’re kind, considerate, compassionate and giving of ourselves, our soul rejoices because we have reached the highest level of self-love in serving others. When we find ways to do small task or bigger acts of service we will find that our hearts will let go of focusing on “what we lack” and we will instead focus on surrounding ourselves with deeper more meaningful things that will fill our lives with peace and our hearts with even more love. Allowing us to fully love ourselves from the inside out! not just “physically” or being completely dependent on the likes or opinions of others. But instead being changed in a deeper level, with a heart that is confident in God in our own ability to push forward to not allow our self love to depend on anything else but on our own selves and our connection to God. Our soul, our spirit and our inner beauty will radiate to our outer world as well.
I know that God wants us to focus on finding that deep and true inner love within ourselves. He wants us to see ourselves the way that He sees us! He wants us to think about how much love He has for us today, when He created this world, when He gave us this soul and Body to take care for. We are SO loved by Him and He wants us to do the same for ourselves. To believe in ourselves, to do our very best and not worry about the opinions of other but only about the opinion of our God. So, let’s be kind to ourselves and remind ourselves of the daily love that we need. Remember that you have amazing potential! The enemy can’t mess with you if you know that!!! & if you know who is on your side to fight your battles. ??? Do your best! love yourself and let go of the attachments that keep us tied to the opinions of others or to what the rest of the world wants you to think about…The journey of your life is between you and God. ? You’ve got this! ??
Our spiritual goal for the week is to give ourselves more Love and kindness. We have the tools to do it…We just have to really want to make that happen in our lives! Remember to disconnect from the distractions to connect more to yourself and to God. Surround yourself with positive words and don’t let the negativity in! You’re in control!!! ???❤️
Our physical goal for the week is to have at least one healthier meals. Even if it’s just one per day! Maybe have an awesome breakfast smoothie, or eggs and veggies, fruit or a nice salad for lunch etc…basically the more nutritious the meal is the better for you! At least one, healthy meal each day (if not more ?) Will help us to feel great!
Hope you can make it to class tonight @7:15 We’ve been working hard! having a good time getting rid of stress, toning, strengthening ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. This class helps so much with not just the physical side but also how we feel inside! We do this because we love ourselves!
Hope that you can make it! ??Please feel free to bring a friend. That way more people can benefit from what the class does for us.