Life’s Challenges

We all have to experience challenges and difficulties in our lives. Some things may be harder to go through than others. But it is always up to us to decide how we will react to each situation. Our reactions will determine our consequences and we will either feel our spirit rising above the situations or getting knocked down depending on what we do. The choice is always ours.
God has given us that gift of agency to allow us to choose for ourselves. In each situation we can either choose to come closer to Him or to draw ourselves further away from Him. I think that most of us have had these experiences in our lives, where we’ve had moments of stepping closer to God and moments where we have stepped away from him. I have discovered in my own life that stepping away from God has never brought me anything positive. If anything I’ve seen things get worse. My patience would begin to fail me and things would make me upset and frustrated a lot easier. I noticed that I was a lot more depressed and I realized how unhappy I was when I kept trying to go through things on my own. Until I would reach a point in which I would hit rock bottom and had no other choice but to pray. It was during those times that I began to feel things change, I started to realize that I was foolish all along for trying to do things on my own. I began to realize that God had been there for me all along and that it was up to me to step towards HIM. He wasn’t gonna force me to come close to Him. He was anxiously waiting for ME to WANT to do that for myself. And when I did, I was able to feel incredible joy and peace. Feeling close to God began to be my new favorite feeling! ?Everything began to change and I realized that from that point on wether it was the best time of my life or the hardest moments of my life I want to experience it all with God by my side. <3
Its when we have those contrasts in our lives, that we’re able to see things more clearly. That’s when we realize that there really are only two paths in life. &  when we realize that we would rather travel life through the path that brings peace and joy then it becomes easier to follow God. We begin to have a desire to just stay close to Him and to go through the good, the bad and the terrible if we have to…But to go through it all with HIM by our side. ??
His words say;
And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. (D&C 84:88)

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 

(Isaiah 41:10)
Trusting in His words, knowing that He speaks all truth, will bring power into our lives. Power to say no to bad influences, Power to choose those things that will bring us closer to God. Power to not fear or be embarrassed but instead to know who our God is and the incredible POWER that He has to do amazing things with our lives. Even during the hardest times, His influences will be felt. So, Lets surround ourselves with GOODNESS! with people that will be positive in our lives. with friends that will help us to better ourselves. Lets listen to, watch and read all of those things that will bring even more of God’s light and power into our lives. Lets choose to be positive because that’s exactly what God wants us to do! He loves us! We are His children and He wants nothing but THE BEST FOR US!!! ?
Our spiritual goal for the week is To not let the earthly circumstances affect us spiritually. But to instead allow ourselves to be strengthened by accessing the power of God in our lives this week. when in doubt, remind yourself of how amazing and powerful your God is!!! <3 
Our physical goal for the week is to: Eat foods that will strengthen our inmune system so that you guys don’t get sick like I did! 😉 haha Having antioxidants, good soups, garlic, broccoli, watermelon, ginger etc. Lots of stuff that will keep us healthy. We will also try to exercise 3 times this week to do something great for ourselves physically. & This also help our inmune system. 🙂
Hope to see you tonight in class! We’re gonna focus on toning and mediating to get rid of stress. 🙂 The hardest thing is always showing up to class. But I know that if you make it happen for yourself you will feel so positive and great, your week will feel a lot different! 🙂 I hope that you can come feel how great this will be for yourself. Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week and keep that little message that God wants you to feel in your heart. ? 
With lots of love, 


The most powerful tool that we have is prayer. This incredible gift from God given to us to have access to Him at any time or wherever we may be.Through prayer we can communicate with our Heavenly Father directly. He wants us to bring our problems to him, to share our joys, our triumphs and he desires to comfort us when we suffer.

Many around us don’t believe in prayer or in the power that comes from a true heartfelt prayer. Others are too distracted to even think about praying or to try to access that channel of communication with God! 🙁 The important thing to remember is that ultimately, WE ARE THE ONES WHO DETERMINE HOW CLOSE WE WANT TO BE TO GOD!!!✨God is ever present, He is invariable, He’s always there for us, His words are words of truth, and if there’s anyone in this world in whom we should believe it should be Him. So, if He has said that He will answer our heartfelt prayers then we must TRUST HIM THAT HE WILL!!!! And that after we pray He will answer according to His will and purpose which is much higher than ours. ☀

At some point or another in our lives the times come in which reach a point where we have no where else to go but to God. We realize that the only thing that we can do during those difficult times is to pray. This may come because of something difficult that we may be experiencing, or from physical pain, illness, sorrow or losing a loved one. 🙁 From what I have experienced so far in my life, those difficult moments have lead to some of my most beautiful experiences that i’ve had with prayer. It’s hard to believe that I could be thankful for my difficulties :/ but I know, as I know many of you already know that some of our hardest experiences can help us to feel closer to God more than we ever have before. These are the moments that become treasures in our lives. ?Moments that teach us that God really is there!!! That He does hear the prayers of our hearts, that He is full of love for us, and that He is the provider of peace and the the giver of all good gifts for us His children. (specially when we trust Him! can you imagine how He must feel when we show Him that? 🙂 I’m so thankful to him for giving the peace and comfort that i’ve needed during the most difficult moments of my life and i’m thankful for the gift that I have of knowing that I can speak to Him and tell him exactly how I feel. He has become my Best Friend and the one that I look forward to speaking to daily now! <3 Those experiences have only happened because I CHOSE TO ACCESS His divine gift of communication that He so lovingly has available to ALL of us!!! 🙂

Lately, I’ve been able to witness the amazing power of prayer. My heart has been so full from seeing the way in which prayers can be answered and the miracles that can come from just a plead. ?I’m so thankful for having the gift of prayer and for what it can do for each one of us individually. I know that we will receive answers to our prayers according to our faith and the will of God.  Even if our faith is small, it’s that desire to believe that changes everything and that’s when we begin to knock down those walls of unbelief and finally begin to rely more and more fully in our TRUST of God.

Mathew 17:20 says;
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
James 1:5-6
 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

So, we must believe to see results!!! 🙂 But why do we let our doubts stop us from fully believing? Do we not trust In Gods word enough? If we’re even kneeling down to pray in the first place it’s because we believe that He can help right? So why not fully TRUST IN HIS POWER to strengthen us in our difficulties to give us hope during the hard times and to provide the comfort that we need in our daily life?…letting go of the doubts and showing Him our trust in our prayers will change everything!!?

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
I love this scripture so much! God is a rewarder! The giver of all good gifts!!! Our father who loves us, who cares so much about us. He desires to hear from us. The choice is ours and our journey is very personal in how much we desire to come closer to Him. He knows what is in our hearts and His promises are real. When He says ask, and ye shall receive. Then we must believe that if we ask with pure intent, believing fully in Him, then we will receive.
I want to leave this message with you, for whoever is meant to read it. To let you know that God loves YOU!!! You can feel it in your heart if you stop and think about it. He will testify to your heart and soul that he loves YOU!!!  He knows you by name and knows what you need even before you ask. He is anxious to hear from you! He desires to bless you with more and more! And to show you just how much He cares for you. ❤️️
Go to Him and take His hand for your life daily! 🙂 There’s nothing more beautiful than a heartfelt prayer. ? But don’t forget to STOP and LISTEN TO HIM in peace and quiet after you’re done praying. He desires to counsel you and to help you and the only way to have our minds and hearts open for His communication to be in silence and to try to feel Him close to us, to  listen to the feelings that come to our hearts and minds He whispers, peace and inspiration to our hearts and minds and if we’re willing to listen to Him HE WILL ANSWER.
God also communicates with us through His written words. Reading His words is an amazing way to receive answers and inspiration. He also sends us angels who may give us words of wisdom to help us and in some cases He allows us to be angels for others as well. We are all here to help each other and to glorify God in doing so. I know that the more that we come closer to God, the more we will feel his tender mercies and blessings and we will develop a stronger desire to please Him. We may even stop asking for things for ourselves and instead ASKING GOD HOW WE CAN HELP HIM? or what we could do that would make Him happy and proud of having us as His children! 🙂 how awesome is that? To turn that focus away from us and to do what would be pleasing to God instead. That way our lives won’t keep passing by with less faith but instead creating and building STRONGER FAITH. Little by little, ONE DAY AT A TIME. The power of prayer is amazing!!! ?
Our spiritual goal for the week is to strengthen our relationship with God through the power of prayer. And after praying to wait and be willing to listen to what he speaks to our hearts and minds.
Our physical goal for the week is to notice which foods don’t feel right with our bodies. To try to eat healthier, but to listen to our bodies and what feels good for them.
Love you all and I hope that this will be a wonderful week! keep you minds and spirits positive and moving forward. See you tonight in class for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation session that will strengthen us. Unfortunately CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED NEXT WEEK. So, if you’re planing on coming tonight is the night!!! Hope to see you tonight at 7:15 🙂 <3

My Body is a Temple

Everyday we are bombarded by media and society with propaganda about how we should look, what size we should be and even what clothes we should wear. They try to convince us that we are not pretty enough, that our bodies need to be a certain way and that we shouldn’t even age.
Unfortunately most woman and young girls around the world are falling into this trap of comparison and a lack of self love for themselves. We can feel these influences worsening from the effects of social media and from other resources that we have available at our fingertips today.

So, what can we do to stop judging or comparing ourselves so much? How can we stop being so negative about the way we look or what we would want to change? The first thing we need is to have GRATITUDE!??  We talked about this last week in class since the topic of loving ourselves came up. We learned that being thankful to God for each body part and the purpose which it serves for each one of us is so important. Having gratitude for each breath, for our ability to move and to do things, understanding that things could always be worse right?…Being grateful and seeing how blessed we are really changes everything! ??

Another thing that’s important for us to remember is that we are here on this earth to gain experience, knowledge and wisdom from the choices we make. We choose what we think about, what we look at, who we compare ourselves to and how we treat ourselves. We can choose to be kind and loving to our bodies and to our spirits, by choosing words that are uplifting, positive and edifying to describe ourselves. Our Father in Heaven has allowed us to come to this earth and gain this AMAZING body created by HIM. A body to host our spirit!!! How amazing is that? 🙂 We are given our one and only body to learn how to treat it, how to care for it and how to gain the experiences that we need from having it. It’s truly a miracle that we’re able to live in this wonderful body that we’re blessed to have ?

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
God has given us the gifts of having our bodies. This Body which we have really doesn’t belong to us, we are loaning it from God. I know that at some point we will stand in front of Him & we will be asked about how we took care of our body or our temple while we were here on this earth. We should strive to do all that we can to Glorify God by the way that we take care of our body, mind and spirit! ✨?

God considers our bodies sacred and that which is sacred to GOD, MUST BE SACRED TO US! ?✨ He has given us this amazing and beautiful body because we are His Sons and daughters and we are individually and beautifully made. The fact that we are Created by the most amazing being in the universe and that He is our father, should be enough for us to feel gratitude and Joy from having our bodies.?

I’ve wondered before, how does our creator feel when we mistreat our bodies? 🙁  When we do things that are not good for them or when we talk so negatively about ourselves? That’s not Heavenly Father’s goal for us, we were NOT put on this earth to fail, but to Succeed!!! Success not in the ways of the world or society but success in the things that are of God and that will bring true happiness. So, yes! There is a way! We can turn off the distractions and have a little more time connecting with God. We can push away the falseness of society and begin to see things through Gods eyes a little more. We can talk positively to ourselves and we can be truly grateful for the body that HE has given us. ?? This gratitude will give us the power to make it one day at a time making the right choices for our health and our body. knowing that He has the power to help us overcome anything that tries to get in our way.

He wants us to know and feel how much He loves us and how proud He is of all the good that we do, He wants us to continue to move upwards, being a light to our own selves, to our friends, to our family, to our communities and even the to the world. Doing these things isn’t always easy, in  fact the easy way is the way that the world wants us to go…But we’re not if the world, our spirits come from higher that that and we know that the hard work and the sacrifices that we make will ultimately will pay off.

It is our choice to see the beauty of what God has given us, we choose to love this body, and we choose to do all of those things that will help us to keep our Temple clean mentally, emotionally and physically. We already know the things that we should do for ourselves, we just have to make it happen! 🙂  We can take care of what we eat, how we treat our bodies, of not using addicting substances or habits that could harm us, and getting rid of activities that are not beneficial to us  mentally, emotionally or spiritually.  We can replace the bad with the good by taking time to learn or gain more wisdom, time to connect with God and to learn about His ways for us, time to exercise, to be with family and to enjoy nature and our surroundings. Doing those things will not only be pleasing to God but they will make Him proud of entrusting us with our bodies. ???✨

These things that we do for for ourselves, will make us healthier, bring us more Joy and a longer time on this earth to fulfill the callings that God has for us and that we’re meant to do with the help of our bodies on this earth.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to focus on Loving ourselves and making our bodies the Temples that they’re meant to be! 🙂

Our physical goal is to Eat healthy, Exercise and To let go of anything that is bad for our physical bodies. 🙂 We know what those things are!… We just need that courage and will power! ??

We’re going to do this together one day at a time remembering how we can love and take care of our temples in the way that our creator intends and not in the way that the adversary tries to get us….Success comes one day at a time! The choose is today and then we can start again tomorrow. 🙂 But focus on what you can do today! ?

Thank you as always for reading the messages I hope you’re able to learn from them as much as I am. Love you all! Love hearing from you too! If theres’ something you’re learning from our weekly goals please let me know or write it in your journal as you receive inspiration from God for your life 🙂 Have a blessed and wonderful day! Hope to see you tonight in class to take care of ourselves and to strengthen our beautiful God given Temples!!! ??✨?

With love,
Lili ?


The definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one or having strength when facing pain or grief.

I’ve been thinking about how important it is to have courage as one of our attributes. Specially after reading the message from last week about aligning our goals with God’s will and not ours. We need courage to do exactly what God has put in our hearts to do. Enough courage to fully believe, trust and know that God will help us to accomplish those things which are important to Him. We need that courage to be strong in knowing that there’s only wisdom in following Gods plan for our lives and we need determination to push through when we feel like giving up. Because we know that those are the moments when our courage will truly be tested.


Being courageous requires that we let go of the thoughts or fears about what others may think or say about us. We know that we are not here to please the rest of the world or to “fit in” with society, although it tries to blind us and distract us constantly…But those are the times when we need courage! When society or someone is pulling at us to go in a direction that we know is not going to benefit us at all. Being courageous means that KEEP TRYING! Specially when we are faced with something difficult or when we feel lazy, tired or discouraged.
We basically need courage daily! Courage to say no to something that is bad for us, courage to let go of bad habits, courage  to control our thoughts, appetites, anger and frustrations. Courage to eat healthy, courage to exercise and to do all of those things that are good for our minds and bodies. Finally, we need courage to let go of fears and to trust more deeply in God and in His power to help us.

Joshua 1:9 says;
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest

His promise is real! 🙂 The Lord God is with us wherever we may be, We gain our courage from Him! ✨ He gives us the energy to push through anything that may come our way. He is our courage to make the right choices each day. ☀️ We know that the amount of time that we have on this earth is short. So focusing our goals and efforts on those things that are pleasing to God and that will bring our souls the most  peace and joy should be our priority. Doing this will automatically bring us GREATER COURAGE because we know that we have God on our side to help us accomplish anything that we’re meant to do for Him on this earth. So let’s let go of fear trust Him a lot more and let His power fill us with courage ! ????


Our spiritual goal for the week is: To wake up each morning and pray for the COURAGE to do the things that God needs us to do each day. (From taking care of our health to letting go of bad habits etc…We need courage daily! 🙂
Our physical goal for the week is: To drink enough water! Our bodies are all different and each person needs a different amount. What is recommended is to do half of your body weight in ounces. When we don’t drink enough water our bodies retain it :(…So let’s drink enough and see how much our energy will improve, our bodies will feel better and even our skin will benefit. 🙂 
Hope to see you tonight in class for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation session!!! ? The combination of everything is soooo good for our health! 🙂 Take the time to do something great for yourself! You’ll love the feeling! 🙂 And don’t forget that if you bring a friend who has never been to class your class is free!!! how awesome is that? 🙂
Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week! Do your best one day at a time! ??
Lili ?


Goals are Dreams with Deadlines

Happy New Year!!! Can’t believe 2017 is here! 🙂 This is a great time to review, learn and feel strengthened by what we accomplished and overcame during 2016. This is also a good time to feel gratitude for all the blessings that we received this past year and for being able to feel the hand of God in our lives✨

Having a new year allows us to feel renewed and excited about what’s to come. Many of us choose to set new goals at the beginning of each year but unfortunately studies have shown that the majority of people who set “New Years resolutions” are only able to keep them for a few weeks or at those most about a month. So, how can we actually accomplish our goals this year? The first thing we need is to have CLARITY and a strong desire of WHY we want to achieve these goals. Doing this will keep us focused and motivated to accomplish them.

The next step is to set a deadline for our goals. Deadlines allow us to push ourselves a little more and to create a sense urgency and determination to reach the deadline date and complete it. We also need vision and to be willing to put in the hard work that is required to achieve it. We have to remind ourselves that can do it! We can do hard things! We can work hard and push ourselves to fulfill the goals that we set for ourselves. ?

The last thing we should consider doing and probably the most important one, is to be wise about the goals that we set. We can set many goals for ourselves, sometimes even more than we can handle. We want to accomplish this and that, or to have these material things, or to travel to these places etc… But, when our goals are not aligned with Gods goals for our lives, we won’t be able to accomplish much and in some cases we may feel empty even after we accomplish that specific goal.

It would be great before we set our goals to ask ourselves, what would God want me to focus on? Which goals would God want me to have for this year? What are those things that God has whispered to my soul that I should work on? If we can take a moment to pray, to ask God and to meditate in silence for a few minutes. We will be able to feel if our goals are really aligned with God’s desires for us. Can you imagine how awesome it would be too feel in your heart if you do have the right focus or if you don’t? God communicates to our minds and hearts and He will let us know what we should be focusing on.That’s the way to really know that we have set the right goals and it will give us an even greater desire to achieve them.

How amazing would that feeling be? Of knowing that your goals are approved by God and that by having His approval as His children, He will provide the help necessary for us to accomplish those goals and to give us even more that what our mortal bodies can do towards our goals! Having His divine guidance will bring way more power than anything else we could ever do on our own. He will help us accomplish the things that He desires for us to do. Doesn’t that look much clearer and better? 🙂 We’re not setting goals for our own selfish desires or to please the rest of the world or to look cool for everyone else etc….We set goals because they are aligned with GOD!!! ?

I know that by doing the things that are pleasing to God we will have more clarity and a stronger desire to accomplish our true goals. He will help us achieve our deadlines and dreams as long as we stay humble, close to Him and moving forward in His ways.We will know that we are not alone in this and that He will give us the strength and provide even more peace into our lives than anything else that we could possibly achieve on this earth. ?

Lets keep our goals clear and positive this year! 🙂 I hope to see you tonight for a wonderful uplifting class! 🙂 That will continue to take us on our journey to becoming our best selves. ??

Our spiritual goal for the week is: To set the right goals for ourselves with God’s wisdom for us and to create deadlines for them! 🙂 We will talk a little about this in class tonight! 😉

Our physical goal for the week is: To exercise a little bit more than we’re used to doing. This is a great goal for ourselves. yes, It requires effort and work, but we can do it. Going to class tonight will be one way to get a great workout in and feel energized and motivated to do this for yourself. And if you need a little motivation please let me know and I would love to help you. 🙂

Let’s make this a wonderful year for accomplishing our goals! We’ll be able to work on a physical and a spiritual goal together once a week during the year, like we did last year! I know that this didn’t only help me during the year last year but I hope that it helped you too and that we can do this together during 2017 focusing on goals that will be uplifting and amazing for ourselves. Our aim this year is to try to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Not competing with anybody else, but being the best that we can be for God and for ourselves.?

Thanks again for reading these messages. I’m thankful for each and every one of you! Have a blessed and wonderful day and week. Hope to see you tonight! 🙂

Lili ?

Merry Christmas!

After all that God has given us and still continues to give us, how much are we willing to sacrifice and give back to Him? Are we willing to sacrifice our desires, our wills and those things that get in our way and that try to cloud our view and understanding? Are we willing to push away the distractions to begin to build a stronger relationship with our father in heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ? The choice is always ours…We are the ones who determine how far we take our relationship with God. ❤️️✨

When we are able to become truly pure in heart and in our desires to please God, it becomes a lot easier to give of ourselves fully and completely to Him. We can begin to strengthen our relationship with Him by praying sincerely, waiting for answers, taking time alone to meditate, to ponder and to listen to His words. By doing this we will establish a strong relationship HIM that won’t be shaken by anything that could happen in this world. ✨

When our relationship with God is strong we are better able to sacrifice and give of ourselves to others. We begin to lift, love, forgive, and to give of our time and of our possessions for  glory of God and to bless the lives of our brothers and sisters on this earth. Being filled with the love of God we will begin to see past our differences and instead begin to truly love and see others in the way that God loves and sees all of us. ?

Our spiritual goal is to: Sacrifice of ourselves a little bit more, not just during the Christmas season but on a daily basis to come closer to God and to strengthen that relationship that we have with Him. As we do so, we will begin to notice that we will be lifted to new heights, to new understanding and even greater knowledge than what we have now. God’s love will begin to be greater and stronger in our lives….& There’s no better gift than that! ❤️️

Our physical goal is to: Eat the foods that will give us the most nutrition! 🙂 Combining that with exercise will help us to feel great! 🙂
I wish you all a Merry christmas and a Happy New year filled with new goals that will help us to reach higher in all aspects of our lives. Most  importantly, I wish for all of us as I tell the woman that come to class, that we will be able to  take care of our inner soul which is the one and only thing that we get to take with us when we leave this earth. Once our spirit is taken care of, everything else will fall into place. ?
I hope that you all know how thankful I am for the blessing that I’ve had to have met each and everyone of you! I’m grateful for the opportunity that I’ve had to write these weekly messages for the past year and for those of you who like me, have learned something from the messages that we have received. I hope that you know how thankful I am for the opportunity that God has given me to be able to do this! <3 to be able to teach the class and to strengthen ourselves not only physically but Spiritually  and emotionally as well. And not only that, but to be able to hear from so many of you! 🙂 You bless my life in so many ways! and I’s so thankful for all that you share with me and for teaching me so many wonderful things. The goal of the class is that we are surrounded by a positive environment and by people who will help us when we’re feeling down, to lift us up and to help us to move forward towards becoming a better version of ourselves. Please know that  I’m here for you always and that I love and care about each and every one of you❣️

Can’t wait for a new year to start, to set new goals and to work hard to achieve them. I’m here to support you! to motivate you and to help you!!! We are here to exercise and to take care of ourselves because we LOVE ourselves! & not because we are trying to be like somebody else or the way that society expects us to look. We do this because we love the body that God has given us and because we want to take care of it and glorify God through out body, mind and spirits! 🙂 Let’s be patient and do this together!!! <3 🙂

CLASS IS ON TONIGHT!!! Cant wait to burn some calories, get rid of stress, relax and meditate!!! Woohoo!!! ?

Hope to see you all tonight for the last class of 2016!!! 🙂
Love always,

Slow Down and Focus on Gratitude

During this time of the year in which we’re running around, shopping for gifts, feeling the busyness of the season and so much to do. It’s easy for us to feel anxious, stressed and overwhelmed by everything that requires our attention.

These are the moments in which we have to stop or slow things down a bit before they get out of control and we begin to be controlled by our circumstances instead of us controlling those things that happen around us.

At this time, if any of us are reading this message, or if we’ve been feeling the stress pile on top of a little too much,  please take a moment to stop everything that you’re doing to have a second to just close our eyes for a minute and to take a few deep breaths….Just taking a moment to be thankful for this simple ability to take in a breath. ?  With each breath that comes into our body we can experience deeper and deeper feelings of gratitude for all that we have and for all that we’ve received from God. We can allow those breaths to strengthen us and to renew and energize our body, our mind and our spirit ?  We really can control what we feel. It’s our choice 🙂 ??

Even something that simple, as taking in some deep breaths can help us to put things into a better perspective and can allow us to realize that the most important things in our lives, God has already given to us. We just have to remember to focus on gratitude instead of stress or complaining when we feel the stress of life….Focusing in gratitude will allow us to concentrate on what matters most.

God wants us to remember that we are never alone and that He is by our side to help us and to lift us up 🙂
He has said;
St. John 14: 18
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

How much do we trust that promise? How much do we trust Him to be by our side and to lift us up during our times of need? These are the things that we have to prove to God! He wants to see how much we really do trust Him. Then, after our faith is shown we will be abel to see even greater miracles than we can imagine. 🙂 Our trust and our gratitude will change everything! ✨?

Let’s remember to be thankful during this season.?? To take some time to breathe and to slow down for a little bit. We can show our gratitude to God by doing nice things for others and focusing on doing good and being a light to those around us. By doing so, we will feel exactly where we should focus our energies and we will be better able to let go of the unimportant things that try to come into our lives….We will know that we will be working on those things that matter most. And He will bless our effort and provide us with tender mercies daily to help us make it through one day at a time. <3 …We can do all things with His help ?

Our spiritual goal for the week is; To slow down a bit and focus on gratitude instead. ✨

& our physical goal for the week is to: Take a moment to exercise to get rid of stress, and to add meditation and relaxation which will be much needed and feel amazing!!!
If you are in need of this in your life, then  please try to make this happen for yourself. This will be a gift for yourself that will help you to function better and to be better for yourself and those around you. Our focus tonight in class will be to do that for ourselves. We will be there to burn calories, to relax, meditate and to do something amazing for our bodies, minds and spirits. ?
Bring a friend and feel the difference. <3
Really hope you can make it! This is the time of the year in which we need it most.  ??

Lili ?

We are all Children of Light

We are all children of light! put on this earth to have different experiences and challenges that are meant to help us grow and develop. It is up to us whether we choose to bring more light into our lives or whether we allow our light to be dimmed by the circumstances or situations that surround us.
During this Christmas season let’s bring in more light into our lives? So that we may be better able to light the lives of others as well.
1st Timothy 4:12 says:
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
These are some of the ways in which we can bring light into our lives. We can choose to change the way we speak and to use words that are uplifting and edifying.That our conversations may not be filled with complaints, or negativity, but that instead, we can have the courage to STOP complaining and replace the complaints by thinking about those things which we are thankful for…..Gratitude is healing! Complaining is not….So, Let’s talk positively about ourselves and others.
To have charity means that we can be kind and we can forgive. We choose when we hold grudges and for how long. We choose if we withhold charity from others or if we choose not to forgive. The story of the Israelites is the perfect example; a journey that could’ve taken 11 days took them 40 years to complete and that its because they kept circling the same mountain again and again. How many times do we want to circle our own mountains? why can’t we learn from them and move forward on our journey?….The choice is ours. 🙂
We can also strengthen our spirits by doing those things that bring light into our souls. Things like reading God’s word daily, kneeling in prayer, having humility to change our mistakes and to try again each day to better ourselves. We can also help to provide service for others in physical spiritual and emotional ways. By doing these things our souls will begin to fill with even more light and we will notice that our doubts and fears will go and this will fill us with faith enough to trust in God fully in ALL things. <3
And finally we can have purity in our hearts and minds. We can do this by choosing to spend our time wisely, we can read or listen to uplifting and edifying messages that will help us to fill ourselves with light.? We can use our thoughts to think about all that is good in our lives and all that will be good in the future and to focus our energies on the things that will be pleasing to God and that will be for the benefit of our souls and those around us.
By bringing this light into our lives we will not only make ourselves brighter. But we will also brighten our homes, our families, our communities and our surroundings.
Mathew 5: 16 says; 

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.?

& also speaking about light,
Psalm 27:1 says; 
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
All that is good comes from God. He is the light of our lives and the giver of all good gifts. He wishes for all of us to know that we are not alone. That we have access to His light constantly in our lives because we come from His presence. He teaches us that we should never be afraid but instead have faith in Him. As our desire to choose the light and come closer to Him increases, so will be His closeness to us. We will feel His strength in our lives and we will notice that we will be better able to forgive, to love, to have more charity and to be filled from inside out.
 Acquiring Christlike qualities will not only make our lives more joyful but it will bring peace and tranquility into our souls.  
I’m including an advent calendar for the month of December with Christlike qualities that we can exercise each day. I know that we will be strengthened by all the little acts of kindness that we do and we will be better able to light world.  ☀
This is our spiritual goal for the week! Also if you know of a place in which we can do service, take a meal or volunteer to help others please let me know and I would love to share it or plan an activity to do service with the girls from class  ?
Our physical goal for the week is to exercise for our mental stress! 😉 Our minds and our bodies need exercise! let’s aim for at least 3 days this week to do something that will help us to get rid of stress in case you can’t come to class tonight. Which is what we do every week! Get rid of stress! It feels AMAZING!!!!  Hope you an join us to renew ourselves tonight and to be filled with more light! ?
Love always,

Let go of Pride

We live in a society which is obsessed with comparison and competition. We see it everywhere around us. Specially now that social media has become a platform where we see the details and events of people’s lives. Which can in some cases create unhealthy comparisons and a level of competition amongst us. We often want to feel better than, smarter than, richer than, prettier than etc…Wanting to have more than others in any way….makes us proud. And having pride in our hearts only brings a higher lever of comparison, unhappiness and lack of peace in our lives.
So, how can we get rid of comparison, competition and pride? We can humbly recognize the moments in which we feel above the rest, the moments in which we criticize, judge or compare others to ourselves or vice versa. Being truthful with ourselves and recognizing those moments in which we feel a level of competition towards others can allow us to see more clearly the things which we truly desire to change. We are in charge of bringing this cleansing into our lives! no one else will do this for us. When we are honest with ourselves and recognize the changes that must be made, we will feel a stronger sense of power to overcome our weaknesses and turn them into strengths in our lives.
The word of God teaches us that we should not covet, that with the same judgment with which we judge others we will also be judged and that we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others because God never compares us to one another. He loves us all the same! He sees us deeper than we can see ourselves and others.
2 Corinthians 10:12 Says:

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Instead of comparing ourselves with others we should focus on making the changes that we would like to bring into our own lives. We should also remember to treat others as we would like to be treated, with more empathy, compassion, kindness, love and understanding. Realizing that we all come form different backgrounds, that no life is exactly the same, that God gave us each our own individual differences. Different talents and strengths to be developed and different things that we’ve had to experience and overcome in our lives and which in turn also make us who we are today.
So, when others mistreat us, offend us, are rude to us or when we notice comparison, competition and pride coming from others towards us. Let’s stop for a moment, take a deep breath and remind ourselves that we don’t know what that soul is experiencing or what they’ve had to go through….If we instead become “soul conscious” and react wisely by creating a spirit of compassion (which is not weakness but wisdom) and letting go of criticism toward that soul. Creating instead within ourselves a desire to accept, guide, love, empower and to help to heal ourselves and that soul as well. <3  We are here to be a positive influence on our own selves as well as for others. By doing this, we will feel the difference of how the way in which we react to the situations or people can change everything around us and inside of us! The choice is ours. We can wisely heal ourselves form comparison, pride and all negativity to then be able to heal and help others as well. 🙂 Having this knowledge makes us responsible for making those changes in our lives. When we create positive energy within ourselves we will radiate that light and positivity to others as well. So when the stimulus comes we will be prepared to reject the negative energies and turn them into positive ones for ourselves and for others. 
At the end of it all, we are all souls that come from the presence of God. We are all His children and coming from His presence, we have the capacity and the potential to overcome those moments of pride, comparison, competition or negativity. We can rise above them and move forward and upwards in the direction that will be for our own good. Remembering tat always trying to please God more than men will bring a higher sense of self esteem and wisdom that will help us to be better able to overcome our challenges and to treat others and ourselves as God would want us to do so. ??
Galatians 1:10

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Let’s seek to please God in all that we choose to do daily and to let go of all that is negative in our lives…We can only do this one day at a time. Let’s do our best today! <3
The spiritual goal for the week is to let go of criticism, comparison competition & pride! the goal is to go one entire day without talking about ourselves! 😉 But  to instead give compliments, be sincere with others and create room in our hearts to be selfless, more loving, kind, empathetic etc…Seriously! If any of you can do this for one day, Please write me back and tell me how it goes or what you feel etc! I would love to hear about it 🙂 cause this challenge is a tough one. But i still know we can do it!!! 🙂  When we focus on actually listening to others our hearts will be more open to have more love and empathy towards them…And we begin to realize that there’s no competition but instead we should all be rooting for each other in life and trying to help one another 🙂
The physical goal is to avoid processed foods this week. The more natural the better. Let’s push ourselves to put way the chips and the soda and try to replace those unhealthy foods with something that has a higher nutritional value for our bodies <3 remember, It’s only one day at a time! 🙂 Try just for today <3
Hope to see you guys in class tonight! I wish everyone could be there to feel the way that we feel after class. We make time for it because it makes a big difference in the way that we feel. It’s not just the cardio and the tonight but the combination of everything with meditation has been so renewing!!! Hope you can make it! See you at 7:15 🙂
God bless and have a wonderful uplifting day! ???
Love always,

Refuse the Negative! Be Grateful!

We all have a moments in which we focus on what we lack rather than on what we have. It’s easy for us to take for granted some of the blessings that surround us and at times we may be so used to having them, that we begin to see past them. We forget to see the little things that make our lives so richly blessed.✨ Like our family, friends, our relationship with God, our health, the ability to wake up each new day to see the sun and all of the wonderful creations around us. Sometimes we even forget to be grateful for the everyday things, like having running water, electricity, a bed to sleep on, a roof over our heads, food for ourselves and our families, transportation etc…We are surrounded by so many wonderful gifts that it would take forever to count them all…So, let’s not focus on what we lack but instead focus on how truly blessed we are to have so much in our lives.?

The Greek philosopher Epictetus said;

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” ?

There’s wisdom in being thankful for what we have. There’s wisdom in letting go of what we’re expecting or lacking, and it is wise to live a life with a heart full of gratitude for everything that we’ve had in the past, for everything that we have now and for what which God will bring into our lives in the future.

Thomas S. Monson said;
“We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our heart and attitude of gratitude.”?

I love what we can learn from that quote, Refusing to be negative in our lives is something That we all need to work on. Can we go an entire day without being negative? Without complaining or making negative comments about ourselves and others? Let’s make this our goal to refuse to be negative and to push away all that negativity out of our lives…We don’t need it! Instead, let’s replace the negative by filling ourselves with feelings of gratitude constantly. By doing so, we will notice a HUGE difference In the way that we feel!!! ?

Having a grateful heart brings joy and light into our lives which will overpower anything negative. Gratitude will bring more love, which will overpower or destroy feelings of pride, resentment or jealousy towards others. If we are truly grateful, we will have a desire to please God as a way of thanking Him for all of our blessings. And even though we will never be fully able to repay God for all that we have, all that He asks of us is that we are GRATEFUL for all that we have. We will notice that when we are grateful, our hearts will be softened, our words will change and our attitude of having a grateful heart will increase. It will heal our souls and bring peace as we let gratitude take over our hearts. ❤

Alma 7:23 says:
And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.?
So, let us all be Thankful for the incredible amount of blessings that God continually pours upon us. And with this gratitude to Him, let’s remind ourselves to do our very best to keep gratitude in our hearts daily and to remind others of how much God does for all of us. We can help those in need, by giving some of our material things and also helping them emotionally and spiritually. That our gratitude may be returned to God by our good deeds and that everything that we do will be done with love towards Him and those in our homes, our communities, our countries and around the world. That we may fill ourselves with goodness continually and that we may work to keep that feeling of gratitude inside each one of us internally. ? The choice is always ours, God will continue to bless us and to help us as our gratitude grows. His spirit fill our souls when we are grateful and it will not only lift us spiritually but it will bring more beauty into our lives and into the lives of those around us. 🙂
Our Spiritual goal for the week is: To refuse to be negative! When you notice negativity in your mind or conversations, push it away by thinking about something that you’re GRATEFUL for!!! let’s notice how often we can stop ourselves from thinking about what we’re lacking or from having negative thoughts and instead focusing our minds on all that we are blessed to have.Thanking God daily for all that He is constantly giving us….Because even our breath is a gift. By focusing on this goal for the week we will experience the difference of how cultivating an attitude of gratitude can change our days! 🙂 <3
Our physical goal for the week is: To push ourselves to do something for our physical health. Working out can be hard sometimes, but the truth is that if we don’t push ourselves to do it…nobody else is gonna do that for us. If you want to try to come to class tonight then, make it happen for yourself! don’t let anything else get in your way! just show up and once you’re there, i’ll take care of motivating you to move 😉 We will have awesome music, we’ll burn calories, take some time to tone and at the end we will end with the most relaxing meditation to leave us feeling renewed for the rest of the week. I hope you can make it! and if you bring a friend who has never been, your class is free! But I promise you that these will be the best $5 you will ever spend on yourself…You just have to come see how amazing you’ll feel afterwards. <3
Have a blessed, wonderful and grateful week! ? I’m thankful to have each and every one of you and I hope that you know that I love you and I care about you.If you need a friend or someone to talk to…I’m here for you. Have a Happy thanksgiving!!!
Love always,