Faith To Overcome ❤️

In life, challenges come in many forms: personal struggles, family hardships, financial worries, health concerns, and spiritual doubts. While we may not always have control over when trials arise or how intense they may be, we do have control over one thing that can see us through any storm, and that is the power of our faith.

Think of a time when you had to exercise your faith. When you had to place your full trust in the Lord, and when you received an answer to your prayers. 🙂 Not all things happen at the perfect timing, but it’s important for us to recognize the moments when we’ve experienced the power of faith and God working in our lives.

Some people think that faith isn’t real and they don’t allow themselves to experience what God can show them as we place our faith in Him. If we think about it, faith truly is the principle of action in all things and it’s also the power that can help us overcome even the most overwhelming challenges.

When we take a moment to consider why faith is a principle of action, we can see that it clearly is what allows us to do all that we do in our daily life. For example, from the moment we wake up we have faith that we will accomplish all of the things on our “to do list”. We believe it and then we get to work, visualizing in our minds the result we hope for and then we go for it and do it. Would we do those things if we didn’t think we could do them? Would we plant a seed if we didn’t have the hope or faith that it would grow? All that we do starts with a thought of faith and hope that we will accomplish it, and then we start working towards it.

Faith prompts us to keep going, when we would rather give up. It moves us to pray, when we’re not sure anyone hears us. It encourages us to take another step, even when the path ahead is unclear. Through faith, we rely not on our own strength, but on the strength of the Savior.

When we act in faith, we do more than wish for a solution, we actively seek God’s guidance and align our lives to receive His blessings. This might mean studying the scriptures to feel the Spirit, serving others to forget our own worries, or being diligent in daily prayer. As we take steps forward, no matter how small, our faith becomes a light that illuminates the path ahead. Regardless of the size of our faith, God has promised that He will help us to grow that Faith and the best way to grow our faith in God is to KNOW HIM BETTER.

I love this quote from President Russell M Nelson, which says; “Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of all belief and the conduit of divine power. According to the Apostle Paul, ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’”

“Everything good in life—every potential blessing of eternal significance—begins with faith. Allowing God to prevail in our lives begins with faith that He is willing to guide us. True repentance begins with faith that Jesus Christ has the power to cleanse, heal, and strengthen us.

“Deny not the power of God,” the prophet Moroni declared, “for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men.” It is our faith that unlocks the power of God in our lives.”

How amazing that God once again allows us to choose, to grow for our ourselves the desire to KNOW HIM. BELIEVE IN HIM AND HAVE FAITH IN HIM. We can do this by recognizing all of the moments in which He has been present for us. In the moments when we have been comforted. Maybe not all of our prayers have been answered yet…but we can trust that He hears us and He will answer, in His wisdom and timing for our lives. For now, we place one foot in front of the other. One day at a time we strengthen our relationship with our amazing Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ. We keep believing 💪🏼 we keep trying and we keep TRUSTING IN HIM.

We can remind ourselves that we’re not alone. That our prayers are heard. That we are the children of a loving Heavenly Father, and that as His children we can receive the confidence we need to face any challenge that may come into our lives. We aren’t left to struggle alone. We have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and we receive comfort when we sincerely pray and ask Him to comfort us. He is a loving, kind and compassionate Giver. When we begin to know how Christ better, we see that we truly can trust Him more.

Alma 26:12 reminds us, “Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things.” When we trust in God’s love for us, we see ourselves not as weak and incapable, but as heirs to divine power.

That power will also remind us that things don’t need to happen in our timing, but in God’s timing. One of the hardest aspects of having faith is trusting in the Lord’s timing. Sometimes answers come quickly, and sometimes they don’t come in the way we expect. But in those moments of waiting, we grow spiritually as we learn to TRUST that God has a plan for us that is far greater than our own.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s counsel: “Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.” Faith means holding onto hope and staying faithful, even if the answers don’t arrive right away.

When we do so, we prove to God that we trust Him, and He will bring his blessings, answers, and comfort in His divine timing. The ultimate source of strength and comfort comes through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Because He suffered for our sins, sorrows, pains, and weaknesses, He perfectly understands our struggles. In moments of deep trial, we can find comfort in knowing that the Savior is by our side, ready to comfort us and give us strength beyond our own.

As we come to know Christ through prayer, scripture study, and applying His teachings, we can feel His presence in our lives. This relationship with the Savior is what makes our faith strong enough to overcome any challenge. As we rely on His power, we become capable of achieving things we never could on our own.

Another important thing we can do to allow our faith to grow in God, is to remember that when we’re faced with difficult times (when it’s usually easier to focus on what’s going wrong), learn to see the good. President Thomas S. Monson taught, “Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.” Through faith, we can find peace and joy, even amidst trials, by looking for the lessons and growth that come through them.

Seeking gratitude, even in small moments, helps us stay focused on the blessings God has already given us. Recognizing His hand in our lives builds a reservoir of faith that we can draw from in future trials.

So, remember that when we face life’s trials, faith provides a sure foundation to stand on. It’s what helps us keep going when the road is rough. By acting in faith, remembering our divine identity, trusting God’s timing, relying on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and looking for the good, we can overcome ANY challenge. Faith doesn’t eliminate struggles, but it does give us the strength to face them and to emerge from them stronger, closer to God, and more refined by His love.

I know that the Savior is stretching His arms toward us, to remind us that He is there. That no matter the difficulty, He is ready to help us. He invites each one of us to come to Him, lean on Him, and find rest for our souls through Him. With faith as our anchor, we can face every trial, knowing that we are never alone and that God’s love will see us through.

Our spiritual goal for this week is to continue strengthening our faith. Speak positively to yourself, remind yourself by saying “I am a child of God, and as His child, His love, peace, mercy and provision are abundantly available for me. I will trust Him, I believe in Him, and I know that truly with Christ, I can do and overcome all things.”

Our physical goal is to take care of our bodies because our spirit resides in them. We must have a greater desire to eat healthier, to exercise, rest, and do all that our bodies need to allow us to feel better, And in return, express our gratitude to God for this body that He has entrusted us with. Let’s be grateful for it. Love it and do our best to take care of it.

I pray that you’ll gain what God wants you to get out of this message, and I hope that you will make a little bit of time for yourself tonight to come to class, to do something amazing for your body, your mind, and your spirit. Our goal is to renew ourselves and let go of anything heavy or negative that we may be experiencing. Hope to see you tonight at 7pm!!!


Lili 🌸

Rest For Your Soul ❤️

As we experience the challenges, difficulties and heaviness of the world around us, we realize that we really do have a choice.

We can either choose to allow more negativity to enter our minds and hearts, and continue listening to and believing the many voices of the world. Or instead, we can choose to have a moment to take some deep breaths, be more present in this very moment, slow down a little, focus on what we can control and most importantly TRUST IN GOD, more than men or anything else in the world. ❤️

God has given us promises and tools to bring us inner peace and to truly bring rest to our souls. But the question is, do we genuinely show God that we believe Him? And how willing are we to look within ourselves and to look toward God for inner peace and rest from the burdens we may be carrying?

Mathew 11:28-30 Says;

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest into your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

God wants you to come to Him. He invites YOU! And guess what? You get to CHOOSE for yourself. He tells us that we can learn of Him, we can know Him better. And by doing so, we will learn that He is a GOOD God. A God who is never blind to our tears, who knows our individual pain and all of the difficulties we’re each going through. He is never deaf to our prayers and is always right there ready to comfort us, in the way that we personally need it. So, please remember today that He Hears YOU! He sees YOU! He knows you and loves you more than you’ll ever know. 

We all know that life is short and temporary. Each day really is a gift, and a new opportunity that God gives us to do better. Do we want to be constantly triggered by all that is going on in the world around us? Or do we want to gain more inner stability, peace and strength in God? He is ready to provide it to any who SEEK HIM. The more that we’re able to align ourselves to Him, the less fear we will have in the world, and the better equipped we’ll be to make choices and handle the difficult situations that may come into our lives.

With God, we can do all things. With Him, we are so much STRONGER, PEACEFUL, and STABLE. We all know that our world needs a little more of that. As our minds and hearts are more peaceful and stable, we can be a light in the lives of our families, loved ones, and the world around us. 

So, remember, He’s got you! And, HE ALWAYS WILL. You’ve got this! Why? Because, you trust in a loving God to take care of you daily! Come unto Him and you will receive peace and rest. Focus on the light, love, peace, and all the good that you find in TODAY, and feel the difference. Where you choose to put your focus daily, really does matter. ❤️

CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED TONIGHT due to Halloween. 🎃 Hopefully we can all enjoy this evening with our friends and families and focus on strengthening our love for one another and sharing that love and peace with others in our communities as well. 🧡 I pray that we’ll all continue on our journey of doing our best and strengthening our Body, Mind and Spirit daily. Hope to see you again next week so that we may all benefit from class together. 🥰🙏🏼 Love you all and see you soon!


Lili 🌸

One Day At A Time 💛

Sometimes we rush through our days having so many distractions, responsibilities and things to do, that we forget to slow down a little and enjoy just being in the moment.

Sadly, most of our thoughts end up stuck in the future or the past and by the time we know it, the day is gone and we’ve been focused on future or past thinking. Sometimes it feels like we’re on autopilot so much that we forget to have moments of being fully being present and engaged in each activity and each moment.

Slowing down and re-focusing our attention on the present moment takes practice. It’s not just a nice thought to have. It actually requires us to choose to practice each moment being fully here and fully present.

I believe that God allows us to have day and night for a reason. Can you imagine if we had no night? How many of us would actually stop and rest? Or would we just keep going with our to do lists? Thankfully, night time is our reminder to slow down, rest, sleep and renew our minds and our bodies. A time for us to turn off the constant chatter of our thoughts, the stress and the distractions of our day and to allow ourselves to just close our eyes, rest and recover. It’s pretty amazing and healing for all of us.

Daytime on the other hand is the reminder that God gives us of taking in that sunrise. So that we may see this new day as a new opportunity for us to choose that renewal for ourselves. Each new day we’re able to tackle new things but it is also an opportunity to set goals, express gratitude and hopefully enjoy the day ahead being present each moment at a time.

God doesn’t want us to run faster than we have strength, or to let our minds constantly dictate what we should think and do. We have the power each day and each moment to CHOOSE how to show up in this very moment. To check our thoughts and see if they’re helpful and useful for us. God wants us to choose to do those things that can bring light into our souls, peace to our minds, greater love to our hearts and health to our bodies. 

He wants us to focus on taking things ONE DAY AT A TIME. The more that we’re able to enjoy the DAILY BLESSINGS, the “daily Bread” that God gives us & the daily energy and mercy that we’re able to receive from Him, the happier and more peaceful our days and lives will be.

One of the best ways to practice being present is to focus on our senses or 5,4,3,2,1. What do we see, name and notice the 5 things you see. 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 that you can smell and 1 thing to taste and focus on each sense. We practice this in class almost every week to help us bring our attention to the present. Creating opportunities to live present and to the fullest I’m this very moment. 

The truth is that none of us know when our time on this earth will end. My uncle suffered a heart attack recently. & its situations like that, which put life into perspective. None of us know exactly what’s going to happen. So, trying to live each hour in the best way we can and being the most present, is the best gift we can give to ourselves. To enjoy the breath we have at the moment we have it and to find gratitude in each day and hour is a huge gift that we can give to ourselves.

So, let’s practice making a conscious effort to enjoy each day, to give service, help others and most importantly to choose how to react to our thoughts. We can allow ourselves to feel our feelings and also choose to invite peace in that very moment to flow into our mind, body and spirit. Just remember that what we focus on what really matters. Some things are temporary and not as important. But turning our attention to God and to what would be important to Him today is the best way we can live our day.

We can focus our mind on scriptures or positive affirmations when we need to lift our focus. For example saying to ourselves. 

I am a daughter of God, divine light is within me and around me. I am aligned and supported by my Father in Heaven and all is well.

I am clear, focused and efficient in my work today.

I am peaceful, joyful and patient with my kids and friends.

I flow through the day with the spirit, ease and grace.

I listen for guidance and follow my inner voice.

I have all the time I need for all I need to do. 

These are some of the examples of affirmations that help me. Having affirmations and scriptures that help us is so important for us to be able to take it one day at a time and really be able to enjoy the day we have TODAY. God has counseled us to take it one day at a time. So, let’s try to remember what He has counseled for us.

Mathew 6:34 Says: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take Thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

He wants us to remember to not worry about tomorrow. The things of tomorrow will work out the way they’re meant to and according to His will. He doesn’t want us to be so focused about Tomorrow, or what is ahead. instead He wants us to think about what we can do today. What challenges we have to overcome and to focus our energy on the present moment which is really the ONLY moment we can control. 

So, I invite you to Trust in God and trust in His love. Trust that He will provide for you in His way and in His timing. Let go of those feelings of stress, anxiety and fear. Instead, trust in the being who created the universe and who knows the end from the beginning. The one who KNOWS YOU! LOVES YOU & has His own perfect plan for your life, for what you’re meant to go through, overcome and rejoice in…It’s all in HIS HANDS & HE LOVES YOU!!! ❤️ So, choose to live this day in Joy and feeling blessed.

Remember to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Enjoy the blessings, the little moments and you will feel amazing in knowing that you’re enjoying your most precious DAILY blessings. Even if it’s something hard that you’re going through, try to invite God to help you and be with you in this moment. Focus on inviting peace, motivation, light, love or whatever your soul needs to get through each moment of just TODAY.

Feel the love and the blessing of having people around you who love and care for you. Count your blessings and TRUST IN YOURSELF AND IN GOD. He will bless you and take care of you. He will help you to know what to focus on one hour at a time as you seek for His divine guidance and as you allow yourself to be present. & As you do your best, let go of the rest for now…release the heavy thoughts and trust that He’ll take care of the rest and of providing for you ONE DAY AT A TIME.

So, remember to be in this very moment. Breathe, bring yourself the peace and the love of God that surrounds all living things & prioritize your hour. Just be in this very moment. Focus on today, on this hour & do your best.

Psalm 118:24 says: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Slow down a little and rejoice. 🙂 Find joy in your day. A life with joy is a life well lived. So, let’s focus on joy. Let’s practice being present and strengthening our relationship with God TODAY. So that He may give us the daily wisdom or the “daily bread” and provision that we need to for today. That we may ask Him to help us know where to focus our energy, thoughts and actions.

Our Physical goal for the week is to move our bodies and to drink more water. Also, let’s try to eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrition. The more we’re able to help our bodies, the better we will also feel mentally and spiritually. As we care for our body our mind benefits too and when our mind benefits our spirit is more able to be receptive to God. So, it’s all connected. 💪🏼🥰

ClASS IS TONIGHT AT 7:00pm!!! I’m so excited to see each of you and for you to be able to choose to do this for yourself TODAY! ❤️ Do it from a place of Love and come to class ready to strengthen and renew yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Last week we had an amazing meditation that left us feeling so peaceful. I hope that you can join us tonight for another amazing meditation to help us focus on the present and on living a life that is peaceful, joyful, balanced and centered on God who provides us with way more than we can do for ourselves. 💖 & if you want to skip the workout and just show up for meditation please feel free to do that. Meditation will start at 7:50pm. 🙂

Love you all & hope that you can make it and gain what you’re meant to from class and from this message. Remember to choose to do the best that you can for yourself today. Be present from one moment to the next and feel the difference. Can’t wait to see you guys there!! 🥰💖🤗


Lili 🌸

Trust In God & His Promises 💖

In a world full of uncertainty and challenges, developing trust in God is essential to finding peace, purpose, and direction in life. Trusting in God means having faith in His wisdom, love, and ability to guide us through every aspect of our lives. This trust requires more than just believing in His existence. It’s a confident expectation that He will fulfill His promises to us as we strive to live according to His will.

Trusting in God is not just about passive belief, but purposefully relying on His timing, wisdom, and love. It means that we turn to Him in all aspects of our lives, whether in times of joy or trial. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy always acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

This passage teaches us that when we place our trust in God, we let go of the need to control everything in our lives. Instead of relying solely on our limited understanding, we turn to the Lord, trusting that He sees the bigger picture and knows what is best for us. Trusting God also requires patience, understanding that His timing may not always align with ours, but that His timing is actually always perfect.

Take a moment to think about the ways in which you are building and strengthening your trust in God. 💛

Building trust in God is a daily process that requires faith, effort, and consistency. There are things that can help us build and strengthen our trust in him. For example: We can choose to pray with real intent. I love finding a quiet place if posible in nature for me to speak to my Father in Heaven. I need that time alone to align my thoughts and my soul and to be ready to Hear Him speak to me too. Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. When we pray sincerely, seeking His guidance, when we show Him that we are willing to listen, we invite his presence into our lives.

Can you imagine God seeing His precious daughter humbly praying and asking Him for help? The God that we love and serve is a God who is filled with compassion. He rejoices when we come to Him, and He wants us to know that we are never alone. That He does hear us and He wants us to feel His love and peace as we pray. S, we can purposefully try to remember daily, that every time we pray, we invite His presence to be with us . We can trust and believe that He will make Himself manifest unto us through His spirit so that we may feel His love, His guiding peace and the light that He can provide for our daily lives. ☀️

Another important way to build trust in God, is for us to study His words. The Scriptures have so many examples and stories of how God has delivered, protected and blessed His people. As we learned from the words of God, those words also testify to us and teach us that God is always faithful to those who trust Him.

One of the things that we learn from reading the words of God, is that He has asked us to keep His commandments. He’s done this because He loves us and knows that as we choose to follow and keep His commandments this will bring blessings into our lives. To me obedient means that we’re submissive, malleable, meek and willing to be taught and shaped into who our Father in Heaven would like us to become. Obedience to God (who knows it all) is truly beautiful and rewarding. It brings a peace that will be eternal. There’s no one better in this world to obey, than to obey God. Our loving Father and creator. ❤️

Obedience to God’s commandments is one of the clearest ways for us to show our trust in Him. As we follow His guidance, and live according to his standards, we invite blessings into our lives. We may not always see the immediate fruits of our obedience, but trusting that God‘s ways are higher than ours, will lead us to eternal blessings.

As our trust in God grows, we begin to exercise better faith in our trials. Trusting God doesn’t mean that life will be free of challenges. In fact, trials are often the very means by which our trust in God is tested and strengthened. President Thomas S. Monson once said “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will do for you what no other power can. He will extend His arms of mercy toward you, to lift you up, and to carry you when you need His support.” When we face difficulties with faith, trusting that God has a purpose in our suffering, we can find comfort and peace, knowing that He is shaping us into who we are meant to become.

And what about what God will do for us as we trust Him?

God has made so many beautiful promises to those who trust in Him. While we may not always see the results of our faith immediately, we are assured that God will always bless us according to His will and timing. Some of these blessings can be:

💖 Having Peace Amidst Adversity:

Trusting in God, doesn’t eliminate challenges, but it does bring an inner peace that sustains us through them. The savior promised, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27). This peace comes from knowing that God is in control, even when life feels uncertain.

💖 Another blessing is; Receiving Guidance & Direction: When we trust in God, we can know for sure that He will lead us on the path that is right for us. Whether through promptings of the spirit, the council of leaders or the impressions we receive as we study the scriptures, God will direct our steps as we seek His will.

💖 God promises to give us the strength to overcome: Trusting in God gives us the strength to phase our challenges with courage and faith. As we rely on His power, we are promised that we can overcome ALL things. As Paul wrote, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13)

And finally, God promises us His eternal reward. God‘s greatest promise to those who trust in Him, is eternal life. As we remain faithful and trust in His plan throughout our lives, we are promised the opportunity to return to live with Him and our families for eternity. This eternal perspective is one too the things that can help us endure the trials of life with patience and hope. 🫶🏼

It’s better to trust God than to trust anything or anyone else on this earth. Regardless of your challenges and circumstances that you may be facing today, just turn it all over to God. Trust in Him. Trusting in God is not a one-time decision but a lifelong journey of faith. It involves continually and DAILY turning our hearts and minds toward Him, especially when we face uncertainties or challenges.

As we develop this trust, we will find peace, guidance, and strength, knowing that God loves us and will fulfill His promises to us. So, today I want to encourage you and invite you to build a stronger relationship with your loving creator. Strengthen your relationship with Him through the power of prayer, remember that the enemy never wants you to pray. He never wants you to discover what you can accomplish with God. So, make it your priority to PRAY MORE! To let God know everything that is in your heart and mind and be willing to listen and ACT upon what God places in your heart. Read from His words daily, study, and obey His commandments in Joy.

This will allow us to be strong spiritually, mentally and physically ❤️ God will bless us in every aspect of our lives as we strive to follow Him and TRUST IN HIM. We can develop the deep trust that allows us to say, “Not mine, but thy will be done,”

God’s plan for us is far greater than anything we could plan for ourselves. Let’s TRUST HIM, LOVE HIM AND DO OUR BEST. ❤️

If you need to let go of stress, worries or anxieties I invite you to give yourself one hour today to come to class. I promise that you will be able to release stress and tension and you will leave feeling peaceful and renewed. I hope that you can make it tonight at 7 PM, and invite others to benefit as well. 💖


Lili 🌸

Inner Peace Keeper 💛

With everything going on in our world, and the different challenges that we all face, It’s easy to allow the chaos of it all to increase and cause greater emotional stress, fear and anxiety.

We see that not only is our peace constantly being attacked, but new research has also shown that our levels of addictions or the ways in which we choose to “numb”our emotions is also increasing. Have you noticed that the world as a whole is having a harder time controlling their feelings, thoughts and emotions? People can’t seem to control themselves. Sadly, we’re becoming a society that’s more disconnected, divided and addicted. Numbing our emotional stress with outside sources and completely forgetting how to stop, breathe and silence our minds and hearts.

Think about what we tend to resort to “to help us feel better,” we often times reach for food, our phones, TV, entertainment, shopping, posting on social media in search for compliments or validation, we reach for substances and many other activities that seem harmless at first. But, little by little they become the ways in which we deal with our emotions. 🙁 These types of activities tie us down until we’re basically being controlled by them. We loose our ability to genuinely regulate our inner peace, we forget to listen to ourselves, we’re afraid to feel our emotions and most importantly to ask God to help us.

When we can acknowledge the ways in which we’re becoming more dependent on outside sources to bring us inner peace, we can take a good look at those things and start to work on them or remove them from our lives. Most of the time we don’t even realize how much we’re allowing those outside things to control our emotional state. Or how we’re numbing the discomforts or the pain that we all face. The more we reach for outside things to help us feel better the more we will see that little by little we begin to dim our inner peace more and more. We become more explosive and impatient. Which affects not only ourselves, but also those around us.

Remember that the the enemy of your soul will always push for you to become dependent on outside sources. So that you may become a “slave” to those things. The enemy will even lie to you and tell you that it’s too uncomfortable to sit with your feelings. That you can’t look within yourself etc…But that’s exactly how he ties us to more material things and keeps us away from God. The enemy knows that if he can keep us distracted, unable to process our feelings and definitely doing everything in his power to prevent us from speaking or communicating with God. Then, that’s how he wins. Making us completely miserable like himself.

God, our Father in Heaven, on the other hand wants us to be able to RISE ABOVE that. To CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES to turn to Him! Our Father and our creator for the help we need. He wants us to create within ourselves that strong desire that we may know that WE ARE HIS CHILDREN. & that as such, WE HAVE ACCESS TO DIVINE POWER, LIGHT AND GREATER PEACE. He wants us to know that we don’t need to depend on anything material or of this world to bring us the peace that we seek. But to know instead, that God is the giver of our peace. He wants to remind us that He can provide that peace way more abundantly, even amidst the storms of life. So that when the difficulties come, we may be able to know in whom we trust and remain peaceful and faithful.

This week I want to motivate you and encourage you to push past the discomfort & take a deeper look within yourself. Remember that this will most likely not feel very comfortable at first, and you may be tempted to grab your phone or turn on the TV, or call a friend or whatever else you try to do to get out of fully sitting for a moment and just feeling your feelings and emotions.

The goal is to practice when you’re triggered by something, 💛 to just take a moment to close your eyes, cover your ears, breathe and feel within yourself what’s going on. Take a moment to see your feelings and thoughts clearly. If it’s possible, see them from a distance so that they’re not fully “ thoughts that are attached to you.” But then, take a moment to invite divine light into your heart and soul. Ask God to be with you. To give you His LOVE, His STRENGTH, and His PEACE. Ask Him to remove those feelings. Then allow yourself to FEEL THAT AMAZING POWER FLOWING FROM GOD INTO YOUR HEART, MIND AND SOUL. Remember that nothing in the world can compare to that feeling of knowing that something comes directly from God to you. ❤️ & If you’d like to record your feelings or write down any wisdom that God places in your heart. Then, that will be a blessing to you, as you go and act on what He tells you. The more willing you are to receiving, the more you’ll gain.

Also, take a moment if you can to acknowledge the things that you honestly know that you use to “numb” your emotional discomfort. Think about what comes up for you. Ask yourself what are some of the things that steal my peace? Think about what you do when you’re angry or stressed. Do you reach for your phone or food or something else when you’re uncomfortable or stressed out? Do those things bring you lasting peace? Or how do they leave you feeling afterwards? These are all questions that we rarely ask ourselves. But it’s important that we get to know ourselves in this life and while we’re her on this earth. That WE MAY BECOME OUR OWN BEST FRIEND. OUR OWN BEST CHEERLEADER AND OUR OWN PROTECTOR OF OUR PEACE. When we can notice and recognize what happens internally, we will be better able to PRACTICE inviting more of the good to be with us and it will become easier to reject the negativity and all that is bad for our minds, hearts and souls.

So, if like to invite you again to take a moment to practice breathing. to check on your emotions and change them for the better. Give yourself love, compassion and be proud of your ability to look inward without the need of outside sources to allow you to check in with yourself. To feel the emotions, to reach to God who is the true giver of lasting peace and allow Him to help you clear the internal chaos & RETURN TO PEACE OFTEN.💛

Set a goal for yourself this week that you will be your inner peace keeper. Try to allow the quiet moments you have to connect to that higher source of peace and love which comes from God. Ask Him to help you focus on your internal light and peace instead of what the world wants you to focus on. Find strength in your ability to practice this & notice how it will change everything for you and the way in which you view yourself and your ability to retain your peace. As you practice this skill, it will increase your inner power day by day. You’ve got this! The choice is yours. 

Remember that God invites each of us to fully place our trust on HIM. He is the prince of peace, who invites our souls to receive true, long lasting and eternal peace.

John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️ 

God wants us to rely on Him so that we may not be troubled or afraid. So, let’s hand our thoughts and troubles to God. whatever is troubling us today, whatever is bringing us fear or frustration….Take a moment to sit with those feelings Breathe and recognize each emotion and how it presents in your body. For example; “This is anger, I feel tightness in my chest or I feel it in my throat..etc” “I want to release this emotion and allow myself to come to peace & calm” say to yourself “I invite the peace of God to come and be with me. To heal me and to strengthen me and remind me of I’m my inner and divine light. I am love, I am peace, I am a child of God. Breathe and feel the calmness covering you.

God wants to hear from you. He will remove those emotions and replace your thoughts with what a loving God would tell you. Allowing yourself to invite His peace and love to renew you and to recharge your heart and soul is the most amazing therapy that you can give to yourself. So, trust Him. He is the king of peace, the giver of all that is good. The creator of Love and light. There’s nothing greater on this earth than being able to experience the peace that can only come from a loving God. He will strengthen you, help you and lift you every single day and hour of your life. ❤️ I pray that you’ll be able to feel His peace and allow yourself to be the KEEPER AND THE PROTECTOR OF YOUR PEACE.

This is our Spiritual goal this week is: To gain greater inner peace. 💪🏼💛 To be the KEEPER OF OUR PEACE! The PROTECTOR or our peace who doesn’t depend on material things to help us feel better. But instead that we may have the wisdom to know where true peace comes from. To lean on our ability to invite silence and inner peace to this very moment. Saying to ourselves “ I choose this hour to keep my peace centered on a God who sees me, who hears me, who loves me and who wants to help me. I am the protector of my inner peace and I choose light, love and peace to be with me surround me on this day.” ❤️

Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body more water and healthy nutrient rich foods that we need. ❤️

Hope To see you in class tonight at 7pm. Make this promise to yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This will allow you to release stress, strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will also practice how to be the keeper of our peace during a peaceful meditation. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference.


Lili 🌸

The Antidote For Complaining 💖

Complaining is a natural human response when we encounter difficulties, frustrations, or inconveniences. It can feel good in the moment, giving us a sense of release, but in the long term, habitual complaining can have harmful effects on our mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. The more we complain the more we remain in the same situation. So, let’s focus on ways that can help us to cultivate a more positive, or solution oriented mindset.

First, let’s notice how complaining makes us feel. I notice in myself that I only feel ok while I’m complaining. But as soon as I’m done with my complaints, it doesn’t feel very good. I actually feel worse. :/ What do you notice in yourself when you complain a lot?

Take a moment to think about how complaining not only affects how you feel, but also how it affects your physical body as well. Studies have shown that complaining releases cortisol, the hormone that’s also responsible for the fight-or-flight response. & this can lead to higher levels of cortisol, which can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, a weakened inmune system and even strokes. It’s unfortunate how we often times don’t think about our bodies when we’re complaining. But it’s important to recognize that complaining negatively affects our mind, our body, our spirit and our relationships.

From a psychological point of view, habitual complaining rewires the brain to focus on negative experiences. The more we complain, the more our brains become “trained” to find faults and to focus on what’s wrong, rather than on what’s right. This leads to chronic dissatisfaction, stress, and a sense of helplessness. It not only affects our own well-being but it can also create a toxic environment for others around us. For example; Think of the people in your life who are constantly complaining. They’re not happy, it’s not enjoyable to be around them, and you can sense that feeling of dissatisfaction and heaviness when they’re around. I fully believe that we can radiate our energy to others. & that’s not at all the type of energy that we want people to feel when we’re around them. :/

Complaining truly clouds our ability to see situations clearly. It prevents us from maintaining a peaceful state of mind. It disrupts our inner harmony. When we complain, we are often resisting the way that life is flowing for us, rather than accepting and learning from it. Complaining, keeps us attached to external circumstances and disconnected us from our inner peace.

One last effect of complaining, is how it affects us spiritually. It distances us from God. & from our ability to see ourselves as children of God who are able to overcome all things with His help and to recognize our spiritual power and potential. God wants doesn’t want us to complain. He wants us to rise above that and just trust Him.

On of the ways that we can break the cycle of complaining is to focus on GRATITUDE & CHOOSING TO THINK, SAY AND DO THINGS THAT HONOR GOD. The Apostle Paul teaches in the New Testament to “do all things without murmurings and disputings” (Philippians 2:14). God not only wanted his people to be aware of their negative thoughts before they turned into negative words or actions, but he also wanted them to understand that to complain about anything, whether it was a person or a circumstance, was essentially a complaint against their God. Wow! God truly is calling all of us to conduct ourselves in a manner that’s worthy of God. So that He may be more present in our lives. After reading this, I feel like we insult God when we complain. He doesn’t want us to get caught up in grumblings amongst each other. Or in complaining. It’s just not a Godly attribute. & He know we can do better than that 😉

God wants us to trust Him & to do all things with a grateful heart. It takes practice. But instead of complaining we can CHOOSE to be grateful even in the face of trials. Complaining reflects a lack of faith in God’s plan and in His timing. It demonstrates a focus on what we lack, rather than recognizing the blessings that are already present in our lives. & the opposite is also true. When we don’t complain but instead choose to focus on being grateful, we demonstrate to God that we trust in His higher wisdom to work in our lives for good. When we actively choose to focus on what we have instead of what we lack, we begin to shift our mindset and re-wire our brain to focus on the good. A heart full of thanks truly brings peace and joy, even in challenging circumstances. Having gratitude daily will help us to stay connected to God and that higher wisdom. It will help us to foster an attitude of contentment, gratitude, joy, peace and trust in God.

We can come to God daily in prayer and meditation to ask him to help us stop complaining and focus more on gratitude. Since complaining is often a result of being caught up in the external world. By turning inward and engaging in daily self-reflection and meditation, we can cultivate awareness of our thoughts and attitudes. We can reconnect with our true self and God. This practice helps in calming the mind and transforming negative thought patterns into positive, empowering ones. Breathing and checking on ourselves, our thoughts and actions can help us to re-focus and choose better outcomes for ourselves.

Prayer is always a vital tool for realigning our thoughts and intentions with God’s will. When we regularly pray and seek divine guidance, we are less likely to focus on our complaints and more likely to trust in God’s plan.

& finally, the last tip to stop complaining is to help others and give service. When we step outside of our own problems and focus on helping others, our perspective shifts. As we choose to serve others and follow the example of Jesus Christ, who selflessly ministered to those in need. We will see that love and humility will purify our soul and elevate our spiritual consciousness. Through service, we will realize that life is much bigger than our own complaints, and we will gain a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As we develop faith in God’s wisdom and timing, trusting that He has a plan for each of us, and as we align ourselves with His will, we begin to understand that every experience, even the difficult ones, has a purpose in shaping us into the individuals we are meant to become.

So, next time we feel the need to complain, let’s remember how damaging complaining is to our mind, body and spirit. Let’s remember that God wants us to rise higher than our complaints. To have faith in Him and to trust in his plan for our lives. Purposefully choosing to practice gratitude instead of complaining. We can also choose to re-train our brains to focus on the good. To take some deep breaths, to offer a sincere prayer, to look to God for wisdom, to take a moment for deep reflection and meditation and finally, to turn the focus away from ourselves and go help someone else. 💪🏼🥰

These are the tools that will help us overcome the complaining cycle and instead allow us to live a life that’s stronger in our trust in God, way more peaceful & Joyful. I know that God will pour blessings upon His children who choose to overcome the world with faith, gratitude, peace and joy. So, let’s remember that we are children of God, and we’re capable of overcoming and rising above the world and the circumstances we face. We really can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So, choose for yourself and notice the difference. 💖

Unfortunately, CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED TONIGHT due to the hurricane. & to keep everyone safe and not having to drive in any dangerous weather. But we will resume again next week. I pray that you’ll gain what you’re meant to from this message, and that you’ll have a goal for yourself this week to rise above complaining and focus on gratitude and God instead.



Focus On Joy 💖

Choosing joy can be hard sometimes. Specially during the times when we’re trying to endure some of the most difficult moments that life has to offer. On some days even the smallest step toward joy can feel like climbing a mountain. The truth is, that we can honor a wide range of feelings in the span of one day. While moving at any pace, we can choose to move toward that which is one step lighter. So, why not try to practice experiencing whatever we’re going through from a place of higher joy?

Research has shown that although some people are born with a more positive disposition, anyone can reprogram their thoughts to foster more feelings of joy and happiness. Isn’t that amazing? We can re-train our thoughts to look for more joy. Once we become aware of the negative or repetitive thoughts that keep us distracted and distressed, we can turn toward prayer, the words of God, and positive affirmations to break the cycle.

As we practice inviting thoughts of Joy, we will see that these new positive thoughts will become habitual. We will experience life at a higher level, when we can come from a place of focusing on joy. We don’t have to only focus on the joy that we feel right now. We can also focus on the Joy of knowing that there’s a God who loves and cares about me. That He has a plan for me and all will be ok on the end. TRUSTING IN GOD INCREASES OUR JOY. ❤️ It changes how we feel regardless of what we may be experiencing today. We can overcome the hardest challenges when we can focus on the Joy that God brings and the trust that we have on Him.

Allow yourself to invite that peace into your life by closing your eyes for a moment, taking some deep breaths and asking God to allow you to feel His Joy in this moment. Notice how you feel. Your circumstances may not change right now, but knowing that God is there and that you can invite His Joy to be with you in this very moment can bring so much peace to your soul. Your Joy will grow and your heart and mind will be filled with light and a greater ability to look up to God and to higher Joy for your life. You deserve that! ❤️

One of the best ways to invite Joy into our lives is to focus on thoughts that bring us Joy. Whatever makes you feel happier, or better, focus on that. Spend time with people who uplift you, listen to or watch things that bring you joy, add joy to your life daily by doing a hobby or something that makes you happy. & most importantly, fill your mind with affirmations found in the word of God, to help you fill yourself from the inside out. Using scriptures to regain peace and strength can become one of our best tools to fight against the negative thoughts that try to take over.

God wants us to remember that He created us to have joy! Look at his creations all around, the sun, the sky, plants, animals and all of the beauty of this world is placed here for us to experience Gods peace and Joy. His fingerprints are all around us to remind us of the beauty that there is and that we can find Joy in it. Joy in a sunrise, Joy in a sunset, Joy in the birds we hear or the color of the flowers that we see. He obviously wants to surround us with things that bring us joy. We just gave to change our focus and look for them. Even to the point that we ourselves (as the creation of God that we are) can honor Him by CHOOSING TO FOCUS ON THE JOY THAT OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN & OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST CAN PROVIDE.

There’s a quote from President Russell M. Nelson which says; “Jesus Christ is our ultimate exemplar, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.” Think of that! In order for Him to endure the most excruciating experience ever endured on earth, our Savior focused on joy!
And what was the joy that was set before Him? Surely it included the joy of cleansing, healing, and strengthening us; the joy of paying for the sins of all who would repent; the joy of making it possible for you and me to return home—clean and worthy—to live with our Heavenly Parents and families.”If we focus on the joy that will come to us, or to those we love, what can we endure that presently seems overwhelming, painful, scary, unfair, or simply impossible?..”

We truly can do and overcome all things through Christ who strengthens us. ❤️

How amazing that Our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave His life for you and me, was able to focus on the Joy that will come, while enduring the most excruciating experience. We can try to be like the Savior, we can try to focus on the Joy of overcoming whatever we may be going through right now and on rising above the pains we may be experiencing. We can choose to look for Joy today and to invite the Joy that God has to completely cover us and surround us.

Here’s an example of a scripture we can focus on.

1 Thessalonians 6:16-18 Says; Rejoice evermore.
Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Psalm 5:11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

Joy is an essential part of those who believe in God. Because we know and trust in a God who created us to have Joy. We know that He wants us to find joy in the journey. He wants us to learn to CHOOSE that for ourselves. & I believe that if it comes from the word of God, it’s placed there with love. There is wisdom in the words of God, and I believe that someday He will ask us about how much Joy we chose to focus on in our lives.

When we can feel our connection to God, we can start to see that as children of God, He wants us to experience the ups and downs of life with Him. That we may remember that through it all we can find joy and focus on the opportunity of seeing God amidst whatever storm we may be facing. He truly can become the God of our circumstances. We can strengthen our faith in Him, notice the good around us and focus on joy one day at a time.

Joy isn’t a feeling that is dependent on our circumstances. It is a response to the goodness of God and our eternal salvation. I once heard someone say “Choosing joy has very little to do with how we feel and everything to do with how we obey, how we trust and how we believe in the love of God.” ❤️

Choosing joy is a spiritual practice, renewing our connection with the divine as we become lighter, more mindful and more peaceful. When in alignment with the spirit of God we can relax and trust that all things will be done according to His will. We will trust and focus on our blessings. We will see that we are safe. We are home in the peace of God. And this is who we really are.

Gos is a God of love and of Joy. He wants us to choose more Joy! That’s why He sent us here. His purpose for us is to be joyful. Christ sacrificed himself for us looking forward to the joy that His sacrifice would bring to all humanity. The opportunity for us to repent, to return to Him. The plan of God for us is based on his love and Joy for his children. We can choose today to be more joyful and to look for the joy in all circumstances that we may be in. That we may focus on the hope & Joy that we can have as we overcome our challenges and difficulties. We can train ourselves to focus on the good, on love, peace and the joy that can come living a life aligned and connected to God daily.

President Russell M. Nelson said; “The joy we feel has little to do with “the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives,” As we focus on keeping God at the center of our lives, praying and strengthening our relationship with Him. We will experience the true and lasting joy that surpasses any material or worldly possessions we may gain. True and lasting joy comes from God. & it will strengthen us and fill us each day of our lives. 

Our goal for the week is to FOCUS ON JOY. We can practice choosing joy in this very moment. We have to PRACTICE feeling joy and inviting more of it into our lives. 💪🏼☺️

Find joy in loving ourselves, in choosing things that bring us joy daily. We can be joyful in your activities. while exercising we can choose to focus on the Joy of doing something good for ourselves. We can choose to be joyful in the moments when we’re taking care of others. Even choosing joy while we clean or do our daily tasks. We can practice it! Try it out and notice how much better you feel.

Finally, in your heart say to yourself: I open my heart to the possibility of joy flowing in my life. I am grateful for the gifts of today. I trust that my benevolent Father has a divine plan for my highest good. I trust in Him and in myself. I choose Joy one moment at a time💛🥰

Hope that you can make it to CLASS TONIGHT AT 7pm. We will focus on releasing stress and also on allowing ourselves to focus on being joyful and grateful for all that we have and are able to do. Remember that you are your own best cheerleader and that the motivation to get yourself to class has to come from YOU! 💪🏼😝 So, do this for yourself and feel the difference. You’ll leave feeling renewed and amazing! ❤️ Hope to see you there! ❤️


Lili 🌸

I Am The Protector Of My Spiritual Connection 💖

We live in a world filled with noise, confusion and temptation. There are so many things constantly fighting for our attention. Oftentimes, we feel ourselves sinking and we hold on to whatever can bring some kind of comfort. We reach for people, things, or anything that will help us feel a little better. & sadly, we tend to forget that we have our own spiritual power that can be strengthened and renewed by God to help us navigate the challenges that we face in our lives.

Today, I want to remind you of your spiritual connection to God. I invite you to take a moment to think about the times when God has been present in your life. To take a moment to remember how amazing it felt to know that God was helping you through something in your life. ❤️ That connection that you have felt to God in the past, is real. it is not made up and you know that he has been present in your life multiple times. God loves you more than you can imagine, and he is ready to hear and help you with whatever you may be experiencing at this time.

The amazing thing about God is that He gives us the freedom to choose whether we want to reach up to him or not. He allows us to choose for ourselves how to spend our time, who we choose to listen to, what we choose to do or follow etc. Regardless of what we do or not do, He is always willing and ready to hear and comfort our souls. He wants to hear from us about how we’re feeling. He wants to extend His love and comfort and He has promised that He will guide us for good.

His word says;

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Whom better to trust than our creator to give us all that is for our good. 🫶🏼🥹

Our spiritual connection to God is the most precious gift that we can have as we navigate life. it requires our constant care and protection. So, let’s take a moment and ask ourselves 💛 “What will I do today to PROTECT my connection to God?”

“ What do I need to remove or add to my life that will STRENGTHEN my relationship with God?”

One of my goals is to spend time with God daily. Just as I have appointments set and scheduled for Dr.’s and responsibilities, I want to set up a “daily appointment” to be with God. Sitting outside in nature is one of the things that helps me feel closer to God. So, I can set a little time to be outside, to breathe, look around me and take a moment to cover my ears and offer a sincere prayer to God. I want to purposefully open my heart to Him, to thank Him for my many blessings, to ask Him to forgive me for my mistakes & to ask him to please pour His peace and wisdom upon my mind and heart so that I may be able to recognize the loving message that He has for me.

I know, that as we make time for God, we will be blessed. It is up to us to CHOOSE to strengthen our relationship with God, by making sure that we offer sincere and heartfelt prayers. That we read, ponder, meditate and try to memorize His words. That we may make it a point daily to listen to uplifting messages and music that will fill our minds and hearts with what we need to hear. & that our environment in our home may also be inviting and a type of oasis for our minds and souls. I fully believe that as we strengthen our relationship with God we begin to carry our own inner oasis with us. ❤️☺️🙏🏼

We have to remind ourselves daily, that we are the protectors of our own spiritual light and of that connection that we have to our divine creator. We have to cover ourselves by the armor of God. To protect ourselves from the darts of the enemy and to be vigilant in recognizing the tacts of the enemy. So that we may fill ourselves with the power of God and His mercy, peace and goodness to help guide us to where He wants us to go.

Here’s a scripture that can help us to recognize if something comes from God.

13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

(Moroni 7:13)

& the opposite is true as well,

“But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.”(Moroni 7:17)

18 And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

19 Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.

(Moroni 7:18-19)

God wants to remind us that we can judge for ourselves. We have that freedom to choose what we allow in our lives. He invites us to do good, to be good, to love, to forgive ourselves and others. To fill our minds, hearts and souls with peace and that as we do so, we will be able to extend that light and love to others as well and fill the world with the divine light of God.

As we make time for Him, and to strengthen our relationship with Him. We will see that our challenges will become more manageable. We will have more wisdom to know how to navigate the experiences and difficult people in our lives. & finally, He will fill our hearts, minds and souls with His light and being at peace with God and feeling His love is the greatest comfort that any soul can experience. I pray that you will gain a stronger desire to protect your relationship with God and to allow it to fill your life and bring you true and lasting joy.

Love you all & hope to see you tonight in class at 7pm to do something amazing for our bodies, minds and spirits. Can’t wait to see you all there!! 😍🤗❤️🙏🏼


Lili 🌸

I Choose Love over Fear ❤️

My goal for this week is to practice saying to myself, “I choose Faith over anxiety, Hope over worry and Love over fear.” Notice the power that our words can have. When we speak negatively to ourselves think about how terrible that feels?!? 🙁 the enemy uses words to attack us and make us feel miserable and horrible like him. On the other hand when we choose to focus on inviting words and affirmations of faith, hope, peace and love into our minds. We remind ourselves of our divine power! Our divine identity and the Father in heaven that we have who can fill us with stronger thoughts Faith, Hope, Love and Peace. The choice is ours. Focus on the bad? Or choose to have faith in God and focus on the good that He can provide. ❤️

Remember the power of our words can serve as affirmations and also as a divine practice. When fears arise, affirmations, prayer and our breathing can move us gently toward the light even as we face the darkness. They make us mindful of our thoughts and our choice to be able to direct them with faith and hope. Choosing to do this over and over again is the practice. When worries settle in, we always have the choice to look at them through the eyes of fear or the eyes of God. Instead of allowing fear and negative thoughts to take over. I invite you to change your view and start looking up to God for your support, your comfort and your help. He’s ready and willing to guide you and help you to hold on to Him. ❤️

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed we can choose to close the door to the outside world and instead make our thoughts and emotions known to God. I promise you that He does hear and answer every prayer of your heart. Maybe not always in the timing you would like, but HE does answer. Even if it’s with a thought or a feeling of love and peace. 💛

He did this for me today. He answered me with LOVE! ❤️ My worries or stresses seemed to just disappear for that moment. God just let me know that He loves me. He is aware of my needs and the desires of my heart. After praying to Him, I felt/heard His words being poured into my heart and mind, when He said to me in the peaceful and quiet voice of the spirit “ Peace I leave with you. My Peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you, LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID” 💛 I felt so much comfort from His words. I can testify to you that God is ready to pour that comfort and peace over you remember that it’s not the peace of the word. But it’s His divine peace. So, don’t let your heart be troubled of afraid. Focus on HIS PEACE INSTEAD.

I also felt him speak to my heart the words which say “In the world ye shall have tribulation, BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.” How amazing that God poured those scriptures over my soul today. I know it’s not an accident and if you’re reading this, then, remember that a loving God is giving you these words for YOU to read at this very moment. He is so aware of you. Of your pains and your needs and the hopes and desires of your heart. He’s reminding of you His words so that you may allow them to be a blessing to you. & that you may hold on to His promises. He wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU! He wants you to PLACE YOUR TRUST IN HIM & LOOK TO HIM FOR YOUR COMFORT AND SUPPORT. He will take care of everything & ALL WILL BE OK.

As we’re willing to surrender our challenges to Him with a brave, willing, patient and open heart. Trusting in the God of love, the creator of our souls. We will see that He will remove the stress and anxiety from our hearts. We will practice leaning on HIM & Not leaning on our challenges or on ourselves to try to control our situations. Instead, we can pray to be able to receive Gods council for all that we do. We can breathe deeply accept those things we can’t control and be more willing to hand them over to God. Allowing Him to then remind us of the things we can control. Such as our thoughts, our words and our actions. Therefore making it possible for ourselves to invite God to guide us each day and replace all of the heaviness we feel with HIS LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE instead. ❤️

The LOVE OF GOD is the greatest gift in the world. Just to know that you are loved by God, allows you to remove anything else that makes you feel unhappy, anxious or stressed. Because the love of God fills and covers your heart, mind and soul with peace. It brings an assurance that everything will be ok. So, if you just want to feel the love of God for you right now, please stop reading for a moment. Just close your eyes, plug your ears and just offer a prayer of thanks to God and ask Him to allow you to feel His love. Wait after you pray, and see if you feel His peace and His love being poured over you. ❤️ All of this in an experiment of faith. The soul that is able to trust in God, to believe that He exists and that he is the father of our souls, is way more able to gain an assurance of that love and divinity. So, pay close attention to the thoughts that come into your heart and mind after you pray and if possible take a moment to record your thoughts or write down what you felt. Invite his peace and love and let Him help you through the rest. 💛

It’s completely up to us to CHOOSE to exercise our spiritual muscles daily & to focus on His love. ❤️ It’s up to us to choose to place our TRUST ON HIM with everything that happens in our lives and to know and believe that with HIS HELP we truly can overcome all things.❤️

So, Today I invite you to say to yourself as often as you need to; “I choose faith, Hope and Love and when I do, my anxiety, worries and fears dissolve. My focus becomes centered on the highest good for my soul. I believe that all things are possible as I place my trust on the amazing love of a God who is ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL & ALL LOVING.”

Let’s trust in His never ending love and blessings and let’s remind ourselves that He walks the path of life with us and He will carry us through it all. ❤️ Let’s make it a point to have the thoughts of our mind and our words come from a place of LOVE. Love for God, Love for ourselves individually and Love for others. ❤️ TODAY I CHOOSE FAITH, HOPE LOVE & PEACE.

That is our Spiritual Goal for the week. To move from moment to moment breathing as deeply as we need to. Inviting ourselves to choose more of Gods Love, Faith, Hope & Peace. Being compassionate to ourselves and others, inviting God to be with us to guide our thoughts and actions from one moment to the next. & also remembering that we are divine souls with divine power 💪🏼 remember your strength in God and what you accomplish and do with His help. ❤️

Our Physical Goal for the week: Is to give ourselves the right nutrition, movement and rest that our bodies need to be able to function their best each day. Remember to come from a place of love in how you treat, nourish and take care of yourself. 

Class will be canceled for 4 weeks starting next week. 😢🙈 So, please try to make it TONIGHT AT 7PM!!! So that we can all see each other & give ourselves an amazing therapy that will leave our Bodies, Minds and Spirits feeling stronger, uplifted and peaceful! 🥰❤️🙏 & If anyone feels that the physical portion of the class is not for you, but you’d like to come meditate with us, just show up at 7:45 with your mat and meditate with us! 😍 it feels amazing & it will recharge us all so much! 🧘🏻‍♀️🌅

Remember to focus on loving yourself, on giving yourself the best nutrition and on allowing yourself to have moments of peace and quiet to recharge your energy and your connection to God. Take deep breaths, calm your thoughts and turn them to God and what He would tell you. Focus your energy hour by hour on thoughts that are GOOD FOR YOU. Fill yourself with trust and love for God, yourself and others. Breathe & let Him guide you. This will allow you to handle the challenges of life with a perspective that’s more aligned to God. More focused on His divine love for you. So, when you notice fear, stress or anxiety. Kick the enemy out by focusing on the love that God has for you! ❤️ & keep trusting, believing and choosing Faith, Hope, Love & Peace. You’ve got this! 😘❤️


Lili 🌸

Counsel With The Lord 💖

This week I challenged myself to memorize this scripture im Alma 37:37 which says; “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.”

As I’ve been meditating on this scripture this week, I’ve had some realizations that are helping me gain new insights. One of those, is that I realized that I don’t counsel enough with the Lord. Sometimes our prayers are so repetitive, we tend to ask for things and we forget to counsel or to listen to what God is trying to communicate to us. The word counsel, reminds me that when we counsel with someone, we come to them because they’re wise and they have insights that we do not have.

So, I’m trying to make it my goal to be more intentional about coming to God and to counsel with him in all my doings. As I practiced/tested this out at the beginning of the week, there was one day when I was really overwhelmed. As I made it a point to set some time aside to speak to God and to invite his presence to be with me. I found myself just breathing and waiting for an answer. When all of a sudden, I felt completely covered in peace. It was hard to believe that I had sat down a few minutes earlier completely overwhelmed and as I pondered and prayed, God completely filled my heart, mind and soul with peace. My circumstances hadn’t changed, I still had the same amount of pressures and things going on. But, God covered me in peace and that was exactly the type of counsel that my heart and soul needed.

It was amazing to me that I was able to then walk away feeling peaceful, calm and relaxed. It’s almost as if God told me to not worry about the little things…a lot of these things are just temporary & there are bigger and greater things to focus on and to think about. So, I felt completely different about my “stress”, I felt way more relaxed and peaceful. & that wouldn’t have happened, had I not taken a moment to come to Him and counseled with Him. My day ended up being so much better than the way it had started. I’m thankful for what I learned from that experience.

Another thing that stood out to me, is that I have to TRUST that He will hear me and answer me. God wanted me to show him that I TRUSTED IN HIM enough to come to Him & to counsel with Him. He let me know that He hears even the smallest prayers, and that as I trust him, read his words, come to him and do my part to hear him, ALL WILL BE OK. 💛 This was an amazing experience for me and an example of the importance of counseling with God, & also of the importance of doing my part in the process as well.

When we come to God and counsel with him in all our doings, He promises that HE WILL DIRECT US FOR GOOD. & what better promise can we have than from God? We canTRUST HIM that He will speak to our heart and mind. That he will give us wisdom to handle whatever situation we may be facing whether big or small. And that He will direct us for good. He is a loving God and wants to be here to help us through it ALL. To counsel us and to guide us.

From our part, we can show him that we’re willing to be PROACTIVE and to do our best to exercise our own wisdom as we continue to learn of him, to invite Him to be with us in all that we do. Even hour by hour we can ask for His help and counsel to know what to do and how to react to this person, challenge or situation in this very moment.

Finally, at the end of that scripture, it talks about letting our hearts be full of thanks unto God. Gratitude is one of those things that will allow us to strengthen our relationship with God. Gratitude is a vibration or an energy that we radiate. There are lower vibrations of energy, such as stress, anxiety, frustration, comparison, competition, complaining, criticism, etc. but when we focus on gratitude, our vibration rises, gratitude reduces those lower vibrations, and it instead allows us to feel more Joyful and peaceful. It can actually shift circuits in our brain in the direction of feeling a better sense of well-being, more grounded, less fear etc.

Gratitude is powerful and healing. Gratitude is acceptance. Even to the point that we can accept things, people and situations as they are. Gratitude is healing. & that higher vibration will allow us to radiate that to others and to receive counsel from the Lord with a grateful and humble heart.

So, I invite you to counsel with the Lord this week in all that you do. I pray that you will experience for yourself how amazing God is when we truly make it a point to seek Him and to do what he would want us to do in all of our circumstances.

If there’s something that you want to share with me, please message me. I love hearing about your amazing God moments. 🫶🏼🥰

Our physical goal for the week to choose healthier meals and to walk or exercise daily. Also take a moment to express gratitude for your body and the gift that it is to have it and to create a stronger desire within you to want to take care of it. 💖

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm We’re gonna dance away our tensions or stress & focus instead on strengthening our body, mind and spirit. & ending with an amazing and relaxing meditation that will leave us feeling peaceful, positive and uplifted. 🥰 Love you all and hope to see you there! ❤️


Lili 🌸