The Power Within Yourself 💛

Today we get to make something brand new. No matter what we have going on, we have the opportunity to make it a positive experience for ourselves. That will always depend on what we choose to focus on.

God invites us today to slow down a little and take a moment to align ourselves to His healing energy, His love & His peace. When we can take a moment to close our eyes and allow our heart, mind and soul to connect to Him. We begin to see that we can feel that divine light flowing within ourselves.

This divine light allows us to feel a connection to God and to realize that we have DIVINE POWER flowing through us.

Have you thought about the power that flows through you? What does that feel like? Can you feel yourself aligned to that light, and the peace, love and divine power that comes from it? Understanding and having gratitude and humility for that power within us, can change absolutely everything about our lives, our day, our choices, words and actions.

God has told us that, we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). This acknowledgment of our intrinsic value and of our potential is the first step in recognizing the power within us.

As children of God, we believe that God has placed that divine light within us. It’s the light that helps us to know right from wrong. That little feeling within us that tells us that we’re more than our thoughts and feelings. That there’s more to us than what the world tells us, that we are of ETERNAL WORTH & that we were sent to this earth at this specific time with our own unique opportunities, experiences, gifts, talents, and abilities. All of which will allow us to grow and develop in the way that God would want us to become.

For example; the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) teaches us about the stewardship of our gifts. We are entrusted with gifts from God, and it is our responsibility to cultivate and use them wisely. This includes our spiritual gifts as well as our talents and abilities that contribute to our success and impact in the world.

Within us there’s also the power of faith. Or what we choose to believe about God. In John 20:29 Jesus said into Thomas; Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, yet have they believed. Believing in God will bless us in more ways than we can imagine. When you feel down about something, BELIEVE IN GOD. When your health is not ok. BELIEVE IN GOD. When life is hard, BELIEVE IN GOD. Through it all choose to believe. Choose to see God in the sunshine, In nature, and even in the air you breathe today.

We must remember to take care of our faith. To believe daily and remember that Faith without works is dead (James 2:26). While we rely on God’s strength and guidance, we are also called to take action and be proactive in pursuing our goals and dreams. The power within us is not meant to be dormant but activated through faith-filled action.

Many times, our own doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs can hold us back from realizing our full potential. However, through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and seeking wise counsel, we can overcome these barriers and step into the fullness of who God created us to be.

As we are better able to recognize this power within ourselves, we will also be able to see that the power is not selfish or self-serving. Instead, it is meant to be a force for good, impacting the lives of others and bringing glory to God. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, sharing our talents, or being a positive influence, we can make a difference in the world around us.

And last but not least, as children of God, we understand that our power is derived from God. We surrender our plans, desires, and ambitions to His will, trusting that He will guide and empower us every step of the way. Our strength is found in Him, and when we align our will with His, we tap into a limitless source of power.

So, remember that making time to see your light and to align to your divine light will change everything about your life and your day. You get to make of this day what you want out of it. You get to focus on what you want. & choosing to focus on your divine light and on allowing Gods light to be with you THIS VERY HOUR, will change how you feel, think and act in this very moment.

So, let’s embrace the power within ourselves as Children of God. Believe in Christ who is our teacher, healer and our guide to experiencing full joy. Learning of Christ will help us find more of our light. God will bless us as we come closer to Him and as we CHOOSE TO EXPERIENCE HIS LIGHT MORE FULLY IN OUR LIVES.

This light is about feeling humbly empowered by God. Being good stewards, taking action in faith, overcoming obstacles, impacting others positively, and surrendering to God’s will. May we all strive to feel the power of God within to empower us today, to allow us to experience His glory more fully and that we may be blessed by His light and to bless us this day and for the betterment of the world around us.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to create moments where we can fully invite the light of God to be with us this very hour. To focus our energy on reacting to each situation from a place of love and alignment with God. Dedicating our actions of today to God. We can share a smile, clean our house, spend time with our loved ones, or do whatever we’re doing today with the acknowledgment of the DIVINE POWER FLOWING WITHIN US FEELING CONNECTED TO PEACE, LOVE AND LIGHT. ❤️

Our physical goal for this week is: To Be more mindful about the things that we’re putting in our bodies. Take some time to notice your food and express gratitude for having it. Notice how it feels, tastes etc. Try to choose good food that nourishes you and is good for you.

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm to released stress and to strengthen yourself physically mentally and spiritually. Love you all and hope to see you there.


Lili 🌸

Finding Joy 🌸

You know that feeling of loosing an item and really wanting to find it? It can be frustrating and stressful to look for it. In some cases we cry because we really want to find it. Most of the time when we realize something is missing we do all we can to try to find it. & looking for it can be a full adventure in itself, but we still have faith that we will find it and we look forward to experiencing the the joy of being reunited with the lost item.

This analogy can relate to those moments when we notice that we have lost something precious about ourselves. When we loose our Joy, our happiness, hope, self esteem or anything that you notice that you’ve lost within yourself.

Challenges and difficulties come to all of us, none of us are exempt. It is part of life that we experience the ups and the downs so that we may learn, have empathy for others and grow as we go through the fire of our challenges. We can recognize that we can grow from our challenges and we remember that if we’re loosing something in those moments we MUST DO ALL WE CAN TO FIND IT or bring back a feeling of joy and peace or whatever it is that we’re needing back into our lives.

Remember that there are people on this earth seem to have it all but yet, they’re miserable. & others who have absolutely nothing and yet, they’re some of the happiest people on earth. Choosing joy is not dependent on our circumstances or what we gain or loose in life. It’s based in WHAT WE CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON. Instead of focusing on the problems all the time we can “look for” finding gratitude today. We can search and look for joy in this very moment. Does looking at nature bring you joy? Or looking at your child or pet? It’s in the LOOKING OR SEARCHING for the beauty and the sacredness of each moment where we can find out joy and our peace.

What we focus on really grows. We see what we want to see-and we create what we concentrate on the most. So if we want peace, love, miracles and blessings, we first have to decide to notice them. Each moment is an opportunity for us to see the sacredness of that moment. We can focus our attention on finding the beauty, the good, the peaceful and the holy in each moment that we’re blessed to experience while we’re in this earth. Even during the hardest of times there truly is beauty, gratitude and joy that we can find around us if we choose to see it.

It’s hard to imagine that God would want us to be miserable, unhappy, lost or filled with negative feelings about ourselves or others, right? He would never speak to us in that way. If anything, it’s the enemy who wants us to be miserable like himself. So, when we can recognize that God invites joy, peace, hope and love into our lives. That means that as we can consciously invite those things into our lives so that we may experience God more fully, even in this very moment.

We can ask ourselves; “Does God wants me to feel Joy and happiness today?” “Do I trust Him enough times help me find what I need today?” “Do I want to invite Gods divine insights into my life today?” “Can I feel Him here with me in this very moment?” We can choose to allow ourselves to invite more of Gods presence. To reunite with His love, joy or peace even in the mundane moments of our lives. God will be there if we choose to look for Him in this very moment.

& what if all those little tiny moments where we find peace, love and joy are like mosaic tiles made up of some sort of divine clay and paint? Each little moment is like an imprint of Gods love. His fingerprints are seen in the little moments of your lives. The artwork that we will become as we choose to focus on seeing the beauty in the little things. The hand of God and the sacredness of each moment. Continuing to invite all that is good into our lives, regardless of the circumstances…think about what God will allow us to become as we choose to invite Him to be with us more throughout it all. ❤️

Mindfulness is also helpful when we’re looking for more joy or peace. Taking a moment to be present in the here and now, will help us to recognize the little details of this moment we’re living. So, stopping, breathing, checking where we’re at, what we see, touch, smell, taste. & taking a moment to calm our minds and hearts to just see Gods beauty of this moment. That is what will allow us to be better able to recognize what gifts we had lost but that now we can hold on to and enjoy. A gift to fill our heart with love, patience, peace. A gift of having an ability to focus on the beauty and joy that we can see here and now. Being aware of the divine that we can experience. Being swallowed up in the Joy of Christ instead.

We can see it in the morning light, the air we breathe, the thought of a loving friend, the tear over loss, the kindness of a stranger, The bite of food, the soft shirt, the trusty car, the cleansing rain, The smile of a child, the spoon in the pot, the broom on the floor, the very moment that we have to just trust be present in Gods love.

The common miracle here is love- which always wants to be found. Love is all around us, so look! Really look for what you want to find and you will experience the joy of being reunited with the lost thing- the divinity in the small and sacred things of your everyday life, which were there all along. 

So, decide that beauty surrounds you today. Make it a point to seek and see the goodness and light that is all around you in the little moments. Watch carefully for beautiful moments and stay present where love is. You get to do this for yourself and you deserve to focus on love, peace and joy in the little moments of your day.

God wants to remind you that He is aware of YOU. Of what you’re going through. He is with you and will never leave you. He is HERE with you right now. You’re not alone. Feel His love. Feel His hug! & allow yourself to be open to experiencing His full peace and love being poured abundantly over you in this very moment. He invites you to notice the sacred in each small moment and to find joy in Him daily. In the daily miracles of your life so that you may begin to see His mosaic work of his divine LOVE FOR YOU.

Our goal for the week is to invite joy, peace, love or the presence of God into the moments when we need it most. Practice taking deep breaths. Calm your heart and mind with the peace of God. And FIND JOY IN YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL JOURNEY WITH GOD. You’ve got this! 🥰🫶🏼

I hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7:00 pm to release stress, and to strengthen yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Make & keep that promise to yourself. 💪🏼🥰 You won’t regret it but instead you’ll leave feeling amazing, renewed and ready to do your best the rest of the week. ❤️


Lili 💖

Are You Comparing Yourself?

Comparison is all around us. We compare ourselves to others on social media. We compare our careers, jobs, accomplishments, wealth, we compare our bodies, personalities, intellect and even our own spirituality to what others may have above us or below us. :/

Are you exhausted from just reading that?🤪Comparison truly is the thief of joy. You can feel it as soon as you start to think about who you are comparing yourself to. Comparison is a very human and normal emotion. But the way it feels isn’t nice. What’s important to acknowledge is that comparing will pop up in our minds here and there & whats important is what we decide to do with it.

So, one of the first things we can do, is to be aware of our feelings. Are we currently comparing ourselves with anyone? If you can acknowledge who you are comparing yourself to, just take a moment to ask yourself if this comparison is useful, or if it is helpful to you in any way?


Isn’t that so true? When we compare ourselves to others, we pretty much have one or the other emotion. We either feel terrible about ourselves and it spirals downward making us feel like we’re not good at anything etc. Or we experience the other emotion of feeling better than someone else which is the same as being prideful. Also not a good emotion to have. Neither of those honors God or what He would want us to feel. 🙁

God wants us to remember His words when we’re starting to compare ourselves to others. He wants us to remember that He knows each one of us individually. He has a specific and perfect plan for each one of us when He tells us: “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. ‘” — Jeremiah 29:11 He has a specific plan for you and He will provide the daily nourishment, provision and blessings that your soul needs.

Being GRATEFUL is actually one of the biggest ways we can fight comparison. God wants us to turn our attention from comparison to instead focus on gratitude. Gratitude for the breath that we have, for the food, shelter, health and all that he provides for us. Counting our blessings, and recognizing the ways in which we have seen the hand of God in our lives will completely help us change that toxic mindset of comparison.

Doctrine & Covenants 78:19 says: And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.

Being grateful is one of the ways that we can show our Father in Heaven that we trust Him. Our grateful attitude will not only bring us Joy but even more blessings from God.

Take a look at the image of the flowers that is added to this message. This is a reminder of how all of us are like flowers. We are all completely different yet beautiful. We all have different lives and are planted and needed in different places. Yet, that doesn’t take away from our value or the importance of being that flower that God created so perfectly for this very moment in time. It’s really up to each one of us to find our beauty in where we’re planted. In where we’re needed, in the way that we look, I’m what we’re blessed to have and to be grateful for where God placed us at this very moment in our lives.

We are all children of God. Created by Him. He is our provider, He hears our prayers and knows the desires of our hearts. He wants us to trust that He will provide the “water, sunlight and soil” that we need to bloom where we are planted. We have to reach toward Him! We have to want to better ourselves and focus on his light and not on comparing ourselves to the flower next to us.

He wants us to focus on blooming where we are planted, on loving ourselves, our lives and trusting God in our circumstances. That way we will see that our lives will be filled with joy. Even if there are weeds trying to bring us down.

The Joy that we experience in our lives will come from stopping that comparison trap and focusing instead on JUST TRUSTING IN A LOVING FATHER IN HEAVEN & A SAVIOR WHO GAVE HIS OWN LIFE FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH HIM AGAIN. We honor God when we recognize what He would want us to focus on. What He would want us to think and the way in which He would want us to act. We honor God when we let go of negative thoughts or feelings and focus instead on what He can provide for us. We can trust that he has a perfect plan for the “flower” that we’re meant to bloom into. 😉 & also recognizing that the other flowers are also blooming around us. & it is this variety of flowers is what makes the world so beautiful. 🌻🌷🌸🪻

We can choose to LET GO OF THE COMPARISON and instead have GRATITUDE & MORE COMPASSION. Gratitude for our blessings & for where we’re planted. Focused on what we want to accomplish for God in our lives and trusting in the divine strength, help, provision and light that Ge can provide so that we may grow and be more like Him.

Having Compassion also allows us to have more love for ourselves and for others. Sometimes when we see things from the outside, the comparison creeps in making us feel that those people have it all together. But, we forget to remember to also have compassion for others as well.

The reality is that we all have struggles in our lives. And just because someone seems to “have it all together” most of the time that’s not the case. Everyone has their struggles and difficulties. So, we can all practice and exercise a little more more love, compassion and empathy.

Choosing to accept where we’re planted, having peace toward others regardless of our differences. & being able to be happy for other’s successes because we truly can come from a place of feeling at peace with God. With the creator of all of our souls. The true gardener who loves His flowers all the same. 🥹🌸🪻🌻🌷

There’s a beautiful quote by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland which says: “[God] doesn’t measure our talents or our looks; He doesn’t measure our professions or our possessions. He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other”

I pray that this message resonates with you. And that you’re able to see yourself as that amazing child of God that you are. Created by Him. Placed in this precise moment by Him. Blessed by Him and fully provided for because of Him. 💖 He is an amazing God who wants you to see yourself as He sees you and for you to love blooming where you’re planted.

So remember, instead of wasting your energy on comparison…Try to stop, be aware of what you’re feeling, recognize if It’s helpful. Focus on gratitude & take a moment to see yourself the way that the Lord sees you. Begin to understand that you have a purpose that no one else can fulfill, and thank God for making you and loving you as one of his amazing & beloved daughter or son of God that you are. He knows the plans for you. You just have to look up to Him and trust in Him.

In fact, there is only one person who we should strive to imitate, and that is Jesus Christ. 💖🥰

Our spiritual goal for the week is to release that comparison and focus more on gratitude, compassion and love for who we are and what we’re blessed to have in our lives today. Truly blooming where we’re planted. 🌸🌻🌷🥰

Our physical goal for the week is to choose one thing that will help our body feel better. It can be walking, or choosing nutritional foods and not junk 😉

I hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm!! Our goal is to get rid of stress, strengthen our bodies and have an amazing meditation that will help us to let go of comparison and leave us feeling renewed mentally, physically and spiritually. Can’t wait to see you there!!


Lili 🌸

An Attitude Of Gratitude 💖

Gratitude is one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous.

Did you know that just by being grateful you can shield yourself from negativity? One study shows that being grateful can instantly make you at least 25% happier, it rewires your brain, eliminates stress, strengthens your relationship with yourself and others and it increases your mental strength. 

Not only that, but God wants to remind you that He wants you to focus on gratitude instead of focusing on the things that don’t seem to be working right in your life. He has promised us this; “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.” (D&C 78:19) How amazing that God has promised us that as we focus on gratitude, He will bless us with even more than what we have now.

The more we’re able to practice gratitude the more we will invite joy into our lives. And Practicing is the part that will really change our lives. So, how can you make this a part of your daily life? You can start first thing in the morning by thanking God for a new opportunity of having a new day, for your gifts and blessings. You can also have a gratitude journal to help you notice the daily blessings. Throughout the day you can have moments to just breathe and be in that feeling of gratitude. Or you can make it a point during your family dinner to say one thing you’re each thankful for. All of these things will invite joy into your life and the life of your loved ones and it will also add the physical and spiritual benefits of being grateful. 

So, If you’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed please take a moment to stop what you’re doing, to have a second to just close our eyes and to take a few deep breaths….Just taking a moment to be thankful for this simple ability to take in a breath is all you need to focus on. With each breath that comes into our body we can experience deeper and deeper feelings of gratitude for all that we have and for all that we’ve received from God. We can allow those breaths to strengthen us and to renew and energize our body, our mind and our spirit. Remember, focus on your blessings. You’re in charge of controlling how you feel and what to focus on. Let it be for your benefit and for your inner peace. 

The goal for this week is to be thankful DAILY ☀️When you start feeling stressed take a moment to count your blessings instead. Think about the simple gift of life. The way your body functions, the fact that you’re able to be on this earth today, that you can breathe, be here and present with everything that surrounds you. The more that you focus on those things the more you’ll bring peace into each moment. The more stress will disappear and you’ll be able to feel peaceful, joyful and instead focused on the abundant blessings that God has given you.

St. John 14: 18 says
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
One of the ways in which we can feel the comfort of God is by expressing gratitude to Him and by being willing to trust in the promise that He will never leave us comfortless. Gratitude will allow us to open our eyes to see more of the blessings that God has given us and in return It will allow us to strengthen our relationship with Him. To trust Him more and to believe in His will and goodness for our lives. 

This will allow us to stop fearing and instead have more faith in Him and in ourselves. And once we’re able to do that we can then help Him to reach out to others in gratitude to testify of His goodness and to be a light and a blessing to those around us. We have to CHOOSE to live from a place of gratitude. This power is truly renewing and it will affect so many areas of our life. 

The benefits of gratitude not only bring health and mental strength into our lives. It also adds confidence in God and in ourselves that will allow us to have a way more joyful, enjoyable and peaceful life. We will be better able to help ourselves and others on our journey, and it will remind us daily of the love of God. The choice is yours, let gratitude be your blessing today. 

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7:00PM! Our goal is to release stress, strengthen our Body and renew our Mind and our Spirit through meditation & relaxation. If you feel like you need it, please motivate yourself to be there and to do something good like this for yourself today. It is a gift that will benefit YOU! You’ll leave feeling amazing and you won’t regret it. Plus, we’ll be able to see each other and to renew our energy together. Invite whoever you want & hope to see you there! ❤️🥰

Our spiritual goal for this week is to keep a gratitude journal or to express our gratitude daily and see how we feel after doing that for one week.

Our physical goal is to cut out the sugary drinks and sugary snacks. At least for one week try drinking more water and lowering the sugar intake and see how you feel. It may be hard at first, but proving to yourself that you can keep this promise to yourself will lift your self esteem and remind you that you can make better changes for your health.



Can’t wait to see you in class tonight at 7pm. 🥹🫶🏼


Lili 🌸

Feeling Overwhelmed? 💛

I love to spend time daily outside meditating. Even if it’s for just a few minutes, I need to slow my mind and re focus. Sometimes those are the best moments when I can feel God speak to my heart and mind. & I truly treasure those moments of inspiration. I felt something come to me as I thought about overwhelm and I wanted to share it with you.

I felt this incredible peace from the Lord letting me know that the feeling of Overwhelm is closely related to fear. Maybe the fear of not knowing what’s gonna happen? The fear of not being able to accomplish all the things, maybe fear of what the world would think, the opinions of others or the fear of feeling less than. Fear and overwhelm are closely connected. I never thought of that!

What I felt is that feeling overwhelmed, is not a feeling that comes from God. We must recognize that the Lord doesn’t speak to us like that. Those feelings of overwhelm come from what we allow our minds to “chatter or yell” at us. Our minds are so power. They can throw all kinds of thought at us . It’s up to us to learn to practice checking our thoughts often. To be able to see them from a distance, to recognize what the thoughts are telling us and to have the strength to help ourselves to move past the negative thoughts into a thought that is more helpful and that aligns with God.

Some of the things we can ask ourselves are.

▫️Do these thoughts feel true to me?

▫️Are they really true?

▫️How do I feel when I think these thoughts

▫️Do I feel better or worse when I think these thoughts?

▫️Can I resolve this problem?

▫️Is this something I can control?

▫️Would God speak to me this way?

▫️Do these thoughts align with the words of God and what He would tell me about myself and my life?

Truly reflecting on our thoughts and our “overwhelm” can help us to recognize that those thoughts and feelings are not what God would tell us. It’s not the way he would speak to us at all.

We can definitely take time to try to solve a problem, to find a solution to what we’re experiencing. But sometimes we can’t find a solution, and all we feel is all kinds of thoughts piling up on us. It’s during these times when we need to recognize that to just take a moment to stop. 🛑 Silence our minds and take a moment to be with God. Step out in nature or do whatever is necessary for us to have a moment to re-charge ourselves. To try to listen to what our Father in Heaven and Savior would tell us.

Turning our focus away from our problems or negative emotions will allow us to process our emotions in the way that God would want us to. Which is by TRUSTING HIM AND LETTING HIM TAKE THESE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS FROM US. Truly handing it to Him and being willing to follow the inspiration that He speaks to our hearts and minds about what He would want us to do.

Our Father in Heaven & Jesus Christ want us to trust him instead of feeling overwhelmed.

I can’t imagine Jesus walking around the earth feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Instead I can imagine Him feeling centered, peaceful, focused and most importantly trusting and knowing that each hour is spent according to inspiration that the Father would want him to have. Christ trusted in the Father. So, we should try each hour and each day to trust in Christ and in the Father as well. They both LOVE US! that’s why the Savior gave His life for us! They want us to overcome evil with good! Notice how our thoughts can unfortunately become evil. The more we think the thoughts the more negative talk we project the more feelings of overwhelm that we allow the more frustration, anger, anxiety, impatience stress, and all of those negative thoughts take control over us. ALL OF THOSE ARE FEELINGS THAT ARE NOT OF GOD. 🙁

That is why it’s so important for us to check our thoughts to recognize them and to practice doing this. In class we practice calming our mind each week. We practice checking out thoughts and then turning them to God. Why? Because it’s only by practicing that we get better at it. It’s like exercise for our mind 💪🏼💖 The more that we practice, the better we will be able to handle the negative thoughts that try to take over our minds and hearts.

Instead we want to be able to get to a point where we remind ourselves of the type of God that we serve. Of the type of God that we know. To remind ourselves of ALL OF THE TIMES WHERE WE HAVE SEEN HIS HAND IN OUR LIVES. & to trust Him for what He can teach us during the difficult times as well as to trust Him that He will provide abundantly as we turn to look to Him.

Focusing in Christ is the key. This is the scripture that came to my heart when I was thinking about this. “LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED OR “OVERWHELMED” NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID.” He also tells us in D&C6:36 “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” & Romans 12:2 He tells us, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

He will guide us on what to do with each hour. He will inspire us to focus on what we can control. On knowing that we can do and overcome all things through Christ who strengthens us. And on setting goals for ourselves that will allow us to overcome whatever may try to come take over our mind or steal our peace.

As we take time daily to stop and quiet our minds we will be better able to recognize the thoughts that are coming. Sometimes we can even write them down to check and see how true they really sound once they’re written down. Being able to check our thoughts is something that God wants us to learn while we’re on this earth. OUR DIVINE SPIRIT CAN GUIDE OUR MIND TO DIVINE THINKING. So, it’s up to us to stop, breathe, spend some quiet time alone and turn our thoughts to God and allow him to bring us the peace that we need.

Remember to let go of overwhelm or whatever thoughts are disrupting your peace. Take a minute for yourself. Breathe through your thoughts of and invite God to bring your peace and a feeling of calm to allow you to feel his light and his love to cover you completely. Trust in your ability to turn away from the thoughts that don’t help you to instead turn then into thoughts that God would want you to have. Live in the moment. Focus on today. Speak good thoughts to your mind. Give yourself word of affirmations and words to remind you that You are a child of God with divine potential and the ability to focus on the thoughts that God would want you to have. God has a perfect plan for you. Trust that He has you in His hands. He will continue to have you, take care of you and provide for you.

Hope that you can join us tonight to release stress, do something amazing for our physical body and also allow ourselves to help our minds find peace and renew our minds to be strong daughters of God. 💪🏼😌💖


Lili 🌸

Inner Peace Keeper

With everything going on in our world, and the different challenges that we all face, It’s easy to allow the chaos of it all to increase and cause greater emotional stress, fear and anxiety.

We see that not only is our peace affected, but new research has also shown that our levels of addictions or ways to nimble our emotions is also increasing. Have you noticed that the world as a whole is having a harder time controlling their feelings, thought and emotions? Sadly, we all try to look for ways to “numb” the emotional stress that surrounds us.

We resort to food, our phones, TV, shopping, wanting compliments or validation on social media, we obsess over our physical appearance, use entertainment, substances and many other activities that seem harmless at first, but little by little become the ways in which we buffer our emotions.

Can you see how we’re slowly becoming more and more dependent on outside sources to bring us inner peace? Most of the time we don’t even realize how much we’re allowing those things to control our emotional state, or how we’re “numbing the discomforts” of life which little by little dims our inner peace. The world would rather numb the emotions rather than to ever sit in silence with them. We’re all too afraid to sit and feel things.

This week I want to motivate you and encourage you to push past the discomfort & take a deeper look within yourself. Remember that this will most likely not feel comfortable at first and you may be tempted to grab your phone or turn on the TV, or call a friend to gossip or whatever else we try to do to get out of fully sitting for a moment and just feeling.

The goal is to honestly sit quietly if possible in a peaceful place, and just take a moment to breathe and to feel whatever is going inside. Try to take a moment to bring to your attention the things that you honestly know that you use to “numb” your emotional discomfort. Think about what comes up for you. If possible make a list to check those things. Do you reach for your phone or food or something else when you’re uncomfortable or angry, stressed etc? What are the things you reach for first? Do they bring you peace? Or how do you feel afterwards? These are all questions that we rarely ask ourselves. It it’s important to notice what happens to our inner peace. How do we let us be affected and what do we do to “cope” with the discomfort.

Once you’re able to practice this for a moment. Remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING YOUR INNER PEACE. The outside sources or circumstances don’t have to affect you unless you allow it to do so. Taking a moment to feel your emotions and recognizing what you’re making things mean to yourself is so important.

So, take a moment to breathe, to check on your emotions and to change them for the better. I’ll share some tips in class about this tonight. Give yourself love, compassion and be proud of your ability to look inward without the need of outside sources to allow you to check in yourself, feel the emotions and clear the internal chaos to RETURN TO PEACE OFTEN.

Set a goal for yourself this week that you will be your inner peace keeper. Try to allow the quiet moments you have to connect to that higher source of peace and love which comes from God, to help you focus on your internal light and peace instead of what the world wants you to focus on. Your ability to practice this will change everything for you and the way in which you view yourself and your ability to retain your peace Internally will increase. The choice is yours.

Remember that God invites each of us to fully place our trust on HIM. He is the prince of peace, who invites our souls to receive true, long lasting and eternal peace.

John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️ 

God wants us to rely on Him so that we may not be troubled or afraid. Whatever is troubling you today, Whatever is bringing you fear or frustration….Take a moment to sit with those feelings and if possible view them from a distance. Recognizing each emotion and how it presents in your body. For example; “This is anger, my chest or throat feel tight..etc” “O want to release this emotion and allow myself to come to calm” invite peace and breathe into those areas until fully calm. Remember also to allow yourself to speak to God as you release those feelings and allow Him to take it from you. He will remove those emotions and replace your thoughts with What a loving God would tell you. Allowing yourself to invite His peace and love to renew you and to recharge your heart and soul. So, trust Him. That is where the greatest peace can come from. Being at peace with God is lasting & strengthening peace for the soul. ❤️

So, set the goal for yourself to NOTICE what you’re using to buffer your emotions. Take some deep breaths appreciating your awareness, and move forward with focus on inviting greater greater inner peace into your mind, heart and soul today. Make time to strengthen your relationship with God who is the Father of PEACE. He will allow you to be filled hour by hour, one day at a time.

Our Spiritual goal this week is: To gain greater inner peace. To be the KEEPER OF OUR PEACE! The PROTECTOR or our peace and to have the wisdom to know where your peace comes from Lean on your ability to invite inner peace and on receiving that from God instead of leaning on anything else.

Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body more water and healthy nutrient rich foods. ❤️

Hope To see you in class tonight at 7pm. Make this promise to yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This will allow you to release stress, strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will also practice how to be the keeper of our peace during a peaceful meditation. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference.



The Power Of Your Thoughts

We may feel that we can’t control our thoughts and emotions sometimes. But the more that we practice taking control of what we think and how we react to things the better we will be able to handle life and it’s ups and downs. This week & tonight in class we will talk about how nothing from the outside can affect us internally UNLESS we allow it to do so. It’s all a chain reaction which begins with the events that we experience and the opportunity that we have to CHOOSE our thoughts & how to react to the situations that happen in our lives.

The equation is:


We have the opportunity to choose how we will respond to everything that we experience. It’s always up to us to decide what we allow to enter our minds. Our reaction will determine the outcome which we will experience. That is why we must always ask ourselves; “Do I want a positive outcome from this negativity situation I’m experiencing? How can this situation strengthen me instead of weakening me? What can I do to react in a way that will bring a positive outcome to my life?”

It’s amazing that we have the power to choose to not allow outside sources to control how we feel internally. We often forget that we have that power which we unfortunately give away to others or to outside sources to control us. It’s as if we hand someone else the “control” of our power. We must remember that it’s a gift and our responsibility to be able to choose what to focus on and how to take control of OUR power. We must learn to want to protect the power that we have to CHOOSE and WITH THAT CHOICE BE ABLE TO REACT OR RESPOND TO EVERY SITUATION IN A POSITIVE MANNER. 

We can focus on making our thoughts stronger, using positive affirmations and to helping ourselves remain internally peaceful and less affected by the outside things that we experience. It takes practice, but the more that we’re able to exercise that choice and power to strengthen our thoughts, the happier we will be and the more in control of ourselves we will feel. The power is there! We just have to choose wether we use it to help us positively or negatively in our lives.

We can change our thoughts. We can train our brain to take a new pathway. With practice, our negative thoughts can change into thoughts that are uplifting, edifying and that bring us strength in the moment when we need it most. If we have a hard time with our thoughts or we feel affected by the outside sources or situations that we experience, we can turn to God to ask Him for help. He can make our minds more peaceful, powerful and positive by becoming more centered or focused on coming to Him. He knows what’s in our hearts, He knows our thoughts, our goals and desires. We just have to trust that He will help us. 

He has said;

Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart. (D&C 6:16)

He knows the things that we want to work on and to do better on. He knows how we feel more than anyone else! He knows how we can overcome our challenges and difficulties. As we’re willing to listen to Him and to follow what He would like us to do, He will help us to be stronger and to focus our minds on being more Positive & capable of choosing what is best for us. Remind yourself daily and even in this very moment. “God loves ME” He wants to help me! I can feel His love I’m all living things around me. I can go to Him and He will be there for me.” It’s in His nature to want to help because He is good, caring and loving. He has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. We just have to remember that this earth is our school for us to learn to choose all kinds of things. 

Most importantly, I believe that God wants us to learn how to manage thoughts or the things that we allow to remain and grow in our mind. Thoughts turn into emotions ➡️feelings ➡️actions and eventually results. If we want to change our results. We must first begin with our thoughts. 

The things we experience in our lives can either teach us and help us or harm us and make us negative and unhappy. The choice is always ours. The more that we’re able to recognize our power of control, the opportunity to choose to remain in control of ourselves. The more willing we become to stop turning to the world for recognition or advice and instead we will become more willing to turn to God. To listen to the feeling that He’s able to place in our hearts & to be more willing to follow and take the action that will be most beneficial to our mind, heart and soul. As we come to God to ask him to help us with our thoughts, we will become more receptive His love, power, peace and guidance for our lives.

Our strength can’t always come from us. We need divine help in our lives more often than we think. As children of God we have access to that help as we search for it and as we’re willing to listen & follow that higher wisdom. God’s goal is to have strong children on this earth who know their potential, value and power as children of God. Children who know that they have access to the help, love and peace that our Father in Heaven is able to provide. Children of God who feel confident in their ability to choose good thoughts, feelings and actions. We can do this! Lets Trust in His love, believe in Him and in what we can do for ourselves with His divine help. Trust in your own internal power to choose the good for your life. Remember that you’re just a thought away from feeling happy, thankful, peaceful and joyful. 

Our spiritual goal for the week is to be aware of our thoughts and our internal power. To not allow outside sources to affect us internally but instead to remember our potential as children of God and who we can become. Be strong and choose the thoughts that will bring the best outcome for your life.

Our physical goal for the week is to remove one bad item from our diet. It can be soda, sugary drinks, fast food, chips or sugary treats. Just choose one or 2 items to remove that can help your health and strengthen your body.

Hope to see you tonight at 7pm to do something amazing for your BODY, MIND & SPIRIT. We will get rid of stress, strengthen ourselves and have an amazing meditation to remind us of our inner power. 

Don’t forget that God will return the good that we do in our lives and our joy will be even greater in knowing that God is pleased with our thoughts, feelings and our actions. Doing these things will only bring peace, happiness and positivity into our lives. you’re not alone, God is with you and will make you stronger! Do your best TODAY. Just focus on ONE DAY AT A TIME. He will help you. He will guide you and be there to comfort you, strengthen you and fill you with His divine love. 



Choosing Light 💛

Our world is surrounded by negativity. Wars, fights, discouragement, impatience and a lack of love toward self and others. Sadly, this negativity is also in our minds and hearts. We constantly compare ourselves to others or we focus on what we lack or on the problems that we’re experiencing rather than on our blessings or the good that we have.

Each morning we have an opportunity to choose what to focus on. We can choose to pick up our phones, watch the news, think about all of the terrible things going on in the world and fill our thoughts up with negativity. Or we can choose to turn to God and invite His light to be with us. To think about what we’re thankful for and to rejoice in the blessings that we’re able to have TODAY. Whatever we choose to focus on will have its consequences.

Mathew 6:22-29 says; The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.

How important is it for us to CHOOSE to fill ourselves up with light? Can we see that what we read, watch, listen to, and speak about ourselves and others really does affect us.

I want to encourage you today to test this out for yourself. Choose to invite light into your mind, heart and soul. No matter what is going on or the difficulties that you may be experiencing today…Just take a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply and place your hands on your heart. Focus on inviting the light of God to come into your heart. Then, allow that light to flow into your mind to calm your thoughts. & finally allow it to fill your entire soul, until you feel your whole self being filled with God light flowing through you. 💛

You can also take a moment to write down what you feel after doing that exercise. Maybe you can make a list about the things that bring light into your mind, body & soul. This is one of the ways that we can come to better know ourselves and to be prepared next time the darkness tries to get us. We can keep our “First Aid kit Of Light” ready to help us when we need it.

Some of the things that help me invite light into my life are: Taking moments to be silent, turning off distractions to genuinely be able to communicate with God and be preset. I also know that reading the word of God, meditating, listening to good music, reading uplifting messages, spending time in nature and journaling also bring that light into my life. & Finally doing service or spending time in places or with people that uplift me and love me is another way to bring in that light into my life. So, think about the things that bring that light within you. And take a moment to write them down so that you can see them clearly.

Once you have your list and you’re able to recognize those things that invite the light of God into your life. Then, try to keep that list on your phone or somewhere where you can see it often. That way when you feel the darkness creeping in, you can choose one or more of those things to help you get back on the path of light.

Another important things for us to recognize is the power of our thoughts. Unfortunately, It’s part of our human biology that we focus on the negative more than the positive. This is because focusing on the “threats” helped us to survive. The problem is that sometimes our thoughts are out of control and even if we don’t have an actual threat, we still consider everything a threat and we live in a constant state of panic or fight or flight mode.

We need to remember to retrain our thoughts. This takes practice, but we can try to make this our our daily goal. I invite you today to remember that when negative thoughts enter your mind or when you think of someone who has hurt you etc..To please take a moment to recognize the thought, to ask yourself if this thought is really true or what God would tell you about that thought & to speak to your mind and say to yourself “I CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON THE LIGHT”. I invite the light of God to be with me and I surround myself by light and I send light to that person as well.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). These beautiful words from our Savior remind us that through Christ, we can overcome darkness. Through learning of Him and inviting His light into our lives we can be filled with light. Even enough to purify and cleanse our thoughts, our mind and spirit.

I pray that you may feel this desire within you to focus on the light of God and to allow His light to recharge, renew and strengthen all areas of yourself . So that you may be better able to RECOGNIZE the darkness and how the enemy tries to keep you down. (Be awake and recognize the ways in which the enemy works on you) it’s important that as children of God we recognize that and fight against it with the light of our Father in Heaven that we also possess. 💛

To focus on knowing that there is a God who LOVES YOU! & wants the best for you. A God who wants to remind you of your divine light ☀️ so that you may feel His love daily and allow others to feel that as well.

So, remember that all that is good comes from God. Light comes from God. He wants you to feel that light daily. Reach for it and hold on to it. Recognize what helps you to feel it in your life and invite it to be with you your by your.

Remember that light will always overpower darkness. There’s nothing you can’t do without Christ by your side. Focus on that light, take a hold of it, believe in Him & in yourself. 💛


Lili 🌸

Ps: Class will start again next week! I can’t wait for us to strengthen ourselves again Physically, mentally and spiritually. Our goal for the week is to focus on light and to invite that light to all of our choices even to influence what we eat and what we choose to do for our mind, body and spirit. Love you all and see you soon! 🫶🏼

Be Still My Soul 💛

Our lives can be either driven by our schedules or by spirit. They can be driven by the constant chatter of our minds or by a place of calm. They can be driven by impulse or by wisdom.

Precious, sacred silence is one of our most essential friends. Our silent time reminds us of who we are and it gives us access to infinite wisdom from which we are guided when making our daily decisions. So why is it so difficult to write it on today’s schedule?

Many of us now have a spiritual practice during which we pray for assistance, read the word of God, meditate, focus on gratitude or find ways to inspire our heart. But as we know, the world pulls ferociously in different directions. It begs us to pay attention, to divide our time, to distract our focus and to be busier than it’s good for the soul.

It takes a mindful effort and awareness to revisit our priorities often, and make the time to connect with spirit. It’s the most important thing we will do in the day. And when we do it first, the rest of the day is driven by moments of intuition gained from connecting mindfully with the source of all love, peace and light.

This is not a duty or an effort. We don’t work to be more spiritually connected; it is who we are. All we have to do is set aside time to check in and to let the noise drop away for long enough to reveal the beauty and calm that resides within us. And if we can just hover there…open… For a moment without jumping in with a thought, within that stillness, is when we’re able to activate our soul’s wisdom.

Having a time during the day to calm the mind and still the soul can be a challenging practice. But that is one of those things that will have lasting consequences in our lives. We deserve to create moments of internal peace for ourselves. Moments to gain higher intuition and guidance. The rewards of doing this for ourselves will reach across all aspects of our being. Every day is a good day to begin learning or to recharge our practice. It’s always better to have progress over perfection.

Our goal for this week is to create more peaceful moments, to quiet our minds, be still and listen. We can ask for inspiration, breathe and take a moment to write down what we feel. As we’re able to keep those notes throughout the week, we will see that God does speak to us. Directly to our heart ♥️ That internal peace is always available to us. Silence and peace can become our new friend. God wants to remind us that we can create moments to be still, to Still our souls and to know that He is God. Invite more of that light and wisdom into your day and you’ll feel the difference.

May we quiet our words, calm our thoughts, soften our hearts and still our souls daily, so that we may listen, be open and receive. And most importantly, let spirit lead.

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7PM to give yourself the gift of strengthening your Body Mind and Spirit. Come release stress and negativity & allow yourself recharge and renew. You’ll feel amazing, you’ll be proud of yourself and you won’t regret it.

Unfortunately Class will be Cancelled for the next 6 weeks. But we will return to I person class in March. For now, do your best to take care of your body, mind and spirit. Remember that God loves you, He wants to hear from you! So, notice His hand in your life and thank Him for your many blessings. He will guide you on what to focus on each hour of your day. & don’t forget that you can do all things the Christ who strengthens you.



What’s Your Focus? 💖

I recently remembered an experience that I had teaching a group of kids ages 8 to 11. After exercising, we tried to quiet our minds and bodies for a moment. I encouraged them to take a moment to feel gratitude for the body that God has given them. To think about how amazing their bodies are, the way they work and the ability that we have to move, exercise and to even be able to choose what thoughts to have. Our bodies and minds are a blessing that we often take for granted.

During the meditation portion of the class, I asked the kids to close their eyes and FOCUS on allowing their bodies to relax. To just feel their breath & be in a moment of gratitude.

I guided them through a meditation where I asked them to see themselves in the most beautiful and peaceful place they could think of. I encouraged them to focus on visualizing themselves being the in the presence of God. To allow themselves to be open to feeling a hug from Him and to truly try to listen to what God was telling each of them individually.

I then opened my eyes for a moment to check on the kids and noticed that some of the kids were smiling! Others looked focused and peaceful. I was even able to notice a little girl who had tears coming down her face. I realized at that moment that each child in that room who wanted to feel God had an opportunity to personally connect to Him. I realized that if each one of us chooses to connect to God and focuses on that, we can definitely feel Him too! It was a beautiful experience for me to see how God is able to provide what each soul needed at that very moment. The kids were able to connect to Him and to each personally have their own experience with God in that very moment.

I then asked the kids to guard and treasure in their hearts the feelings and the words that were coming to them from God. I know that when we’re truly wanting to feel God and we come to Him with that full purpose and real intent in our hearts, He will make Himself known unto us. He will bring peace to our hearts and let us know He is there.

After the meditation I asked the kids to gently open their eyes. I could feel the peace and light in the room. I asked them what they felt or what they could see, and one little girl smiled and said: “ I CAN STILL SEE JESUS even with my eyes open” I thought wow! Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all could “see” Jesus even with our eyes open?!” Could the focus of this very hour be placed on the Savior? Could we try to see the hand of God in this day? & in this very moment know that He is present in our lives?

I felt at that moment that I want my focus to be placed more on Christ and less on fear, complaining or focusing in the things that are not going right or that we may be lacking etc. I want to focus more on trusting and believing in Him rather than not seeing Him in my day to day life.

After the activity was over, I gave that same little girl a ride home. As I was driving she pointed out the window and said: “Look at those beautiful red flowers!!! 🌹 Isn’t God amazing? He made them so bright and pretty!”…We talked about how hard it would be to describe that bright color red to someone who is blind?! It was impossible to come up with the right words to describe that color and beauty. We talked about how blessed we are to be able to see the beauty of those flowers and all of the things that God created.

The words form that sweet little girl, have stayed with me ever since I hear them. “I can still see Jesus even with my eyes open!” So now, I’m trying to focus the “lenses of my vision” on noticing God more around me. I’m trying to purposely change my thoughts and to direct them more toward God. To ask Him to help me, guide me and inspire me to see Him and feel Him hour by hour.

I invite anyone who is able to read this message to change your focus and try it out at least for today to see if you feel differently. But to purposefully try to focus more on seeing the hand of God in your life today. To focus on gratitude, Joy and peace rather than focusing on stressing out about all kinds of things that may be going on. Today, I’m choosing to keep my eyes open to Him. To feeling God, being present with Him and allowing Him to light the hours of my day from one moment to the next.

I invite you to choose to focus on seeing God and focusing on giving all things to him. HE IS BIGGER AND GREATER THAN ANY OF YOUR PROBLEMS. HE WILL HELP YOU AND TAKE CARE OF YOU. Allow yourself to be open to feeling him close to you and around you. Trust in the God who is able to remove your burdens, your pain and instead allow yourself to feel the pure love that God has just for you.

I pray that as we practice this goal of changing what we focus on, that we will be able to change how we feel, how we spend our time and the energy that we put into each moment of our day. So, remind yourself today and say to yourself; “God will help me. He is loving, kind and a giver of good gifts. It’s in His nature to want to comfort me and provide for me. So I come to Him with a pure heart and with Faith knowing that He will take care of me moment bu moment. He will show me what to focus on and allow me to see Him even with my eyes open.” 💛

Hope to see tonight at 7:00pm to allow our minds and bodies to release stress and to focus on renewing ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. Don’t forget that we’re the ones who need to dig deep and find the motivation to do this for ourselves. 💪🏼🥰 Try to remind yourself of the reasons WHY you want to exercise, release stress and calm your mind through prayer and meditation. Just show up and I promise that you’ll leave class feeling way better than before you got there. You’ll go home feeling peaceful, renewed and filled with positive energy.

I hope that you can make it and invite others to benefit as well. ❤️

You’ve got this! God and His divine light are all around you to fill you completely and give you energy and strength. keep going and doing your best. 💪🏼🥰❤️🙏🏼

Lili 🌸